Fountain Hills Democrats Attempt to Remove Republicans’ Christmas Tree from Community Center, Attempt ‘Inappropriate’ Replacements

Christmas Tree

Democratic activists in the Town of Fountain Hills objected to a Christmas tree decorated with Trump 2024 flags put up by the Republican Party in the town’s community center. The town refused to take the tree down, citing the First Amendment, so in protest, the Fountain Hills Democratic Club (FHDC) put up their own “inappropriate” replacement, a severed mask of Donald Trump’s head inside a wreath.

Fountain Hills Councilman Allen Skillicorn provided a statement to The Arizona Sun Times. “While I defend the Fountain Hills Democratic Club’s free speech, I am shocked by the inappropriate and out of touch behavior by FH Dem Club members,” he said. “The Grinch appears to reside in their hearts. The people of Arizona and Fountain Hills have rejected their sex toy ideology and devotion to confusing children. I defend their right to not believe in Christianity and the Holiday of Christ’s birth, but does that mean they should mock the faith of others? I invite the FH Dems to enjoy some eggnog and twinkly lights, but leave the Bah Humbug at home, behind closed doors.”

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