Bitter: Hillary Considers Contesting Election Result 10 Months Later

Former 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton admitted that she wouldn’t “completely rule out questioning the legitimacy” of the presidential election’s results if the ongoing probe into Russia’s election interference reaps further results during an interview with NPR’s “Fresh Air” that aired Monday. Clinton has not been shy about discussing the stunning blow she was dealt…

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Hillary Clinton Blames ‘Sexism’ and ‘Misogyny’ in Campaign Defeat

In her first television interview since the election, Hillary Clinton relitigated some of the 2016 campaign’s biggest talking points, saying “sexism” and “misogyny” were majors factors in her defeat. “I started the campaign knowing that I would have to work extra hard to make women and men feel comfortable with the idea of a woman president,”…

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Now Hillary Blames Fellow Dems: Blasts Biden, Bernie and Barack in New Book

Tennessee Star

Former 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton has expanded the list of scapegoats she believes are responsible for her loss to include several leading figures in her own party, according to new excerpts from her upcoming book, “What Happened.” Although Clinton has repeatedly blamed misogyny, former FBI Director James Comey, Russia, and WikiLeaks for her stunning…

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Hillary Clinton Sells ‘VIP’ Tickets for ‘What Happened’ Tour at Steep Price: ‘A New Level of Greed’

Tennessee Star

Canadians who want “VIP” status during Hillary Clinton’s upcoming book tour for “What Happened” will need to have deep pockets. Mrs. Clinton’s forthcoming memoir about her failed presidential campaign is set to hit bookstore shelves on Sept. 12, but along with that will come a promotional tour through at least 15 cities. “VIP platinum” tickets for…

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Judge: FBI Must Disclose Hillary Clinton Email Probe Details

A federal judge ordered the FBI Thursday to disclose more details about how it handled its investigation into Hillary Clinton’s secret email account. U.S. District Judge James E. Boasberg said court papers describing the grand jury subpoenas the FBI obtained to compel information from Mrs. Clinton’s Internet service providers can be made public. In doing so,…

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Comey Drafted Announcement Closing Hillary Clinton Probe Before Key Witnesses Interviewed: Senators

Tennessee Star

Two Republican senators say they’ve reviewed evidence that indicates former FBI Director James B. Comey began drafting a statement to announce the closure of the bureau’s investigation into Hillary Clinton’s use of a private email server months before key witnesses, including the former Democratic presidential candidate, were interviewed. Sen. Chuck Grassley and Sen. Lindsey Graham wrote…

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Hillary Clinton Email Case Expands As FBI Finds More Confidential Messages

The Hillary Clinton email fiasco isn’t ending anytime soon, with State Department officials saying they have no idea when they will finish sorting though and releasing the previously hidden messages. More classified documents that the former secretary of state improperly handled keep coming to light. The Trump administration doesn’t even know if it has hunted down…

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Report: Hillary Clinton ‘Wants to Preach’ and Is Looking to Become a Spiritual Leader

Former Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton is looking to become a spiritual leader after losing to President Donald Trump in 2016, according to reports from people in Clinton’s circle. Clinton wants to preach, according to her pastor Rev. Bill Shillady, who has written a book about the former secretary of state’s spiritual life, particularly during her…

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Hillary Clinton Pressured Bangladesh Officials to Help Clinton Foundation Donor, Documents Show

While secretary of state, Hillary Clinton attempted to bully the tiny nation of Bangladesh to force it to end a corruption investigation of Mohammad Yunus, a long-time Clinton family friend and Clinton Foundation donor, according to documents obtained by The Daily Caller News Foundation Investigative Group. The information comes from two Bangladeshi government documents generated as…

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House Republicans Seek Special Counsel for Hillary Clinton, Loretta Lynch

Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee reportedly want another special prosecutor to investigate the 2016 presidential election – this one focusing on possible wrongdoing by Hillary Clinton and other Democrats. According to NBC News, Rep. Bob Goodlatte of Virginia and his fellow Judiciary Republicans have sent a letter to the Justice Department saying that Special Counsel…

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‘Lock Her Up’ Reboot: Trump Calls For DOJ to Reopen Hillary Case

President Donald Trump on Monday took to Twitter to call for reopening the criminal investigation into 2016 presidential candidate Hillary Clinton’s handling of classified information. In doing so, the president took shots at his own attorney general and at Congressional committees investigating Russian interference into the 2016 campaign. “So why aren’t the Committees and investigators, and…

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Watchdog Uncovers New Evidence of Quid Pro Quo at Hillary State Dept.

Judicial Watch released 448 pages of documents Friday showing further incidences of Huma Abedin, 2016 Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s former deputy chief of staff in the State Department, allocating special treatment to Clinton Foundation donors while Clinton served as Secretary of State. Clinton’s use of a private email server to conduct government business clouded her…

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Broadcasters Obsess Over Trump Jr., Ignore ‘Hillary Clinton’s Russia-Uranium Scandal’ Study Says

Tennessee Star

They were obsessed: ABC, CBS, NBC evening news shows have been dominated by one subject this week: Donald J. Trump Jr.’s 2016 meeting with a Russian lawyer at Trump Tower – “a meeting in which apparently no favors, money or meaningful information was exchanged,” writes analyst Geoffrey Dickens, in a new study for, a conservative…

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Hillary Clinton Defends Sadiq Khan After Trump Tweets: Not a Time to Use Terror ‘For Political Gain’

Tennessee Star

Hillary Clinton on Monday praised London Mayor Sadiq Khan’s leadership following Saturday’s terrorist attack, telling a crowd in Baltimore that now is not the time to use terror “for political gain.” The failed Democratic presidential nominee issued the thinly veiled attack against President Trump, without naming him or his policies directly, while speaking in Fells Point…

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Senate Committee Launches New Clinton Corruption Investigation

Chuck Grassley, chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, has launched a new investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s effort to thwart a Bangladesh government corruption probe of Muhammad Yunus, a Clinton Foundation donor and close friend of the Clintons. The Iowa Republican’s effort is the first new official inquiry of Clinton since her unexpected…

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Hillary Clinton Wanted Separate Plane from Michelle Obama to Betty Ford Funeral, New Emails Reveal

Tennessee Star

Newly released emails belonging to former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton reveal that one plane was not big enough to share with then-first lady Michelle Obama to attend Betty Ford’s 2011 funeral. The government watchdog Judicial Watch released 2,078 pages of documents on Thursday obtained through its May 5, 2015, lawsuit filed against the State Department.…

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Hillary Clinton Slams Her Own Democratic National Committee for Lack of Support During Her Campaign

Tennessee Star

Former Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton said Wednesday the Democratic National Committee gave her “nothing” after she clinched the nomination. “I set up my campaign and we have our own data operation. I get the nomination. So I’m now the nominee form the Democratic Party. I inherit nothing from the Democratic Party. I mean, it was…

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Hillary Clinton Compares Trump to Nixon – and Worse – in Wellesley Commencent Speech

Tennessee Star

Vanquished 2016 Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton on Friday used a commencement address at her alma mater to warn that President Donald Trump is a danger to the country and the world. At Wellesley College, Clinton never uttered Trump’s name, but took took several shots at the president. A short list of the people she compared…

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Kellyanne Conway: Hillary Clinton Joining ‘Resistance’ Likely to Backfire on Democrats

White House counselor Kellyanne Conway said Sunday she welcomes Hillary Clinton’s return to the national spotlight, predicting that the Democrat’s vow to join the “resistance” is likely to backfire on Democrats. “As for Hillary, look, people are rolling their eyes and bellyaching – most of them are Democrats, by the way – ‘Why won’t she just…

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Commentary: Pro-Trump Conservatives Being Massacred In The Battle For The Pentagon

Conservative HQ Staff As CHQ Chairman Richard Viguerie has been telling CHQ readers for many years, “Personnel is policy.” And unfortunately, right now pro-Trump conservatives are getting massacred in one of the biggest personnel and hence policy battles Washington has seen in many years – the battle to staff the Trump Pentagon. The latest rout of conservatives at the hands of Secretary of Defense James Mattis, and the establishment James MattisRepublicans who occupy the White House Office of Presidential Personnel, came in the fight over who should be nominated as Secretary of the Navy to replace Philip Bilden, who decided to withdraw his name from consideration after saying that meeting the government’s ethics guidelines would require too great a financial sacrifice. The scuttlebutt in the Pentagon and in the defense-oriented media is that today the White House will announce that the next SecNav nominee will be former Marine aviator Richard V. Spencer. Spencer has had a distinguished business career after leaving the Marines. He worked on Wall Street for 15 years with Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Bear Sterns and Paine Webber and served as vice chairman and chief financial officer of intercontinental exchange. He is now an investment banker who…

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Commentary: The Susan Rice — Clinton Connection: Democrat Claims On Trump Spying Don’t Add Up

George Rasley, ConservativeHQ Editor Our friend, Fred Fleitz, a former CIA analyst and House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence staffer, who has actually handled “unmasking” requests for a policymaker, has a great piece on Fox explaining why the claims of Obama’s former National Security Adviser Susan Rice that the Obama administration did not spy on Mr. Trump or his staff for political purposes don’t add up. Fleitz points out that the names of U.S. citizens “incidentally” mentioned in NSA reports are masked to preserve their identities because America’s intelligence agencies are barred from spying on American citizens Susan Rice Andrea Mitchell except in extraordinary circumstances with court approval. Rice said in an interview with MSNBC’s Andrea Mitchell that policymakers sometimes request to know the identities of Americans from NSA reports to understand these reports in certain circumstances, which is correct says Fleitz. She also tried to dismiss this controversy by claiming NSA demasking requests are routine. This is false said Fleitz; they are not actually routine and are taken very seriously by NSA. Rice also told Andrea Mitchell there is an Intelligence Community process to review whether to approve demasking requests. This, claims Fleitz, seemed to be an attempt by…

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