Trump Administration May Be Inching Toward ‘Regime Change’ in Syria, Iran and Venezuela

The Trump administration and Congress appear to be inching toward policies of regime change in at least three countries — Iran, Syria and Venezuela — in what would be a dramatic reversal of the non-interventionism that Donald Trump advocated during the campaign. In a hearing before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on June 14, Secretary of…

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Iran, the World’s Top Terror Sponsor, Is Upset With Trump’s Travel Ban

Iran, the world’s top terror sponsor, denounced President Donald Trump’s travel ban on six Muslim-majority countries Friday, calling it a “shameful exhibition.” “US now bans Iranian grandmothers from seeing their grandchildren, in a truly shameful exhibition of blind hostility to all Iranians,” said Foreign Minister Javad Zarif in a Twitter post Friday. Trump’s travel ban went…

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How Radical Islam Penetrated The U.S. House of Representatives

Tennessee Star

George Rasley, CHQ Editor Our friend Luke Rosiak, Investigative Reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation, should receive a Pulitzer Prize for his investigative reporting of the vast national security breach of the House of Representatives perpetrated by five Pakistani Muslims who were employed as information technology staff by dozens of House Democrats. In his latest report on a story that, we might add, has been completely ignored by the establishment media Rosiak documents how the five Pakistanis have been connected to the Iranian-backed terror organization Hezbollah, that has killed hundreds of Americans and Israelis. Brothers Imran, Abid and Jamal Awan, as well as their wives Natalia Sova and Hina Alvi, were all on the congressional payroll serving as IT administrators for House Democrats. Rosiak has reported that while working for Congress, the Pakistani brothers controlled a limited liability corporation called Cars International A (CIA), a car dealership with odd finances, which took–and did not repay–a $100,000 loan from Dr. Ali Al-Attar. Laundering money through used car dealerships is a known Hezbollah tactic. In 2011 the government filed a civil asset forfeiture action in New York against 30 car dealerships from Michigan to Florida. To launder the terrorist money, vehicles were moved from the US to West Africa and resold, and…

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