Bureaucrats Worry Behind Closed Doors They’ll Be Sent Packing Under Trump

Donald Trump

Government workers are reportedly in a state of panic over the prospect of former President Donald Trump winning another term in office, according to E&E News.

Bureaucrats up and down the federal hierarchy are concerned that a second Trump administration could cost them their jobs and put an end to liberal programs they worked to implement under President Joe Biden, E&E News reported. Trump has, if elected, pledged to implement reforms that would allow him to fire up to 50,000 civil servants at will, with the former president singling out workers who are incompetent, unnecessary or undermine his democratic mandate.

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Interior Department Tells Employees to Stop Using Gendered Terms Such as ‘Husband’ and ‘Son’

Business Meeting

The Interior Department has updated its “inclusive language guide” to include instructions for employees to stop using such gender-specific terms as “son” and “daughter,” and replace them with more generalized terms such as “kid” or “child.”

The 24-page guide said agency employees should also replace terms such as “husband” and “wife” with “spouse,” The Daily Wire reported Thursday.

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