Both Trump, Biden Tried to Restrict Immigration Program Supported by PAC Behind Donation to Sen. Bob Casey

Bob Casey

Senator Bob Casey (D-PA) received $5,000 from a political action committee which supports the controversial EB-5 Immigrant Investor Program that grants permanent residence visas to wealthy foreign nationals who make significant investments in the United States.

Documents submitted by the Immigrant Investors Association/Invest in the USA (IIUSA) PAC to the Federal Election Commission (FEC) confirm the organization gave Casey $5,000 on June 13, and records additionally reveal Casey is the only U.S. Senate candidate who received such a contribution.

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Poll: More Americans Oppose Biden’s Immigration Policies than Support Them

More Americans polled in a recent Los Angeles Times/YouGov survey expressed opposition to President Joe Biden’s immigration policies as opposed to supporting them, including catch and release and not detaining and deporting millions of people who’ve illegally entered the U.S. since he’s been in office.

They also expressed support for local and state governments doing more when the federal government fails to do its job.

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Biden: Republican Officials Shouldn’t Interfere with His Immigration Policies

President Joe Biden doesn’t want Republican officials interfering with his immigration policies, saying their initiative to send people north from the border is “playing politics” and “un-American.”

Speaking at the Congressional Hispanic Caucus Institute gala in Washington, D.C., Thursday night, he said, “Instead of working with us on solutions, Republicans are playing politics with human beings using them as props. What they are doing is simply wrong. It’s un-American. It’s reckless.”

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Commentary: Biden’s Bonkers Idea to Welcome Terrorist-Tied Foreigners into America

Just when we thought it was impossible for Joe Biden to make his immigration policies any more ridiculous, he finds another low. Against the backdrop of America’s current border crisis and with adversaries increasingly viewing the United States as a paper tiger, the Biden Administration will now make it easier for foreign nationals with terrorist ties to enter the United States and take advantage of immigration benefits.

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ACLU Asks Biden Admin to Shut Down ICE Detention Facilities

Illegal immigration

The American Civil Liberties Union asked the Biden administration to close 39 Immigration and Customs Enforcement detention facilities in a letter Wednesday.

People in Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) custody reportedly experienced sexual abuse, forced sterilization, increased use of force and solitary confinement, according to the organization. The ACLU wants ICE facilities with previous reports of inhumane treatment and those located in remote locations to be closed.

“Closing detention sites should be an easy decision. Millions of taxpayer dollars are being wasted to maintain thousands of empty beds and keep asylum seekers and immigrants in inhumane and life-threatening conditions,” ACLU Senior Advocacy and Policy Counsel Naureen Shah said in a statemen

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Commentary: Biden Border Policy Goes South

Border Surge

When the inevitable assessments of President Biden’s first 100 days in office begin to appear, his precipitous actions pursuant to illegal immigration at the southern border will be judged by most honest observers to have been his worst blunder. That is certainly the perspective of the majority of Americans, according to three recent public opinion surveys. An NPR/Marist poll, for example, found that 53 percent of respondents disapproved of Biden’s handling of immigration. An ABC News/Ipsos poll found that 57 percent were dissatisfied with his management of the situation, particularly as it affects unaccompanied minors. An AP/NORC poll found that 56 percent were unhappy with Biden’s performance on immigration.

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