Guatemalan Authorities Investigate Biden-Linked NGO Suspected of Child-Trafficking Crimes


A Biden-linked Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) that has been active on both sides of the U.S.-Mexico border is being investigated in Guatemala for child trafficking.

Guatemalan authorities raided the offices of Save the Children on April 25, citing complaints of sexual abuse of Guatemalan children in Texas shelters. The raid was reportedly carried out by officers from the Special Public Prosecutor Against Impunity and the Civil Police.

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Carol Swain Reflects on ‘Be the People’ Conference, Reveals Jill Biden’s ‘Discreet’ Meeting Next Door

Jill Biden

Dr. Carol M. Swain said First Lady Jill Biden held a “discreet” meeting at the Richland Country Club at the same time Swain’s nonprofit organization Be the People’s American Dream Conference was taking place on Friday evening in Nashville.

Biden initially traveled to Franklin for a “political event” reportedly occurring at the home of country music star Brad Paisley, however, also held an unannounced event at the Richland Country Club on Friday, according to Swain.

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Report: Biden Administration Pushing LGBTQ Ideology Abroad to Alter Foreign Cultures and Eliminate Religious Freedom

A report released Tuesday by faith and family values organization Family Research Council (FRC) details how the Biden administration is not only forcing its LGBTQ agenda within the United States, but also pushing specific policies throughout the world in “a coercive attempt to change foreign cultures and laws” and eliminate “human rights like religious freedom.”

The authors of FRC’s report titled “Exporting LGBT Ideology: The Biden Administration’s Foreign Policy Priority” highlight how Biden has “systematically elevated the importance of LGBT ideology in American foreign policy, utilizing the resources and platform of the U.S. government to promote LGBT policies abroad.”

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Biden Struggles to Answer Reporter’s Question About Why as a Catholic He Supports Abortion Rights

Self-described “Catholic” President Joe Biden balked at a question from a reporter from the Eternal Word Television Network (EWTN) on Ash Wednesday about why, as a Catholic, he supports abortion rights.

EWTN Washington, DC, correspondent Owen Jensen asked Biden, who had apparently received ashes on the first day of Lent, why he again expressed his support for abortion during his State of the Union address Tuesday evening.

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Texas Republicans Sound Off On Biden’s ‘Pathetic’ Claim That He’s Too Busy to Visit the Border

Texas Republicans described President Joe Biden’s immigration policies as reckless and criticized him for claiming that he has been too busy to visit the southern border since taking office in January.

Biden said Thursday night that he “should go down [to visit the border] but the whole point of it is I haven’t had a whole hell of a lot of time to,” during a CNN town hall. The last time Biden was near the border was when he flew into an airport in El Paso, Texas, where his motorcade took him to New Mexico for a campaign event in 2008, according to The Washington Post.

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Democrats Descend on Churches in Virginia in Souls to the Polls Campaign Urging Parishioners to Vote for Terry McAuliffe

Democratic leaders are targeting church goers to get out the vote, endorsing Democratic incumbent Gov. Terry McAuliffe, who is slightly behind in the polls for the first time after making controversial remarks about parents not having a say in their children’s education.

Some argue the Souls to the Polls campaign violates IRS rules governing tax-exempt entities such as churches.

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First Lady Jill Biden to Visit Nashville Tuesday to Encourage COVID Vaccinations Orchestrated by Top Obama Administration Officials

Tuesday, First Lady Jill Biden will head to Nashville to inspire more COVID-19 vaccinations – part of a campaign organized by top Obama-era officials. Biden will be joined by country music star Brad Paisley at a pop-up vaccination site from 5 to 7 p.m. CST.

Biden’s trip is part of a nationwide bus tour to encourage vaccinations, the National Vaccine Month of Action. The bus tour was organized by Made to Save, an initiative that blames systemic racism for why less people of color are getting vaccinated than white individuals. The initiative is the work of Civic Nation: a nonprofit organization focused on social justice activism, comprised mainly of top-tier Obama Administration figures. Civic Nation’s board are all key leaders from the Obama Administration, and many of the nonprofit’s staff are, too.

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President Biden Visits Virginia for ‘Getting America Back on Track’ Tour

Joe Biden at elementary school

President Biden and First Lady Dr. Jill Biden visited eastern Virginia Monday for the “Getting America Back On Track” tour. The President stopped at Yorktown Elementary School in Newport News, and gave a pitch at Tidewater Community College for his $1.8 trillion American Families Plan (AFP). He said expanding education for every American is critical to keep the U.S. competitive internationally, and called for tax increases on corporations and the wealthy to fund the plan.

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Biden Admin Won’t Say How Much ‘Emergency’ Funding for Colleges Remains Unspent, Proposes Another $12 Billion Anyway

College student studying

Disclosure: The writer of this piece served as the U.S. Department of Education’s Press Secretary from summer 2019 through the end of the Trump administration and was involved in the announcement of the creation of the Education Stabilization Fund transparency portal. 

Congressional Democrats and President Joe Biden enacted $40 billion in additional higher education relief funding without any public information on if, or how, the $21.2 billion allocated in December 2020 had been spent.

Even though colleges and universities were required to report their spending on January 28 and then again on February 8, the Department of Education’s Education Stabilization Fund transparency portal is still showing spending data as of Nov. 30 of last year.

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Battleground Minnesota Saga: Donald Trump Jr. and Jill Biden to Host Campaign Events on the Same Day Next Week

Both Donald Trump Jr. and Jill Biden on September 9 will arrive in Minnesota as part of campaign efforts for the Democratic and Republican presidential candidates. Trump Jr. will host a “Make America Great Again” rally in Duluth, while Jill while host a “Back to School Tour” in the Twin Cities.

These visits are the latest in a campaign tug of war over Minnesota. Most recently, President Donald J. Trump and Democratic candidate Joe Biden released back-to-back campaign ads in the state. Both opponents pointed fingers at the other as the blame for nationwide riots.

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Commentary: The Democratic Party Is Unwell

A healthy political party—just like a healthy individual—has certain traits and habits that nourish overall wellness. A diversity of interests, a sense of humor, a curious mind, a measured temperament, and an occasional endorphin-release from physical activity are just a few things that contribute to the fitness of a human being. The same kind of characteristics should be found on a collective scale in a thriving, muscular, and stable political party.

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