Emails Obtained by FBI Detail How Hunter Biden Landed Ukrainian Gas Gig in 2014

In the weeks before he landed a deal with a Ukrainian gas company in 2014, Hunter Biden strategized with his business partner on how to leverage an upcoming official trip to Kiev by his father, then-Vice President Joe Biden, to clinch the lucrative arrangement, according to emails obtained a year ago by the FBI.

The communications reviewed by Just the News show that the younger Biden referred to his father as “my guy” and took credit for “adding value” because the vice president made comments to Ukrainian leaders about natural gas production that might benefit his new client.

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Stacey Abrams Staffer Helping Biden Pick Justice Department Team

After winning the vote in the Electoral College last week, former Vice President Joe Biden said the election process “should be celebrated, not attacked.” 

Biden derided what he called “baseless claims about the legitimacy of the results” of the presidential election and said, “Respecting the will of the people is at the heart of our democracy, even if we find those results hard to accept.”

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Joe Biden Expected to Name Current Connecticut Education Commissioner to Lead Education Department

President-elect Joe Biden is poised to select Miguel Cardona, the current Connecticut education commissioner, to lead the Department of Education in his administration, CNN reported.

Miguel Cardona, who has served as head of the Connecticut State Department of Education (CSDE) since August 2019, will be President-elect Joe Biden’s choice to lead the federal government’s education department, multiple sources told CNN. Cardona would be the latest Latino to receive a high-ranking position in the incoming Biden administration.

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Commentary: Biden’s Latest Identity Politics Pick is a Radical with a Land Grab Scheme

New Mexico Rep. Deb Haaland — a Native American through her mother’s lineage — is the newest addition to Biden’s identity politics bingo card. Haaland was tapped for Secretary of the Interior, a position with control over conservation and oil and gas drilling on public lands, the Bureau of Indian Affairs, and a swath of other agencies like the Fish and Wildlife Service and the Bureau of Indian Education. 

Environmentalists were titillated to see a Native American nominated to take charge of land conservation and Native affairs, especially after President Trump authorized oil drilling, pipelines, and the border wall on land considered by some Native activists to be sacred. 

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Commentary: Joe Biden’s ‘First Hundred’ Daze

Often during spring training, the Hall of Fame baseball manager of the Reds and Tigers, Sparky Anderson, was asked about how his team would fare in the upcoming season. To put off the question without appearing rude, the skipper would say, “we’ll know after the first 40 games.”  Interestingly, the jury is still out on whether Sparky actually believed this, because after the first 40 games he slyly put off the question for more and more games until his team had patently proven its competitive mettle (or lack thereof) to reporters and fans.   

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Acting Defense Sec. Orders Halt to Biden Transition Meetings

Acting Defense Secretary Chris Miller reportedly ordered a halt to cooperation with the transition team of Joe Biden on Thursday, resulting in cancelled meetings building-wide.

According to Axios, officials across the Defense Department were shocked at the directive, and unsure of what prompted it. Apparently, a top Biden official was also taken by surprise by the directive.

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Commentary: Praying for Peace in a Biden-Influenced Middle East

As sane Americans reluctantly resign themselves to the approach of an unimaginable Joe Biden presidency, the unrelenting blitzkrieg of media Trump-hate is occasionally, but each week more frequently, punctured by glimmers of recognition of what the apparently outgoing president has achieved. There seems to be a consensus, even embracing many Democrats, that President Trump has scored a significant success with the Abraham Accords in the Middle East. 

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Joe Biden Defends His Son, Who Is Under Federal Investigation, as ‘the Smartest Man I Know’

President-elect Joe Biden says he is “not concerned” about a federal investigation into his son, Hunter, and accused his opponents of weaponizing the probe for political points.

Biden said that Hunter, who has been involved in a string of high-profile personal and business controversies in recent years, as “the smartest man I know.”

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Hunter Biden Was Due to Receive ‘Significant’ Payments from Chinese Private Equity Firm Starting in 2019, Emails Show

Hunter Biden was repeatedly told by his business partner that he would begin receiving significant payments from a Chinese private equity firm starting in 2019, emails obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation show.

The business partner, Eric Schwerin, also told Hunter Biden in a December 2018 email that the Chinese private equity firm, BHR Partners, would generate income for him “over the next couple of years.”

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A Vaccine Maker Under Federal Investigation Has Hired Lobbyist with Family Ties to Top Biden Adviser

A vaccine maker under investigation for misrepresenting its involvement in Operation Warp Speed has hired lobbyist Jeff Ricchetti, whose brother will be the top White House counselor to Joe Biden.

Ricchetti’s firm, which he founded with his brother Steve, the incoming Biden adviser, registered as a lobbyist on Nov. 1 for Vaxart, a California-based biotechnology company that specializes in developing oral vaccinations.

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Here’s Everything We Know About the Hunter Biden Investigation

Hunter Biden, the son of President-elect Joe Biden, is the subject of a probe into possible connections to a prominent Chinese energy firm as well as an investigation into his tax affairs.

The President-elect’s son announced on Dec. 9 that federal authorities in his home state of Delaware were conducting an inquiry into his finances. Hunter Biden’s business dealings with China remains the primary focus of the investigation, which began in 2018, CNN’s Shimon Prokupecz reported.

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Joe Biden Stumps for Warnock, Ossoff in Georgia

President-elect Joe Biden spoke at a car rally in Georgia on Tuesday in support of Democratic candidates Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff. Biden’s message focused on how the nation would achieve progress and unity through Warnock and Ossoff, and how the nation would continue to fail under incumbent Republican Senators Kelly Loeffler and David Perdue.

The lineup of opening statements included failed gubernatorial candidate and Democratic activist Stacey Abrams; Atlanta Mayor Keisha Lance Bottoms; and Congresswoman-elect Nekima Williams. Both Warnock and Ossoff also took the stage before Biden.

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Commentary: Will America’s Politically Disenfranchised Unite Against the Corporate Elites Bend on Ruling Them?

By now most America First conservatives have recognized the common agenda of libertarians and progressives. These two groups have significant differences, of course. For example, progressives are pro-union while libertarians prefer employee choice. But on most of the biggest issues, their agendas now align.

The alliance is a mismatch, however, for two reasons. First, because progressives have far more money and institutional power, and second, because progressives are serious, whereas libertarians tend to favor symbolic gestures.

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After Examining Michigan’s Antrim County Voting Machines, ASOG Concludes Dominion ‘Intentionally Designed’ to ‘Create Systemic Fraud’

The cyber-security firm that conducted a forensic examination of 22 Dominion Voting tabulators in Michigan has determined that “Dominion Voting System is intentionally and purposefully designed” to “create systemic fraud,” and that election results of Antrim County should not have been certified. Allied Security Operations Group (ASOG) said in a report published Monday morning that it observed an error rate of 68.05 percent in the fatally flawed machines.

Earlier Monday morning, Michigan state judge Kevin Elensheimer ordered the release of the the Dominion voting machines audit in Antrim County, where thousands of votes for President Trump were flipped to Joe Biden.

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Commentary: Trump Can Stop Biden from Funding Left-Wing Groups

Joe Biden promises to bring the Obama years back with a vengeance. One thing that’s likely to return is government slush funds for left-wing groups. Unless Trump takes decisive action, one of the biggest piggy banks for the Left will come from the Federal Housing Financial Agency (FHFA).

The Supreme Court on Wednesday will hear Collins v. Mnuchin. The case is a complicated matter that involves government management of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac and how independent it is from the administration. The federal government placed both under conservatorship—meaning federal management—during the 2008 financial crisis. The agency in control was the Federal Housing Financial Agency. A federal appeals court previously ruled FHFA’s structure unconstitutional.

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Commentary: Play the Game or Be Played Like a Chump

By now, you may have forgotten the story from all the way back in August when various bugmen and D.C. lizard people convened to run a series of “war games” on the upcoming presidential election. Dubbed the Transition Integrity Project, the group of Democratic Party operatives, Bushite neocons, and lawfare swamp creatures warned of a tumultuous Election Night at the end of which neither candidate would concede, followed by a months-long political and legal battle, going all the way to Inauguration Day, that would stress our republic to its breaking point.

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Biden’s Secretary of State Pick Led ‘Biden Center’ at UPenn, as School Allegedly Accepted Millions in ‘Anonymous’ Donations from China

Antony Blinken

Antony Blinken — former Vice President Joe Biden’s choice to become Secretary of State if he is inaugurated president in January — was the director of the University of Pennsylvania’s Biden Center for Diplomacy and Global Engagement, which recently faced criticism for accepting $22 million in “anonymous” funds originating in China.

The Biden Center, which the University of Pennsylvania officially launched in February 2018, “engages Penn’s students and partners with its faculty and global centers to convene world leaders, develop and advance smart policy, and strengthen the national debate for continued American global leadership in the 21st century.” It is located in Washington, D.C.

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Hunter Biden Called His Father and Chinese Business Partner ‘Office Mates’ in September 2017 Email

Hunter Biden called his father, President-elect Joe Biden, and his Chinese business partner “office mates” in a Sept. 21, 2017, email to the general manager of his former Washington, D.C. office building.

“[P]lease have keys made available for new office mates,” Hunter Biden wrote in the email before listing Joe Biden, his stepmother Jill Biden, his uncle Jim Biden and Gongwen Dong, who he identified as the “emissary” for the chairman of the now-bankrupt Chinese energy conglomerate CEFC.

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Commentary: Potential Biden-Era Pentagon Reminder That Personnel Equals Policy

Whether the president is Biden or Trump moving forward, now more than ever the adage that personnel equals policy is spot-on when it comes to appointing Cabinet members and senior administration officials. In the days ahead, the person who serves as the next secretary of defense, regardless of administration, will determine policy that will impact the Pentagon — and indeed the world — for years. The president will handle the meta defense issues, but the secretary of defense will handle issues that will dramatically impact the above.

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Hunter Biden Says He’s Being Investigated for Possible Tax Crimes

Federal prosecutors in Delaware are investigating Hunter Biden for potential tax crimes, he said in a statement issued Wednesday through his father’s presidential transition team.

“I learned yesterday for the first time that the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Delaware advised my legal counsel, also yesterday, that they are investigating my tax affairs,” Biden said in the statement.

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Seven Things to Know About Biden’s Radical Choice to Run HHS

California Attorney General Xavier Becerra, with a record in that state office and Congress that conservatives consider extreme, is headed for a rocky confirmation battle to lead the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services. 

Former Vice President Joe Biden, in announcing Sunday his intent to nominate Becerra for HHS secretary, cited Becerra’s leadership in defending Obamacare as a state attorney general and his support for passing the health care law while in the U.S. House of Representatives. 

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Georgia’s Coffee County Refuses to Certify Electronic Recount Results, Cites Irreconcilable Anomalies with Voting Machines

Coffee County election officials refused to certify the electronic recount earlier this week, citing irreconcilable anomalies with the voting machine results in a letter to Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger.

In the letter, the Coffee County Board of Elections and Registration stated that the electronic recount was unable to repeat duplicate, credible results. 

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CCP Insider: China Couldn’t Use Wall Street to Fix Trump, But It Can with Biden

The Chinese government will rely on a “core circle” of “old friends” on Wall Street and in Washington to influence the Biden administration, according to a Chinese academic with ties to the communist regime.

Di Dongsheng, the associate dean of the School of International Relations at Renmin University, offered his predictions about China-U.S. relations in the upcoming administration during a speech in Shanghai on Nov. 28.

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Ballot Transfer Forms Show Cobb County Violated Georgia Election Rule Requiring Absentee Ballots from Drop Boxes ‘Be Immediately Transported to the County Registrar’

A review of drop box ballot transfer forms reveals that Cobb County violated the Rules of the State Election Board for Absentee Voting that requires absentee ballots from drop box locations be “immediately transported” to the county registrar.

Specifically, the Rules of the State Election Board of the Georgia Election Code Chapter 183-1 for Absentee Voting states, “The ballots from the drop box shall be immediately transported to the county registrar and processed and stored in the same manner as absentee ballots returned by mail are processed and stored.”

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Pollster: Fraud Prone Drop Boxes Cost Trump and GOP the Election if Biden Wins GA; State Legislature Must Fix This Before Senate Runoffs

Drop-boxes will have cost President Donald Trump the election if Biden wins Georgia, and this points to the state’s most important concern for the upcoming Senate runoffs, Pollster John McLaughlin said in an exclusive statement to The Georgia Star News.

McLaughlin is CEO and partner of national survey research and strategic services company McLaughlin & Associates.

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Biden Pledges to Hike Taxes to Bush Administration Levels

President-elect Joe Biden in a Wednesday interview said “there’s no reason why” his administration shouldn’t raise both corporate and individual income taxes to levels maintained during former president George Bush’s administration.

Biden insisted “everybody pairs their fair share” in taxes during his presidency, and suggested a nearly 40% rate for those in the top bracket, which he said was commonplace during the Bush era, in an interview with the New York Times.

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Bombshell: Trump Legal Team Witness Alleged That Ware County Audit Results Revealed Dominion Machine Flipped Ballots from Trump to Biden

An elections expert alleged that the Dominion tabulating machine flipped votes from President Donald Trump to Democratic candidate Joe Biden in Ware County. It was estimated that the percentage of mis-applied votes, if distributed across the rest of the state, would be slightly greater than Biden’s lead over Trump.

Constitution Party of Georgia Elections Director and Voters Organized for Trusted Election Results in Georgia (VOTERGA) Co-Founder Garland Favorito was called to testify this information during the State Senate hearing this week.

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Biden’s HHS Picks Have Called Gun Laws a Matter of Public Health

Two of President-elect Joe Biden’s picks to lead the Department of Health and Human Services have likened gun control to a public health issue.

Vivek Murthy, the 19th Surgeon General, in 2012 criticized the National Rifle Association (NRA) and tweeted that firearms are a “health care issue.” Murthy, who’s the co-chair of the former vice president’s coronavirus task force, has been included on a Bloomberg list of possible Biden HHS appointees.

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Commentary: Billionaire’s Row Buys Big, Beautiful, Biden Cabinet

Back in February, Barack Obama shared the same conclusion as any sober observer: The Democratic Party was no longer the party of Joe Biden, but of the progressive wing helmed by Senators Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) and Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.). 

They had it all but sewn up until the Democratic establishment collapsed the field and slow-walked the unlikely Joe Biden to the nomination. 

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Gwinnett County Official Confirms Vote Data Was Uploaded to Laptop Via USB Drive – ‘It’s Protocol’

A Gwinnett County, Georgia elections official confirmed that Dominion Voting Systems (Dominion) representatives use USB drives to upload vote count data to laptops for external processing. The USB drives are also known as “memory sticks,” “thumb drives,” or “flash drives.” It is standard protocol for Dominion, as well as for most electronic voting systems.

The county official issued the statement in an emailed response to a viral video claiming that a Dominion representative manipulated vote data. In the film, a Dominion technician appears to load vote count data from county monitors onto a USB. Then, he proceeded to plug the USB into a separate laptop.

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Commentary: Gearing Up for Round Three of the Great Trump War

The halftime scorecard in the Great Trump War is much more ambiguous than the premature jubilating of the Trump-hating media would indicate. Let us consider that this war began amid peals of side-splitting laughter as the Trump family came down the escalator of Trump Tower in June 2015 and Donald Trump announced his candidacy for the Republican presidential nomination. The astonishment on Election Night in 2016 quickly gave way to #TheResistance and “scorched earth.” 

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Mathematician Says Biden May Have Received 130 Percent of the Democrat Vote in Maricopa County, Arizona

A scientist in the fields of pattern recognition in mathematical analysis, testified Monday that Biden may have received a weighted 130 percent of Democrat votes in Maricopa County, Arizona, to help him win the state.

Dr. Shiva Ayyadurai is an Indian-American scientist, engineer, politician, and entrepreneur who holds four degrees from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, including a Ph.D. in biological engineering.

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Commentary: Legitimacy of Biden Win Buried by Objective Data

During the weeks following November 3, innumerable election experts and statistical analysts have pored over the voting data upon which former Vice President Joe Biden’s purported campaign victory ostensibly stands. A growing body of evidence ranging from straightforward ballot audits to complex quantitative analyses suggests that the tabulation of the votes was characterized by enough chicanery to alter the outcome of the election. Consequently, a consensus has gradually developed among the auditors of publicly available information released by the states, and it contradicts the narrative promulgated by the Democrats and the media. The more data experts see, the less convinced they are that Biden won.

Among the analysts who question the legitimacy of Biden’s victory is Dr. Navid Keshavarz-Nia, a cybersecurity expert whose technical expertise was touted by the New York Times last September and who has been described as a hero in the Washington Monthly. It’s unlikely that either publication will be singing his praises for his work pursuant to the recent election. His damning analysis of the electronic manipulation of votes that occurred in the early hours of November 4 appears in a sworn affidavit included with C.J. Pearson v. Kemp, a lawsuit filed by Attorney Sidney Powell in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of Georgia.

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Georgia Secretary of State Defends Election Systems, Says Office Investigating Third-Party Voter Registration Organizations

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger and Voting Systems Manager Gabriel Sterling discussed the elections and lawsuits in a press conference on Monday. Both men asserted that the latest recount will confirm the election results, that the lawsuits made baseless claims, and that the upcoming runoff elections are their focus.

Raffensperger announced that the latest recount is scheduled to be completed by midnight on Wednesday. He added that his office will be releasing the recount results online.

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Commentary: Between Narrative and Reality, Which Will Prevail?

by Roger Kimball   Oscar Wilde was such a card. Sitting for his viva voce examination in Greek, he was given a passage to translate from one of the Passion stories in the New Testament. He started in and was barreling along fluently. At some point, one of the examiners interrupted, noting that he was satisfied by Wilde’s performance and that he could stop. Wilde ignored him and kept at it. The examiner interrupted again. “Really, Mr. Wilde, you may stop now. It is clear that you know the Greek.” “Oh please let me continue,” Wilde is supposed to have responded. “I want to see how it ends.” Yuck, yuck, yuck. Who knows whether the story is true? I like to think it is. It’s not that I believe Wilde was ignorant of the plot of a Gospel story. He knew how it ended all right. But I admire the insouciance of his response. Many people think the world is in a position akin to Wilde’s with respect to the 2020 presidential election. We’re all assumed to know how it ended. Joe Biden won. Any demurral on that score is put down to feigned ignorance, attempted cleverness, or petulant perversity. After…

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UVA Professor Calls for Cabinet-Level ‘Secretary of Equity’ in Biden Administration

University of Virginia associate professor Ebony Hilton is calling on Joe Biden to create a secretary of equity.

Hilton is an associate professor anesthesiology at the University of Virginia School of Medicine. She was featured in one of Joe Biden’s campaign ads discussing COVID-19’s “impact on communities of color” and the “social determinants of health.” 

Hilton is also the medical director of Goodstock Consulting, which is a medical consulting firm “committed to implementing policies that result in #HealthEquity.”  In a tweet, Hilton states that this means “challenging all negative influencers of the social determinants of health.” 

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Commentary: Pennsylvania Bombshell: Biden 99.4 Percent vs. Trump 0.6 Percent

There are landslides and then there are landslides. There are lopsided votes and then there are lopsided votes. There are egregious examples of vote manipulation and then there are really egregious examples of vote manipulation. What surfaced during hearings in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania, on November 25, 2020 may set the standard for electoral outrageousness. An expert testifying to the Pennsylvania Senate flagged a batch of ballots that recorded some 570,000 votes for Joe Biden and only 3,200 for Donald Trump.

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