Tennessee U.S. Rep. Tim Burchett on the Election of Speaker Mike Johnson and What’s Next for the House of Representatives

Tennessee U.S. Representative Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) joined Nashville’s Morning News with Dan Mandis on Supertalk 99.7 WTN Monday morning to bring listeners in the room with the new Speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, and discuss what’s next for Congress as President Joe Biden pushes for more funding for Ukraine amid growing conflict in the Middle East.

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Petition Drive Urging Mesa Sheraton to Cancel Council on American Islamic Relations Banquet with Anti-Israel Rep. Rashida Tlaib

A petition drive urging the Mesa Sheraton at Wrigleyville West to cancel a Council on American Islamic Relations (CAIR) banquet featuring Israel-hating Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib has garnered more than 6,000 signatures, smashing previous goals.

But it appears the controversial event, slated for Nov. 18, is still on despite pleading from Jewish advocates.

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Senator Marsha Blackburn Exposes U.S Taxpayer-Funded U.N. Relief and Works Agency for Teaching Hate

U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) took to the floor last week to detail the myriad instances of United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) teachers who indoctrinate students with hatred and incite violence, terrorism, and antisemitism.

Blackburn, who also has introduced a bill to halt funding for the suspect UNRWA, read from a report from UN Watch, the non-profit organization whose mission is to hold the United Nations accountable to its founding principles.

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Alan Dershowitz Commentary: A Short History of How the National Lawyers Guild Came to Support Hamas

It began as a liberal organization that was taken over by the communists and supported the Hitler-Stalin Pact.

Within a day of the massacre of Israeli babies, women, the elderly and others, the National Lawyers Guild issued a statement in support of the mass murderers. The Guild is a group of hard-left lawyers, students, and legal employees. It has branches in law schools throughout the country and has many members, especially among law students.

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Metro Nashville Council Member Zulfat Suara Refuses to Condemn Hamas Terrorists, Claims ‘Standing Up for Innocent Palestinian Children Doesn’t Make One Antisemitic’

Metro Nashville Council Member-At-Large Zulfat Suara has refused to condemn the October 7 Hamas terrorist attacks that killed 1,400 Israelis, but claims that “standing up for innocent Palestinian children doesn’t make one antisemitic.”

Suara, the co-founder and former leader of the Nashville-based American Muslim Advisory Council, was first elected as one of the five at-large members of the 40 member Metro Nashville Council in 2019. She was re-elected to another four year term in August of this year.

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Pro-Israel Rally Held at Legislative Plaza in Nashville

A rally for Jewish and Christian communities to “come together in unity to stand with Israel” took place at Legislative Plaza in Nashville on Friday following two straight weeks of pro-Palestine rallies.

The rally, which featured special guest speakers, including state representatives, state senators, pastors, rabbis, music artists, and community leaders, was held from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.

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Minnesota High School Students Hold Walkout Against the ‘Brutality of the Israeli Regime’

Edina High School students walked out of class Wednesday afternoon to protest their district’s “support for Israel,” which is at war with Hamas after the terrorist organization slaughtered Israeli civilians in an Oct. 7 attack.

“We all [saw] the email Edina Public Schools sent out showing their ‘support’ for Israel. History is repeating itself, an ethnic cleansing is happening to Palestine right now yet we close our eyes,” says a post on an Instagram page created for the walkout.

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Deep-Pocketed Liberal Nonprofit Is Propping Up Pro-Hamas Activists

A major left-of-center nonprofit is providing support to several groups that have justified Hamas’ attacks on Israeli civilians or accused Israel of genocide.

The Tides Center provides fiscal sponsorship to several groups expressing support for Palestinian terrorists and accusing Israel of human rights abuses. Several groups supported by Tides praised Hamas, saying they “breached the apartheid wall that has imprisoned them for over 16 years, separating them from their land, their loved ones, their holy sites” and have organized protests over the genocide they claim the Israeli government is carrying out.

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Iowa Voters Using Israel Litmus Test for 2024 Republican Presidential Candidates

Evangelical voters in Iowa have bumped support for Israel to one of their top priorities when considering a 2024 Republican presidential candidate, according to The Associated Press.

In the wake of Hamas’ terrorist attacks against Israel, many presidential candidates expressed their support of Israel’s right to defend itself but others cautioned against the U.S. getting too involved and launching another long war in a foreign country. The issue has come front and center in the key primary state, and many evangelical leaders are pushing their congregations to get “behind” Israel’s goal to wipe out Hamas from the Gaza Strip, according to the AP.

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Petition Drive Urges Mesa Sheraton to Cancel Council on American-Islamic Relations Event Featuring Rep. Rashida Tlaib

A Phoenix resident launched a petition urging the Sheraton Mesa at Wrigleyville to cancel next month’s annual Council on American-Islamic Relations banquet, featuring anti-Israel radical U.S. Representative Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-12).

As The Arizona Sun Times first reported, Tlaib is the featured speaker for the Arizona chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations Conference (CAIR)’s signature event, slated for November 18.

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Opposition Rises over Plan to Relocate Potentially Hundreds of Somalis to Wisconsin City Without Approval from Elected Officials

Eau Claire residents are speaking out against a plan to relocate potentially hundreds of Somali refugees to the northwest Wisconsin community without the consent of elected city officials.

One Eau Claire County resident who spoke to The Wisconsin Daily Star said the relocation effort amounts to “taxation without representation.”

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Israel Agrees to Delay Invasion So Pentagon Can Rush Air Defense to the Middle East

Israel agreed to delay an invasion of Gaza until the Department of Defense completes plans to boost air defenses around U.S. troops in the Middle East, The Wall Street Journal reported on Wednesday.

The Pentagon is sending nearly a dozen air defense systems to the U.S. Central Command (CENTCOM) region, Iraq, Syria, Kuwait, Jordan, Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates, to protect American service members from credible threats of attacks by Iran-backed militias. U.S. officials had asked Israel to create time to emplace the air defenses before launching operations that promise to trigger more bombardments on U.S. military positions, the WSJ reported, citing U.S. and Israeli officials.

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Biden Admin Readies Plans to Evacuate Thousands of Americans from Israel and Lebanon

The Biden administration is readying plans for mass evacuations of American citizens from Middle East hotspots amid fears of significant escalation of violence in the region, The Washington Post reported.

Hundreds of thousands of U.S. citizens could require rescue from Israel and Lebanon if the war between Israel and Gaza spills over into neighboring states, raising the prospect of the largest noncombat evacuation in recent memory, the Post reported, citing four U.S. officials familiar with the government’s contingency planning. Hezbollah in Lebanon and other Iran-backed militant groups throughout the Middle East have stepped up violence since the war’s onset and threatened to escalate further once Israel commences its planned ground operation in Gaza.

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Arizona Rep. Gallego Quietly Deletes 2021 Statement Demanding Israel-Hamas Ceasefire over ‘Human Rights Implications’

Some time after Hamas launched its devastating surprise attack against Israel on October 7, Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ-03) quietly deleted a 2021 press release from his official House website that expressed human rights concerns about Israel’s tactics during the conflict with Hamas.

The press release from Gallego, who is now running for U.S. Senate in Arizona, came in response to violence a period of violence in Israel and Palestine in May of 2021. Protesters were initially upset by an Israeli court’s intention to evict six Palestinian families from contested territory, and some ultimately threw stones at Israeli police. This provoked an Israeli police response that included the use of tear gas, rubber bullets, and stun grenades during a raid at the Al-Aqsa mosque.

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Council on American-Islamic Relations Arizona Chapter Invites ‘Squad’ Member Rep. Rashida Tlaib to Speak at Banquet

The Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) bills itself as a leading advocate for justice and mutual understanding, with a mission to “enhance understanding of Islam, protect civil rights, promote justice, and empower American Muslims.”

CAIR is a wolf in sheep’s clothing, say Jewish groups that have watched the council vilify Israel and stand silent on the unholy warriors of Hamas.

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Tennessee Republicans: Far-Left’s Calls for Ceasefire in Gaza ‘Embarrassment,’ ‘Abhorrent’

Members of Tennessee’s federal congressional delegation Monday slammed some of their Democrat counterparts who have called for a ceasefire in Gaza after Hamas terrorists attacked Israel.

“The fact that some of our leaders are calling for a ceasefire instead of supporting our ally Israel is an embarrassment,” Rep. Tim Burchett (R-TN-02) told The Tennessee Star Monday. “There is no compromising with the animals who brutally murdered innocent civilians and targeted women and children. Hamas is a terror group, and we should treat them like one.”

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‘Tucker on X’ Episode 33: Col. Douglas Macgregor Says, ‘Something as Bad or Potentially Even Worse Than 9/11 Could Happen Here’

In episode 33 of his newest production, “Tucker on X,” host Tucker Carlson interviewed U.S. Army Colonel Retired Combat Veteran Douglas Macgregor on whether the U.S. can engage in war with Iran.

Kicking off the 27-minute interview, Carlson asked the decorated combat veteran if he believed the U.S. is moving toward a war with Iran, to which Macgregor said, “Yes, I do. And it looks like the chosen destination is indeed Armageddon.”

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Arizona Democrats Silent After Rep. Gallego Refuses Questions over Israel and Palestine Record

The Arizona Democratic Party (AZDP) did not respond to a comment request from The Arizona Sun Times on Monday after news of its $10,000 donation to the Senate campaign of Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ-03) broke the same day the Senate candidate refused to answer questions about his voting record on Palestine and Israel.

Gallego was captured refusing to answer five questions about his votes that would either provide aid to the Hamas terrorist group or deny aid to Israel on Thursday in a video uploaded to social media by the National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC).

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Commentary: Antisemitism Pervades America’s College Campuses

After the horrific atrocities committed by Hamas in southern Israel on October 7, we witnessed a wave of antisemitism on college campuses by anti-Israel groups praising Hamas’ mass murder of Jews. 

Remember: Hamas invaded Israel, murdered at least 1,400 people, and took at least 212 hostages. Still, student groups at colleges across the country came out in support of the killings. The national chapter of the notoriously pro-terror Students for Justice in Palestine called the worst massacre of Jews since the Holocaust a “historic win.” Thirty-one Harvard organizations blamed Israel for the Hamas attacks. Students at the University of Wisconsin-Madison chanted “Glory to the Martyrs” while the La Fuerza Student Association at California State University advertised their pro-Palestine protest with a picture of a paraglider – a blatant endorsement of the massacre at the Supernova music festival. 

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Vanderbilt University Medical Center ‘WokeScientist’ Supports Palestinian Liberation ‘By Any Means Necessary’

A microbiologist at the Vanderbilt University Medical Center, known as WokeScientist on her Instagram account, took to her social media page to defend Hamas for the terrorist network’s barbaric attack on Israelis.

Dr. Ayesha Khan, a VUMC resident and clinical fellow in microbiology in the Department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology, insists on her Instagram page that “a ceasefire is not enough.”

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Middle TN Democratic Socialists of America Hold ‘All Out For Palestine’ Rally in Nashville

The Middle Tennessee Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) held a second rally in support of the terrorist group Hamas on Sunday in front of the Nashville Metropolitan Courthouse. About 300 vocal supporters attended, chanting slogans indicating support for a “Free Palestine” and the ouster of Israel from the region.

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Hamas Releases Two American Hostages

Hamas released two American hostages on Friday after detaining the U.S. citizens since it carried out terrorist attacks against Israel on Oct. 7, the State Department said.

Hamas said it released a mother and her daughter, both American citizens, for humanitarian reasons and to spite the Biden administration’s claims about Hamas’ atrocities, Hamas said in an English-language statement on Friday. Secretary of State Antony Blinken later confirmed that two American hostages were transferred out of Hamas custody around 3 p.m. EST.

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Tennessee Congressional Delegation Members Push Back on President Biden’s Lump Funding Request for Israel, Ukraine, and Border Security

A group of Tennessee congressional lawmakers have criticized President Joe Biden’s budget request for Congress to fund an aid package for both Ukraine and Israel.

On Friday, the White House announced the details of Biden’s $105 billion funding request, with the majority of the funding – $61.4 billion – intended for Ukraine. Further, under Biden’s request, Israel would receive $14.3 billion. The rest of the requested funds would go towards humanitarian efforts in Ukraine, Israel, Gaza, and other places and fund various initiatives geared toward the Indo-Pacific.

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Campus Speech Codes Used Against Students Who Dismiss Hamas Terrorism as Israel’s Fault

A mile and a half from the worst terrorist attack on U.S. soil, a free speech battle is raging over the worst terrorist attack on Israeli soil.

New York University is under fire from critics of Israel and civil libertarians for its response to pro-Palestine student activism in the wake of the Oct. 7 Hamas slaughter and kidnapping of Israeli civilians and Israel’s resulting Gaza offensive.

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Virginia Sheriff Departments Asked to Contribute Excess Gear to Israel

Attorney General Jason Miyares has enlisted the help of the commonwealth’s 123 sheriff’s departments by asking for expired or surplus gear that can be donated to the Israeli military.

“I am shocked and grieved by the senseless terrorist attacks on Israel by the Hamas terrorist organization. The loss of innocent life and disregard for human rights is painfully tragic to see,” Miyares wrote in the letter.

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Commentary: Americans Won’t Fight for the Globalists’ Agenda

Imagining a cascade of catastrophic escalations plunging humanity into the next world war is no longer a stretch, and it could happen fast. Israel invades Gaza to destroy Hamas, and Hezbollah goes to war. America targets Hezbollah to help defend Israel, and Iran and Syria, with Russian assistance, attack Israel. Hezbollah cells strike targets within America, and Israel and America strike targets inside Iran. Russia launches a major new offensive in Ukraine with support from Belarus. China openly supports Russia and Iran with weapons. All of this is more plausible than ever.

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Jewish Groups: Students for Justice in Palestine Is Terror-Affiliated Organization Protected by U.S. Universities

In the aftermath of Hamas’ barbaric attack on Israel, Arizona State University’s chapter of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) declared “Palestinian freedom fighters are not terrorists!”

The message was a theme in the group’s anti-Israel “Day of Resistance” in solidarity with Palestine — and, by extension, Hamas.

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U.S. Unveils New Sanctions Against Hamas

The Treasury Department unveiled sanctions on a number of Hamas operatives and financial facilitators Wednesday in the wake of terrorist attacks on Israel.

Palestinian terrorist organization Hamas carried out attacks against Israel on Oct. 7, resulting in the deaths of over 1,400 Israelis and the kidnapping of over 100 people, including Americans. The Biden administration has taken steps to castigate Hamas since the attacks, including imposing sanctions against Hamas operatives and financial actors in an effort to throttle the group’s funding, according to a press release from the Treasury.

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