Israel Eases Gun Laws to Arm ‘As Many Citizens as Possible’ After Terrorist Attack

Israel is easing its gun laws with the goal of arming “as many citizens as possible,” according to Minister Itamar Ben Gvir, as former U.S. Ambassador Jeffrey Gunter is urging Israelis to take up guns in self-defense after the horrific Hamas terror attacks. 

“There’s a great desire of Israelis to protect their homeland,” Gunter told Just the News. “And I think along with that will be an increased desire to have gun ownership.

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Trump Touts Travel Ban on Muslim Countries After Hamas Terrorists Invade Israel

Former President Donald Trump touted his travel ban on Muslim-majority countries in a speech in New Hampshire after Hamas terrorists invaded Israel over the weekend, killing more than 900 people, including at least 11 U.S. citizens, in what was the worst attack on Jews since the Holocaust.

Trump said Monday during a rally in Wolfeboro, N.H., that people are pouring into the United States across the southern border and, “we have no idea from where they come, the same people in many cases, the same people that just attacked Israel.”

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Haley Talking Tough in Iowa, Says U.S. Needs to Back Ukraine and Israel in Wars Brought by Thugs and Terrorists

Asserting the U.S. must do all it can to help Israel “eliminate” the Hamas-driven terrorism that rocked Israel over the weekend, GOP presidential candidate and former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley is striking an even more hawkish tone for U.S. involvement in two major theaters of war — Europe and the Middle East.

“I would tell Israel that whatever it is you need to, not just get your country back but to eliminate the terrorists, we should do because Hamas is saying, ‘Death to America,” and it is in our best interest to make sure that they are not doing anything that would harm Americans or harm our friends,” Haley told a smallish gathering of some 75 people Monday afternoon at a town hall event in Central Iowa.

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From Trump to Congress, Hamas Attacks on Israel Boomerang on Biden and His Iran Policy

President Joe Biden’s decision to reward Iran with $6 billion in unfrozen assets is coming under withering criticism after Tehran-backed Hamas militants unleashed an unprovoked deadly attack on Israel that generated condemnation worldwide.

The political peril for the 46th president, who has banked his foreign policy in part on an effort to woo Iran into a new nuclear deal, was apparent from the campaign trail to the marble halls of Congress within hours of Saturday’s unprovoked and unprecedented attack on Israel.

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Biden Administration Aid to the Palestinians Could Go to Hamas

Hundreds march in New York City to support Palestinians and resistance in Gaza

A spokesperson for the Biden Administration’s State Department confirmed the possibility that some of the aid being sent to the Palestinians could go to the terrorist organization Hamas, according to the Washington Free Beacon.

The administration is allocating up to $100 million of American taxpayers’ money to go to the Palestinians, but has repeatedly declined to confirm if there are any safeguards in the aid package that could prevent some of the funds from going to Hamas, the terror group that is responsible for thousands of unprovoked rocket attacks on Israel in recent weeks.

An unnamed senior official with the State Department said that “as we’ve seen in life, as we all know in life, there are no guarantees,” with regards to the possibility of terrorists getting their hands on some of the funds.

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Commentary: Why Does the Left Hate Israel?

Free Palestine

As over 3,000 rockets are fired into Israel by Hamas, the establishment of the Democratic Party seems paralyzed over how to respond to the latest Middle East war. 

It is not just that they fear that the squad, Black Lives Matter, the shock troops of Antifa, and the woke institutions such as professional sports, academia, and the media are now unapologetically anti-Israel. 

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Liberal Activists Hold Anti-Israel Rally in Richmond

Liberal activist group “Activate Virginia” held a march and rally on Wednesday in opposition to Israel.

“America’s cries on behalf of human rights sound increasingly tinny, given our enabling and defense of what’s happening in places like Gaza,” Richmond Times-Dispatch columnist Michael Paul Williams wrote Tuesday in a piece promoting the event that was published by the paper. “Our ability to navigate a path to social justice here is doubtful if we don’t walk the walk abroad.”

He added,” As long as Palestinians can’t breathe, neither can we.”

By mid-day, hundreds of Richmonders heeded the call and gathered to show their “solidarity with Palestine.”

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‘Boogaloo Bois’ Member Pleads Guilty to Conspiracy to Provide Material Support to Hamas

A North Carolina man has pleaded guilty in federal court in Minneapolis to a charge of conspiring to provide material support to Hamas, a designated foreign terrorist organization.

U.S. Attorney Erica H. MacDonald and National Security Division Assistant Attorney General John Demers announced last week the plea by Benjamin Ryan Teeter, 22, to one count of conspiracy to provide material support and resources, namely property, services and weapons, to Hamas.

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Two Minneapolis Men Arrested for Attempting to Aid Terrorist Organization Hamas

Two Minneapolis men were arrested earlier this week for attempting to aid the Islamic Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas. The Department of Justice (DOJ) announced the arrests in a press release Friday.

Michael Robert Solomon, 30, and Benjamin Ryan Teeter, 22, face federal criminal complaints for “conspiring and attempting to provide material support to a designated foreign terrorist organization.”

Solomon and Teeter planned to use revenue from delivering weapons to Hamas to fund their domestic terrorist plans. The pair intended to destroy government monuments, raid white supremacist organizations, and attack police, politicians, and media members. 

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Ilhan Omar Scheduled to Headline Another CAIR Fundraiser

  Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) is scheduled to headline another fundraiser for the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). CAIR’s Washington state chapter announced last week that Omar would be speaking at its May 25 fundraiser along with Motiva Johnson-Harrell, a state representative from Pennsylvania and the first Muslim woman in its State Legislature. TICKETS ARE HERE! 🎟️ #Muslim2020 #Ramadan2019 — CAIR Washington (@CAIRWashington) May 2, 2019 The fundraiser is titled “Unapologetically Us: Building Muslim Power for 2020 and Beyond.” “The coming year will be pivotal for our community and for the nation as a whole. There are many challenges from violent Islamophobia to xenophobic policies, but there’s also hope,” an event description states. “American Muslims have seen political representation like never before, including the election of Ilhan Omar, the first Somali-American and one of two American Muslim women elected to Congress.” CAIR goes on to invite its supporters to “join us for an evening of conversation, inspiration, and strategizing on how we can best defend our community everyday while building power for 2020.” In March, Omar headlined CAIR’s Fourth Annual Valley Banquet in Los Angeles and faced widespread backlash for comments she made during her speech. At…

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Michigan’s Rep. Rashida Tlaib: ‘I Was Really Afraid of My Fellow Americans’ After the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

by Molly Prince   Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib revealed in an interview that she was “terrified” for herself and her family after the Sept. 11 terror attacks that left nearly 3,000 Americans dead. “I was probably my second year of law school when 9/11 happened and I was really terrified of what was going to happen to my husband, who was only a green card holder at the time,” Tlaib said during an interview with ‘Makers’, a media company founded to “accelerate the women’s movement.”   “I immediately called my brothers and told them to be very careful who you hang out with,” she continued. “Telling my sisters ‘just be real careful out there’ and being really afraid of my fellow Americans.” Tlaib, along with fellow Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar, became America’s first Muslim congresswomen when sworn into office in January. Their time in office has been embroiled in allegations of anti-Semitism and anti-American sentiments. Tlaib came to the defense of Omar after the Minnesota congresswoman was accused of downplaying the 9/11 terror attacks which were perpetrated by radical islamic terrorists. The controversy was kicked off after Omar delivered the keynote speech at a fundraiser for the Council on American-Islamic…

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Ohio Dentist Says She Will Torture ‘Zionist Patients’ With ‘Pleasure,’ Expresses Support for Hamas

A Cincinnati, Ohio dentist was recently exposed for suggesting that she would torture “Zionist patients” and repeatedly expressed support for Hamas, a terrorist organization. According to her LinkedIn page, Nessreen Zayed is a dentist in the Cincinnati area, though it’s unclear where she’s currently employed. Canary Mission unearthed dozens of controversial statements made on Zayed’s Twitter page, including one in which she said she “will enjoy doing this to Zionist patients” with “pleasure.” The comment was made in a response to a scene from the movie “A Little Shop of Horrors.” In the scene, Steve Martin joyfully sings and dances while torturing his patients in the dentist’s chair. In several other tweets, Zayed openly praised Hamas and said she “loves” the terrorist organization. “Sorry we still love Hamas,” she wrote in one tweet. “I love Hamas u [sic] can ask Hamas,” she said in another. “I know resistance has started before Hamas but right now Hamas is the only one defense the Palestinian that’s a fact we can’t,” she said in yet another tweet with numerous typos and grammatical errors. She also referred to the “funeral of the 17 martyrs killed by Israel last month” as a “heartbreaking”…

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Minnesota’s Rep. Ilhan Omar Blames Trump for New Zealand Massacre During CAIR Fundraiser While Hundreds Protest Outside

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) spoke Saturday at a fundraiser for the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) while hundreds of protesters gathered outside the event. Omar was the keynote speaker for CAIR’s Fourth Annual Valley Banquet in Los Angeles focused on “advancing justice” and “empowering Valley Muslims,” according to an event invitation. As The Daily Caller explains, the U.S. Department of Justice found CAIR to be a co-conspirator in funneling millions of dollars to Hamas. Its leaders have a history of making sympathetic comments about terrorist organizations, such as one comment from Hassan Shibly, chief executive director of CAIR-Florida, who suggested that Hezbollah and Hamas aren’t terrorist organizations. Shibly spoke alongside Omar during Saturday’s fundraiser. During her remarks, Omar blamed President Donald Trump for the recent massacre at Christchurch mosque in New Zealand, according to audio obtained by Gateway Pundit. “We all kind of knew this was happening, but the reason I think that many of us knew that this was going to get worse is that we finally have a leader, a world leader in the White House, who publicly says Islam hates us—who fuels hate against Muslims, who thinks it is OK to speak about a faith and…

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America’s First Two Muslim Congresswomen Will Both be Fundraising for Hamas-Linked Organization

by Molly Prince   The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) announced Monday that Democratic Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib will be speaking at CAIR-Michigan’s annual banquet only days after the Hamas-linked organization revealed that fellow Democratic Rep. Ilhan Omar of Minnesota will be speaking at CAIR-LA’s annual banquet. CAIR is a notable pro-Palestinian organization with ties to Islamic terror groups. The U.S. Department of Justice listed CAIR as an unindicted co-conspirator in funding millions of dollars to the terrorist organization Hamas. Additionally, the United Arab Emirates (UAE) named CAIR a terrorist organization along with al-Qaeda and the Islamic State in 2014. Tlaib will be the guest speaker at CAIR-Michigan’s 19th annual “Faith-Led, Justice Driven” banquet on March 17, according to the organization’s invitation. Single tickets start at $50 per person and a table can cost upwards of $500. Tickets for Omar’s March 23 event start at a similar price point. Omar and Tlaib became America’s first Muslim congresswomen when sworn into office in January. Their time in office has been embroiled in allegations of anti-Semitism. Tlaib invited a pro-Hezbollah, anti-Israel activist to her swearing-in ceremony and the following private dinner in January. Days later, an op-ed column she wrote in 2006…

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‘Enemies of Allah’ Turn Rockets of Hate into Peace Art

Yaron Bob, an Israeli artist whose community has been repeatedly attacked with Kassam rockets fired from Gaza by Palestinian terrorists, turns the rockets of hate into metal art called “Rockets into Roses.” Bob’s work was inspired by his own close calls with rocket attacks. According to his website, “I take the Kassam, the instrument of death and I change it, I transfer it into something of beauty.” After the rockets are checked by a bomb squad, the police give Bob the metal to create the roses which he “plants” in a base shaped as a map of Israel, “so that the rose literally ‘grows’ from the place of destruction – where most of the rockets have landed.” Until very recently, HAMAS has controlled the government in Gaza and has been primarily responsible for the rocket attacks. Founded in 1987, HAMAS, an acronym for the Islamic Resistance Movement, is a U.S. designated terrorist group and the self-described Palestinian arm of the Muslim Brotherhood. Its charter makes it clear that Jews are the enemies of Allah and that the HAMAS mission is to destroy Israel and kill Jewish people. Quoting Egypt’s Muslim Brotherhood founder, the HAMAS charter states: Israel will exist and will continue to…

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