Commentary: The Unelected Parts of Government, Including the Military, Are Revolting Against the Electoral Control by the People

During the Iraq War, the insurgency spent a lot of its resources attacking infrastructure, particularly the electrical grid. This made life miserable for ordinary Iraqis.

That outcome seems to go against the logic of insurgency, where the center of gravity is the people’s allegiance. But making life uncertain and unbearable means that even if the insurgents cannot win, they ensure the regime cannot win either. The cultivation of chaos exposes the government as ineffective and ultimately removes its legitimacy.

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Call Sign Chaos: OANN’s McCabe Suspects Former Secretary of Defense Mattis May be Looking for a 2024 Presidential Bid with New Book Release

  On Tuesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Michael Patrick Leahy spoke with special guest and his former Breitbart colleague, Iraq war veteran and current Army Reserve Sergeant Neil McCabe. Now a Washington-based reporter for One America News Network,  McCabe spoke to Michael about his take on James Mattis’s inspiration and motivation for his latest book Call Sign Chaos. During the show, the men talked about Mattis’s doublespeak as a disgruntled employee who doesn’t want to criticize the President and the potentiality that he may be looking to throw his hat into the ring in hopes of a 2024 Presidential run. Leahy: We are joined now by my good friend and great analyst, Neil McCabe with One America News Network. He’s a Washington correspondent there. And Neil, good morning. Neil, and can you help us understand what’s going on with former Secretary of Defense, James Mattis who’s written this new book called Call Sign Chaos? Good morning Neil. McCabe: Yeah. Leahy: What’s going on? McCabe: This is a guy who got so angry. Why does everyone call me a mad dog? Then he writes a…

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Supreme Court Upholds Trump Transgender Military Policy – for Now

by Fred Lucas   The Supreme Court sided with the Trump administration in a limited ruling Tuesday on the issue of transgender people serving in the military. The narrow issue the high court decided on in the broader case of Trump v. Karnoski was whether to uphold a lower court’s injunction preventing the military from implementing the Defense Department’s 2018 policy. The policy, put in place by then-Defense Secretary James Mattis, allowed active duty transgender people to continue serve in the military, but largely did not allow new people with a medical condition known as gender dysphoria to join the military. Gender dysphoria is defined as a psychological condition marked by significant emotional distress caused by a conflict of gender identity and biological sex. “It’s refreshing to see the U.S. Supreme Court rein in lower court judges who are bent on telling the commander-in-chief how to run the military,” said Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council and a Marine veteran. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., called the ruling was “deeply concerning” in a tweet. .@realDonaldTrump’s ban on trans Americans serving in our nation’s military was purpose-built to humiliate brave men & women seeking to serve their country. Deeply…

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Commentary: Merry Christmas – We’re All Gonna Die (Again)!

by Thaddeaus G. McCotter   One of the less salubrious effects of the anti-social network is how everything and anything is deemed the end of the world and, logically, the end of humanity. True, to the Regressives, the end of humanity does not mean the end of the world but, rather, a reprieve from us for Goddess Gaia. But why quibble and ruin the spirit of the season? Speaking of ruining the spirit of the season, to paraphrase President Ronald Reagan: “Well, here we are again.” Here at home, the Dow is down and the Donald’s ire is up. The government is shut down over the issue of funding for the southern border wall. General Michael Flynn was in court for sentencing and is still not sentenced. Michael Cohen is going to jail and the president has discussed the case with his acting attorney general, causing within the political class an outpouring of narcissistic panic about the fate of our free republic not seen since lunch. Naturally, the hashtag “#TrumpResign” is trending number one, because the onanistic resistance has mystically divined that this is the silver bullet that will make the bane of their existence pick up his money bags…

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President Trump Ousts Mattis Early, Names Patrick Shanahan Acting Secretary of Defense

by Chuck Ross   President Trump announced Sunday that Secretary of Defense James Mattis will leave office on Jan. 1, two months earlier than expected. Trump is appointing Mattis’ deputy, Patrick M. Shanahan, as acting defense secretary until a permanent replacement is found, he announced on Twitter. I am pleased to announce that our very talented Deputy Secretary of Defense, Patrick Shanahan, will assume the title of Acting Secretary of Defense starting January 1, 2019. Patrick has a long list of accomplishments while serving as Deputy, & previously Boeing. He will be great! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 23, 2018 Mattis tendered his resignation on Thursday after Trump decided to pull troops out of Syria. In a letter to Trump, Mattis subtly criticized Trump over the decision, as well as his treatment of U.S. allies. “My views on treating allies with respect and also being clear-eyed about both malign actors and strategic competitors are strongly held and informed by over four decades of immersion in these issues,” Mattis wrote. “Because you have the right to have a Secretary of Defense whose views are better aligned with yours on these and other subjects, I believe it is right for me…

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Commentary: Trump is Smarter Than the Generals

by Christopher Roach   A bipartisan consensus among the foreign policy elite holds that America needs to maintain its de facto overseas empire. This includes both preserving stability, as well as fomenting deliberate instability, including regime change in places like Syria. This consensus among elected officials, defense contractors, general officers, talking heads, and various experts is not shared by the vast majority of Americans, who elected Barack Obama and Donald Trump on their promises to end “stupid wars” and put America first. The American people have good instincts on these matters. The Confused Syria Campaign Our Syria campaign has been a confused affair from the beginning. In the waning days of the Arab Spring, Obama supported various rebel factions seeking to oust Bashar al-Assad, as he had earlier in Libya and Egypt. Syrians soon found themselves in the midst of a brutal civil war, and in this vacuum—as in Iraq only a decade earlier—jihad tourists from all over the Middle East soon joined the fray. The various enemies of the Syrian regime included the so-called “moderate” rebels, Kurds, and Sunni extremists, the latter of which were divided between al Nusra and ISIS. There are no obvious good guys here, and…

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Katrina Pierson Commentary: Reports of White House Discord are a Fairy Tale Concocted by the Media

by Katrina Pierson   President Trump’s continuing success at keeping his promises to the American people shows that media reports of discord and turmoil at the White House are just the wishful thinking of liberal activist-reporters. The media’s obsession with rumors of White House dissonance is unparalleled — time and again, the press eagerly publishes salacious stories about President Trump that can’t be verified or confirmed independently. The ongoing negative coverage surrounding the Chief of Staff vacancy offers an excellent example of this type of sleazy reporting. In his article for Vanity Fair, notorious Trump hater Gabe Sherman dramatically exaggerated the circumstances of John Kelly’s departure with details attributed to mysterious unnamed sources. Like flies attracted to manure, the reporter-activists in the mainstream media swarm over every smelly rumor they can find in Washington, unrestrained by even the pretense of objectivity or commitment to accuracy. If you write a poorly-sourced book that is critical of President Trump, you may just become a frequent guest on cable TV news programs. If you claim to be a White House official who disagrees with the administration, your anonymous letter may just end up in The New York Times. Part of the problem with…

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Neil McCabe Tells The Tennessee Star Report That Secretary of Defense James Mattis ‘Was Really Trying to be That Third Term for President Barack Obama in the Pentagon’

On Friday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Michael Patrick Leahy spoke with special guest and his former Breitbart colleague, Iraq war veteran and current Army Reserve Sergeant Neil McCabe. Now a Washington-based reporter for One America News Network,  McCabe spoke to Michael about his diverse career history, his take on James Mattis’s resignation, the ‘suicide pact’ between the Military Generals at the White House, and who he thinks is a front runner to fill Mattis’s shoes at the Pentagon. McCabe added the he believes retired Gen. Jack Keane is the front runner to replace Mattis as Secretary of Defense when he leaves on February 28. You can read a transcript of the conversation here: Leahy: Big news yesterday, Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis resigns, his resignation letter, I’m sure you read it.  Basically said ‘I don’t agree with what you’re doing President Trump and therefor eyou deserve a Secretary of Defense who’s views are aligned with yours therefore I’m stepping down.’ McCabe: Well, I think the biggest secret that everyone knew in Washington was Mattis had to go. …

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Mattis Dismisses Reports He May Be Leaving Trump Administration

Tennessee Star

Reuters   U.S. Defense Secretary Jim Mattis on Tuesday flatly dismissed reports suggesting he may be leaving President Donald Trump’s administration in the coming months, saying flatly: “I wouldn’t take it seriously at all.” “How many times have we been through this, now, just since I’ve been here? It will die down soon, and the people who started the rumor will be allowed to write the next rumor, too,” Mattis told reporters at the Pentagon. “Just the way the town is,” he added. “Keep a sense of humor about it.” The remarks were the most direct by Mattis to date about intensifying rumors about his future as Trump approaches the half-way mark of his four-year term amid speculation about changes to his cabinet after upcoming November mid-term elections. Mattis has become a focus in media stories in recent weeks about the Trump administration, particularly after the release of a book this month by Watergate reporter Bob Woodward that portrayed Mattis privately disparaging Trump to associates. Mattis strongly denied making any such remarks. Trump on Sept. 5 said he defense chief would remain in his job, adding: “He’ll stay right there. We’re very happy with him. We’re having a lot of…

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FAKE NEWS? Bob Woodward Has A Trail Of Accuracy Issues That Nobody Is Talking About

by Peter Hasson   Longtime journalist Bob Woodward’s best-selling new book, “Fear,” presents a scathing depiction of President Donald Trump and his ability to perform his duties as commander-in-chief. While senior Trump officials including Secretary of Defense James Mattis have denied quotations attributed to them in the book, media coverage of “Fear” has been largely positive, emphasizing the 75-year-old Woodward’s experience and trustworthiness. Statement from Secretary of Defense, James Mattis: — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) September 4, 2018 But that coverage has left out part of the story: repeated, credible charges — including from well-respected fellow journalists — that in previous books Woodward embellished the truth, made dubious bombshell claims or was otherwise misleading. Woodward’s former editor at the Washington Post, Ben Bradlee, though publicly complimentary of Woodward, privately doubted some of the more dramatic elements of Woodward and Carl Bernstein’s Watergate-era bestseller, “All The President’s Men.” Bradlee and Woodward’s former assistant at the Post, Jeff Himmelman, revealed Bradlee’s nagging doubts in a 2012 biography of the longtime editor. Bradlee gave Himmelman full access to his files, which revealed that details about Woodward’s relationship with infamous Watergate source “Deep Throat” gnawed at Bradlee years later. Details like Woodward communicating with Deep Throat by placing a flag in a potted…

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Secretary of Defense Mattis Criticizes Chinese Aggression During South American Tour


by Carla Babb   Secretary of Defense Jim Mattis has cautioned South American allies against Chinese aggression, slamming what he called China’s “predatory economics” and its militarization of increasingly important areas in both sea and space. Speaking to a group of military students in Rio de Janeiro, Mattis called for partnering with Brazilians to defend American assets in space, adding that steps toward building a U.S. Space Force were reactionary based on Chinese and Russian attack capabilities. He provided the example of when China used a missile to destroy one of its satellites in space in 2007. “We understand the message China was sending, that they could take out a satellite in space,” Mattis told the group. “We don’t intend to militarize space. However, we will defend ourselves in space, if necessary.” U.S. satellites are used for communications, weather forecasting and GPS. They also bring in trillions of dollars of economic output, according to Paul Selva, vice chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff. China has shown growing interest in boosting Latin American space efforts, even financing and operating a space center in Argentina. American space firms are enthusiastic about the possibility of launching satellites out of Brazil’s new space…

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Vice President Pence Outlines The Pentagon’s Four Steps For Making The Space Force Happen

Mike Pence, James Mattis

Vice President Mike Pence asked Congress to appropriate $8 billion over the next five years for President Donald Trump’s proposed Space Force, during a speech at the Pentagon Thursday morning. “As President Trump has said in his own words, it is not enough to merely have an American presence in space,” Pence said Thursday. “We must have American dominance in space, and so we will.” The Space Force is a potential sixth branch of the military that Trump proposed in March. Pence outlined four steps to “evolve our space capabilities” that will be echoed in a Pentagon report set to be released Thursday. The report calls for the creation of the U.S. Space Command as a first step. It will be a “new command structure for the physical domain of space led by a four-star flag officer … to ensure integration across the military,” Pence said. The second step is creating an “elite group of warfighters” drawn from men and women in all branches of the military who will specialize in space operations, Pence said. The third step is creating a joint organization called the Space Development Agency that will focus on giving members of the U.S. Space Force the most cutting-edge…

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Mattis Backs Up Trump’s Strong Words On Iran

by Evie Fordham   Secretary of Defense James Mattis backed up President Donald Trump’s fiery message about Iran at the Hoover Institution in Stanford, California, on Tuesday. “[Iran] cannot continue to show irresponsibility as some revolutionary organization that is intent on exporting terrorism, exporting disruption across the region,” Mattis said, reported The Hill. Trump tweeted an all-caps message to Iran on Sunday night. “NEVER, EVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN OR YOU WILL SUFFER CONSEQUENCES THE LIKES OF WHICH FEW THROUGHOUT HISTORY HAVE EVER SUFFERED BEFORE. WE ARE NO LONGER A COUNTRY THAT WILL STAND FOR YOUR DEMENTED WORDS OF VIOLENCE & DEATH. BE CAUTIOUS!” he wrote. To Iranian President Rouhani: NEVER, EVER THREATEN THE UNITED STATES AGAIN OR YOU WILL SUFFER CONSEQUENCES THE LIKES OF WHICH FEW THROUGHOUT HISTORY HAVE EVER SUFFERED BEFORE. WE ARE NO LONGER A COUNTRY THAT WILL STAND FOR YOUR DEMENTED WORDS OF VIOLENCE & DEATH. BE CAUTIOUS! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 23, 2018 “The president was making very clear that they’re on the wrong track,” Mattis said at the Hoover Institution. Mattis was in California with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo for a  meeting with Australian officials, reported The Hill. The defense secretary discussed Iran’s role…

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Commentary: Will President Trump Cave to McMaster, Tillerson and Mattis on Obamabomb Deal?

Tennessee Star

by George Rasley CHQ readers will recall that during the campaign then-candidate Donald Trump regularly excoriated the Obama – Iran nuclear weapons deal (JCPOA) saying, “My number one priority is to dismantle the disastrous deal with Iran. I have been in business a long time. I know deal-making and let me tell you, this deal is catastrophic – for America, for Israel, and for the whole Middle East.” And we’ve explained in any number of articles, most recently in Countdown To Get Us Out Of The Obamabomb Deal With Iran and, Even UN Says Iran Not Complying With Obama Nuclear Weapons Deal, Conservative National Security Experts Urge President Trump to Withdraw From Obama’s Nuclear Deal With Iran, President Trump’s UN Speech vs. Action On Iran And North Korea and If North Korea Has Miniature Nukes, So Does Iran,  the inevitable result of continuing to falsely certify that Iran is in compliance with the nuclear weapons deal, and allowing their continued nuclear weapons and missile development cooperation, is an anti-American world dominated by two nuclear-armed rogue states; North Korea and Iran. The message that the United States must stop falsely certifying that Iran is in compliance with the JCPOA seems to be getting through to the President, but the next…

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James Mattis Irks Leftist Media, Saying of ISIS, ‘We’re Going to Kill Them All’

ANALYSIS/OPINION: U.S. retired general and Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, has said the policy of the American military now in the fight against the Islamic State in Iraq is moving from one of attrition to one of annihilation. The Leftist media doesn’t like this so much. The Washington Post in particular yesterday was upset that Mattis…

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Commentary: Pro-Trump Conservatives Being Massacred In The Battle For The Pentagon

Conservative HQ Staff As CHQ Chairman Richard Viguerie has been telling CHQ readers for many years, “Personnel is policy.” And unfortunately, right now pro-Trump conservatives are getting massacred in one of the biggest personnel and hence policy battles Washington has seen in many years – the battle to staff the Trump Pentagon. The latest rout of conservatives at the hands of Secretary of Defense James Mattis, and the establishment James MattisRepublicans who occupy the White House Office of Presidential Personnel, came in the fight over who should be nominated as Secretary of the Navy to replace Philip Bilden, who decided to withdraw his name from consideration after saying that meeting the government’s ethics guidelines would require too great a financial sacrifice. The scuttlebutt in the Pentagon and in the defense-oriented media is that today the White House will announce that the next SecNav nominee will be former Marine aviator Richard V. Spencer. Spencer has had a distinguished business career after leaving the Marines. He worked on Wall Street for 15 years with Goldman Sachs, Merrill Lynch, Bear Sterns and Paine Webber and served as vice chairman and chief financial officer of intercontinental exchange. He is now an investment banker who…

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