Commentary: Democrats Want You To Forget Mollie Tibbetts

Mollie Tibbetts

by George Rasley, Editor   After it was announced that illegal alien Cristhian Bahena Rivera, confessed to the brutal murder of Mollie Tibbetts and led investigators to her body Democratic Sen. Elizabeth Warren of Massachusetts gave her sympathies to the family but quickly changed the subject to the broader immigration reform. The Senator said she was “so sorry” for the family, but they “need” to “focus” on where the “real problems are” in the immigration system, such as the child separation policy at the border. White House tweetSymone Sanders, former spokeswoman for Bernie Sanders’ presidential campaign, wrote in a Twitter missive that Tibbets lost her life due to “toxic masculinity.” You can read the full text of Senator Warren’s remarks and Symone Sanders’ tweets through this link to Real Clear Politics. Our friends at the Daily Wire caught leftist political pundit Sally Kohn complaining about Fox News covering the tragic murder of Mollie Tibbetts, and, even after illegal alien Cristhian Bahena Rivera confessed to the crime, trying to minimize his culpability because Mollie Tibbets was “a white girl.” “#1 story” on Fox News “is about undocumented immigrant who is *SUSPECT* for murder of a white girl,” Kohn flippantly wrote…

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Nineteen Foreign Nationals Charged For Voting in 2016 Election

Robert J. Higdon

Robert J. Higdon, Jr., United States Attorney for the Eastern District of North Carolina on Friday announced 19 foreign nationals were charged with, among other alleged crimes, voting by alien for their actions prior to and on Nov. 8, 2016. A 20th defendant was charged with aiding and abetting a fellow defendant in falsely claiming citizenship to register to vote. A federal grand jury in Wilmington, North Carolina returned Indictments charging the following foreign nationals with false claim of United States citizenship to register to vote, and voting by an alien: Jose Cruz Solano-Rodriguez, 41, Mexico; Guadalupe Espinosa-Pena, 63, Mexico; Sarah Emilia Silverio-Polanco, 35, the Dominican Republic; Elizabeth Nene Amachaghi, 44, Nigeria; Maria Rufina Castillo-Boswell, 31, Philippines; Dora Maybe Damatta-Rodriguez, 64, Panama; Elvis David Fullerton, 54, Grenada; Olive Agatha Martin, 71, Guyana; Kaoru Sauls, age 54, Japan. Criminal charges of voting by an alien were filed against the following: Jose Jaime Ramiro-Torres, 52, El Salvador; Juan Francisco Landeros-Mireles, 64, Mexico; Alessandro Cannizzaro, 46, Italy; Dieudonne Soifils, 71, Haiti; Hyo Suk George, 69, Korea; Merius Jean, 54, Haiti; Rosemarie Angelika Harris, 60, Germany; Daniel Tadeusz Romanowski, 39, Poland. A federal grand jury returned an Indictment charging an 18th defendant, Diana Patricia Franco-Rodriguez,…

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Report: Illegal Aliens Were On Their Way to Several Tennessee Destinations


An SUV was apparently transporting illegal aliens to Murfreesboro, Chattanooga, Cookeville, Knoxville and even Atlanta, Georgia when Williamson County sheriff’s deputies pulled it over on I-840 eastbound last week. Eleven people were inside. And, yes, arrests were made. Deputies noticed the SUV had crossed the center line several times. They did a traffic stop. “The driver told us they were headed to several different places, so we’re not sure what is correct — if it was lying or the truth,” said Williamson County Sheriff’s spokeswoman Sharon Puckett. “They mentioned several different cities in Tennessee. They said they would drop off some of these men in East Tennessee and then continue on up north and drop off the remaining men before going back to Phoenix, Arizona,” the spokeswoman said. According to WKRN, the SUV was a Hyundai Santa Fe. The driver, Ivan Santana Sanchez, had a drug pipe on him, according to the station. The station reported that two people were up front. Five people were in the back seat. Four more illegal aliens, meanwhile, were laying on top of each other in the rear. Sheriff Jeff Long told reporter Andy Cordan that Sanchez and Mary Louis Perez, 60, smuggled the illegals from…

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Illegal Aliens Charged In Heroin Scheme That Led To Overdose Deaths In Tennessee

ICE arrest

by Will Racke   Two illegal aliens have been indicted on multiple counts of conspiracy and drug distribution for allegedly running a drug trafficking operation that led to the overdose deaths of at least two people in Tennessee, federal prosecutors announced Thursday. Juan Manuel Morales-Rodriguez, 39, and Juan Samudio-Castro — both Mexican nationals — directed a heroin and fentanyl delivery service in Williamson County, Tenn., according to the nine-count indictment returned Wednesday. Along with two U.S. citizen partners, the men allegedly delivered the potent opioids up and down the I-65 corridor, just south of Nashville. In March, at least two people in nearby Maury County, Tenn. died as a result of overdosing on the heroin and fentanyl they purchased from the operation, according to the indictment. Samudio-Castro and Morales-Rodriguez are both in the U.S. unlawfully. Morales-Rodriguez was previously deported and has also been charged with with aggravated illegal reentry. Don Cochran, U.S. Attorney for the Middle District of Tennessee, described the case as a result of “unchecked” illegal immigration and drug trafficking across the southwest border. “This is yet another tragic example of the consequences of a long unchecked immigration system and the ease in which these illegal drugs enter our country,”…

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Fact Checking the Fact Checkers: Obama Administration Records Show Illegal Immigrants Are FAR More Likely to Commit Serious Crimes Than the U.S. Public

Border Patrol arrest illegal aliens

by James D. Agresti   President Trump recently held a conference with family members of U.S. citizens killed by illegal immigrants. The parents of nine people slain by such immigrants spoke about their family’s experiences, and Trump presented an array of government data on criminal immigrants and stated: I always hear that, “Oh, no, the population is safer than the people that live in the country.” You’ve heard that, fellas. Right? You’ve heard that. I hear it so much. And I say, “Is that possible?” The answer is it’s not true. In response, the Associated Press published a “fact check” claiming that illegal immigrants are more law-abiding than the general public. Various media outlets, such as the New York Times, Yahoo!, and a number of NBC affiliates published this article. The Washington Post ran a similar story, and other media outlets and so-called fact checkers have made similar claims in the past. The truth, however, is that comprehensive, straightforward facts from primary sources – namely the Obama administration Census Bureau and Department of Justice – prove that illegal immigrants are far more likely to commit serious crimes than the U.S. population. Studies that claim otherwise typically suffer from fallacies condemned by academic publications about how to accurately analyze…

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President Trump’s Executive Order, Explained

Trump illegal immigration

Following days of fierce global criticism, President Donald Trump signed an executive order to end his policy of family separations along the U.S.-Mexico border. Trump signed the order Wednesday, saying he “didn’t like the sight or the feeling of families being separated.” Lawmakers had called for Trump to take unilateral action to end the policy instituted in April that resulted in more than 2,300 children being separated from their parents. The move reflects the enormous political pressure put on Trump. Images of children in metal cages and audio of them crying for their parents had prompted global outrage. What does the executive order do? Under the new U.S. policy, parents and children caught crossing the border illegally will be kept together at federal detention centers for the length of their criminal proceedings. Doesn’t that solve the issue of family separations? Not exactly. Because of a 1997 federal court decision known as the Flores settlement, the government cannot hold children in custody for more than 20 days. That’s a problem, since most illegal entry criminal proceedings take much longer than that. As part of the executive order, Trump is appealing to the U.S. District Court to overturn the Flores settlement, allowing…

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Commentary: The Answer Is Don’t Bring Your Kid Here Illegally

father daughter

by CHQ Staff   Have you noticed that every time establishment Republicans and Democrats on Capitol Hill try to ram through an amnesty for illegal aliens there’s a new immigration “crisis” to add a bit of pathos to their calls for open borders? The latest phony crisis is the plight of child border crossers who are being separated from their parents at the border. As our friend Michael F. Haverluck of put it, Democrats and open borders Republicans are claiming the Trump administration is running concentration camps for children who illegally enter the United States alone or with parents who are being processed by the U.S. government. “We can’t find a solution to this problem without harming children without putting them in concentration camps?” former Obama 2012 Deputy Campaign Manager Stephanie Cutter asked on Live with Stephanie Ruhle, according to TheBlaze. Virulent anti-Trumper, former Republican National Committee Chairman Michael Steele, also chimed in on the issue by backing his Democratic colleague and going as far as to imply that President Donald Trump’s immigration policy resembles what was implemented under Nazis during World War II … or by slave holders before the Civil War. “And I would even say, Stephanie,…

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New Randy Boyd Ad Focuses on Immigration: ‘Illegal Is Illegal,’ Build the Trump Wall, and No Licenses for Special Benefits for Illegals

Randy Boyd

A new Randy Boyd television ad airing across the state starting Monday hits hard on the issue of illegal immigration with “professional politicians” in Washington getting the blame. “Illegal is illegal,” Boyd says in the ad, which specifically pledges Boyd’s support for President Trump’s border wall, opposition to sanctuary cities, elimination of violent gangs like MS-13 and “no driver’s licenses or special benefits for illegal immigrants.” Notably, while two of Boyd’s primary opponents–Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-07) and Williamson County businessman Bill Lee–have issued public statements on the anti-sanctuary city bill sponsored by State Sen. Mark Green (R-Clarksville) and State Rep Jay Reedy (R-Erin) passed by the Tennessee General Assembly last month that is awaiting Gov. Haslam’s signature, Boyd has not offered a comment yet whether Haslam should sign or veto the bill. Black has urged Haslam to sign the anti-sanctuary city bill, while Lee has said as governor, he would sign the bill. You can watch the ad here: Rep. Black has also been the focus of ads sponsored by Tennessee Jobs Now PAC for her support for legislation in 2001 that granted Tennessee driver’s licenses to illegal aliens (see pages 921-922). That legislation was repealed following the 9-11 terrorist…

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Conservative Talker Steve Gill Finds Common Ground with Democrat Lawmaker on Legislation to Punish Employers of Illegal Alien Workers

Conservative political commentator and Tennessee Star contributor Steve Gill said on The Gill Report, broadcast live on WETR 92.3 FM in Knoxville, that he has found common ground with State Senator Jeff Yarbro (D-Nashville), who submitted legislation that would penalize employers of illegal alien workers. The new proposal would be an amendment of the much talked-about Green and Reedy anti-sanctuary city bill. “I mentioned just a moment ago the raid by ICE agents in Granger County at that meatpacking plant that rounded up about a hundred illegals said has caused one state legislator – Jeff Yarbro, a Democrat state senator from Nashville – to propose legislation that would start punishing employers, in addition to the employees, who work here illegally,” Gill said. He continued: It makes a lot of sense to me. If you’re going to punish to the person working, why wouldn’t you punish the company, the people who hire illegals? They’re both breaking the law. And if you have a construction company that wasn’t just trying to save money and make bigger profit by hiring illegals for cheaper than they can hire Americans – why would we tolerate that, but not tolerate then using substandard materials that would be dangerous in constructing…

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SuperPAC Targets Diane Black with New Ad About Her 2001 Vote to Give Tennessee Drivers’ Licenses to Illegal Aliens

A SuperPAC targeting Republican gubernatorial candidate Diane Black is back on the air with a radio ad that focuses on her vote to give Tennessee drivers’ licenses to illegal aliens when she served in the Tennessee State House of Representatives. The latest 60 second radio ad from a group called Tennessee Jobs Now PAC ( is airing on several stations across the state and follows up on an ad campaign in January that featured a man and woman talking about “Dishonest Diane” directing state contracts to her husband’s company while flushing money down the toilet — to keep Diane Black from getting her hands on it. FULL TRANSCRIPT: MALE: Are you in this country illegally AND in need of government ID? If so, come on down to the Tennessee Department of Motor Vehicles.  We’re here to help.  No questions asked. If you’re an illegal immigrant who’s a drug dealer, human trafficker, even a terrorist, we’ll make sure you get ID to stay in the United States undetected. FEMALE:  What you just heard, isn’t a real ad.  But career politician Diane Black actually thought it was a good idea to give illegal immigrants drivers’ licenses in Tennessee. It wasn’t — and…

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Illegals Commit Crimes at Double the Rate of Native-Born: Study

The crime rate among illegal immigrants in Arizona is twice that of other residents, Attorney General Jeff Sessions said Friday, citing a new report based on conviction data. The report, from the Crime Prevention Research Center, used a previously untapped set of data from Arizona that detailed criminal convictions and found that illegal immigrants between 15 and 35 are less than 3 percent of the state’s population, but nearly 8 percent of its prison population.

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Legislators Raise the Stakes for Illegal Aliens in Tennessee

During Tennessee’s 2017 legislative session, Senate Majority Leader Mark Norris (R-Collierville) and freshman Representative Ron Gant (R-Rossville), sponsored a bill that allows judges to “enhance,” or increase the usual sentence for a criminal conviction when the person is also an illegal alien. The bill was passed 28 -3 in the Senate with Democrats Thelma Harper (D-Nashville) and Reginald Tate (D-Memphis) voting in support of the measure. On the House side, the bill passed 66 – 17 with Republican Mark White (R-Memphis) registering as “present and not voting.” Since 2015, White has sponsored multiple bills aimed at granting in-state tuition to illegal aliens. With the passage of the Norris/Gant bill, Tennessee law now states that: If appropriate for the offense and if not already an essential element of the offense, the court shall consider, but is not bound by, the following advisory factors in determining whether to enhance a defendant’s sentence: (28)  At the time the instant offense was committed, the defendant was illegally or unlawfully in the United States. Sentencing enhancements are discretionary so there is no guarantee that judges in Tennessee will apply the new law.  

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Four Criminals on the FBI’s Top Ten Most Wanted List Are Immigrants

Looked at the FBI’s Most Wanted list lately? If not, you might be surprised to learn that four of the 10 criminals on the list are immigrants — including at least two who were in this country illegally when they committed their heinous crimes. The makeup of the list highlights the problem of illegal immigration and crime in this country that President Donald Trump raised throughout his presidential campaign — something he’s continued to emphasize, with the creation of a special unit at the Department of Homeland Security called Victims Of Immigration Crime Engagement (VOICE).

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Metro Council Ordinance Will Protect Illegal Aliens Who Violate State Law by Driving Without a License

Metro Nashville Legal Director confirmed today that the proposed sanctuary city ordinance BL2017-739 cannot stop the sheriff from turning illegal aliens over to ICE after they’ve been arrested. However, for illegal aliens living in Nashville who open borders advocates claim are forced to break Tennessee’s driver licensing law, the ordinance could help keep them out of deportation proceedings. The proposed Metro Nashville ordinance prohibits the collection of immigration status information by any “department, board, commission, officer, or employee of the metropolitan government of Nashville and Davidson County, including law enforcement officers,” unless required by federal or state law or by court order. The Metro Nashville ordinance closely tracks Seattle’s municipal code prohibition currently being tested with the city suing to challenge the President’s Executive Order that takes on sanctuary cities. If no immigration status information is collected, then Metro Nashville will be in compliance with the federal law governing communication exchanges “regarding the citizenship or immigration status, lawful or unlawful, of any individual.” That is, unless the Tennessee General Assembly chooses to try and pass an Arizona type “show me your papers” law or simply bar local prohibitions on information collection as a way to ensure compliance with the “broader cooperative scheme between…

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Nashville Metro Councilmen Collude with TIRRC to Shield Criminal Aliens

Tennessee Star

  Claiming that their bills do not conflict with federal or state immigration statutes, Metro Council members Colby Sledge and Bob Mendes have introduced two sanctuary city bills that will help shield criminal and non-criminal illegal aliens in Nashville. The Tennessee Immigrant & Refugee Rights Coalition (TIRRC), whose co-director Lindsey Harris is married to Sledge, helped draft the bills. Shortly after President Trump issued his Executive Order calling for appropriate enforcement of U.S. immigration laws, TIRRC issued a state-wide call to organize against efforts by U.S. Immigration & Customs Enforcement to follow the President’s orders: Last week the president shared his blueprints for mass deportation and made clear he needs state and local agencies to act as his deportation force. Join with TIRRC members in your local area to stop your city/county from collaborating with ICE and to create communities of trust where all residents feel safe. Sign up here: . The Mendes/Sledge bills are scheduled for a first reading on June 6. Mendes’ website claims that his bills “would not create ‘sanctuary city’ status” even though the bills are designed to obstruct and possibly prohibit cooperating with ICE detainer requests, which the Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR) says are…

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