Tim Ryan Releases Statement in Support of Impeachment Proceedings

  Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH-13) said the House “must begin impeachment proceedings” in a statement released Tuesday morning. Republicans criticized Ryan, a 2020 hopeful, for using the impeachment issue to “breakthrough in a crowded primary field” and “satiate his radical base.” But Ryan claims he came to the decision “after much thought and consideration and after both reading the Mueller report and hearing directly from the Special Counsel.” “In America, no one is above the law. In America, we have an elected president, not a king. In America, the people govern,” Ryan began his statement. “We must fully expose the lawlessness which has already occurred and prevent additional lawlessness from occurring. While it is unlikely that we will see a conviction in the Senate with its present Republican leadership more concerned with power and party than their constitutional duties and the rule of law, we can no longer sit by while a lawless president remains unchecked,” he continued. Statement on Impeachment pic.twitter.com/8pzx1zQnhC — Tim Ryan (@TimRyan) June 4, 2019 Ryan went on to suggest that avoiding impeachment would enable “this kind of lawless behavior to continue and to metastasize.” “Our republic cannot survive if we acquiesce to the view held…

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Third-Ranking Democrat Says House Will ‘Eventually Impeach’ Trump

by Chuck Ross   South Carolina Rep. Jim Clyburn, the third-ranking Democrat in the House, said Sunday he believes President Donald Trump will eventually be impeached. “But it sounds like you’re — you think that the president will be impeached, or at least proceedings will begin in the House at some point, but just not right now?” CNN’s Jake Tapper asked Clyburn during an interview. “Yes, exactly what I feel,” replied Clyburn, the Democratic whip. Clyburn’s remarks are likely to raise expectations for Democrats to begin impeachment proceedings against Trump. Rank-and-file Democrats, as well as most of the Democrats running for president, have called for impeachment of Trump. So far, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has pushed back against the idea, largely out of concerns that impeachment proceedings would end up helping Trump politically. “I think the president wants us to impeach him,” Pelosi told ABC’s Jimmy Kimmel on Thursday. “He knows it’s not a good idea to be impeached, but the silver lining for him is then, he believes, that he would be exonerated by the United States Senate.” .@JakeTapper: “It sounds like you think that the President will be impeached, or at least proceedings will begin in the House at some point, but…

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Ohio’s Presidential Hopeful Tim Ryan Moves to Flip on ‘Impeachment’

  Ohio Representative Tim Ryan (D-OH-13) has tightened his stance on impeaching President Trump after Robert Mueller’s press conference this week. “I don’t want to impeach him. I have been around 20 years and I know what will exactly happen. It is going to be very divisive for our country. But, it looks like we have to because he’s not a king,” Ryan said in an interview with NPR on Thursday. Ryan later added he had read the Mueller Report a couple of times and found multiple occasions where President Trump obstructed justice. “We may be left with no choice at this point, but to impeach him,” the presidential candidate said. The Ohio Representative seems to have found Mueller’s press conference compelling. “I’m a lot closer today than I was yesterday,” Ryan Said; adding, “I think what Mueller said [Wednesday] basically said that he would have indicted the president, but for the fact that the law would not allow it.” During the special counsel’s press conference, he addressed the concerns about his report. He told a group of reporters not enough evidence to determine if Trump had committed a crime. Also, Mueller said that his testimony if subpoenaed to testify…

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Veteran in Michigan’s Third District Poses Real Threat to Justin Amash

  It took just 48 hours for a fellow Republican to jump on the opportunity to run against Rep. Justin Amash (R-MI-03) after he tweeted out of the blue that President Donald Trump “has engaged in impeachable conduct.” Or at least that’s the story that our national media told. Amash, in fact, has actually had a primary opponent since April in Republican Tom Norton, whose campaign was built less in reaction to “Twitter comments,” and more so on a “careful consideration of Justin Amash’s record and ineffectiveness as a congressman,” as Norton’s campaign manager, Ivan Assenov, put it. One area where Norton believes his opponent has been particularly ineffective is in helping veterans, and Michigan’s Third Congressional District has a lot of them. “Amash’s record shows a lack of concern for veterans issues. In a district with 50,000-plus veterans and 22 a day committing suicide nationally, this is simply unacceptable,” Assenov told The Ohio Star. “Tom Norton has volunteered his time, knowledge, and experience to help Amash’s office with veterans issues after they came to Tom because their congressman turned them away. Tom was also turned away.” Norton himself is a veteran, and served in Afghanistan during his six-year career…

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Commentary: Democrats Can’t Win with Impeachment Witch Hunt but Perhaps They Can’t Survive Without It

by Robert Romano   Fifty-three percent of Democrats say impeaching President Donald Trump should be a “top priority” in the latest Morning Consult-Politico poll, compared with just 28 percent of the nation as a whole who say the same. Overall, 41 percent reject impeaching Trump, including 11 percent of Democrats say there should be no impeachment. In short, Democrats have a big problem. A majority of their party has been fed the now-debunked lie that President Donald Trump and his campaign were Russian agents who helped steal the 2016 election, and they want nothing less than Trump forcibly removed from office. But most of the country is not with them, and a significant portion of their own party are not there. So, where do Democrats go? If House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) does not give her party’s political base what they want, they will be angry that their political leaders have sold them a bill of goods. That they’ve been defrauded. This would certainly suppress Democratic turnout in 2020, and might help Trump win reelection. On the other hand, if Pelosi follows through on impeachment without a credible basis for doing so, it might prove Trump’s contention that it was…

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Dean Phillips Agrees With Jake Tapper That Trump Is ‘Daring’ Dems to Impeach

  During an appearance on CNN last week, Rep. Dean Phillips (D-MN-03) said President Trump’s impromptu Rose Garden speech showed a “woeful lack of leadership.” Trump apparently left a meeting with Democratic leadership after House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said he was engaging in a “cover-up,” and instead went to the Rose Garden to speak with reporters. He said he would refuse work with Democrats on legislation until they “get these phony investigations over with.” “There’s no question whatsoever that the president is making it awfully difficult for us to do our jobs, which is to provide oversight over the executive branch,” Phillips said in response. “Whatever prompted his change of heart today in the Rose Garden, I’m not sure, but if that’s all it took, that’s a woeful lack of leadership.” “Do you think President Trump is daring House Democrats to impeach him?” host Jake Tapper then asked. “I got to tell you, Jake, it’s appearing increasingly evident that he may be doing just that,” Phillips replied. “It is our job to provide oversight. I think we’ve been methodical, we’ve been principled, and we’ve been awfully patient, but that patience has its limits. We surely are reaching that limit. If…

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Michigan’s Rep. Tlaib Says House Democrats Will ‘Demand’ Move Towards Impeachment

by Henry Rogers   Michigan Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib said Democrats are moving toward demanding President Donald Trump be impeached on Sunday. Tlaib appeared on NBC’s “Meet the Press” and was asked about impeachment by host Chuck Todd and specifically why she could not get the majority of House Democrats to defend calls for impeachment. Tlaib responded by saying, “I think it is moving toward that. It’s going to demand that.” The Michigan Democrat came under fire just hours after being sworn into Congress in January for telling a group of left-wing supporters she would help Democrats “impeach the motherf****r,” referencing Trump. Tlaib also said “this is not about the 2020 election, it’s about doing what’s right now for our country. This is going to be a precedent that we set when we don’t hold this president accountable to the rule of the law and to the United States Constitution.” In early May, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Trump is “goading” Democrats to impeach him from office because he thinks it will help him fire up his base. “Don’t tell anybody I told you this: Trump is goading us to impeach him,” Pelosi said during an event hosted by Cornell University in New York City. “That’s what he’s doing. Every…

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Sen. Graham: Democrats Face Political Peril if They Pursue Trump’s Impeachment

  A top U.S. Republican lawmaker predicted Sunday that if opposition Democrats in the House of Representatives try to impeach President Donald Trump, the president will be re-elected next year and Republicans will retake control of the House. South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham, an ally of Trump’s, told “Fox News Sunday” that if House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, the leader of the Democratic-controlled lower chamber, permits an impeachment inquiry to start, “it would be suicide for the Democratic Party.” Graham said Pelosi’s “job is very much on the line,” depending on whether she eventually relents on allowing an impeachment hearing to open. About three dozen Democrats and a lone Republican in the 435-member House have called for impeachment hearings to start against Trump, to consider whether he obstructed justice by trying to thwart special counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian intrusion in the 2016 U.S. presidential election that Trump won. Even if the House were to impeach Trump, the Republican-controlled Senate is highly unlikely to remove him from office. So far, Pelosi has resisted calls to start an impeachment inquiry, instead opting to continue several House committee investigations of Trump’s finances, taxes and actions he took during his 28-month presidency to…

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Commentary: Democrats Have a Three-Part Plan for the Politics of Impeachment

by CHQ Staff   Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi is facing a growing insurrection from the Far Left of her Democratic Conference who are demanding the immediate impeachment of President Donald Trump. The New Yorker’s John Cassidy reports that at a meeting of the House Democratic Caucus, Pelosi held off the radicals and secured support, at least for now, for her policy of allowing various existing congressional inquiries to proceed with their investigations of the President. After the meeting, she told reporters, “We do believe that it’s important to follow the facts. We believe that no one is above the law . . . and we believe the President of the United States is engaged in a coverup.” A coverup of what was not then, nor was it subsequently, explained by Speaker Pelosi or any other Democrat. According to Cassidy’s analysis of a Washington Post report, about twenty-five House Democrats have called for the opening of an impeachment inquiry. They and many other members of the majority conference claim to be aggrieved at Trump’s refusal to respect the division of powers laid down in the Constitution. They are also reacting to the anger of many Democratic activists and supporters,…

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Justin Amash Goes on Another Screed Against Trump, Ticks Off ‘Reasons’ for Impeachment

by Chris White   Michigan Rep. Justin Amash floated several reasons Thursday why he believes special counsel Robert Mueller’s report shows that President Donald Trump obstructed and impeded the investigation. “Mueller’s report describes a consistent effort by the president to use his office to obstruct or otherwise corruptly impede the Russian election interference investigation because it put his interests at risk,” Amash said of the report in a tweet. Thursday’s tweet thread is Amash’s second on the subject of Trump’s alleged obstruction of justice. He offered several reasons why he believes Trump attempted to impede the probe into the Russian probe. The special counsel’s report, released in April, identified four occasions in which officials or senior members of the executive branch successfully pushed back against Trump’s commands to fire Mueller. 1. Trump asked the FBI director to stop investigating Michael Flynn, who had been his campaign adviser and national security adviser, and who had already committed a crime by lying to the FBI. — Justin Amash (@justinamash) May 23, 2019 “1. Trump asked the FBI director to stop investigating Michael Flynn, who had been his campaign adviser and national security adviser, and who had already committed a crime by lying…

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Angie Craig Facing Criticism for Impeachment Comments

  Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN-02) hosted her fourth town hall last week and received several questions from constituents on moving forward with impeachment hearings against President Donald Trump. Up until Tuesday’s town hall, Craig had taken a relatively moderate position on the issue of impeachment and believed it shouldn’t be discussed until Mueller completed his investigation. “I believe the next step is for the Congress to request the unredacted version of the report. I believe the next step is for the committee chairmen to call a number of folks forward to testify, to fill in the facts for the American people,” Craig told her constituents Tuesday. “I am very troubled by the number of the potential areas of obstruction of justice that are mentioned in the report.” Some took the comments to mean that Craig supports moving forward with the impeachment process, including the National Republican Congressional Committee. “Yesterday Craig laid out for her constituents how exactly Congress should waste more of Minnesotans’ taxpayer money on baseless impeachment claims,” NRCC spokeswoman Carly Atchison said. “It is bizarre that Angie Craig now decides to pursue baseless impeachment, but regardless, she should stop peddling conspiracy theories and focus on Minnesotans.” Former Congressman…

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Elizabeth Warren Is First 2020 Democrat to Call for Impeachment

Sen. Elizabeth Warren on Friday became the first 2020 Democratic presidential candidate to make a full-throated call for the House of Representatives to begin impeachment proceedings against President Donald Trump after the release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s redacted report. Mueller, who investigated whether Trump’s campaign coordinated with Russia during the 2016 election and whether the president tried to interfere with the inquiry, found no evidence of a conspiracy between Russia and the Trump campaign and offered no verdict on obstruction of justice. Mueller did find, however, that Trump made numerous attempts to interfere with the investigation but was largely foiled by those around him. In a series of tweets, Warren said it would be damaging to “ignore a president’s repeated efforts to obstruct an investigation into his own disloyal behavior” and would give license to future presidents to act in the same way. ‘Constitutional duty’ “The severity of this misconduct demands that elected officials in both parties set aside political considerations and do their constitutional duty. That means the House should initiate impeachment proceedings against the president of the United States,” Warren, a senator from Massachusetts, tweeted. Other 2020 Democratic presidential candidates, while supportive of the idea of impeachment,…

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Ilhan Omar Joins Freshmen Democrats in Calling for Impeachment

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) has joined the chorus of Democrats calling for the impeachment of President Donald Trump in the wake of Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report being released to the public. “Impeachment is part of our constitutional responsibility,” the freshman Democrat wrote on Twitter this week. “We have an obligation to investigate whether the president committed impeachable offenses, including: obstruction of justice, violating the emoluments clause, collusion, [and] abuse of power.” Impeachment is part of our constitutional responsibility. We have an obligation to investigate whether the President committed impeachable offenses, including: -Obstruction of justice-Violating the Emoluments Clause-Collusion-Abuse of power https://t.co/Sq907gs7eF — Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) April 18, 2019 Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13) has been calling for Trump’s impeachment ever since she first entered Congress, and introduced a resolution last month that urges the House Judiciary Committee to investigate whether Trump committed any impeachable offenses. “Everything outlined in the Mueller report is further proof of what I’ve been saying for a long time: it’s time to impeach. The first step? The House Judiciary Committee launching an investigation into whether Trump committed impeachable offenses,” Tlaib wrote on Twitter after Mueller’s report was released. Everything outlined in the #MuellerReport is further proof of…

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Rashida Tlaib Encouraging Democrats to Investigate Trump for ‘Impeachable Offenses’

by Jason Hopkins   Michigan Rep. Rashida Tlaib is circulating a letter among her Democratic colleagues in the House that asks them to join a resolution seeking to investigate President Donald Trump for “impeachable offenses.” “The fact that President Trump has yet to comply with various clauses of our U.S. Constitution sets a dangerous precedent. Much of the allegations have yet to be fully investigated by this body who also took an oath to uphold the U.S. Constitution,” read a portion of the letter, first sent out on Monday night and obtained by Politico. “It is critical that we protect the American people and our country from any conflicts of interests that directly erodes our democracy.” Tlaib is calling for the House Judiciary Committee to initiate an inquiry into Trump regarding several key areas. The freshman Democratic congresswoman wants to determine if Trump and his businesses violated the Foreign Emoluments Clause, which prohibits him from taking payments from foreign entities. The letter also seeks to investigate whether payments to porn star actress Stormy Daniels were made to sway the 2016 election, and she wants an inquiry on whether special counsel Robert Mueller’s evidence on obstruction of justice relating to Trump…

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Pelosi Waves Off Impeachment, Says It Would Divide Country

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi is setting a high bar for impeachment of President Donald Trump, saying he is “just not worth it” even as some on her left flank clamor to start proceedings. Pelosi said in an interview with The Washington Post that “I’m not for impeachment” of Trump. “Unless there’s something so compelling and overwhelming and bipartisan, I don’t think we should go down that path, because it divides the country,” she said. While she has made similar comments before, Pelosi is making clear to her caucus and to voters that Democrats will not move forward quickly with trying to remove Trump from office. And it’s a departure from her previous comments that Democrats are waiting on special counsel Robert Mueller to lay out findings from his Russia investigation before considering impeachment. That thinking among Democrats has shifted, slightly, in part because of the possibility that Mueller’s report will not be decisive and because his investigation is more narrowly focused. Instead, House Democrats are pursuing their own broad, high-profile investigations that will keep the focus on Trump’s business dealings and relationship with Russia, exerting congressional oversight without having to broach the I-word. Oversight and Reform Committee Chairman Elijah Cummings,…

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Tennessee Star Report EXCLUSIVE: Virginia State Senator Bryce Reeves Talks Northam Black Face Scandal and Abortion Bill

On Wednesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the duo spoke with Virginia State Senator Bryce Reeves regarding the current state of affairs surrounding Governor Ralph Northam’s “racist” yearbook photos and his most recent “awkward” press conference. As the conversation deepened, the men also touched upon the current abortion bill and how the Republican’s may have a political advantage due to the extreme nature of the bill which is technically pushing infanticide and genocide. Gill: Bryce Reeves is a state Senator from Virginia he was a candidate for the Republican nomination for Lieutenant Governor. Nearly lost that race in a three person race as Jill Vogel went on to lose to Justin Fairfax who now is apparently under some scrutiny himself as he may poised to take over the governor’s office in Virginia. And Bryce good to have you with us! Reeves: Steve and Michael, great to be with you. And looking forward to another crazy day down here in the General Assembly. Gill: When I first called you it was to talk about this whole infanticide bill…

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Half Of America Doesn’t Have Confidence Mueller’s Report Will Be Fair

FBI Mueller and President Trump

by Hanna Bogorowski   The majority of Americans support congressional Democrats’ calls to investigate President Donald Trump’s past communication and financial ties with Russia, but half of them lack confidence that special counsel Robert Mueller’s report will be fair and even-handed. A Washington Post-ABC News poll released Sunday showed that 50 percent of Americans surveyed don’t believe Mueller’s probe, which is currently investigating Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election, will result in an unbiased, fair report. A random sample of 1,001 U.S. adults were asked between Jan. 21-24 how much confidence they have that Mueller’s report will be even-handed, to which 28 percent responded “Just some” and another 22 percent responded “None at all.” Just 24 percent said they have “A great deal” of confidence in the report, which stands in contrast to the large public support for such investigations. The poll, which had a margin of error of 3.5 percentage points, showed that 57 percent of respondents support a Democratic investigation into potential collusion between Trump’s campaign and Russia, 61 percent support investigations of suspected financial ties between Trump and foreign governments, and 59 percent support investigations into Trump’s relationship and communication with Russian President Vladimir Putin. At the same time, a plurality…

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Michigan’s Tlaib Blames Trump for Death Threats She’s Receiving

Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13) recently sat down with Mehdi Hasan from The Intercept for his “Deconstructed” podcast where the Michigan representative blamed President Donald Trump for the alleged death threats she’s receiving. “Absolutely, he is the leader of our country. He sets the tone and you, even in rallies and other instances, he’s even said if impeachment continued, we’re going to see violence. We’re going to see—I mean, it’s almost like he’s sent out some sort of signal,” Tlaib responded when asked if she holds “this president’s rhetoric responsible” for the threats. During the show, Tlaib continued to build her case for impeaching Trump by invoking the emoluments clause, claiming Trump is “making decisions not in the best interest of the American people,” but “based on the profit lines.” “The Constitution demands it and I want to reiterate to people to understand that this is beyond collusion with Russia. This is beyond the Mueller investigation. Every single day that he’s president of the United States that has not divested in all of his domestic and foreign corporations, he’s making decisions not in the best interest of the American people,” she said. Tlaib went on to claim that this “causes a…

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Commentary: Time to Put a Stop to Impeachment Talk

by Stephen B. Presser   A push is underway for the Democrat-controlled House of Representatives to hold a vote on whether to impeach the Republican President Donald Trump. Of course, we have been through this before, but with a majority of Republicans voting to impeach President Bill Clinton, a Democrat. It takes only a majority in the House to bring articles of impeachment, which are similar to a grand jury indictment—they are the required first step in a two-step process. Following a grand jury indictment, a criminal trial occurs, and a unanimous jury must bring in a guilty verdict for a conviction. Similarly, following impeachment, a two-thirds vote of the United States Senate is required to remove a president. Bill Clinton survived his impeachment because only half the members of the Senate supported his removal, with not a single Democrat voting in favor of it. It is likely that the impeachment effort to remove President Trump would fail in the Senate now controlled by Republicans, but there are some other similarities and differences between the two proceedings that deserve examination and comment. First is the essential question about what the Constitution means when it provides in Article II, section 4…

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150,000 Sign Petition to Impeach Michigan’s Rashida Tlaib

A Change.org petition calling for the impeachment of Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13) already has close to 160,000 signatures. “This woman is an anti-Semite, a war mongering hate filled Palestinian who has vowed to try and destroy our constitutional rights, hates America, hates American citizens,” the petition states. “She’s a danger to our sovereignty, a detriment to society, and to this country, and is unfit to serve in any capacity within our government.” The petition also takes issue with Tlaib’s election, claiming that she “lied about living in Detroit” by “using her father’s house address.” Tlaib made headlines earlier this week when she vowed to “impeach the motherf—” during a party in celebration of her being sworn in to Congress. “I stand by impeaching the president of the United States. I ran on that,” she said in an interview discussing her comments. She called her promise to impeach President Donald Trump something she “very much” holds “dearly.” “They love that I’m real, and that I am very much focused on getting the government back up and running, but also making sure we’ve held the president of the United States accountable,” she said. Tlaib later apologized that her comments caused a “distraction,”…

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Steyer Dumps More Cash Into Impeach Movement As Dems Jump On Board

by Chris White   Billionaire Tom Steyer is dumping more money into his campaign to oust President Donald Trump as incoming Democratic lawmakers consider jumping on board the movement to impeach the president. Steyer is plowing another $6 million into what some Democratic leaders worry is an ill-fated attempt to impeach the president, The Daily Beast reported Friday. Some liberal progressive lawmakers are warming to the idea, while House Majority Leader Nancy Pelosi pushes back. He remains focused on “getting Donald Trump out of the White House,” Need to Impeach strategist Kevin Mack told reporters. “We’d like to have that happen through impeachment but if we have to we’ll beat him at the ballot box in 2020,” he noted, referring to speculation of Steyer’s political ambition. That bulk of the cash will go to national cable and broadcast advertising in early presidential primary states like Iowa, Nevada, and South Carolina. Approximately $2.5 million will go to television campaigns while another $3.5 million is expected to be plowed into a digital effort. The news comes after incoming Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan said Thursday evening that “we’re gonna go in there and impeach the motherf****r.” Pelosi, a California Democrat, told reporters on Thursday: “I don’t like that language, I…

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Rep. Steve Cohen Introduces Bills to Eliminate Electoral College, Limit Presidential Powers to Issue Pardons

U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN-09), who wishes U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) would jump off a bridge, wasted no time trying to monkey with the U.S. Constitution as the Democrats took control of the House Thursday – he introduced a bill to eliminate the Electoral College. Cohen is a senior member of the House Judiciary Committee. He actually introduced two Constitutional amendments, one to abolish the Electoral College and one to prohibit presidents from pardoning themselves, members of their families, members of their administrations and their campaign staff, according to a press release from his office. Cohen said, “In two presidential elections since 2000, including the most recent one in which Hillary Clinton won 2.8 million more votes than her opponent, the winner of the popular vote did not win the election because of the distorting effect of the outdated Electoral College. Americans expect and deserve the winner of the popular vote to win office. More than a century ago, we amended our Constitution to provide for the direct election of U.S. Senators. It is past time to directly elect our President and Vice President.” Cohen has previously tried to impeach President Donald Trump. Also on Thursday, U.S. Rep. Brad…

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Commentary: The President’s Enemies and Their Confected Drama

Drain the Swamp, Donald Trump

by Conrad Black   It is astonishing to see the ferocity, and breathless, stertorous rage of the Trump-hating media over Michael Cohen’s flip. Because the whole issue is such nonsense, it is also reassuring to see Trump’s enemies place their heads on the block with such determination, beseeching by their outrageous falsehoods the executioner’s stroke to expose their lies and hate. There they are since there is no case against the president sufficiently serious to threaten his completion of his term. I am one of the last people who would claim any standing to opine on the motives and tactics for the Trump-haters to push in all their chips on this charge about payments to an amiable porn star and a Playboy bunny emerita. The president’s most strident enemies in the media have cranked themselves up to a fever of simulated moral superiority many times: it is a mnemonic feat to recall their innumerable charges to the barricades these last two years. Almost no one now remembers Michael Wolff’s inane book, or even Bob Woodward’s pastiche of fabrications and malicious gossip. But this is a home run. Apart from its extreme vehemence, what is most striking about this latest oceanic…

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Commentary: Democrat Oversteps on Trump Impeachment Will Stir Populist Uprising

by Jeffrey A. Rendall   While viewing news coverage of the recent protests in Paris over the French government’s tax hike on fuel it reminded me (a little) of our very own American citizen uprising over the government’s excessive and unpopular taxation policies of the 18th century. Seeing as this is the time of year Americans celebrate Christmas – and are therefore intensely aware of pressures on family budgets – it’s also appropriate to remember the anniversary of the “protest” that started a populist wave, the legendary “Boston Tea Party.” December 16 marked the 245-year anniversary of the “party,” where highly agitated (and probably inebriated) Bostonians disguised as Indians raided East India Company ships at anchor and enthusiastically tossed the tea into the harbor. Tea and salt water don’t mix, so essentially the act of vandalism cost the Mother Country’s merchants tens of thousands of pounds of product. And it got the British government very angry at the Americans. Lord North and parliament imposed martial law on the Bostonians, the colonies rode the slippery slope towards separation and independence and the rest is… history. Whereas the citizens (some might call them anarchists) in Paris were allegedly upset over President Emmanuel Macron’s…

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Commentary: The Democrats Delusions Drive the Trump Impeachment Narrative

by George Rasley   If the Brett Kavanaugh confirmation battle taught MAGA team members anything it should have been that radical Leftist Democrats and their fellow travelers in the liberal establishment will do anything and stop at nothing to get Donald Trump, or anyone associated with him. That is why the Nation and the President have been put through the Russian collusion hoax, and why Democrats stick with that narrative, even as the evidence for it has proven to be a complete fabrication. However, as the evidence for Russian collusion has evaporated, or proven to be a fabrication bought and paid for by the Hillary Clinton campaign and the Democrats, the narrative has begun to shift. The last few days have seen a big pivot in the campaign against Donald Trump observed Byron York, chief political correspondent for the Washington Examiner. For two-plus years, it was Russia, Russia, Russia. But despite various revelations in the Russia probe, the case for collusion remains as sketchy as ever. Now, however, prosecutors in the Southern District of New York have given Democrats a new weapon against the president: Attorney Michael Cohen pleading guilty to two campaign finance felonies related to paying hush money…

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Federal Employees Ordered Not to Discuss the ‘Resistance’ on Work Time

by Tristan Justice   Federal employees received warning on Wednesday not to discuss the “resistance” or the impeachment of President Donald Trump while on the job under new guidance issued by the Office of Special Counsel, the independent agency that enforces the Hatch Act. The guidance, according to The New York Times, informed the federal workforce that engaging in discussions of the impeachment of the sitting president or “resistance” to the Trump administration on work time could constitute as political activity banned under the Hatch Act, a law prohibiting federal employees from participating in such activity in an official capacity or on government time. “Advocating for a candidate to be impeached, and thus potentially disqualified from holding federal office, is clearly directed at the failure of that candidate’s campaign for federal office,” the guidance states. “Similarly, advocating against a candidate’s impeachment is activity directed at maintaining that candidate’s eligibility for federal office and therefore also considered political activity.” The Times reports that the reasoning behind the guidance stems from the fact that Trump’s 2020 presidential campaign is already under way, and that arguments in favor or opposition to Trump’s policies or possible impeachment are political statements that either promote or oppose…

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Communist Group Encourages Migrants to ‘Remove’ Trump

by Luke Rosiak   The caravan of migrants that traveled from Honduras to Mexico includes foreign nationals pledging to abolish the U.S. immigration authorities, openly discussing their intent to illegally enter the U.S., and reading communist literature about overthrowing President Donald Trump, according to an in-depth report by journalists on the ground in Tijuana for the Epoch Times. It said a Los Angeles-based group called Al Otro Lado (“To the other side”) is guiding migrants and its litigation director, Erika Pinheiro, is on the scene telling the migrants how to make sure they don’t just get into the U.S., but get as many benefits from its government as possible. But she advised that criminals and previous deportees in the group can still get a different status, called “withholding of removal status,” in which “you won’t be deported but it doesn’t have many benefits.” The night many migrants rushed the border, they received a flier by a California-based Communist group known as BAMN — whose slogan is “Trump must go or be removed BY ANY MEANS NECESSARY” — saying “Open it up or we’ll shut it down! Everyone must be let in!” “Let’s organize active solidarity and defense against any nationalist or government attack,” another flier from the…

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Majority of Likely US Voters Are Against Impeaching Kavanaugh

by Neetu Chandak   A majority of likely U.S. voters are against impeachment attempts against Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, according to a survey released Monday. Rasmussen Reports conducted the poll on Nov. 7 and found 56 percent of the 1,000 likely U.S. voters surveyed were against attempts to press formal charges against Kavanaugh. Thirty percent supported the move while 14 percent were unsure, according to the poll. Respondents were asked whether House Democrats should try to impeach Kavanaugh. The poll comes as Democrats regained the House majority in the 2018 midterm elections and New York Democratic Rep. Jerrold Nadler suggested opening an investigation into Kavanaugh. Nadler is in line to becoming the chairman of the House Judiciary Committee. President Donald Trump gave a warning to House Democrats who may try to use their power to investigate his administration a day after the election. If the Democrats think they are going to waste Taxpayer Money investigating us at the House level, then we will likewise be forced to consider investigating them for all of the leaks of Classified Information, and much else, at the Senate level. Two can play that game! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 7, 2018 “If the Democrats think…

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Commentary: Democrats Will Investigate, Not Legislate

by Julie Kelly   In a column published the day after the election, former Pennsylvania governor Ed Rendell warned his fellow Democrats to proceed cautiously after winning the House of Representatives. “Our most fervent supporters hope that we will use our newly found control to investigate almost everything that the Trump administration has done,” he wrote. “Though I understand what has fed this emotion, that would be a grievous mistake if investigations were all we did and we made no attempt to meet the challenges facing everyday Americans.” But that advice likely will be ignored by a party that has no more use for relatively moderate, older, white men like Rendell. Despite election season slogans about protecting health care and migrant children, Democrats really only care about one thing: Retribution for Trump winning the White House. Their base wants it, too. Exit polls showed a plurality of voters used their ballot to protest President Trump; two-thirds of voters who supported a Democratic House candidate said they want Congress to begin impeachment proceedings and remove Trump from office, an idea supported by key Democratic lawmakers poised to take over powerful committees. Revenge-seeking henchmen in the 116th Congress will be more interested…

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Blackburn Supports President Trump, Whom Schumer Said Should Be Impeached

Chuck Schumer, Marsha Blackburn, Donald Trump

U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) announced her renewed support for President Donald Trump after Senator Chuck Schumer (D-NY) called for his impeachment. In an off-the-cuff moment caught on video during a Labor Day parade in Brooklyn, Senate Minority Leader Schumer told a bystander who asked when President Trump would be impeached, “The sooner the better,” Fox News reported. “We gotta get a few Republicans,” Schumer responds. “Democrats are on your side.” Impeaching the president requires a majority of votes in the House of Representatives, which Democrats do not currently have; removing the president would then require a two-thirds vote of the Senate. The video is available here. The president has repeatedly warned about the “witch hunt” investigation into Russia’s alleged role in the 2016 election, Politico reported. Trump also has repeatedly criticized Special Counsel Robert Mueller, who has won convictions against former Trump campaign aides but has yet to publicly link any of the crimes directly to the president. Schumer’s office, reached by Fox News, claimed that Schumer had simply misheard the question at the parade. Blackburn is having none of it, however. She also connected Schumer to her opponent Phil Bredesen in the election to fill the seat of…

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Leftist State Supreme Court Judge Impeached in West Virginia Announces Retirement

Robin Davis

A Democratic Supreme Court justice in the state of West Virginia said hours after she was impeached Tuesday that she was retiring, triggering a special election for her replacement and denying the Republican governor a chance to name her successor. The citizens of West Virginia now “will be afforded their constitutional right to elect my successor in November,” Justice Robin Davis said as she announced her departure at the state capital. Davis announced her resignation after being impeached for committing wrongful acts, including spending $500,000 on office renovations. The House of Delegates voted Monday to impeach all four remaining justices over spending issues. They will be brought to trial in the Senate, which is controlled by Republicans, as is the House. Davis said their impeachment was a travesty of justice and a brazen attempt by one branch of government to seize control over another. Justice Menis Ketchum retired earlier this year. Any of the three remaining justices who are considering resigning must do so by the Tuesday deadline in order for their replacements to be decided in a November special election. Gov. Jim Justice will appoint replacements who will serve until the election. All four justices were impeached for failing…

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Seven Takeaways From FBI Agent Strzok’s Testimony Before Two House Committees

Peter Strzok

by Fred Lucas   A joint hearing of two House committees Thursday repeatedly turned testy as FBI agent Peter Strzok sought to explain away text messages sharply critical of Donald Trump and how they did not affect the fairness of the FBI investigation of Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election. Strzok, reassigned but still an FBI employee, admitted “it’s fair to say I’m not a fan” of Trump. But he insisted that the Russia investigation is legitimate, contrary to Trump’s characterization of it. “In the summer of 2016, we had an urgent need to protect the integrity of an American presidential election from a hostile foreign power determined to weaken and divide the United States of America,” Strzok told lawmakers. “This investigation is not politically motivated. It is not a witch hunt. It is not a hoax.” The House Oversight and Government Reform Committee and the House Judiciary Committee held the joint hearing. The following are the big takeaways. [The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Find out more ] 1. Denying Bias, Admitting Regret Throughout the hearing, Strzok continuously denied being biased. “Having worked in national…

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Bob Corlew Commentary: Democrats Will Stop at Nothing to Impeach President Trump

Bob Corlew

by Judge Bob Corlew, Candidate for Tennessee’s 6th Congressional District   Political prognosticators have predicted there might be a blue wave coming in November. They believe the House will flip to Democrat control and the U.S. Senate race in Tennessee could decide who controls the U.S. Senate. It is important to keep in mind these same prognosticators also discounted then-candidate Donald J. Trump, and all but anointed Hillary Clinton as the 45th President of the United States. Although I believe the Republicans will stay in control in Washington, Democrats in the House of Representatives have become more vocal on impeaching our president if they do take control as the prognosticators predict. Impeaching President Trump is becoming a campaign promise from Democratic candidates in races across the country and a litmus test for their far-left liberal donors and activists. Democratic Congressman Al Green of Texas stated that President Trump is “the quintessential person that impeachment was designed for” and Democratic Congresswoman Maxine Waters of California said “to get ready for impeachment.” Tom Steyer, a billionaire liberal from California, is running over $20 million worth of television ads imploring Congress to impeach President Trump. Because impeachment is becoming a normal talking point…

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Democrat U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen of Memphis Calls for Impeaching Trump over Charlottesville Comments

  U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen (D-TN-9) said Thursday that he will introduce articles of impeachment against President Trump because of Trump’s comments following violent clashes in Charlottesville, Virginia, on Saturday. “Instead of unequivocally condemning hateful actions by neo-Nazis, white nationalists and Klansmen following a national tragedy, the President said ‘there were very fine people on both sides.’ There are no good Nazis. There are no good Klansmen,” said Cohen, who is Jewish, in a statement. A progressive leftist whose congressional district includes Memphis, Cohen is a ranking member of the House Judiciary Subcommittee on the Constitution and Civil Justice. The clashes in Charlottesville were between white supremacist demonstrators and leftist radical counterprotesters. A woman was killed and around 20 injured when a man identified as a white supremacist drove his vehicle into a crowd. There also was fighting in which both white supremacists and counterprotesters were “swinging sticks, punching and spraying chemicals,” according to the Washington Post. Bottles and rocks were also thrown back. There were injuries on both sides. On Saturday, Trump condemned the “egregious display of hatred, bigotry, and violence on many sides.” At a press conference Tuesday, Trump said he waited until Monday to condemn specific groups because he…

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America First Federation Launches Effort to Impeach Three Federal Judges

NASHVILLE, Tennessee – The America First Federation (AFF) announced today that it is launching a campaign to impeach the three federal district judges who have unconstitutionally ruled to revoke President Trump’s executive orders to protect the United States from foreign terrorists. “The three judges are Judge James Robart of Washington State, who overruled President Trump’s Executive Order 13679 on February 6, Judge Derrick Watson of Hawaii and Judge Theodore Chuang of Maryland who issued separate temporary restraining orders on March 15 blocking the nationwide implementation of President Trump’s Executive Order 13780,” AFF said in the statement released to The Tennessee Star. “We are organizing in several states, beginning with Tennessee, Florida, and Texas, to ask Republican members of the House of Representatives in those states to file articles of impeachment against all three of these judges (Robart,Watson, and Chuang), individually, in the House of Representatives, and to ask the Judiciary Committee to commence impeachment hearings,” Mark Skoda, founder of AFF, said in the statement. “Our efforts will initially focus on communicating this message to Rep. Scott DesJarlais (R-TN) and Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) in Tennessee and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) and Rep. Ted Poe (R-TX) in Texas,” Skoda said. “None…

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Commentary: Constitutional Crisis or Judicial Tyranny?

Tennessee Star

  President Trump has now issued two executive orders temporarily halting refugees from all countries and immigration from several Middle Eastern counties deemed security risks to the United States of America. Trump’s actions are constitutional and lawful. These countries affected by the temporary travel ban have little to no infrastructure to properly vet incoming refugees or migrants to America, are known hotbeds of terrorist activity, and, in the case of Syria, are locked in a violent civil war. Three federal judges–Judge James Robart of Washington State, Judge Derrick Watson of Hawaii and Judge Theodore Chuang of Maryland–have recently issued temporary restraining orders blocking the implementation of Executive Order 13769 and Executive Order 13780. None of these three judges addressed the statutes and Constitution pertaining to the legitimate authority of the Executive Branch to regulate immigration. In each of these cases, we find that the opinions of the court reflected the political perspectives of Left wing ideologues, Democrat campaign operatives if you will, as they entered campaign rhetoric as evidence prior to Trump gaining the presidency. In all cases, the opinions did not address the underlying statutes, but instead dealt with the “mindset” of the government as developed through Trump’s campaign…

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Articles of Impeachment for Federal District Judge James Robart Proposed in Petition

  Conservative HQ launched a petititon to impeach Federal District Judge James L. Robart of the Western District of Washington on Monday. Robart granted the temporary restraining order halting President Trump’s executive order that temporary blocked the issuance of visas to seven Middle Eastern countries and also temporarily banned the arrival of refugees from any country. Conservative HQ’s editor George Rasley lays out the case:   The articles of impeachment lay out four charges against Judge Robart: 1. Judge James Robart ignored the Constitution, statute and case law and substituted his personal whim to justify his arbitrary and capricious ruling restraining the President’s Executive Order 13,769. Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 of the Constitution and unanimous case law since our Founding gives Congress plenary power over immigration and the authority to delegate power to the executive specifically to reduce immigration. The president also has war powers to shut off immigration from states whose citizens present a clear and present danger to the national security of the United States. 2. By finding that President Trump’s Executive Order 13,769 imposed an unconstitutional religious test on potential refugees Judge James Robart ignored the plain language of Section 8 U.S.C. 1101(a)(42)(A) and substituted…

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