Commentary: Grifter Joe Biden Needs to Win the Election Before He and His Son are in the Clintons’ League

Last week’s New York Post stories revealed a web of corruption that began with Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, and ended by implicating the presidential candidate in regard to Burisma, the Ukrainian natural gas company, and CEFC, a Chinese energy company.

The Post’s revelations about Joe Biden’s son, Hunter, were derived from emails found on a laptop abandoned in 2019 at a computer repair shop owned by one John Paul “Mac” Isaac. The computer was seized by the FBI but only after Isaac had copied the hard drive. Trump lawyer and former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani apparently obtained a copy from Isaac and shared its information with the Post.

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FCC to ‘Clarify’ Meaning of Section 230 Following Twitter Suppression of NY Post Story

Federal Communication Commission Chairman Ajit Pai announced Thursday that he intends to move forward with a rulemaking to “clarify” the meaning of Section 230 of the Communication Decency Act.

Pai’s announcement comes one day after Twitter prohibited users from posting links to a New York Post story about alleged emails involving Hunter Biden, former Vice President Joe Biden and the Ukrainian gas company Burisma. Twitter’s suppression of the story led President Donald Trump to call for the repeal of Section 230, which indemnifies internet companies from liability over content posted by their users.

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Biden Campaign Responds to NY Post Report, Says Alleged Meeting with Burisma Executive Never Took Place

Joe Biden’s presidential campaign said Wednesday that the former vice president did not meet with his son, Hunter Biden, and a top executive of the Ukrainian gas company Burisma in 2015 as alleged in a report by the New York Post.

The Post published a copy of an email on Wednesday that was allegedly sent by Vadym Pozharsky, an advisor to Burisma’s board of directors, to Hunter Biden in April 2015 thanking the younger Biden “for inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent some time together.” The email was part of what the Post called a “massive trove of data recovered from a laptop computer” that was dropped off at a Delaware computer repair shop in April 2019.

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Just Before Obama Left Office, U.S. Officials Feared Hunter Biden Firm in Ukraine Paid Second Bribe

Twenty-two days before President Obama left office, the U.S. ambassador to Kiev wrote top officials in Washington that she feared Burisma Holdings had made a second bribe to Ukrainian officials around the time a corruption probe against Hunter Biden’s natural gas employer was closed before Donald Trump took office.

The concerns are detailed in new memos belatedly released to Just the News under a Freedom of Information Act lawsuit against the State Department. The suit was brought on behalf of the news organization by the public interest law firm the Southeastern Legal Foundation.

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Senate Report Slams Bidens for Conflicts of Interest, Flags Possible Criminal Activity

by John Solomon   A year-long Senate investigation concluded Wednesday that Hunter Biden’s efforts to cash in on foreign business deals during his father’s vice presidency raised alarm among U.S. government officials, who perceived an ethical conflict of interest and flagged concerns about possible criminal activity ranging from bribery to sex trafficking. The long-awaited joint report by the GOP-led Senate Homeland and Government Affairs and Senate Finance Committees delivered several blockbuster revelations less than two months before Election Day, suggesting Obama administration officials ignored clear warning signs about ethical conflicts and possible extortion risks involving Joe Biden’s family. Perhaps the most explosive revelation was that the U.S. Treasury Department flagged payments collected overseas by Hunter Biden and business partner Devon Archer for possible illicit activities. The so-called Suspicious Activity Reports flagged millions of dollars in transactions from the Ukrainian gas company Burisma Holdings, a Russian oligarch named Yelena Baturina, and Chinese businessmen with ties to Beijing’s communist government, the report said. Senate investigators have yet to determine if the FBI or others investigated the concerns. “The Treasury records acquired by the Chairmen show potential criminal activity relating to transactions among and between Hunter Biden, his family, and his associates with…

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A Year After Impeachment, Hunter Biden’s Ukraine Activities Come Home to Roost

A year ago this month, Democrats began their impeachment crusade against President Trump because he had sought an investigation into Joe and Hunter Biden’s activities in Ukraine. And the rallying cry then was that any concerns about the Bidens were pure, discredited conspiracy theories.

What a difference a year makes.

The GOP-led Senate Finance and Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs committees plan to release a joint report as early as this week disclosing the results of a year-long probe into Joe Biden’s stewardship of Ukraine anti-corruption policy while his son earned big money as a board member at the corruption-plagued Burisma Holdings gas firm.

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Hunter Biden-Tied Fund Helped Communist China Obtain a Michigan Auto Parts Maker

As he was sewing up the Democrat nomination this spring, Joe Biden surprised many in foreign policy circles by publishing an essay arguing it was time to “get tough with China” and to stop its “robbing the United States and American companies of their technology and intellectual property.”

For Biden, a four-decade advocate of trade and friendly relations with Beijing, it was a stunning turnabout that signaled the Democrat was concerned President Trump was winning the election-year battle over U.S.-China policy as tensions in the South China Sea, a trade war, and growing espionage cases created a Cold War-like atmosphere with China.

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Bill Hagerty Releases New Video Highlighting Relationship Between Joe Biden Family and China

U.S. Senate candidate Bill Hagerty this week released a digital video campaign ad highlighting what he called “Hunter Biden’s corrupt economic relationship with China” and criticized Joe Biden for defending the Chinese Communist regime.

Hagerty said Joe Biden should have held China accountable for jeopardizing the physical and economic health of millions around the globe. Hagerty said he was releasing the video as more incriminating information about Joe Biden’s closeness with Communist China surfaces.

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Senate Panel Plans to Issue First Subpoena in Burisma-Biden Probe

Sen. Ron Johnson (R-OH), the chairman of the Senate Homeland Security Committee, is preparing to issue the panel’s first subpoena as part of an investigation into Burisma Holdings, the Ukrainian energy company linked to Hunter Biden, he said in a letter on Sunday.

Johnson, a Wisconsin Republican, told Democratic Michigan Sen. Gary Peters of his plans to subpoena Andrii Telizhenko, a former Ukrainian embassy official and former consultant for Blue Star Strategies, a firm that Burisma hired to fight against corruption allegations.

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Hunter Biden Was on Board of Trade Coalition Lobbying Obama Admin on Ukraine Aid

Hunter Biden was on the board of a trade coalition that lobbied the Obama administration in 2014 on foreign assistance to Ukraine, and appears to have set up a State Department meeting for the group’s president.

Biden’s links to the U.S. Global Leadership Coalition (USGLC) and its affiliate, the Center for U.S. Global Leadership, have gone largely unreported in the coverage of his various business dealings, which have caused a headache for his father as he runs for president.

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Trump Impeachment Trial: Forceful Closing Arguments for Conviction and Acquittal

House Democrats prosecuting the impeachment case against President Donald Trump and his defense team offered forceful closing arguments Monday at his Senate trial, even as his acquittal remains all but certain.

Congressman Adam Schiff, the lead House manager prosecuting Trump on two articles of impeachment, passionately implored the 100 members of the Senate acting as jurors, “We have proven Donald Trump guilty. Now, do impartial justice and convict him.”

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Commentary: ‘Abuse of Power’ and ‘Obstruction of Congress’ Are Not High Crimes or Misdemeanors, Bribery or Treason

Donald Trump smile

“The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason, Bribery, or other high Crimes and Misdemeanors.”

That is Article II, Section 4 of the Federal Constitution, outlining what a case for impeachment is supposed to consist of, namely, crimes. Therefore, without a crime there cannot be an impeachment.

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U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks of Alabama Discusses Democrats’ Impeachment Hoax with Mark Levin, U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida on Fox News

  Sunday evening, U.S. Rep. Mo Brooks (R-AL-05) discussed the Socialist Democrat impeachment “sham” with Mark Levin and U.S. Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL-01) on Fox News’s Life, Liberty, & Levin. Brooks tweeted, “Don’t miss tonight’s #LifeLibertyLevin on @FoxNews at 9 central! I join @marklevinshow & @RepMattGaetz to shed light on the Socialist Democrat strategy to deceive America into believing @realDonaldTrump committed an impeachable offense in hopes of taking the White House in 2020.” Don’t miss tonight’s #LifeLibertyLevin on @FoxNews at 9 central! I join @marklevinshow & @RepMattGaetz to shed light on the Socialist Democrat strategy to deceive America into believing @realDonaldTrump committed an impeachable offense in hopes of taking the White House in 2020. — Mo Brooks (@RepMoBrooks) November 3, 2019 Video of the interview is available here. Brooks told Levin that an elected official should not be removed for asking for an investigation of an opponent. Otherwise, the other candidate would have “absolute immunity,” Brooks said. “That cannot be sound public policy. Yet that is exactly what the Democrats are arguing, that because Joe Biden happens to be a Democratic candidate for the presidency … one that I don’t think has much of a prayer given the makeup…

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‘You Don’t Get More Politically Connected’: Participants In Securities Fraud Scam Touted Links To Hunter Biden

by Andrew Kerr and Chuck Ross   Participants in a multi-million dollar scheme to defraud an American Indian tribe touted links to Hunter Biden and his business associate, Devon Archer, according to court documents the Daily Caller News Foundation reviewed. Biden is not accused of wrongdoing in the case, which centered on a fraudulent $60 million bond offering involving the Wakpamni Lake Community Association, an affiliate of the Oglala Sioux Tribe. But the documents, reported here for the first time, shed light on how associates saw Biden during a period when his father, Joe Biden, served as vice president. “Hunter Biden works for [Archer]. So we’ve got the top level politicos with us. All of my guys, is as top tier as it gets,” Bevan Cooney, who a jury convicted in the Wakpamni scam, said in a secretly recorded phone call that is cited in exhibits that Archer’s defense team produced during an appeal of his conviction in the case. “Well, you know — but you see that this is who we’re doing business with? You don’t get more politically connected and make people more comfortable than that,” Cooney also said in the phone conversation. Cooney, who a judge sentenced to 30…

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Commentary: It Was the Ukraine That Reopened the Burisma-Biden Probe in 2018 and Asked the United States for Mutual Legal Assistance

Former U.S. Special Representative for Ukraine Negotiations Ambassador Kurt Volker testified to the House Armed Services, Intelligence and Oversight committees on Oct. 3 that there was not one, but two former Ukrainian Prosecutors General that have been sounding the alarm on Joe Biden-Hunter Biden-Burisma Holdings corruption.

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One America News Networks, Neil McCabe Joins the Tennessee Star Report to Talk About His Conversation With Rudy Guiliani and the Mechanics of an Impeachment

In a weekly interview on The Tennessee Star Report Michael Patrick Leahy – live broadcast Thursday morning on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Kellett welcomed One America News Networks own investigative reporter, Neil McCabe to the show to discuss his recent conversation with Rudy Guiliani and the President’s mood in the wake of impeachment proceedings.

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Report: Hundreds of Docs Suggest Biden’s Been Lying About Firing Ukrainian Prosecutor

Media reports based on a deep state “whistleblower” promised us that an obvious “quid pro quo” would be evident in the transcript of a telephone call between President Trump and Ukraine President Volodymyr Zelensky, but that was not to be. The transcript shows a cordial conversation in which the president mentioned Biden and his son once late in the call, and at no point promised financial assistance to prompt an investigation into corruption related to Hunter Biden’s lucrative position on the board of a Ukrainian energy business.

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Democrats Are ‘Fishing’ for Impeachment of President Trump, Rep. Green Says

  Democrats’ insistence on an impeaching President Donald Trump are “endless fishing expeditions,” U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) says. On his Facebook page Thursday, Green said, “President Donald J. Trump released the transcript of his call so every American can see there is no evidence of wrongdoing. The Department of Justice reviewed this “whistleblower” complaint and found no reason to take action.” He also tweeted, “The American people put us in Congress to do their work. These endless fishing expeditions only distract and waste precious taxpayer dollars. Instead of trying to impeach the President, we could be addressing the debt, fixing our broken healthcare system, and securing our Nation.” The American people put us in Congress to do their work. These endless fishing expeditions only distract and waste precious taxpayer dollars. Instead of trying to impeach the President, we could be addressing the debt, fixing our broken healthcare system, and securing our Nation. — Rep. Mark Green (@RepMarkGreen) September 26, 2019 Green also tweeted, “This is what President @realDonaldTrump said it was, and what the President of Ukraine said it was—a friendly conversation. (1/2)”. This is what President @realDonaldTrump said it was, and what the President of Ukraine said…

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Commentary: Biden’s Real Foreign Election Interference Was Russiagate

It looks as though Joe Biden is about to bumble and babble and bluster his way to a third failed run for president. Even before President Trump took aim at Hunter Biden for his shady financial ties to the Ukraine while his father was vice president, Biden was struggling with basic facts and weird stories about confronting a disobedient black teen with a chain in the 1960s.

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Biden On His Son’s Problems: ‘He’s The Most Honorable, Decent Person I Know’

by Chris White   Former Vice President Joe Biden said Monday night that his son is an honorable man who will overcome his mental health problems. “He’s the most honorable, decent person I know,” Biden told CNN’s Chris Cuomo about Hunter Biden and his reported mental problems. “Everybody has to deal with these issues in a way that is consistent with who they are and what they are. This guy is the most generous, honorable man that I know.” “Beau was my soul. Hunter is my heart,” he said, referring to his other son, Beau Biden, who died of brain cancer in 2015. Joe Biden is among several Democrats running for president in 2020. Biden then began discussing his desire to put more money into researching mental health disorders. “We have to put more money into mental health whether it’s for our education system, whether it’s for our veterans, whoever it’s for, we have to — we have to start to look at it, talk about it and put more money into it.” Media reports suggested Hunter’s checkered private life would become a headache for Biden as the former senator considered a presidential bid. Biden’s other son, Beau, died of…

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Biden Faces Renewed Scrutiny Over Son’s Relationship To Ukrainian Gas Company

by Molly Prince   A Ukrainian gas company gave a seat on its board to the son of former Vice President Joe Biden in an attempt to secure relationships with Democrats while it was under multiple investigations, according to a recent New York Times report. Biden largely took credit for pressuring Ukraine into removing its top prosecutor, who was leading those probes. Ukraine recently relaunched an investigation into the company, the Times reported Wednesday, and President Donald Trump’s personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, has repeatedly called for the U.S. Department of Justice to scrutinize the Bidens. Hunter Biden was appointed to the four-member board of Burisma Holdings, Ukraine’s largest privately owned gas company, in April 2014. The seat came while the elder Biden was serving in former President Barack Obama’s administration and was slated to head relations with Ukraine for the administration. Burisma is a natural gas exploration and production company owned by Mykola Zlochevsky, a cabinet member of former Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovich. Yanukovich was removed from his position in February 2014. He currently lives in exile in Russia and is wanted by Ukraine for high treason. Zlochevsky later fled the country in late-2014 as Ukrainian prosecutors launched investigations into his time in public…

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