Commentary: Combating the Federal Government’s Determination to Allow a Border Invasion

Illegal Immigration

The invasion of illegal aliens on our southern border is getting worse by the day. Texas is at the forefront of this problem, comprising almost half of the nation’s border with Mexico. After years of failure by the Obama and Biden administrations, our state has finally decided to act to protect our citizens.

A new law was signed by the governor, making illegal immigration a state crime and empowering local and state law enforcement to carry out this new law. This should have happened years ago. The border crisis is not new. Inaction by the governor has continued to allow illegal aliens, including documented terrorists, into our state.

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Mayorkas Says over 85 Percent of Illegal Aliens Are Released into U.S. Interior

Illegal Immigrants

by Virginia Allen   More than 85% of the illegal aliens encountered at the border are released into the interior of the U.S., according to reports. Following a private meeting between Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas and Border Patrol agents in Eagle Pass, Texas, on Monday, sources in the room told Fox News’ Bill Melugin that “Mayorkas admitted that the current release rate for migrants caught crossing the border illegally is ‘above 85%.’” BREAKING: Per three Border Patrol sources who were in the room, while meeting privately with agents in Eagle Pass, TX today, DHS Sec. Mayorkas admitted that the current release rate for migrants caught crossing the border illegally is “above 85%”. I’m awaiting comment from DHS. — Bill Melugin (@BillMelugin_) January 8, 2024 News Nation border correspondent Ali Bradley said she spoke with sources that confirmed Mayorkas had made the statement. In December, Customs and Border Protection encountered a record 302,000 illegal immigrants at or between ports of entry along the southern border. If 85% of those encountered at the southern border in December were released into the U.S., that totals more than 256,000 people, roughly the same population as Laredo, Texas, where many illegal aliens are crossing. The number of illegal aliens released into the…

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ICE Report Unmasks Staggering Toll of Biden Border Crisis: Illegal Alien Cases Hit 6 Million

The Homeland Security Department agency entrusted with removing illegal immigrants is providing a staggering portrait of America’s border crisis, revealing the backlog of aliens inside the United States awaiting decisions has nearly doubled under President Joe Biden to more than 6 million while arrests of suspected terrorists and violent offenders have also exploded.

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Mayors of Democratic Cities Demand Biden Give Them More Money for Illegal Aliens

Blue City Mayors

Several far-left mayors of major cities in the United States have formed a coalition to demand that the Biden Administration provide them with even more federal funding to deal with the flood of third-world illegal aliens pouring into their cities.

As reported by Breitbart, the mayors of New York City, Chicago, and Denver – Eric Adams (D-N.Y.), Brandon Johnson (D-Ill.), and Mike Johnston (D-Colo.) – held a meeting and released a joint statement calling for Biden to give more resources to the city governments, as all three cities and other so-called “sanctuary cities” continue to deal with the illegal influx.

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Despite Backlog of Claims, Department of Veterans Affairs Using Resources to Help Illegal Immigrants

At a press conference on immigration reform earlier this month, Sen. Steve Daines, R-Mont., criticized President Biden for putting the needs of illegal immigrants over those of America’s veterans. “Veterans have a hard enough time getting the care that they need and now they have to compete with illegal immigrants? This will not fix the border crisis. Biden’s border crisis puts illegal immigrants first, it puts our veterans last,” Daines said.

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Border Patrol Chiefs Confirm ‘Illegal Aliens Spread the Word the Border Is Open’

Illegal Immigrants by Border Fence

As part of the U.S. House Committee on Homeland Security’s investigation into the “dereliction of duty” of U.S. Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas, it and members of the House Committee on Oversight and Accountability conducted interviews with eight U.S. Border Patrol chief patrol agents and one deputy chief patrol agent. 

The interviews were conducted to obtain more information about operations in their sectors as part of the committee’s ongoing investigation “into the causes, costs, and consequences of the unprecedented crisis at America’s borders, and the role of Secretary Mayorkas in facilitating and maintaining this crisis.”

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Report: Sixty Percent of Illegal Alien Households are Supported by Taxpayer-Funded Welfare

Illegal Immigrants

A new analysis by the Center for Immigration Studies (CIS) reveals that almost 60% of all illegal aliens households in the United States are benefiting from at least one form of taxpayer-funded welfare benefits.

Breitbart reports that the study, written by CIS’ Steven Camarota and Karen Zeigler, found that illegal aliens households, as well as legal immigrants, use “significantly more” welfare than actual American citizens. Of illegal aliens currently occupying land in the U.S., 59% are on welfare that is funded by legal American citizens; 52% of legal immigrants are also using welfare. Meanwhile, less than 40% of American citizens use welfare.

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Border Patrol Nabs More Illegal Aliens on Terror Watchlist in October than in Three Years Under Trump

Border Patrol agents arrested more illegal aliens on the terrorist watchlist in October than over the course of three years under the Trump administration, according to Customs and Border Protection (CBP) data updated Tuesday.

Border Patrol recorded 13 encounters of individuals on the terror watchlist at both the northern and southern borders of the U.S. in October alone, according to the data. Encounters of illegal immigrants on the terror watchlist between fiscal years 2018 and 2020, during most of Donald Trump’s presidency, added up to 12.

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More than 775,000 Illegal Border Crossers in Arizona Alone in Fiscal 2023

More than 775,000 people illegally crossed the border into Arizona in fiscal 2023, according to official U.S. Customs and Border Protection data and preliminary gotaway data.

This includes 576,912 apprehensions officially reported by CBP and at least 198,110 gotaways reported by Border Patrol agents alone, according to the preliminary data The Center Square obtained from a Border Patrol agent.

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Mayors of Five Major Cities Demand Meeting with Biden over Mass Migration Crisis

The mayors of five of the biggest cities in the United States are demanding a meeting with Joe Biden to discuss the mass migration crisis, as theirs and other major cities continue to be overrun with hordes of third-world illegal aliens.

Politico reports that the mayors of New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, and Denver have been pressing for a meeting in order to address the lack of support from the federal government, which has led to a strain on city resources. The five mayors, who are all Democrats, sent a letter to the Biden Administration which was obtained by the Associated Press on Wednesday.

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House GOP Report: ‘More Than 99 Percent of Illegal Aliens Released’ by Biden Administration Remain in the U.S.

More than 99 percent of illegal immigrants released by the Biden Administration from the border between Jan 20, 2021 and Mar 31, 2023 remain in the United States, according to a report released on Monday by Republicans on the House Judiciary Committee.

“Thanks to relentless efforts by the Committee and its Immigration Subcommittee, Biden’s DHS has finally caved and provided crucial data on the border crisis,” the GOP committee staff wrote on X when announcing the report’s release.

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Michigan Sheriff: Latin American Gangs Targeting Luxury Homes

A sheriff has warned that gangs of illegal aliens from Central and South America, already in the country after taking advantage of the open border and lack of immigration restriction, are now targeting luxury homes for burglaries and other crimes.

As the New York Post reports, Sheriff Michael Bouchard of Oakland County, Michigan warned that criminal gangs from “south of the border” have begun stealing “hundreds and hundreds of thousand of dollars” worth of property from high-value houses.

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Gov. Hobbs Asked DHS Secretary Mayorkas for More Border Support, Continuing to Bus Migrants North

Gov. Katie Hobbs expressed frustration with the federal government on its handling of the border crisis in a meeting with Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas last week.

On Monday morning, Hobbs went into her conversation with the immigration head, in which she asked for increased federal support. When The Center Square asked about issues at Arizona ports of entry, Hobbs said it was part of the conversation.

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Watchdog: 177,000 Illegal Aliens Released into the U.S. with Missing, Faulty Addresses

Fox News reports that the internal watchdog for the Department of Homeland Security (DHS) found that nearly 200,000 illegal aliens were released from custody after giving false addresses.

The audit by the DHS’ Office of Inspector General (OIG) determined that Border Patrol agents and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officers did not always record and verify the addresses given by illegal aliens prior to their release, only discovering the discrepancies after the illegals had left custody. The 177,000 invalid addresses were found during a review of 981,671 illegal alien records from March of 2021 to August of 2022; of those 177,000, at least 54,000 addresses were simply left blank.

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Illegal Migrants from Mexico Assault Northern Border Agent, Official Says

Three illegal migrants from Mexico assaulted a Border Patrol agent along the northern border on Aug. 20, according to an Instagram post from Swanton sector Chief Robert Garcia.

The three illegal migrants crossed the northern border from Canada illegally before assaulting the agent near Churubusco, New York, according to Garcia’s post. Border Patrol agents in the Swanton sector, which includes areas of New York, Vermont and New Hampshire have made more than 4,900 arrests of illegal migrants from 68 countries between October 2022 and July, amounting to more apprehensions than the last eight years combined in the region.

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DHS Hides Monthly Number of Illegal Migrants Released into U.S., Former Immigration Judge Says

The U.S. Department of Homeland Security is deliberately not releasing the monthly totals of all illegal migrants who wind up getting released into the U.S. after they are encountered by U.S. authorities at the border, a former U.S. immigration judge says.

Andrew Arthur, who served for eight years as an immigration judge at the now-closed immigration court in York, Pennsylvania, told Just the News that DHS does track the total number of migrants released after an encounter with border agents, but making that data available to the public would paint the Biden Administration in a negative light.

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Sen. Blackburn, House Colleagues Pen Letter to Mayorkas Seeking Answers on Alleged Illegal Alien Rapist Soccer Coach

Camilo Hurtado Campos

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) along with several of her U.S. House counterparts from Tennessee has penned a letter to Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas demanding answers after an illegal alien living in Franklin allegedly raped several boys over a period of years. 

“Tennesseans deserve to know why DHS permitted a criminal to live in their community for decades and abuse their children after entering the country illegally,” Blackburn told The Tennessee Star Tuesday. “It is time to secure the southern border, deport criminal illegal aliens, and ensure our communities are safe. Until we get this crisis under control, every town is a border town, and every state is a border state.” 

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Commentary: Almost Two-Thirds of Federal Arrests Involve Noncitizens

Customs and Border Protection encountered over 275,000 illegal aliens crossing our borders nationwide in April alone, setting a distressing precedent for increased illegal entries under the Biden administration. While the majority of illegal aliens seek a better life, the undeniable link between increasing illegal immigration and crime poses a significant threat to American communities.

President Joe Biden’s decision to grant mass parole for millions of aliens, allowing them to remain illegally in the United States, only amplifies the devastating effects of increased illegal immigration on our society.

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Confirmed: Alleged Carjacker Shot by Memphis Police Is an Illegal Alien

United States Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) confirmed for The Tennessee Star that the man arrested for a litany of crimes in Memphis last week was an illegal alien. 

“ICE issued an immigration detainer on May 31 for Honduran national Jairo Ponce, 29, following his arrest by the Memphis Police Department on charges of aggravated robbery, carjacking, aggravated assault on a first responder, employment of a firearm during the commission of a dangerous felony and evading arrest,” an ICE spokesperson told The Star Friday. “On an unknown date and location, Ponce entered the United States without being admitted or paroled by an immigration official.”

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Illegal Aliens Throwing Parties in NYC Hotels

In New York City, illegal aliens who are currently being housed in former hotels have been throwing wild parties during their stays, according to a former employee of one such facility.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, the former Row NYC Hotel employee, Carlos Arellano, said that “every day, we find about 10 kids alone in their hotel rooms, either drinking or doing drugs, weapons will be in the room. It’s basically a free-for-all.”

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Trump Vows to End Birthright Citizenship for Children of Illegal Immigrants

Former president and 2024 presidential contender Donald Trump pledged to end birthright citizenship for the children of illegal immigrants in a video posted to Twitter Tuesday.

Trump vowed that on his first day in office, if he’s elected president, he will sign an executive order that the children of illegal immigrants won’t be eligible for citizenship, according to his social media video. A wave of illegal immigration began at the U.S.-Mexico border soon after Biden assumed the presidency, where federal authorities have recorded more than 5.3 million migrant encounters since January 2021.

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Pennsylvania House Democrats Want to Ban Law Enforcement from Pursuing Illegal Immigrants

Pennsylvania House Democrats this week proposed a measure called the “Police and Community Safety Act” whose sole purpose is barring police and campus-security agencies from enforcing immigration laws. 

Spearheaded by Philadelphia Democrats Jose Giral and Chris Rabb, the bill resembles legislation the latter introduced unsuccessfully in 2017.

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Alleged Illegal Immigrant Causes Lancaster, Pennsylvania Car Crash

An alleged illegal alien is accused of causing a highway car crash near Lancaster, Pennsylvania, around 4 p.m. on Tuesday, The Pennsylvania Daily Star learned. 

Robert Jones, 62, was driving his wife Lisa, 59 in a Mercedes Benz SUV in East Hempfield Township. Jones said that a dump truck driven by Gabriel Corillo crashed into their vehicle and that the police report revealed Corillo, who did not speak English, has no U.S. driver’s license. 

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Biden Administration Loses Track of Tens of Thousands of Migrant Children

Group of immigrants at border

Four years after Democrats made political hay out of migrant children being separated from their parents at the border, Republicans have turned the tables on the issue amid evidence the Biden administration has lost track of as many as 85,000 minors it allowed to enter the country unaccompanied by parents, leaving many prey to cartel extortion, forced labor, abuse and trafficking.

The extraordinary political boomerang will be on full display Tuesday when Office of Refugee Resettlement (ORR) Director Robin Dunn Marcos is grilled by a House Oversight subcommittee on the failure of the Department of Health and Human Services to vet, monitor and track unaccompanied migrant children, whose arrival at the border has grown more than 10-fold since Joe Biden took office.

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Pennsylvania Lawmaker Proposes Notifying ICE of Illegals Trying to Buy Guns

A Pennsylvania state lawmaker is urging colleagues to back emerging legislation ensuring illegal aliens who try to get firearms are reported to federal and state authorities. 

State Representative Ryan Mackenzie’s (R-Macungie) measure would direct the Pennsylvania State Police (PSP) to inform the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) and the Pennsylvania Attorney General of all such purchase attempts. 

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Biden to Extend Healthcare Coverage to Illegal Aliens

On Thursday, the Biden Administration announced its intention to expand healthcare access for illegal aliens, at a cost to the American taxpayers.

As reported by ABC News, the Biden White House’s proposed new rule would give access to the public health programs Medicaid and the Affordable Care Act (known as “Obamacare”) to illegal aliens who are eligible for amnesty through the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program. The rule would change the definition of “lawful presence” so that access to such health programs would be available to DACA illegals who are still not legal citizens.

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Commentary: Importing Poverty Is Making America Poor

For much of the post-World War II era, America has been expected by many of its citizens to be a benevolent King Midas to the rest of the world. We have attained unprecedented levels of prosperity, and we are expected to share that with anyone seeking to improve their conditions.

While such philanthropy may cause hearts to swell with good feelings, it often comes at a steep price. At a time when America is showing all the characteristics of an empire in decline, that price has now become a crippling burden.

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Officials Say Biden Manipulating Border Stats, Blinding Agents to Fleeing Aliens

Current and former U.S. officials are warning that the Biden administration has begun manipulating border statistics, incentivizing illegal aliens to shift from illegally crossing the southern border to seeking parole and asylum at ports of entry while blinding border agents by restricting their use of surveillance balloons.

Former acting Homeland Security Secretary Chad Wolf told the “Just the News, No Noise” television show Tuesday that the net effect of the policy changes will be to create a false portrait to the American people that the border crisis has eased when in fact it has simply shifted tactics.

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Commentary: The Unacceptable Cost of Open-Border Mission Creep

U.S. Border Patrol agents assigned to the McAllen station encounter large group after large group of family units in Los Ebanos, Texas, on Friday June 15. This group well in excess of 100 family units turned themselves into the U.S. Border Patrol, after crossing the border illegally and walking through the town of Los Ebanos.

One of the pitfalls of political extremism is that a few bad foundational ideas beget a host of even worse ideas and results. Such is the case with our immigration crisis, as what began with faculty lounge bull sessions has become accepted government policy that now threatens America’s future.

The idea that America’s borders should be softened to the point that any noncitizen could enter the country on his own terms was always problematic. From that flawed logic has come an intricate web of problems that most in our government have no will, no courage, and no competence to repair.

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Border Patrol Agents Report More than 300,000 Apprehensions, Gotaways in December Alone

At least 225,797 people were apprehended entering the U.S. illegally nationwide in December, according to official U.S. Customs and Border Protection data released late Friday.

Combining official apprehension data with preliminary Border Patrol reported gotaway data obtained by The Center Square – a record 87,631 in gotaways – December numbers total at least 313,428, another record.

December’s total was greater than November’s record-breaking total of at least 306,069.

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During Visit to the Southern Border, New York City Mayor Says His City Has ‘No Room’ for Illegal Migrants

Democratic New York City Mayor Eric Adams said his city is at capacity and has “no room” for illegal migrants during a visit to El Paso, Texas, over the weekend.

Adams stressed that there’s misinformation going around that New York City is where illegal migrants can obtain housing and jobs, during a news conference Sunday in the border city. The Big Apple mayor has previously complained about the surges of illegal migrants coming to New York City on transports sent by Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott, Democratic El Paso Mayor Oscar Leeser and Democratic Colorado Gov. Jared Polis.

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Commentary: America’s Border Crisis Is Biden-Made

The Biden administration’s open border policies and its refusal to fully enforce federal immigration laws have imposed huge costs on local communities across the country. Border states are groaning under the enormous cost of sheltering, feeding, educating, policing and providing medical care for tens of thousands of illegal aliens.

There are humanitarian costs, as well, paid by those who are assaulted and killed by the human traffickers, those who die from the fentanyl flooding across the border and those victimized by vicious criminals who have entered illegally.

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Senators Cruz, Hagerty, and More Slam Biden’s First-Ever Border Visit as ‘Too Late,’ ‘Propaganda’

President Joe Biden on Sunday landed in the border town of El Paso, Texas, and his visit is being criticized as “too late” and a “propaganda event,” as record numbers of illegal migrants have entered the United States since he entered office.

“Biden’s promise to secure the border is too little, and two years late. Irreversible damage has been done,” Sen. Ted Cruz (R-Texas) tweeted. “Over 313,000 illegal aliens flooded the border last month. 5.3M illegal aliens since Biden took office.”

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Senate Democrats Criticize New Biden Border Plan

On Thursday, four Democratic members of the U.S. Senate slammed Joe Biden’s most recent proposal for handling the immigration crisis, particularly the plans to slightly increase the number of deportations.

As reported by The Hill, ahead of Biden’s planned first trip to the southern border since taking office, the Biden Administration announced revised plans that involve temporarily expanding Title 42 to increase the number of daily deportations by turning away illegal aliens who present themselves at the border.

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Biden Blamed by Own Ex-Border Chief for Soaring Asylum Cases, Record Immigration Court Backlog

The Biden administration is to blame for soaring asylum cases that have created a record years-long backlog in U.S. immigration courts, according to President Joe Biden’s own former Border Patrol chief.

“Several factors have contributed to this backlog, but the massive increase that we’re seeing today can be directly attributed to the Biden administration’s border and immigration policies,” said Rodney Scott, who headed the Border Patrol in both the Trump and Biden administrations.

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Pennsylvania Democrats’ Bill Would Give Driver’s Licenses to Illegals

Three left-wing members of the Pennsylvania House of Representatives announced they intend to introduce a bill to give driver’s licenses to illegal aliens. 

Representatives Danilo Burgos, Joe Hohenstein and Chris Rabb, all Philadelphia Democrats, asserted that unlawful U.S. residents should be able to obtain driving licenses or learners’ permits if they can establish to authorities their real names and dates of birth. They say acceptable documents to prove identity could be passports, consular identification papers, marriage licenses, divorce records or adoption certificates. 

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Federal Government Leaves Border Hospital with $20 Million Bill for ‘Free’ Health Care to Illegal Aliens

A hospital in Yuma, Arizona, is owed $20 million for medical services provided to illegal immigrants.  

“We’ve calculated that over a six-month period, from December 2021 to May 2022, we had $20 million in charges that we’re unable to bill anyone for, for services we provided to migrants alone,” Dr. Robert Trenschel, president and CEO of Yuma Regional Medical Center, told The Daily Signal during a phone interview Wednesday.  

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Report: Largest Illegal Alien Caravan Yet Crosses the Border into El Paso

On Sunday, a new caravan of illegal aliens that might be the largest in modern history crossed the Rio Grande River from Mexico into El Paso, Texas.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, the caravan of over 1,000 illegals crossed the river into the United states with the assistance of Mexican police; images from the scene showed Mexican authorities “escorting nearly 20 buses filled with migrants into Ciudad Juarez,” which is directly across the border from the city of El Paso.

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ICE Is Underreporting Illegals It Releases into the Country Without Tracking Equipment by over 18,000 Percent

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is underreporting the number of illegal aliens released into the country without any tracking technology by more than 18,000%, according to an internal document exclusively obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

ICE disseminated the document to participants, including ICE Director Tae Johnson and other top agency officials as well as leaders from nonprofit organizations, of a Thursday event about ICE’s “Alternatives to Detention” program, which the agency put in place in 2004 to monitor illegal aliens released into the U.S. interior with ankle bracelets and cell phones. ICE disclosed to the attendees that there are 49,459 illegal aliens that aren’t monitored with any tracking equipment as of Nov. 14, while its own website says there are 266 as of Nov. 19.

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