Friday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy explained Tennessee Constitution’s laws on what would happen if former State Representative Justin Jones tries to run again for his expelled seat in a special election.
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Speaker Sexton Spares House Members from Rule 53 Vote on E-Verify Legislation
During the House floor session Monday evening, Speaker Cameron Sexton (R-Crossville) spared his members from a Rule 53 vote regarding the proposed E-Verify legislation.
Rep. Bruce Griffey (R-Paris) invoked the Rule 53 provision from the House Permanent Rules of Order for the 112th General Assembly, which is the process of recalling a bill from committee. If a Rule 53 effort is successful, the subject bill would be scheduled directly to the House floor for a vote, bypassing the committee process that killed the bill.
Read the full storyRep. Bruce Griffey Seeks to Revive E-Verify Legislation by Invoking a Special House Rule
In an effort to revive the legislation requiring the use of E-Verify for Tennessee employers with six or more employees, Rep. Bruce Griffey filed the necessary paperwork Thursday to recall the bill in accordance with a House rule.
Rule 53 of the House of Representatives Permanent Rules of Order for the 112th General Assembly allows for a process to recall a bill from committee. If the effort is successful, the bill will be scheduled directly to the House floor for a vote, bypassing the committee process that killed the bill.
Rep. Jim Jordan Compares Speaker Pelosi’s Plan to Hold Impeachment Vote to ‘Putting a Little Lipstick on the Pig’
Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH-04) on Fox and Friends Tuesday morning gave quite the analogy when talking about Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s planned impeachment vote.
Read the full storyDemocrats Violated the State Constitution and House Rules When They Walked out of the House Chambers
Despite media reports suggesting otherwise, when Democrats left the House floor and walked out of the chambers during session, it was they who were in violation of the Constitution of the State of Tennessee and House Rules of the 111th Tennessee General Assembly, not House Speaker Glen Casada. News Channel 5 reported, “Democratic lawmakers locked inside House chambers.” News Channel 3’s report titled “Democrat lawmakers locked in House Chamber in Nashville,” said “Democrats are calling what happened a lawless act. Republicans say it was well within the law and necessary.” Footage in the News Channel 3 report showed people crowding the House Chamber doors and the two visible Sergeants-At-Arms, who were just following the Speakers orders, backed up to the doors. The video captured Joel Ebert of The Tennessean joining in, recording with his phone and asking the Sergeant-At-Arms, “Why aren’t we allowed out? Why aren’t we allowed out of the chamber?” Also included was Democrat Caucus Chair Representative Mike Stewart of Nashville telling reporters, “The lawlessness and the culture of arrogance that we’ve seen demonstrated throughout this session in ways that have no precedence just was lifted to an entirely new level where you actually had a member, Representative…
Read the full storyPresident Trump to Pelosi on SOTU: ‘I Will Be Honoring Your Invitation, and Fulfilling My Constitutional Duty’
President Trump sent a letter to Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi late Wednesday morning confirming his original acceptance of her invitation to deliver the annual State of the Union address from the U.S. House of Representatives chambers on Jan 29. “Thank you for you letter of January 3, 2019, sent to me long after the Shutdown began, inviting me to address the Nation on January 29th as to the State of the Union,” the letter begins. President Trump goes on to summarize the series of communiques between his office and Speaker Pelosi leading up to his official response to her: Therefore, I will be honoring your invitation, and fulfilling my Constitutional duty, to deliver important information to the people and Congress of the United States of America regarding the State of our Union. I look forward to seeing you on the evening on January 29th in the Chamber of the House of Representatives. It would be so very sad for our Country if the State of the Union were not delivered on time, on schedule, and very importantly, on location! White House Press Secretary Sarah Sanders tweeted a copy of the letter: President Trump’s letter to Speaker Pelosi on…
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