Record Number of African Migrants Trek to Mexico

by Audrey Conklin   Migrants traveling from Africa to Mexico in 2019 will break records, data from the Mexican Office for Domestic Affairs suggest. The number of undocumented African migrants Mexican officials registered tripled in the first four months of 2019, reaching 1,900 people, compared to the same time in 2018, Reuters reported Friday. Data from 2018 saw four times as many undocumented Africans compared to five years ago, reaching about 3,000 people. People from the Democratic Republic of the Congo, which is still recovering after a years-long regional conflict that killed millions, was the third largest group of new refugees globally at about 123,000 people in 2018, according to the United Nations Refugee Agency. Cameroon’s internally displaced population grew by 447,000. U.S. Border Patrol agents apprehended over 500 African migrants in the Del Rio Sector in Texas between May 30 and June 5, most of whom came from the Congo, Angola and Cameroon, according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). “The introduction of this new population places additional burdens on processing stations, to include language and cultural differences,” Del Rio Sector Chief Patrol Agent Raul L. Ortiz said in a June statement. “This large group from Africa further…

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The Trump Administration Is Sending Fines to Illegal Immigrants Who Refuse to Leave the US

by Jason Hopkins   The Trump administration is slapping fines on illegal immigrants who are ignoring court orders to leave the U.S. — one of them totals nearly half a million dollars. “It is the intention of [Immigration and Customs Enforcement] to order you pay a fine in the amount of $497,777,” read a June 25 ICE letter to Edith Espinal Moreno, a woman who has remained in Ohio despite an immigration judge ruling two years ago that she must leave. NPR first reported on the letter. An ICE spokesperson confirmed to the Daily Caller News Foundation the agency is sending these notices to illegal immigrants. “The Immigration and Nationality Act grants U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement the authority to impose civil fines on aliens who have been ordered removed or granted voluntary departure and fail to depart the United States,” read an ICE statement to the DCNF Tuesday. The agency also pointed to a January 2017 executive order that called on the government to fine illegal aliens. Aliens who refuse a Justice Department Executive Office for Immigration Review order to leave the U.S. could receive a Notice of Intention to Fine, or NIF. They then are given a 30-day…

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DHS Expects Border Apprehensions to Decrease By 25%, Credits Trump’s Deal With Mexico

by Jason Hopkins   The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) expects apprehensions of illegal aliens to decline by 25% along the U.S. southern border in June and directly credited President Donald Trump’s immigration deal with Mexico for the change. “It’s become clear that over the past three weeks, since the administration reached a new agreement with Mexico, that we’ve seen a substantial increase in the number of interdictions on the Mexican southern border, and a sincere effort to the transportation networks coming through Mexico,” DHS Secretary Kevin McAleenan said to reporters Friday. “In terms of when we’re going to know if these efforts in Mexico are making an impact, I think these three weeks have demonstrated that they are ready. That 25% decrease in June is more than we’ve seen in past years. We are not really tracking a seasonal pattern anymore,” he stated, explaining the decline is not completely attributable to the change in season. The DHS chief’s announcement follows a deal between the Trump administration and Mexico City reached on June 7. In return for the U.S. not slapping a 5% tariff on all its goods, Mexico agreed to dramatically ramp up its own border enforcement. Its government…

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Trump Postponing for Now Planned Immigration Raids

  In a surprise move, President Donald Trump said he would push back by a couple of weeks the raids planned for Sunday by U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). “At the request of Democrats, I have delayed the Illegal Immigration Removal Process (Deportation) for two weeks to see if the Democrats and Republicans can get together and work out a solution to the Asylum and Loophole problems at the Southern Border,” President Trump wrote in a tweet Saturday afternoon from the presidential retreat in Camp David in Maryland. The reports that ICE planned to conduct large-scale enforcement actions sparked an outcry from Democratic leaders in many major cities, who condemned the plan and initiated efforts to help affected residents. Just hours earlier Saturday, as he departed the White House, Trump said migrants who were to be targeted in a nationwide roundup should return to their native countries. ICE Acting Director Mark Morgan told reporters days earlier the agency would round up and deport families who have received a removal order from a U.S. immigration court. The operation, first reported by The Washington Post, had been expected to begin on Sunday, targeting up to 2,000 families in large cities that…

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It’s Not Just Central America: Where Illegal Immigrants on the Border Come From

by Fred Lucas   The recent spike in illegal immigration from African countries underscores the increase in migrants coming from around the globe to sneak across the southern border—including more than 10,000 from Asia and almost 900 from Europe last year. In recent weeks, U.S. Customs and Border Protection apprehended more than 500 illegal immigrants from African countries that include Angola, Cameroon, and both the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Associated Press reported. That’s more than twice the 211 total apprehensions during fiscal year 2018 of illegal border crossers from the continent. Customs and Border Protection numbers from fiscal 2018 show significant numbers from other continents as well. The recent spike in illegal immigration from African countries underscores the increase in migrants coming from around the globe to sneak across the southern border—including more than 10,000 from Asia and almost 900 from Europe last year. In recent weeks, U.S. Customs and Border Protection apprehended more than 500 illegal immigrants from African countries that include Angola, Cameroon, and both the Republic of the Congo and the Democratic Republic of the Congo, the Associated Press reported. That’s more than twice the 211 total apprehensions during…

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Mexico Braces for Sudden Influx of Illegal Immigrants Under Trump Deal

by Jason Hopkins   Mexican government officials are bracing to accept more illegal migrants than they likely can handle in order to meet their end of a deal with the Trump administration. As many as 70,000 illegal immigrants in the U.S. are expected to be sent to Juarez in 2019, according to the chief of the Chihuahua State Population Council who spoke to The Washington Post. More than 200 undocumented migrants were booted to the Mexican border town Thursday, doubling the amount from the day before. The number of illegal immigrants sent to Juarez is only expected to keep climbing, with as many as 500 migrants from El Paso, Texas, to begin arriving daily in the next few weeks. The surge of illegal migrants heading out of the U.S. and back to Mexico is a break from past protocol. Mexico has only accepted about 10,000 migrants border-wide in 2019, according to WaPo. However, per an agreement reached with the White House, its government has agreed to accept a dramatically higher number of U.S. asylum seekers, keeping them within Mexican borders while they wait for their claims to be processed in U.S. immigration courts. Mexico has also significantly stepped up immigration…

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California Lawmakers Move to Expand Medicaid for Illegal Immigrants

by Kaylee Greene   The California Assembly voted 44-11 in favor of a bill last week that broadens state Medicaid coverage to include illegal immigrants to the tune of more than $3 billion annually. Under federal law, Medi-Cal, the state’s Medicaid program, provides health care to low-income citizens. Assembly Bill 4, if passed, would eliminate the existing citizenship requirements to receive benefits. The bill would “extend eligibility for full-scope Medi-Cal benefits to individuals of all ages, if otherwise eligible for those benefits, but for their immigration status, and would delete provisions delaying eligibility and enrollment.” In other words, under AB 4, illegal immigrants over 19 years old would receive the same full scope Medi-Cal benefits as taxpaying citizens, including keeping their chosen primary care provider. Though the proposal now travels to the state Senate, there is still debate among Democrats about which illegal immigrants should qualify for these benefits. Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom, concerned over the $3.4 billion yearly increase from the bill, has advocated extending coverage for illegal aliens who are between 19 and 25 years old, costing about $98 million annually. His 2019-2020 budget already proposes $22.9 billion for Medi-Cal from the general fund of $100.7 billion. The…

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Southern Border Arrests Soar, Officials Declare a ‘Full-Blown Emergency’

by Fred Lucas   The surge of illegal immigrants coming across the southern border in May increased by about one-third from a month before. The Central American migration boom that has been overwhelming Border Patrol agents for almost a year, but they took 144,278 illegal border crossers were apprehended according to U.S. Customs and Border Protection. “This latest number demonstrates that we are in an absolute crisis when it comes to the security of our border; we are being overwhelmed by a flood of illegal aliens and it really is a national emergency as the president has said,” Hans von Spakovsky, a senior legal fellow at The Heritage Foundation, told The Daily Signal. “It is imperative that Congress act to give the president the resources he needs to regain control of our border and to close the loopholes in federal immigration law that are helping spur this problem,” von Spakovsky added. CBP continues to face a worsening crisis at the Southwest border. In May, CBP apprehended or deemed inadmissible 144,278 individuals along the SWB—a 32% increase over the previous month. Details here: — CBP (@CBP) June 5, 2019 May’s number is a 32 percent increase from April, the…

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Not Many Companies Actually Get Busted for Hiring Illegal Immigrants, Study Finds

by Jason Hopkins   A new study finds that, despite a record-setting number of immigrants illegally entering the country, relatively few employers are prosecuted for hiring undocumented aliens. From April 2018 to March 2019, only 11 individuals were prosecuted for knowingly employing migrants without proper documentation, according to information compiled by the Transactional Records Access Clearinghouse at Syracuse University. No individuals have been prosecuted in the past two months, and no companies were prosecuted in the last year. The low levels of legal reprimand appear as an oddity given the surge of illegal aliens appearing at the U.S. southern border — many of them claiming they emigrated in search of better work opportunities. Border apprehensions have increased every month since January, with the months of March and April witnessing back-to-back migrant encounters of over 100,000. Altogether, over half a million illegal immigrants have been apprehended since the beginning of the fiscal year. “Given the millions of undocumented immigrants now working in this country, the odds of being criminally prosecuted for employing undocumented workers appears to be exceedingly remote,” the study noted. “Not only are few employers prosecuted, fewer who are convicted receive sentences that amount to more than token punishment.…

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Commentary: Democrats Tee-Up Bills to Grant Amnesty to Drug Smugglers, Prostitutes and Gang Members


by CHQ Staff   House Democrats are teeing up their next major pieces of legislation: immigration bills that would allow millions of otherwise ineligible aliens to apply for legal status and put them on a path to US citizenship. The DREAM Act of 2019 (H.R. 2820) grants amnesty, including a path to citizenship, to an undefined population estimated in the millions by amnesty advocates. According to an analysis by our friends at NumbersUSA the bill excludes any enforcement or improvements to immigration law to prevent future illegal immigration or mitigate the current border surge. The bill also fails to prevent the illegal alien parents responsible for the illegal entry of minors from receiving derivative legal status or citizenship. NumbersUSA also says the bill provides amnesty (conditional permanent residence, or CPR) for illegal aliens who were part of the 2014 unaccompanied alien children (UAC) crisis, and it places no age cap on applicants for the amnesty so every illegal alien who has been here since 2015 can apply. Further, H.R. 2820 waives, automatically, certain grounds of inadmissibility, including public charge, visa or admission fraud, and false claims to US citizenship. And the bill allows DHS to waive of other grounds of…

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The Governor of Colorado Just Made It Harder for ICE to Apprehend Illegal Migrants

by Jason Hopkins   Democratic Colorado Gov. Jared Polis signed legislation that makes it more difficult for Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents to apprehend suspected illegal immigrants. Polis signed House Bill 1124 on Tuesday. It bars local law enforcement from arresting or detaining a suspected illegal alien solely on the basis of an ICE request. The legislation also prohibits officers from providing a suspected illegal immigrant’s personal information to ICE, and it requires Colorado police to read illegal migrants their Miranda rights when coordinating an ICE interview, the Denver Post reported. The law serves as a major setback for federal immigration authorities operating in Colorado. ICE detainers are requests made by agents to local law enforcement, asking them to detain inmates for up to 48 hours longer than their release date if the individual is suspected to be living in the country illegally. The extra two days gives authorities time to decide if the person should be deported or not. Immigration rights advocates and other supporters celebrated the signing of the bill. “Thank you to all of the people who helped to make this a reality and advocate for our immigrant community,” wrote Colorado Democratic state Rep. Adrienne Benavidez,…

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Major Texas Border Station Closed for Flu Outbreak After Teen Death

  A major Texas border station has been temporarily closed due to a fever outbreak, officials said, one day after a Guatemalan teenager diagnosed with flu at the facility died in immigration custody. Medical staff imposed the quarantine at the McAllen processing center after a “large number” of detainees were found to have high fevers and symptoms of a flu-related illness. “To avoid the spread of illness, the Rio Grande Valley Sector has temporarily suspended intake operations at the CPC,” Customs and Border Protection said in a statement late Tuesday, referring to the Central Processing Center. “Medical staff are currently working to provide all subjects with proper medical treatment.” People detained in Rio Grande Valley will be held in other stations until the situation is resolved, it said. A 16-year-old boy died Monday in immigration custody in Texas, becoming the fifth child from Guatemala to die since December after being apprehended by U.S. border patrol agents. The boy, identified as Carlos Gregorio Hernandez Vasquez, had been detained on May 13 after crossing the border, and was processed at the McAllen center, according to U.S. media reports. He was seen by a nurse who determined he had the flu and moved…

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‘Take Care of Our Own First:’ Carson Defends Plan to Evict Illegals from Government Housing

by Jason Hopkins   Housing and Urban Development (HUD) Secretary Ben Carson pushed back against a bevy of criticism from Democratic lawmakers over a White House proposal that would exclude all illegal immigrants from public housing. Carson testified in the House Financial Services Committee on Tuesday to discuss a range of topics. Numerous Democrats attacked the Republican for his involvement in a plan that, according to a recent HUD study, could potentially kick as many as 55,000 legal children out of their homes. “The Trump Administration’s proposal puts mixed-status families at risk of being evicted, separated, and left homeless,” committee chairwoman Maxine Waters said during the hearing. The California Democrat went on to call the plan a “cruel proposal.” “The ‘D’ in HUD does not stand for ‘deportation,’” said Democratic New York Rep. Carolyn Maloney. “We cannot create affordable housing for Americans by throwing other Americans out in the street with no place to go.” Other Democrats made similar comments throughout the hearing. The criticism follows moves by the Trump administration to restrict who can qualify for housing assistance. While illegal immigrants are already barred from receiving federal housing subsidies, families of mixed-immigration status can score these benefits as long…

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California Considers Spending Billions on Health Care for Illegal Immigrants

by Jason Hopkins   California Gov. Gavin Newsom’s plan for government-funded health care for illegal immigrants is frugal compared to proposals by other Democratic leaders in his state. Newsom, the progressive first-term governor of California and ardent opponent of the Trump administration, wants to offer free health care services to low-income illegal migrants between the ages of 19 and 25. The plan is estimated to cost the state $98 million a year to operate. “Young people feel the crunch of the cost crisis acutely — from high rents and student debt. Health care shouldn’t be one more worry,” Newsom said in a press release. “We are helping young adults when they come off their parents’ plan and assisting those who may not be able to join onto a parents’ insurance policy.” Despite the nearly $100 million annual price tag, Newsom’s plan appears conservative when contrasted with the options being touted in the California state capitol. A bill in the state Senate calls for not only 19- to 25-year-olds, but also those 65 years and older to qualify for free health care. The author of the bill argues California’s budget could easily afford the burden. In the state Assembly, there is…

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Trump Rolls Out Merit-Based Plan to Transform Immigration System

by Fred Lucas   President Donald Trump introduced what he called a “big, beautiful, bold” plan to “transform America’s immigration system” from one of random entry to a meritocracy. “Instead of admitting people through random chance, we will establish simple, universal criteria for admission to the United States,” Trump said Thursday in the Rose Garden. “No matter where in the world you were born, no matter who your relatives are, if you want to become an American citizen, it will be clear exactly what standard we ask you to achieve. It will be made crystal clear,” Trump told an audience that included administration officials and Republican members of Congress. The president noted that the last immigration overhaul happened 54 years ago. His plan would change the makeup of legal immigrants, but keep the total number at about 1.1 million a year. During his remarks, Trump pointed to Sen. Lindsey Graham, R-S.C., who introduced a border security bill Wednesday, and said he hopes to see that bill pass in the interim. The president acknowledged that “for some reason, possibly political,” his proposal wouldn’t immediately pass and would have to wait until after the 2020 election. Senior administration officials said Wednesday that…

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HUD Says Trump Plan to Evict Illegals Could Leave 55,000 Children Homeless

by Jason Hopkins   The Department of Housing and Urban Development concluded a new proposal to evict illegal aliens from government-subsidized homes would send over 55,000 children out into the streets. The proposal, which was first reported by The Daily Caller in April, is meant to tighten regulations surrounding federal subsidies for low-income housing. Under current law, illegal immigrants are barred from receiving federal housing subsidies, but families of mixed-immigration status can score these benefits if at least one of the members was born in the U.S. or is the spouse of a citizen. The new White House proposal, pushed by senior adviser Stephen Miller, would require that all family members be of “eligible immigration status.” “We’ve got our own people to house and we need to take care of our citizens,” an administration official told The Caller in April. “Because of past loopholes in HUD guidance, illegal aliens were able to live in free public housing desperately needed by so many of our own citizens. As illegal aliens attempt to swarm our borders, we’re sending the message that you can’t live off of American welfare on the taxpayers’ dime.” An analysis by the Department of Housing and Urban Development…

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Trump Campaign Uses Ilhan Omar’s Own Words Against Her After She Criticizes His Rally Response

by Molly Prince   President Donald Trump’s official campaign used Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar’s own words against her after she criticized the president for his response to a supporter who suggested shooting illegal immigrants. “This was hard to watch and listen to but unsurprising that Trump would laugh about shooting people who come to our country seeking a better life,” Omar tweeted on Thursday. Her comments were in reference to an exchange that Trump had a day prior while he was holding a rally in Florida. During the rally, Trump rhetorically asked the crowd how to stop the slew of migrants illegally entering the U.S. After an attendee shouted out “shoot them,” Trump commented that “only in the panhandle can you get away with that statement.” Trump’s 2020 campaign fired back at Omar’s criticism with a clip of the Minnesota congresswoman from 2013 where she shrug off the idea that the Islamic-terror organizations al-Qaeda and Hezbollah are dangerous and mocked Americans who believe so. Omar, and fellow Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan became America’s first Muslim congresswomen when sworn into office in January. Their time in office has been embroiled in allegations of anti-Semitism and anti-American sentiments.…

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Official: US Risks Losing Control of Southern Border

  A U.S. official on Wednesday said the nation would “lose control” of its border with Mexico unless a massive and protracted surge of undocumented immigrants and asylum-seekers, primarily from Central America, is contained and reversed. U.S. Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost issued the warning to a Senate panel while announcing an eye-popping number of migrant apprehensions: 460,294 so far in the current fiscal year, which began in October. That figure exceeds the yearly total recorded by Border Patrol in more than a decade. Provost noted that, unlike in previous major migration periods, children, unaccompanied minors and family units constitute a substantial proportion of those reaching the U.S.-Mexico border, placing huge and unprecedented burdens on federal agencies. “I could never have envisioned that, today, agents would spend at least 40% of their time as child care providers, medical caregivers, bus drivers and food service workers,” Provost told the Senate Judiciary subcommittee on border security and immigration. “Every agent that I pull off the line to process and care for families and children increases the risk that illegal border crossers will get past us, including those smuggling drugs and other contraband.” Border security ‘at risk’ She added, “Simply put, we have…

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New York City Councilman Wants ICE Back in the Courthouse to Make Immigration Arrests

by Nick Givas   New York City Democratic Councilman Robert Holden said Immigration and Customs Enforcement agents should be allowed to make arrests in and around state courthouses, without a signed warrant. Holden was responding to Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo’s support for the Protect Our Courts Act, which would bar ICE agents from apprehending illegal immigrants without authorization from a judge. “We want to actually deport the criminals, I guess, right? I mean that’s what we’re trying to do,” Holden said Wednesday on “Fox & Friends.” “ICE, that’s their job, along with stopping drug trafficking and you know all sorts of other nasty things,” he said. “New York’s already thrown ICE out of the jails. So I mean they should be in the jails, actually looking up the people that are obviously committing these crimes. Do we want to import criminals? Is that what we want to do in the United States?” The New York Office of Court Administration issued new guidelines in April, preventing federal agents from making arrests in and around the courthouse. Holden directly criticized Cuomo for supporting the measure and accused the New York governor of pandering to voters for political reasons. “He used to be…

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Border Patrol Chief Says Agency Has Made Over 30,000 Arrests in the Past 10 Days

by Nick Givas   A U.S. Border Patrol official said his agency has apprehended more than 30,000 illegal immigrants on the southern border in the past 10 days. “This is a challenge unlike any we’ve ever faced before,” Chief of Law Enforcement Operations Brian Hastings said Monday on “Fox & Friends.” “We’re up to 474,000 arrests so far this fiscal year, and just the last 10 days alone, 33,000 arrests for us,” he added. “So, our facilities were not designed to handle this type of flow or more importantly, this demographic — about 63 percent being family units and UACs, or unaccompanied alien children.” Border Patrol Chief Carla Provost called the number of arrests “unsustainable” and “beyond capacity,” in a tweet Saturday. #BorderPatrol agents are arresting more & more family units every day. These numbers are unsustainable & the system is beyond capacity. Despite measures to increase capacity with additional temp facilities, #USBP has had to release overflow into the communities as a last resort. — Chief Jason Owens (@USBPChief) May 4, 2019 U.S. officials announced in March they had released 84,500 migrant family members since Dec. 21, The Arizona Republic reported. The government released 14,500 migrants into the…

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Border Patrol Arrests 424 Illegal Immigrants at Once in the ‘Largest’ Arrest It’s Ever Made

by Jason Hopkins   Border Patrol agents nabbed 424 illegal aliens attempting to cross the border in a single group, marking the largest apprehension in the agency’s history. In the early hours of Tuesday morning, agents encountered a large group of “what seemed to be over 400 illegal aliens” near the border town of Sunland Park, New Mexico, according to a Customs and Border Protection (CBP) press release. The group of mostly Central American families and unaccompanied minors reached the border shortly after midnight. Hours after their apprehension, Border Patrol was able to count every individual and determine the group was a record-setting size. “This is an ongoing situation that U.S Border Patrol agents are facing in southern New Mexico: hundreds of parents and children being encountered by agents after having faced a dangerous journey in the hands of unscrupulous smugglers,” CBP wrote in its press release, revealing the massive group traveled with the help of human smugglers. Border Patrol agents in New Mexico apprehended another large group of illegal migrants shortly afterward. Officials working in the Antelope Wells Port of Entry, about 160 miles west of Sunland Park, encountered 230 illegal aliens around 2 a.m., bringing New Mexico’s…

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Pete Buttigieg Supports Pathway to Citizenship for the Millions of Illegal Immigrants

by Jason Hopkins   Democratic presidential nominee Pete Buttigieg said he supports a “pathway to citizenship” for the more than “10 million” illegal immigrants living the United States. “There are over 10 million people who are undocumented immigrants in this country who don’t fall into [the DACA] category and the reality is we can’t have comprehensive immigration reform that works unless it addresses the status for those 11 some million undocumented immigrants,” Buttigieg said Monday night during a CNN town hall forum. Buttigieg spoke highly of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program, or DACA, but noted that it only protects about 700,000 young illegal immigrants from deportation. The mayor of South Bend, Indiana wants to implement a measure that would give citizenship to the millions of undocumented adults living in the U.S. Eleven million is actually a low number according to other expert estimations. A Yale study, for example, put the number of illegal aliens living in the U.S around 22 million, twice as much as previous estimations. “What we need to do is make sure there is a pathway to citizenship for them too,” he said, claiming that there was broad consensus on the issue. The 37-year-old mayor…

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Trump Can’t Finish the Wall Fast Enough as Apprehensions on Southern Border Top 103,000 in March

by Robert Romano   Apprehensions on the southern border hit 103,492 in March, according to data compiled by U.S. Customs and Border Patrol, the highest in a decade. In 2018, apprehensions averaged about 43,424 monthly, 34,626 in 2017, 46,114 in 2016, 37,071 in 2015 and 47,436 in 2014. 2019 looks like it will be a record year, as there have already been more apprehensions through March at 422,334 than all of 2017. Amid the surge, Immigration and Customs Enforcement only has about 52,000 beds to detain people who are apprehended — which guarantees that a good number of those apprehended will have to be released. There are simply too many people coming, with not enough facilities to accommodate them and not enough judges to process them efficiently. The effect is catch-and-release. And Congress knows it. Even the limit on beds comes down to deliberate decision-making by Congress, as this was a major sticking point in the discussions on ending the government shutdown. Democrats wanted a harder limit on beds even when faced with the data of how the system was being overwhelmed. Last year, the authorization allowed for an average daily of 40,520, but President Trump has been able to…

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Migrant Smugglers Used a Drone to Sneak Illegals Through the Border at Night

by Jason Hopkins   Illegal migrants were spotted using a drone for the first known time to help them cross the U.S. southern border. U.S. Border Patrol agents near El Paso, Texas, monitoring the area with an infrared camera spotted a small airborne object traveling over the U.S.-Mexico border in the early hours of Tuesday morning. The object flew about 100 yards north, entering U.S. soil, then returned back. The object, which was determined to be a drone, repeated this pattern three different times. Ten illegal immigrants were spotted passing the border in the same vicinity the drone had monitored roughly two minutes after the drone retreated back into Mexico territory for the third time. “This is the first known time in recent history that a drone has been utilized as a ‘look-out’ in order to aid in illegal entries in the El Paso Sector,” Customs and Border Protection (CBP) said in a press release. The Border Patrol agents were able to “quickly” apprehend the migrants and take them into custody. Beyond encountering a drone, agents in the El Paso Sector dealt with an “unprecedented number” of illegal migrants at the border that same day. El Paso Sector officials made…

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Border Apprehensions in 2019 Have Already Surpassed Last Year’s Total

by Jason Hopkins   Border Patrol agents, halfway through fiscal year 2019, have already apprehended more migrants nationwide than all of fiscal year 2018. Customs and Border Patrol (CBP) announced that 418,000 nationwide apprehensions have occurred this fiscal year to date. A total of 404,142 nationwide apprehensions took place in the entirety of fiscal year 2018, a CBP spokeswoman told The Daily Caller News Foundation. The numbers indicate that 2019 is on pace for a stellar year in border apprehensions. The vast majority of the captures are taking place on the U.S. southwest border, where 414,000 foreign nationals were nabbed between ports of entry since October — the beginning of the 2019 fiscal year. Compared to the 2018 fiscal year, only 396,579 apprehensions were made on the southwest border. The escalating situation is prompting more calls from immigration enforcement leaders to do something. “We don’t have room to hold [detainees], we don’t have the authority to remove them, and they are not likely to be able to be allowed to remain in the country at the end of their immigration proceedings,” acting Homeland Security Secretary Kevin McAleenan said Wednesday during a press conference in Hidalgo, Texas. McAleenan — making his…

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Angel Mother Who Lost Her Only Son Tells Gavin Newsom to Start Protecting His People

by Nick Givas   Agnes Gibboney, whose only son was killed by an illegal immigrant, called on Democratic Gov. Gavin Newsom of California to start protecting his people from the dangers of illegal immigration. Gibboney appeared on “Fox & Friends” Tuesday to discuss Newsom’s proposal to invest in El Salvador as a way of curbing the immigration crisis. “California has a lot of issues. We have the worst quality of life, inflation is really high. Taxes. We have the worst schools, the worst roads,” she said “[Newsom] ought to focus on economic growth in California. Stop giving health care to illegal aliens and free tuition, where our children have to pay full price. This is outrage. He ought to be focusing on what’s happening in our state not another country. It’s not his job to be doing that.” Gibboney’s son, Ronald Da Silva, was shot and killed back in April of 2002 in El Monte by illegal immigrant gang member Luis Gonzales, according to CBS Los Angeles. She said she doesn’t trust California’s state government and claimed it’s more interested in protecting illegal immigrants than American citizens. “I have no respect for the California government because they let me down.…

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Immigration Officials Arrest 280 at Texas Company

U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) raided a Texas cellphone repair company Wednesday, in what Homeland Security officials are calling the largest worksite raid in the country in more than a decade. ICE arrested 280 employees of CVE Technology Group Inc. on immigration charges. The company is in the Texas city of Allen, about 40 kilometers (25 miles) north of Dallas. The investigation started after special agents with ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations division (HSI) received tips CVE was hiring undocumented people. ICE said some of those employed by the tech company were using fake documents. A business that knowingly hires undocumented workers “creates an unfair advantage over their competing businesses,” HSI Special Agent Katrina W. Berger said in a statement. HSI began an audit of CVE’s hiring practices in January 2019. The audit confirmed numerous hiring irregularities. Berger also said the practice creates “an atmosphere poised for exploiting their illegal workforce.” CVE’s website is down. VOA could not reach the company for comment. The League of United Latin American Citizens (LULAC) in a statement to reporters said the organization is working non-stop to help undocumented workers arrested Wednesday. Domingo Garcia, LULAC’s national president, said the operation was tragic and unnecessary.…

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California Attorney General Becomes Latest Democrat to Call for Decriminalization of Illegal Immigrants

by Jason Hopkins   California’s top law enforcement officer has joined the growing ranks of Democrats who wish to decriminalize illegal immigration into the U.S. “They are not criminals,” Xavier Becerra, the attorney general of California, said to HuffPost about immigrants who attempt to enter the country without authorization. “They haven’t committed a crime against someone, and they are not acting violently or in a way that’s harmful to people. And I would argue they are not harming people indirectly either.” Becerra, according to his HuffPost interview, acknowledges that migrants who attempt to enter the country illegally are breaking civil laws, and he argues they should not go completely unpunished. However, he contends that charging them with immigration violations while also placing them into the deportation process unfairly brands them as criminals. “If you call them criminals, it’s a lot easier to get people to turn against them than if you call them undocumented immigrants,” the first-term attorney general stated. Becerra, a Democrat, is not alone in his calls to reform how U.S. law enforcement handles illegal immigrants. Julian Castro, a former Obama administration official and a 2020 Democratic presidential nominee, says he wants to decriminalize the act of unauthorized…

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Overwhelmed ICE Facilities Forced to Release 100,000 Illegal Aliens in Past Three Months

by Jason Hopkins   ICE detainment centers have become so overwhelmed with illegal aliens that the agency has been forced to release over 100,000 migrant family members in the past three months. While speaking to reporters on Thursday, Nathalie Asher, a senior official with Immigration and Customs Enforcement, revealed that her agency has had to reallocate resources as it deals with a “crushing” surge of illegal aliens on the country’s southern border. ICE has not only been forced to reduce its activity in the interior of the U.S., but the agency’s overcrowded detainment centers have released 107,000 migrant family members in the past three months, averaging more than 1,000 illegals a day. “What you’re looking at is our interior arrests have been affected,” Asher said, explaining why ICE arrests have dropped in the past few months. She said her agency is redirecting manpower to their first priority: “addressing what has been occurring and continues to occur at an alarming rate at the border.” ICE arrests have dropped 12 percent between Oct. 1 and Dec. 29 of last year, according to the agency’s latest statistics released Thursday. Agents arrested 34,546 during this time period. At the same time, an overburdened ICE…

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Remittances to Countries Sending Many Illegal Immigrants Hit a Record $120 Billion

by Jason Hopkins   Foreign nationals from three Central American countries that send some of the highest numbers of illegal immigrants into the U.S. are sending back a record amount of money into their home countries. Immigrants from Guatemala, El Salvador and Honduras sent back a record $120 billion in remittances this decade, according to an immigration expert who spoke to the Washington Examiner. The numbers are expected to keep rising, with immigrants from these three nations having sent $17 billion in 2018 alone, and Central American bank data indicates that the trend will keeping going. “The sums of money involved are huge, particularly as a share of GDP and personal income in the Central American countries,” Jessica Vaughan, an immigration expert with the Center for Immigration Studies, said to the Examiner. “It offers a big clue as to why these countries are giving only token efforts to stem the tide of migrants to the United States, especially El Salvador and Honduras.” The issue of remittances — money sent to the home countries of immigrants living and working in the U.S. — has remained a hot topic of debate. U.S. lawmakers have, in the past, proposed legislation that would tax…

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Border Agents Nabbed Over 400 Illegals in Just Five Minutes

Border Patrol arrest illegal aliens

by Jason Hopkins   U.S. Border Patrol agents in Texas apprehended more than 430 illegal immigrants attempting to cross the border in just five minutes. At approximately 2:45 a.m. on Tuesday, Border Patrol agents working near El Paso apprehended a group of 194 migrants attempting to illegally cross the U.S.-Mexico border, according to a press release from the U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP). At 2:50 a.m., agents working near Downtown El Paso encountered a second group consisting of 252 illegal migrants. In total, border enforcement officials took more than 430 illegal migrants into custody within the first three hours of that day. The two groups comprised mostly of Central American families and unaccompanied children. “In the last 30 days, the U.S. Border Patrol El Paso Sector is averaging 570 apprehensions a day, with 90 percent of those being in the El Paso Metropolitan Area,” CBP said in a Tuesday statement. “These numbers continue to stretch the resources available to the U.S. Border Patrol to deal with this influx and the challenges that come with it.” The huge number of apprehensions in the short span of time comes as the U.S. government is expecting March to be a recording-setting month…

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Commentary: Yes, The Southern Border Is at the Breaking Point

by CHQ Staff   You know things are bad when the New York Times runs an article with the headline, “Border at ‘Breaking Point’ as More than 76,000 Unauthorized Migrants Cross in a Month.” We could quibble and point out they are illegal aliens, not “unauthorized migrants,” but why argue details when your enemies are finally helping you by telling the truth for a change? National immigration reporter Caitlin Dickerson wrote: The number of migrant families crossing the southwest border has once again broken records, with unauthorized entries nearly double what they were a year ago, suggesting that the Trump administration’s aggressive policies have not discouraged new migration to the United States. More than 76,000 migrants crossed the border without authorization in February, an 11-year high and a strong sign that stepped-up prosecution, new controls on asylum and harsher detention policies have not reversed what remains a powerful lure for thousands of families fleeing violence and poverty. “The system is well beyond capacity, and remains at the breaking point,” Kevin K. McAleenan, commissioner of Customs and Border Protection, told reporters in announcing the new data on Tuesday. McAleenan said processing centers filled to capacity, border agents struggling to meet medical…

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Illegal Immigrants Are Trying to Starve Themselves to Death in Hunger Strike

by Tim Pearce   Nearly a dozen illegal immigrants at an Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) facility in Texas are refusing to eat as part of a hunger strike against alleged verbal abuse by guards, The Associated Press reported. ICE officials confirmed Thursday to the AP that 11 detainees at the El Paso Processing Center have refused to eat at least nine consecutive meals. Detainees and others connected with those inside the facility say roughly 30 men are actively participating in the hunger strike. Officials at the El Paso facility have inserted nasal tubes into six detainees to force feed them and keep them alive. Hunger strikes at ICE facilities are scarce and situations where a court order is obtained to force feed a detainee is almost unheard of, an ICE official told the AP. “Nine of the 11 detainees missed their ninth consecutive meal, triggering hunger strike protocols, in late December and early January,” ICE spokeswoman Dani Bennett said in a statement, according to CNN. ICE did not comment on the motivation for the hunger strike, the El Paso Times reported. “It’s just the discrimination. They observe it, they see it. That’s what sparked that,” Michigan-based lawyer Ruby Kaur,…

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DHS Created a Fake School in Michigan to Identify Illegal Immigrants

The Department of Homeland Security set up a fake university in Michigan to snare student immigrants in the United States who were without proper authorization, according to federal indictments unsealed Wednesday. Eight people were arrested and indicted for conspiracy to commit visa fraud and harboring aliens for profit. The indictment said the defendants helped at least 600 “foreign citizens to illegally remain, re-enter and work in the United States and actively recruited them to enroll in a fraudulent school as part of a ‘pay to stay’ scheme.” The story was first reported by the Detroit Free Press and Detroit News. The indictments allege that the defendants “conspired with each other and others to fraudulently facilitate hundreds of foreign nationals in illegally remaining and working in the United States by actively recruiting them to enroll into a metro Detroit private university that, unbeknownst to the conspirators, was operated by HSI (Homeland Security Investigation) special agents as part of an undercover operation” for the past two years. The University of Farmington website says it “traces its lineage back to the early 1950s …” It is “approved by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security Student and Exchange Visitor Program (SEVP) to enroll international…

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New York Immigration Group Spending $1 Million to Convince Lawmakers to Allow Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Immigrants

by Neetu Chandak   New York’s largest immigration advocacy group is looking to spend $1 million to convince lawmakers in the state to allow illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses as President Donald Trump cracks down on unlawful entry into the U.S. The New York Immigration Coalition (NYIC) plans to increase its lobbying efforts and invest at minimum $1 million on TV, radio and targeted ads on social media, the New York Daily News reported Monday. This could be NYIC’s biggest campaign. “Our goal is to target every single legislator in New York State,” NYIC Executive Director Steven Choi said, according to the NY Daily News. Choi said allowing illegal immigrants to obtain driver’s licenses would make roads safer by decreasing the number of drivers without licenses. The policy would also help lower auto insurance costs for New Yorkers, though it is unclear how this would occur. Around 265,000 people would benefit from NYIC’s proposed initiative, the NY Daily News reported. “If Gov. [Andrew] Cuomo is looking to protect immigrants from Donald Trump and his administration, as he says, this is the No. 1 policy we can adopt to do that,” Choi said, according to the NY Daily News. Choi…

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Pelosi and Schumer Side with Illegal Aliens Over 38.6 Million Food Stamp Recipients to Block the Wall

At the end of the month, food stamp benefits will run out for 38.6 million recipients on account of the partial government shutdown. Right now, the Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program is being funded with previously appropriated dollars, but in February that will change as the Department of Agriculture remains unfunded for Fiscal Year 2019. It could be resolved in five minutes. But it won’t be because House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) are siding with illegal aliens to block funding for the southern border wall. Would they keep the border wide open so that drugs can be smuggled and gangs and human trafficking can run rampant rather than help needy families keep their children’s bellies full? Really? Much of the crime brought on by illegal immigration disproportionately winds up in the very poorer communities that depend on food stamps. We’re talking about 19.4 million households including 38.6 million individual recipients who receive $4.7 billion of SNAP benefits monthly. There are also hundreds of thousands of federal workers who are going without pay for the duration of the shutdown. They have bills to pay, too. Are Pelosi and Schumer willing to sacrifice them all on…

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Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals Blocks Trump Effort to Deny Asylum for Illegal Aliens

by Kevin Daley   The 9th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals upheld a temporary restraining order against a Trump administration policy that denies asylum to illegal aliens. The 2-1 decision is the latest setback the 9th Circuit has rendered to President Donald Trump’s immigration agenda. “Just as we may not, as we are often reminded, ‘legislate from the bench,’ neither may the executive legislate from the oval office,” Judge Jay Bybee wrote for the majority. Former President George W. Bush appointed Bybee to the bench, and the judge has a conservative reputation. Read the 9th Circuit’s full decision here. U.S. District Court Judge Jon Tigar entered an injunction against President Donald Trump’s new asylum rules on Nov. 19. In effect, the reforms withhold asylum from illegal aliens, though foreign nationals who present for inspection at designated ports of entry remain eligible for legal status. Bybee sympathetically notes the rules were meant to address “a staggering increase in asylum applications” between 2008 and 2018. Trump issued the new guidelines as several thousand caravan migrants congregated near the U.S. border in Tijuana, Mexico. The 9th Circuit panel largely agreed with Tigar’s earlier decision, concluding that Trump’s policy violates the Immigration and Nationality Act (INA), which Congress…

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Illegal Border Crossings are Down Because Migrants are Applying for Asylum Instead

by Jason Hopkins   While the number of apprehensions at the U.S.-Mexico border have gone down, applications for asylum are reaching all-time highs. Around 304,000 illegal immigrants were apprehended at the southwest border during the 2017 fiscal year, a dramatic plunge from the 1.6 million apprehensions recorded in 2000. At the same time, the U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) recored 78,564 requests for asylum in 2017, a major increase from the 13,880 requests made in 2012. These numbers have only increased. During this fiscal year, the USCIS recorded a record-setting 99,035 asylum requests — 62,609 of which included Salvadorans, Guatemalans, and Hondurans. “We’ve never seen this many people coming to the border to seek asylum,” Faye Hipsman, a former analyst with the Migration Policy Institute, told The Wall Street Journal. The rise in asylum applications come at a time when the White House is working to reform the process. “My administration is finalizing a plan to end the rampant abuse of our asylum system to halt the dangerous influx and to establish control over America’s sovereign borders,” President Donald Trump announced in early November, around the same time a caravan of Central Americans was heading toward the U.S. border.…

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Reagan Biographer Craig Shirley: ‘Soft Resistance’ at Border to Migrant Army Best Strategy for Trump

On Monday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the team spoke with Craig Shirley this morning about the current caravan of illegals approaching the Arizona and California borders and the pre-scripted narrative the MSM will take on the immigrants arrival at the border which appears, in their opinion to be conveniently timed right before the mid-term elections. Leahy:  Craig you are an expert on public relations from a conservative perspective and we have this situation now with this, how do you describe it, as anything other than an army of seven thousand Hondurans, now they’re adding Mexicans. They’re moving in a caravan up to the border, probably around Arizona and California, they are going to arrive just conveniently like a day before mid term elections.  What in your view should President Trump do to deal with this? Shirley:  First of all stop calling it a caravan.  A caravan connotes something like it’s fun, like a circus and you know petting zoo’s and stuff like this.  This is a mob and he needs to call it a mob of…

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MIT Study: The Number Of Illegal Immigrants Could Be Double Previous Estimates

by Will Racke   The true number of illegal immigrants living in the U.S. — long a subject of intense debate — could be twice as high as commonly accepted figures, according to a study by a Massachusetts Institute of Technology researcher. The study published Friday by Mohammad Fazel-Zarandi, a senior lecturer at MIT’s Sloan School of Management, estimates there are about 22.1 million illegal immigrants in the U.S. today. Most frequently cited estimates put the number between 11 and 12 million. Such a wide discrepancy is explained by deficiencies in the methods researchers have used to arrive at previous estimates, according to Fazel-Zarandi. In the past, researchers typically extrapolated the total number of illegal immigrants from population surveys and legal immigration records. Fazel-Zarandi and his colleagues used mathematical modeling based on “operational data” — border apprehensions, deportations, visa overstays and demographic data — to arrive at their estimate. The approach eliminated the uncertainty found in methods that rely on surveys, which are a less reliable gauge of the illegal immigrant population, according to Fazel-Zarandi. “It’s very likely that undocumented immigrants are more difficult to locate and survey than other foreign-born residents, and if contacted, they might be inclined to misreport their country of origin, citizenship,…

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Arrest of 114 Illegal Immigrant Workers in Ohio Has Landscapers Worried Over Immigration Raids

Landscape Worker

Landscaping businesses that are facing a severe labor shortage and increased demand for services are sweating over the federal government’s June 5 arrest of 114 illegal immigrant workers in Ohio, the Associated Press reported. People in the industry believe the raids will make it tougher to persuade Congress to allow more foreign workers into America for seasonal jobs. “I believe most of us are doing things the right way, but every company is going to be worried that they’re going to be raided,” said Joe Drake, who runs JFD Landscapes in Chardon, Ohio. Drake spent the past week in Chicago meeting with other seasonal employers to create a strategy to persuade Congress to ease restrictions on H2-B temporary visas. This year, a federal lottery for the first time determined which employers would get their allotment, initially capped at 66,000 workers until the Department of Homeland Security announced it would allow another 15,000 additional visas. The agents carried out raids at two separate locations of Corso’s Flower and Garden Center — one in Sandusky and the other in Castalia, The Tennessee Star reported last week. It was one of the largest such stings in years. Immigration and Customs Enforcement said it…

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Phil Bredesen’s Illegal Alien Driving Certificate Problem

Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) threw a well-aimed punch at former Gov. Phil Bredesen’s glass jaw earlier this month, criticizing him for his role in pushing the Tennessee General Assembly to pass his ill-advised illegal alien driving certificate program, which he signed into law in 2004 and made Tennessee a magnet for illegal aliens. The program, which Bredesen touted originally as a “common sense solution” was such an unmitigated disaster, he was forced to end it in 2006. Bredesen’s 2018 campaign team, with the help of a compliant and uninquisitive mainstream media in Tennessee, has attempted to spin his way out of culpability for this serious debacle, but The Tennessee Star has prepared this synopsis of the facts that sets the record straight. Former Republican Governor Don Sundquist sent a number of very bad policy proposals to the Tennessee General Assembly during the two terms he served between 1995 and 2003. One of them continues to reverberate throughout the 2018 statewide elections, playing a role in both the U.S. Senate general election between Bredesen, the presumptive Democratic nominee, and Marsha Blackburn, the presumptive Republican nominee, and the increasingly bitter GOP gubernatorial primary contest between front runners Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06) and…

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Prankster ‘Welcomes’ California’s Sanctuary State Status

California became an official sanctuary state at the start of 2018, and at least one prankster mockingly marked the occasion with fake “Welcome” road signs. The California Department of Transportation confirmed the discovery of five official-looking signs declaring the state as an “official sanctuary state,” the Washington Examiner reported Jan. 2. The signs are posted underneath official “Welcome to California” highway signs and appear genuine. There were no reports of the identity of the prankster or pranksters. A sanctuary city, or state, is one in which federal immigration policies will not be honored. One sign posted on Interstate 15 at Mountain Pass near the California-Nevada border has been taken down, California Department of Transportation spokesman Mark Dinger told the Washington Examiner. There was no word on the fate of the other fake signs. The Alternative News Media’s Instagram page showed a photo of one of the signs, which reads, “OFFICIAL SANCTUARY STATE Felons, Illegals and MS13 Welcome! Democrats Need The Votes!” The state seal and a logo with the Democratic Party’s donkey mascot adorn the fake signs as well. The law that took effect on Jan. 1 prevents police from asking people about their immigration status or participating in federal immigration…

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New York Democratic Governor Andrew Cuomo Pardons 18 Illegal Immigrants


New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo mimicked California Gov. Jerry Brown’s approach to immigration Thursday, pardoning 18 convicted illegal immigrants who were facing deportation. Cuomo, a Democrat, praised himself on Twitter for his compassion, before linking to a New York Times article supporting the move. Cuomo claimed the federal government is “tear[ing] families apart” with the current…

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Southern Baptist ERLC’s Russell Moore Collaborating with Christians Who Promote Wealth Redistribution, Amnesty for Illegal Immigrants

  Russell Moore, head of the Southern Baptist Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission (ERLC), will speak at a conference in North Carolina this weekend alongside two Christian activists who promote economic redistribution as well as progressive ideas about race and immigration. Moore’s own progressive views on race, immigration and social justice have been an ongoing source of controversy. While he has a loyal following among some Southern Baptists and other Christians, especially younger ones, he has been widely criticized by more conservative evangelicals. The ERLC is the public policy arm of the Southern Baptist Convention and has offices in Nashville and Washington, D.C. Critics of the ERLC under Moore’s leadership are concerned not only about the views he expresses but also about the left-leaning groups with which he associates. John Perkins and Noel Castellanos are the other two keynote speakers at the “Courageous Conversations Conference” Saturday in Rocky Mount, North Carolina, hosted by Word Tabernacle Church. The focus of the one-day conference is on race, but an emphasis on economic redistribution is interwoven with the activists’ teachings. Perkins is the founder of the Christian Community Development Association (CCDA) and Castellanos is its current president. Started in 1989, the CCDA grew and became more organized…

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President Trump Meets with Victims of Crimes by Illegal Immigrants on the Eve of ‘Kate’s Law,’ ‘No Sanctuary for Criminals Act’ Votes

Tennessee Star

  President Trump met with several immigration crime victims Wednesday, on the eve of two major floor votes for bills designed to strengthen punishments for criminal illegal immigrants. “Thank you very much for being here to discuss two crucial votes taking place in Congress tomorrow on vital safety and national security legislation,” President Trump said. “We’re joined by the Chairman of the House Judiciary, Bob Goodlatte, a friend of mine for a long time,” President Trump said.  “Bob is one of the most skilled legislators in Congress, and he’s worked with law enforcement to write a series of critical immigration bills that will close the dangerous loopholes exploited by criminals, gang members, drug dealers, killers, terrorists. ” The first of the two votes is for ‘Kate’s Law’ (HR 3004), named for the tragic murder of Kate Steinle in San Francisco. The prime suspect, Juan Francisco Lopez-Sanchez had been deported five times before with seven felony convictions. If passed, ‘Kate’s Law’ will increase the penalties that may be imposed on criminal aliens convicted of illegal reentry. The second vote is for the ‘No Sanctuary for Criminals Act’ (HR 3004) which is designed to cut off funding for cities and localities that violate federal immigration law in order…

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