Not Every Celebrity Supports These ‘March for Our Lives’ Protests

As predictably as ever, many elite celebrities threw their support behind Saturday’s March for Our Lives protests across the country. Kim Kardashian, Kanye West, Cher, and plenty of others flew into D.C., raring to join in on the rallies for gun control. “So ready to March today! Landed in DC w North & Kanye. We stand in solidarity with the survivors of gun violence & students who are calling for action on common sense gun safety laws at #MarchForOurLives around the country,” tweeted reality star Kardashian after arriving in D.C.

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Tennessee Firearms Association: Nashville Gun Control March ‘Does Nothing But Show A Disdain for Our Entire Constitutional Republic’

Tennessee Firearms Association: Nashville Gun Control March 'Does Nothing But Show A Disdain for Our Entire Constitutional Republic'

The far-left organizers of the Nashville gun control march that drew some 10,000 people of all ages to the city’s downtown on Saturday portrayed the event as an exercise in political democracy to “keep students safe in school,” but Tennessee Firearms Association (TFA) Executive Director John Harris told The Tennessee Star in an exclusive statement it “does nothing but show a disdain for our entire constitutional republic.” Organized by the far-left “Women’s March,” the national series of gun control marches held on Saturday, dubbed by the organizers as a “March for Our Lives” (using the language of the decades long pro-life anti-abortion movement), were said to have been a demonstration “by and for students” to support stricter gun legislation in the wake of the school shooting at Marjory-Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. “The March for Our Lives demonstrates yet again how some will implicate the First Amendment in a misguided attempt to trample the rights recognized and protected from any infringement by the Second Amendment,” TFA’s Harris told The Star. “Sadly, such an exhibition does nothing but show a disdain for our entire constitutional republic, which is the only form of government proven to recognize and protect individual rights,” Harris added.…

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March for Our Lives Event: An ‘Expose of the Highest Hypocrisy’

After the horrific display of ineptitude in Parkland, Florida by people wearing uniforms and carrying guns — people who could have acted to — a young political activist and Parkland survivor, David Hogg (shown above), rose up. He tweeted shaming threats to several car companies, airlines and other service industries that support or give special bonuses to those who belong to Planned Parenthood.

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Commentary: Our Public Schools Are Less About Learning and More About Indoctrination

By Printus LeBlanc   It has been almost a week since the “student” walkout over school safety. After studying the event and the aftermath, it has become increasingly clear the walkout was nothing more than a political stunt. It had nothing to do with safety; it had nothing to do with allowing students to voice their opinions, it was all about progressives in national politics and the schoolhouse using children as political props. This begs the question, why are we funding these political indoctrination camps? The students didn’t walk out over cellphones and driving. The students didn’t walk out over bullying which leads to thousands of teen suicides each year. No, the students walked out over the Second Amendment which the progressive left has been trying to eliminate for decades. Following the horrendous events in Florida, progressives seized on the opportunity to use the children to get what they wanted. A few examples across the nation show just how political the walkout was. A student in Hilliard, Ohio made the decision he did not want to get involved in the politics of the anti-gun debate. He chose to stay in class. The student should be celebrated for wanting to concentrate…

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Commentary: After the School Walkouts, America Has a Newly Minted Batch of Victims

Thousands of young people across this country “walked out” of their classrooms on Wednesday of this week — and of course many of those who did (some in elementary school) were far too young to know exactly what was going on. Ostensibly, the goal of the walkouts was to honor the victims of the Parkland, Florida, massacre last month and to explore new ways to prevent any others from becoming victims of violence themselves.

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High School Teacher Julianne Benzel On Leave After Questioning if Schools Would Support Pro-Life Walkout

A California high school teacher was placed on paid administrative leave this week after she pointed out an apparent double standard surrounding Wednesday’s national school walkout against gun violence. Thousands of students across the country walked out of classes Wednesday to protest gun violence in honor of the 17 students and teachers who were fatally shot last month at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. The walkout was organized by Youth Empower, a division of the national Women’s March, a left-wing group that has staged two national protests against President Trump.

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After Some Antioch High School Students Dishonor ‘National Walkout Day,’ Others Step Up to Make Amends

Some students at Antioch High School took the opportunity to sow chaos and destruction Wednesday during the so-called “National Walkout Day” organized by the far-Left group, Women’s March only one month after the horrific school shooting in Parkland, Florida. NewsChannel5 reports that the Metro Nashville Police are looking into incidents of a few students taking down a flag and jumping on a police car, but that no arrests or citations have been issued. Fellow protesters posted some of the incidents on social media.   Wednesday afternoon, Metro Nashville Public Schools’ Public Information Officer Michelle Michaud released the following statement: At MNPS, we respect the right of our students to advocate for causes that are important to them. Unfortunately, some students on our Antioch campus today chose to protest in ways that significantly disrupted school operations and threatened the safety and order for other students and staff within our school. Swift action was taken by school security and MNPD to address the situation. No students or staff members were injured during the walkout. The safety of our students and staff is our top priority. Inappropriate behaviors that threaten school safety will be handled immediately and firmly in accordance with the Student Code of Conduct and MNPD. We understand…

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Commentary: School Walkout’s Larger Political Agenda Is Clear, But Most Media Won’t Cover That

On the one-month anniversary of the shooting massacre at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, students and teachers across the country walked out of school at 10 a.m. Wednesday morning. Spearheaded by the Youth Empower branch of the Women’s March group, the walkout included at least 3,136 events nationwide. Many demonstrations included 17 minutes…

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NAACP Urges National Gun Confiscation

NAACP President and CEO Derrick Johnson called for a national gun confiscation program in a syndicated column through Black Press USA on Monday. Comparing recent school shootings to the violence and discrimination black students faced after the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education Supreme Court decision, Johnson wrote that “fear and terror still exist in our children’s classrooms” because of the “National Rifle Association and the politicians [sic] that support them.”

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Pressure Mounts for Broward Sheriff to Resign Following School Massacre

With pressure mounting on Broward County Sheriff Scott Israel to resign in the wake of this month’s Valentine’s Day shooting at a school in Florida, a Republican state lawmaker Monday added his voice to the chorus. Rep. Randy Fine [far right in photo above], appearing on “The Ingraham Angle” on Fox News, said he signed on to a letter calling for Israel’s suspension and supports a subpoena requiring him to appear in the state capital of Tallahassee to explain an apparent breakdown in which a school resource officer remained outside Parkland’s Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School while Nikolas Cruz allegedly was gunning down 17 people.

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NRA Accuses Companies of ‘Cowardice’ after Severing Ties under Threat of Boycott

The National Rifle Association has swung back at companies severing their partnerships with the gun-rights advocacy group under threat of boycott, accusing them of “political and civil cowardice.” In a Saturday statement, the NRA said its five million members would not be deterred after a string of businesses, including Symantec, MetLife, Hertz, Enterprise Rent-A-Car, TrueCar, and airlines Delta and United, announced they will no longer offer discounts for NRA members as the boycott campaign gained steam after the Parkland school shooting.

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Three Months After Announcing His U.S. Senate Candidacy, Phil Bredesen Holds First Campaign ‘Stop’ in Chattanooga

Former Nashville Mayor, Tennessee Governor and now current candidate for U.S. Senate, Democrat Phil Bredesen appeared in Chattanooga Tuesday for his first campaign event since announcing his run December 6, 2017. After a tour of the TVA hydroelectric facility in nearby Raccoon Mountain, Bredesen met with members of the media, where he addressed issues on a wide range of topics. In a twelve minute video (embedded below) of an exchange between Bredesen and media obtained by, the former governor spoke on a variety of issues, albeit in a noticeably subdued voice. On gun control and reaction to the horrific Parkland school murders, Bredesen’s response to a News9 reporter’s question about the event seemed to focus narrowly on restrictions on firearm ownership by people who have been diagnosed with a mental or emotional disorder. “I do think it is time to – for everyone including, very strong supporters of the Second Amendment – to get reasonable about this,” Bredesen said, adding: This tragedy in Florida – the latest one – I’m one of those that agree that it’s beyond thoughts and prayers now. We need to do some specific things. I personally feel that there’s a lot of tightening up that could be done…

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Dana Loesch on the CNN Town Hall About the Parkland Shooting: ‘There Were People Rushing the Stage and Screaming, ‘Burn Her”

A seething Dana Loesch – outspoken NRA spokesperson and longtime conservative activist – took the legacy media head-on in a fiery speech Thursday morning provocatively titled, “Media Love Mass Shootings.” Reflecting on her appearance at Wednesday evening’s town hall about the mass shooting, produced by CNN, Loesch said: I want to make this super obvious point. The government has proven that they cannot keep you safe. And yet, some people want all of us to disarm. You heard that town hall last night. They cheered the confiscation of firearms. And it was over 5,000 people. I had to have a security detail to get out. I wouldn’t be able to exit that if I didn’t have a private security detail. There were people rushing the stage and screaming, ‘burn her.’ And I came there to talk solutions and I still am going to continue that conversation on solutions as the NRA has been doing since before I was alive. But the government can’t keep you safe. And some people want us to give up our firearms and rely soley on the protection of the same government that has already failed us numerous times to keep us safe. And then, they also called Trump…

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Jeff Hartline Commentary: Evaluating Risk In The Era Of School Shootings: Do Solving Other Problems Teach Us Anything?

By Jeff Hartline   When I was a little boy, I regularly rode in the car with my dad standing next to him. I can recall numerous times when he would have to quickly apply the brakes that his right hand would shoot across my body to keep me from hitting the metal dashboard. With highway deaths in America approaching 50,000 annually then, it was a “no-brainer” for car manufacturers to start installing lap belts, then shoulder harnesses, then inflatable impact bags, then requiring children to be strapped in car safety seats. We did all this to reduce risk to automobile passengers. We did not, even once, consider reducing the rights of citizens to move about all across the nation or eliminate automobiles from our culture. Just a few decades ago, some evil person laced Tylenol capsules with poison and numerous innocent people died as a result. The Tylenol manufacturer was not required by the public or government to cease operations. What they did was create a safety seal for their product to allow a customer to be able to tell whether a bottle had been opened. All of us parents have experienced the frustrations of getting a prescription bottle…

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Letter to the Editor: Gun Control, Border Security, and the Flagrant Hypocrisy of the Left

Gun Control

Dear Tennessee Star, The Texas Church shooting is a tragedy. I wish I could think of some realistic idea that would halt this type of horrible event from ever happening again, but I can’t. Over the years I’ve watched the horror of this type of senseless mass killing with the same sense of loss and hopelessness as most Americans. I listen to “experts” point out common factors, guns being the most often noted, and then watch as the discussions sink into a morass of mental illness in its various forms, notification of authorities by mental health professionals, failure to follow up with patients, on, and on, and on, leaving out some killers with no known mental health issues. So,even the “experts” seem at a loss. Now come the Democrats and the Hollywood types. “More gun control laws!” they shout from the rooftops, at any microphone within range of their voices. If I sincerely believed more gun control would work, I would be shouting with them. While these mass shootings merit attention and efforts at resolution, totals of citizens murdered by shootings in strict gun controlled cities, think Chicago, dwarf the loss of life in “mass shootings.” Think of Chicago as a…

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Possible Democratic 2020 Contender Fundraises Off Vegas Slaughter

Sen Chris Murphy (D-Conn.), one of the leading gun control advocates in Congress and a potential 2020 presidential candidate, wasted no time trying to leverage financial support from this week’s mass shooting in Las Vegas. Murphy’s re-election campaign blasted out an email to supporters asking for contributions to three gun control groups, according to the Connecticut…

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Gun Control Won’t End Mass Murder

As the nation continues to reel from the nation’s worst mass shooting in modern history, politicians and other opportunists find the massacre too inviting not to exploit. The knee-jerk cravenness of liberals to scrape up their calls for gun-control while demonizing the National Rifle Association (NRA) immediately sucks all the air out of the room, eliminating…

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Letter to the Editor: Let Us Remember the True Meaning of the Second Amendment

2nd Amendment

Dear Tennessee Star,  After Las Vegas, The Second Amendment is again under attack by the Democrats and Liberals. But why did the framers of the Constitution include the Second Amendment in the Bill of Rights? It’s been said that to properly understand the Constitution one must place themselves in the environment and frame of mind of those writing the Constitution at the time the Constitution was written. I agree, a Government of the People and by the People, must also include it’s protection and security by the People. America was in a war with England at the time the Constitution was being written, a war the People was fighting with their own guns and ammo. America had no military such as we have today, everything depended on the citizens, their firearms and willingness to fight. The framers recognized that without the right to own guns, the people would never be able to win their freedom or maintain their own security from tyranny in the future. The Framers placed the ultimate responsibility for maintaining America’s way of life not in the hands of Government, Law enforcement or the Military, but in the hands of the people, and just as Law enforcement and…

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Ingraham: ‘Despicable’ Hillary Comments Demonstrate Profound ‘Level of Ignorance’

LifeZette editor-in-chief Laura Ingraham said that she found 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s “idiotic” comments about the Las Vegas massacre “despicable” in a way that demonstrated a profound “level of ignorance,” during an interview Tuesday on Fox News’ “Fox & Friends.” On Sunday night, gunman Stephen Paddock opened fire on an outdoor music festival in…

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Commentary: After Las Vegas Massacre, Hillary Clinton Demonstrates Again Why She Lost the 2016 Election

The nation mourned, the law enforcement investigated, President Donald Trump, his wife and his White House prayed – and Hillary Clinton called for gun control and attacks on the National Rifle Association. That’s the response to the horrific killings of dozens and injuring of hundreds by gunman Stephen Paddock, 64. Hillary: This is why you lost.…

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Gov. Haslam Signs Gun Bill Opposed By Nashville Mayor Megan Barry

Tennessee Star

Gov. Bill Haslam has signed a law requiring cities to spend more on security or allow people to carry handguns at parks, fairs, auditoriums and other public venues. Nashville Mayor Megan Barry had asked Haslam to veto the bill. The city of Knoxville was also opposed, as were gun control advocates, including the Safe Tennessee Project and Moms Demand Action For Gun Sense In America. The National Rifle Association supports the measure. According to a May 12 press release, the Tennessee Firearms Association said of the law signed by Gov. Haslam that it “could have been a good bill but that may have been intentionally amended to make the situation worse for gun owners. This bill significantly changes Tennessee law for the worse and we suspect most legislators who voted on it were not even aware of the problem in the bill.” The law provides lawful gun owners with a private cause of action to challenge local gun control policies that run counter to state law. The new Tennessee law “leaves to local governments the ultimate decision of whether to prohibit firearms in local government buildings, and the new provisions in this bill give local governments and their permittees more…

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