Speaker at Christian University Compares Illegal Immigrants to Biblical Israelites Going to ‘Promised Land’

In commemoration of Hispanic Heritage Month, a speaker at a semi-required university chapel event at Andrews University made calls for faith-based political activism in favor of looser immigration policies like DACA. He also compared Latin Americans coming to the U.S. to the children of Israel in the Bible who crossed the Jordan River into the Promised Land of Canaan.

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Commentary: DACA in Review

The time has come to end the Obama Administration’s controversial Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. President Trump attempted to end the program as it began—through executive action— only to be thwarted by the federal courts. The question was argued last month before U.S. Supreme Court. Since Americans have notoriously short memories, this is an excellent opportunity to review how the program was illegally and unconstitutionally instituted.

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Commentary: Demographics and the American Prospect

In the summer of 2018, journalist Vivian Yee amused herself with the thought that Orange Country, California, was once an agricultural, “conservative (think Richard Nixon and the John Birch Society) and white (very, very white),” slice of America. But “Chinese and Korean immigrants, and Asian-Americans from other states,” she wrote on the eve of the midterm election, “have made Irvine nearly half Asian.”

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Commentary: Democrat Cities Are Sanctuary Nightmares

In the age of 24-hour news cycles where virtually everything has been politicized, a strange phenomenon has developed. Propaganda—described more accurately as “lies”—believed by many and challenged by few, is carrying the day. Only after a preponderance of evidence to the contrary accumulates over time does the public begin to question whether, let alone realize they have been sold a bill of goods.

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Dear Tennessee: Nashville is Not a ‘Sovereign State Within a Sovereign State’

  On Tuesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – host Leahy welcomed in-studio guest and Nashville Metro Council at-large candidate, Steve Glover to the show to discuss David Briley’s recent desperate decision to enforce an executive order against ICE and it’s federal orders to detain illegal immigrants in Tennessee. Nearing the end of the show, the men discussed how and if a Mayor had the power to enforce an executive order and clarified the legalities stating that “Nashville is not a sovereign state within a state.” Leahy: So we are joined in studio by Steve Glover who is a current council member of the Metro Council. Which district do you currently represent? Glover: Well, I was the current council member until September first at midnight. Leahy: Oh. Glover: It’s all changed now. Leahy: Oh, that’s right. So you are not now a council member? Glover: Correct. Leahy: OK. Which district did you formerly represent? Glover: District 12. Hermitage. Leahy: Hermitage. Great. It literally is Andrew Jackson’s? Glover: No, it’s Larry Hagar’s district. I’m on the other side and I go to the water of…

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Nashville Mayor Briley Roasted for Thanking Fox News for Negative Coverage

  Metro Nashville Mayor David Briley tried to judo-flip the bad coverage of his Spanish-language video on how to avoid ICE by tweeting a “thank you” to Fox News, but a lot of people on Twitter and Facebook weren’t buying it and roasted him. The mayor tweeted, “If you have an encounter with ICE, it’s crucial to know your rights and have a plan. Thank you, @FoxNews viewers, for the hundreds of messages you’ve sent in today about our immigration and refugee rights work in Nashville. We’re planning to keep it up.” If you have an encounter with ICE, it's crucial to know your rights and have a plan. Thank you, @FoxNews viewers, for the hundreds of messages you've sent in today about our immigration and refugee rights work in Nashville. We're planning to keep it up. https://t.co/bg2anUBKoY — Judge David Briley (@DavidBriley) August 8, 2019 Fox News based its story on The Tennessee Star’s coverage of Briley’s Spanish-language tweet telling illegal aliens how to avoid being detained by the U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency. The Star’s story is here. Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill saw concern with what Briley did. “It’s crazy that you have a mayor…

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Murder, Rape, Assault, Burglary: Six Examples of California’s Sanctuary Policies Leading to More Crimes

by Fred Lucas   Illegal immigrants released by local police in California after their arrests for minor offenses go on to be charged with more serious crimes such as murder, rape, and assault, according to a new government report. Those crimes could have been prevented if these sanctuary jurisdictions had turned over those accused to federal immigration officials for deportation, the report suggests. In one case, police in San Francisco arrested an illegal immigrant from Honduras again and again over nine months as he repeatedly was released and then booked again for more offenses rather than turned over to federal officials. The cases are documented in the newly published quarterly Declined Detainer Report from U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement covering January, February, and March 2018. The report focuses solely on California jurisdictions, although most large municipalities across the country adopted “sanctuary” policies that prohibit local law enforcement from assisting federal immigration authorities. California is a sanctuary state. When ICE determines an illegal immigrant accused of a criminal offense is in police custody, the agency issues a detainer. The paperwork is supposed to ensure the alleged offender will be transferred to federal authorities at the conclusion of his or her time…

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Commentary: Immigration by the Numbers

by Christopher Roach   Democrats have renewed their vows to unwavering support of open borders. Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-N.Y.) tussled last week with former Immigration and Customs Enforcement director Thomas Homan. After she described fence-hoppers as asylum seekers, Homan reminded her that they all have the option of presenting their asylum claims at the ports of entry. Her attempt at “gotcha” backfired. Senator Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) got tongue tied on “The View,” saying that she didn’t want to “decriminalize” illegal immigration, but that “we’re not going to treat people who are undocumented [and] cross the borders as criminals, that is correct.” Most dramatically, the entire lot of Democrats running for president raised their hands in support of giving free healthcare to anyone who makes it into the country, legally or otherwise. Is There a Crisis on the Border? Only a few short months ago, the Democrats mocked Trump for suggesting there was a crisis on the border. Now they agree there is a crisis, but they’re chiefly concerned with the conditions of the detainees. While kids every day are separated from parents who are caught with a bag of weed, and our prisons are chaotic nightmare worlds for nonviolent offenders,…

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Trump Administration Preparing to Arrest Illegal Immigrants in Nationwide Raids

by Jason Hopkins   The White House is reportedly picking plans back up to apprehend and deport thousands of illegal immigrants who have ignored court orders to leave the country. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) on Sunday will launch raids across major U.S. cities, according to Homeland Security officials who spoke with The New York Times and NBC News. The Sunday raids will target roughly 2,000 illegal aliens who, despite court orders to leave, continue to remain in the U.S. Targeted cities include Los Angeles, New York, Chicago, Miami and other areas. President Donald Trump in June announced plans to deport “millions” of illegal immigrants, but he later postponed those plans, telling the public he wanted to allow time to negotiate with congressional Democrats on a solution to the immigration crisis. However, it is likely that the plans were also scrapped because key details were leaked to the media. The president has since said his administration was ready to renew the operation. “These are people where we have their papers, we’ve gone through the court system. [The deportations will] be starting fairly soon, but I don’t call them raids. We’re removing people that have come — all of these people…

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California Governor Signs Illegal Immigrant Health Care Bill Into Law

by Jason Hopkins   California Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom officially made his state the first in the U.S. to offer government health care benefits to adult-aged illegal immigrants. Newsom signed SB-104 into law Tuesday, cementing it into the state’s 2020 budget. The legislation extends taxpayer-funded health care to low-income adults aged 19 to 25, regardless if they are living in the country illegally or not. Officials expect the plan will cover about 90,000 people and cost $98 million to implement in its initial year, The Associated Press reported. The new law will not cover all 19- to 25-year-olds, but will cover those with a low enough income to qualify for the state’s Medicaid program. California already provides government health care to undocumented children 18 and younger. “Young people feel the crunch of the cost crisis acutely — from high rents and student debt. Health care shouldn’t be one more worry,” Newsom said when the plan was being debated earlier in the year. “We are helping young adults when they come off their parents’ plan and assisting those who may not be able to join onto a parents’ insurance policy.” In order to keep the program financially afloat, California will implement…

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Julian Castro Takes His Border Decriminalization Proposal a Step Further

by Jason Hopkins   Democratic presidential candidate Julian Castro is doubling down on his position of border decriminalization by calling for the repeal of the law that makes it a felony to illegally enter the U.S. more than once. Castro, like other Democratic presidential contenders, has long wanted unauthorized entry into the country to be decriminalized. Under current law, it’s a misdemeanor the first time any alien illegally crosses the border into the U.S., a crime punishable up to six months in prison. He and other presidential hopefuls in his party are calling for such an action to be a civil offense instead of a criminal offense. Castro — a former Housing and Urban Development secretary during the Obama administration — has now taken this position a step further, telling HuffPost that he would like criminal reentries to be decriminalized as well. “I’d like to see those being treated as a civil matter,” Castro said to the liberal news outlet in a report published Tuesday. “I don’t believe in criminalizing desperation.” While it is a misdemeanor for an alien to illegally cross the border for the firs time, it is a felony if caught crossing two or more times. Any…

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