IMPEACHMENT: Alabama Congressman, Mo Brooks Joins Leahy to Discuss the Storming of the SCIF

  In a specific discussion Tuesday on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Leahy was joined on the newsmakers line by Alabama congressman, Mo Brooks to talk about the organized effort of the Republicans to enter the ‘impeachment’ hearings and the Democrats strategy to win the 2020 elections. At the end of the third hour, Congressman Brooks described the Democrats’ mission as a repeat of Russian collusion 2.0 and described how their tactic worked in the 2018 election and hope it will do the same in the 20020 by continuing to sow seeds of misinformation by using the mainstream media. He described the Democrats by stating, ‘They understand it and they’re in favor of it. They believe that’s going to help motivate their voters to give the socialist Democrats the White House, the Senate, and the House all at once so that they can implement their dictatorial philosophy that is embedded in their socialist beliefs.’ Leahy: We are joined now by our good friend Congressman Mo Brooks from Alabama. Congressman Brooks, great to talk with you. Brooks: My pleasure! Good day to you…

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Neil McCabe: Low Level Ukrainian Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman to Testify in Impeachment

On Tuesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Leahy talked to One America News Network’s Neil McCabe about the recent subpoena of Army Lieutenant Colonel Alexander Vindman who will testify today in the ‘impeachment’ star chamber.

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GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz: Nancy Pelosi Caved on House Vote Because Democrats ‘Could No Longer Defend the Process’

  Rep. Matt Gaetz (R-FL) joined a special evening edition of the podcast War Room: Impeachment late Monday, just minutes after Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) announced that the House will hold a floor vote on Thursday to formalize the beginning of impeachment proceedings against President Trump. Gaetz told hosts Stephen K. Bannon, Jason Miller, and Raheem Kassam that Speaker Pelosi caved because Democrats “could no longer defend the process.” Here’s the full transcript of the interview: Bannon: Congressman Gaetz here’s the question. You broke the fever last Thursday. Tell us what’s going on here. Because this is an explosive event that happened this afternoon. And I can’t imagine that Nancy Pelosi willingly did this. Gaetz: Here’s the context that I use to evaluate Nancy Pelosi’s cave decision today. Pelosi does not keep her head on a swivel. She is known in this town as someone that plans and plots every single step along the way. She is a meticulous planner. So for Nancy Pelosi to have this radical shift in her thinking. To shift away from a vote authorizing an impeachment inquiry, a Republican talking point to now it being the Democrat message of the week. That’s a substantial shift.…

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Steve Bannon Joins the Tennessee Star Report to Talk About His War Room Impeachment Podcast

In a special interview Monday on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Leahy was joined on the newsmakers line by good friend and former Breitbart colleague Steve Bannon to discuss his new War Room podcast which will focus on facts as they pertain to the ongoing ‘impeachment’ hearings.

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Rep. Mark Green Provides Inside Look at GOP House Members ‘Storming’ of Democrats’ Impeachment Star Chamber

On Friday’s Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Micheal Patrick Leahy spoke to U.S. Rep. Mark Green, a Republican congressman representing Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional District, regarding the recent Republican political theatre at the nation’s capitol.

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Americans Not ‘Buying’ Democrats’ Impeachment Narrative, Rep. Burchett Tells C-SPAN

U.S. Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) on Wednesday appeared on C-SPAN’s “Washington Journal” call-in program to discuss the impeachment inquiry. He blamed a “cocky attitude” among some in the State Department and said they are upset over not being involved in President Donald Trump’s conversation with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky.

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Neil McCabe: Republicans Take an Offensive and Emotional Stance as Democrats Search for ‘Reason’ to Impeach

In a weekly interview on The Tennessee Star Report Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast live Thursday morning on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Leahy welcomed One America News Networks own investigative reporter, Neil McCabe to the show to discuss the impeachment process.

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Commentary: Anti-Trump Fraternity and NeverTrump Sorority Collude in Impeachment Scam

How stupid does the anti-Trump fraternity think the American people are? By “anti-Trump fraternity” I mean not only the increasingly frantic Democrats who, like Belshazzar at that memorable dinner party many years back, can see the writing ever more clearly on the wall for 2020, but also the NeverTrump sorority who just cannot get over the fact that someone was elected president of the United States without their permission, indeed, over their explicit objections. How dare they!

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One America News Networks, Neil McCabe Joins the Tennessee Star Report to Talk About His Conversation With Rudy Guiliani and the Mechanics of an Impeachment

In a weekly interview on The Tennessee Star Report Michael Patrick Leahy – live broadcast Thursday morning on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Kellett welcomed One America News Networks own investigative reporter, Neil McCabe to the show to discuss his recent conversation with Rudy Guiliani and the President’s mood in the wake of impeachment proceedings.

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Best Selling Author and Former FBI Agent During the Clinton Administration, Gary Aldrich Weighs in on the Whistle Blower and Judicial Procedures

In a specific interview Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast live Thursday morning on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – with Leahy out of the studio, host Doug Kellett welcomed former FBI agent and best selling author from Amsterdam, New York, Gary Aldrich to the show.

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Commentary: Kamala Harris is the Winner from the Impeachment Push But the Game is On

The Democrat leadership and political elite have decided to go all in on impeachment. It’s just their latest big media play. It remains to be seen how far they push it beyond posturing and investigations since Nancy Pelosi’s “official investigation” reportedly is what Representative Jerry Nadler (D-N.Y.) has been doing all along. Nonetheless, in political terms, the Democrats are making a consequential move that is likely to undercut the Biden campaign.

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Democrats Are ‘Fishing’ for Impeachment of President Trump, Rep. Green Says

  Democrats’ insistence on an impeaching President Donald Trump are “endless fishing expeditions,” U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) says. On his Facebook page Thursday, Green said, “President Donald J. Trump released the transcript of his call so every American can see there is no evidence of wrongdoing. The Department of Justice reviewed this “whistleblower” complaint and found no reason to take action.” He also tweeted, “The American people put us in Congress to do their work. These endless fishing expeditions only distract and waste precious taxpayer dollars. Instead of trying to impeach the President, we could be addressing the debt, fixing our broken healthcare system, and securing our Nation.” The American people put us in Congress to do their work. These endless fishing expeditions only distract and waste precious taxpayer dollars. Instead of trying to impeach the President, we could be addressing the debt, fixing our broken healthcare system, and securing our Nation. — Rep. Mark Green (@RepMarkGreen) September 26, 2019 Green also tweeted, “This is what President @realDonaldTrump said it was, and what the President of Ukraine said it was—a friendly conversation. (1/2)”. This is what President @realDonaldTrump said it was, and what the President of Ukraine said…

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Alabama Congressman Mo Brooks Joins Leahy Live in DC to Discuss a Potential 2022 Senate Run and the Impeachment Inquiry

On Wednesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – live from the nation’s capitol Leahy spoke to Congressman Mo Brooks about some Alabama football his aspirations to run for a Senate seat in 2020.

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Rep. Jim Cooper Joins House Speaker Pelosi in Calling for President Trump’s Impeachment

  U.S. Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN-05) is in with the “Squad” in the move to impeach President Donald Trump. Cooper on Tuesday tweeted, “It’s time for the House of Representatives to begin the impeachment process against President Trump. The President’s invitation to yet another foreign power—this time Ukraine—to undermine U.S. elections requires that Congress begin the process in our” It’s time for the House of Representatives to begin the impeachment process against President Trump. The President’s invitation to yet another foreign power—this time Ukraine—to undermine U.S. elections requires that Congress begin the process in our — Jim Cooper (@jimcoopertn) September 24, 2019 The tweet continues, “Constitution to levy formal charges against him. This is a very serious step, but the President’s continuing misconduct requires that Congress uphold our Constitution and the laws of the land. No one, not even the President, is above the law.” Constitution to levy formal charges against him. This is a very serious step, but the President’s continuing misconduct requires that Congress uphold our Constitution and the laws of the land. No one, not even the President, is above the law. — Jim Cooper (@jimcoopertn) September 24, 2019 The calls for impeachment are based on allegations…

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Bill Hagerty Commentary: Democrats Call for Impeachment, While Trump Puts America First

by Bill Hagerty   Another week, another set of Democrats calling to impeach President Donald J. Trump. As usual, they are propelled by the liberal media’s latest antics. Now, 165 Democrats (and counting), including both of Tennessee’s Democratic congressmen have joined the call. That is a clear majority of House Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi and “The Squad,” who are calling for impeachment. It’s a continuation of what we’ve seen every day since Tuesday, November 8, 2016, when the American people sent Donald Trump to the White House. Ever since that day, radical liberals have refused to accept that Hillary Clinton lost. They have focused on tearing him down, rather than working with him to make life better for Tennesseans. Unfortunately, their calls for impeachment are more than just political talking points. Their investigations are real, and therefore, so is their waste of taxpayer dollars. The House Judiciary Committee held its first impeachment hearing last week, and the American people were once again bombarded by the Left’s political antics. It’s a disgrace and an insult to the will of the people. They will continue their fight to impeach our President, but they won’t stop there. They want to impeach a…

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Bill Hagerty Slams Rep. Cooper for Embracing Impeachment

  Bill Hagerty, a candidate for U.S. Senate in Tennessee, criticized Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN-05) in a Tuesday statement for joining Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN-09) in calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump. Hagerty, President Trump’s former U.S. ambassador to Japan, said it was “disappointing” to see Cooper embrace “the Squad and other radical liberals’ call for impeachment.” “A clear majority of House Democrats, led by Nancy Pelosi and ‘The Squad,’ are calling for impeachment, and now that includes both of Tennessee’s Democrat Congressman,” Hagerty said in a press release. “It’s disappointing to see both Jim Cooper and Steve Cohen join in tearing down President Trump, rather than working with him to make life better for Tennessee families.” “As your Senator, I will help President Trump keep winning for Tennessee families, and I will always stand with him against the radical socialist agenda that seeks to destroy our conservative values,” he added. The statement comes in response to the growing number of moderate Democrats who are coming out in support of pursuing an impeachment inquiry. As reported Tuesday morning, two Minnesota Democrats representing suburban swing districts released statements in support of impeachment. The growing support for impeachment is based…

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US House Kills Impeachment Resolution Against Trump

by Ken Bredemeier   WASHINGTON — The House voted Wednesday to kill a resolution to immediately consider impeaching President Donald Trump. The measure failed 332 to 95 even though Democrats control the House. It is unclear if the House would take up the question at a later time. Texas Congressman Al Green introduced the resolution despite opposition from House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and other Democrats who instead back investigations into the 2016 Trump campaign ties to Russia, the president’s taxes, and his other financial dealings. The House also wants to know if Trump obstructed justice by trying to derail special counsel’s Robert Mueller’s probe into Russian election meddling. “We’ll go where the facts lead us,” Pelosi told reporters. Green has previously used the legislative rules in the House to force two impeachment votes, in December 2017 and a month later, with the then-Republican-controlled House overwhelmingly voting both times against his efforts. But the new vote is the first time Green has pressed the issue since Democrats took control of the chamber in January. Pelosi has blocked the start of a House impeachment inquiry in favor of the ongoing investigations. She has voiced fears of the political fallout for Democrats pursuing…

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Ohio’s Marcia Fudge Shared Letter on House Floor Calling Trump Supporters ‘Racist’ and ‘Just Plain Dumb’

  On the House floor Tuesday morning, Rep. Marcia Fudge (D-OH-11) shared a letter she received from a constituent that calls for the impeachment of President Donald Trump and describes his supporters as “racist” and “just plain dumb.” According to Fudge, the letter was written by Dr. Ronald S. Williams, who serves as the senior pastor of Mount Zion Fellowship in Highland Hills, Ohio. “A mobster, a conman, gangster in the White House? I think so,” the letter begins, asking why the U.S. Congress hasn’t “started a formal impeachment investigation.” “Nancy Pelosi is a woman who I respect, however, I do believe her hesitancy to impeach this president is her opinion based upon polls and her belief that it would further polarize the country. However, the country is already divided and polarized,” it continues. The letter, written by a Christian pastor, goes on to belittle Trump supporters for having views that are “steeped in religious beliefs.” “It is glaringly apparent that many who support the present administration are either racist, steeped in religious beliefs, ignorant or, as my mother used to say, just plain dumb,” the letter states. “They have chosen to support a president who has a proven record…

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Constituents Plan ‘Squash Amash’ Rally, Call for Congressman’s Resignation

  Pro-Trump Michiganders are a planning a “Squash Amash” rally for Flag Day outside of Rep. Justin Amash’s (R-MI-03) Grand Rapids office in response to his comments in support of impeaching the president. “Join us on Flag Day and President Trump’s birthday outside the Amash office in Grand Rapids and tell the conservative world we demand he step down from his elected position,” states an event description for the rally, which will be hosted by several pro-Trump groups in Michigan’s Third Congressional District. Protesters have also started an online petition demanding Amash’s resignation, which claims that Amash “has lost all credibility” and “no longer has the right to speak on our behalf.” “The actions and statements by Representative Amash have the effect of negating the will of the people of the 3rd District of Michigan in violation of his oath of office to represent the views and best interests of the people,” the petition continues. Diane Schindlbeck, an organizer of the rally, told MLive that she wants to “make sure he knows here in Michigan we support our president.” “Justin Amash, as one of the elected officials here in West Michigan, is not listening to his own voter base, and…

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