Ohio Gov. Kasich Signs a Bill Outlawing Abortion Method That Dismembers Unborn Babies

by Grace Carr   Ohio Gov. John Kasich signed a bill Friday banning dilation and evacuation abortions, common second-trimester abortion methods. Senate Bill 145 prohibits doctors from performing dilation and evacuation abortions, an abortion method used when women are between 13 and 24 weeks pregnant. Dilation abortion involves tearing the fetus apart limb by limb so that the body parts can be extracted from the womb. The law makes exceptions for cases where the mother’s life is in danger. No exceptions for rape, incest or fetal abnormalities are included in the bill, Fox31 reported Saturday. “The method ban dangerously limits people’s options, undermines patients’ constitutional right to access safe, legal abortion, and compromises medical providers’ decision making,” Planned Parenthood Advocates of Ohio president Iris Harvey said in a statement, according to Fox31. Pro-life Ohioans applaud the new law. “Ohioans can sleep easier tonight, knowing that the horrendous practice of dismemberment abortions is behind us,” said Ohio Right to Life President Mike Gonidakis, Fox31 reported. Thank you Governor @JohnKasich for passing this law which will protect Ohio’s babies from being barbarically dismembered in the womb. #EndDismemberment — Ohio Right to Life (@ohiolife) December 21, 2018 The ban on dismemberment abortions comes after Kasich vetoed…

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Bob Corker Cracks Open Door to 2020 Primary Challenge of President Trump

Bob Corker

Retiring U.S. Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN) said that he has not ruled out running against President Donald Trump for the Republican presidential primary in 2020. Breitbart reported the story on Wednesday. When asked by reporters Tuesday if he plans to run for president in 2020, Corker said, “I have not ruled it out.” Reporters said that their colleagues often ask Corker this question, to which he usually gives a vague answer. 2020 WATCH: Will Sen. Bob Corker run for President??? “I haven’t ruled it out.” — Natalie Andrews (@natalieandrews) November 13, 2018 https://twitter.com/byrdinator/status/1062478823785185281 This is not the first time people have speculated on Corker running against Trump. In October 2017, News Channel 9 in his hometown of Chattanooga asked voters for their thoughts. Chattanooga Tea Party leader Mark West said at the time he wouldn’t be surprised if Corker runs but hopes he doesn’t. Corker announced his retirement in September 2017 amidst increasing unpopularity in Tennessee, which arose from his frequent criticism of the president and his America First agenda. He received criticism for praising Democrat and former Tennessee Gov. Phil Bredesen during the U.S. Senate election to replace him, in which he admitted that he has closer ties to Bredesen…

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Ohio Gov. Kasich: ‘The Lord’ Doesn’t Want Americans to Oppose Migrant Caravan

Ohio Gov. John Kasich told CNN Thursday that “the Lord” doesn’t want Americans to build walls and oppose the migrant caravan heading to the United States from Central America. “We’ve got to start putting ourselves in the shoes of other people,” Kasich told CNN’s Newsroom. Kasich, the grandson of Catholic immigrants from Eastern Europe who became an Anglican Christian as an adult, said he believes most Americans would welcome the caravan. We’ve got to start thinking about the consequences that others suffer. And if we have been spared those by the grace of God, let us be appreciative, let us count our blessings, and let us reach out to those who have less. Let’s stop putting up walls around ourselves and not understanding the plight, the trouble, and the problems of others. It is not right. And the Lord doesn’t want it, and our people at their hearts want to reach out to others. Look at what they do in these storms. They go and they rescue people they don’t know. They put them in their homes. They feed them. That’s America. Not all this garbage and this division and yelling and screaming and hatred on all sides.” But not all…

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