Commentary: Excuse Me If I’m Not Willing to Unite Behind Biden

Nothing feels right about what is happening in America. Not the fraudulent election results, not the politicized court rulings, and not the biased media coverage. All have converged in a perfect storm to steal this election from Donald Trump. I don’t believe for one second that Creepy, Sleepy, Hidin’ Joe Biden won this election. If he is sworn into office, it will be the result of a well-orchestrated voter fraud scheme, biased judges, and a mainstream media-Big Tech alliance to censor the news. 

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Amistad Project Asks Michigan Supreme Court to Preserve Evidence of Election Irregularities

The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society said it filed a lawsuit on Thanksgiving asking the Michigan Supreme Court to physically secure all evidence of irregularities in the 2020 election and declare the results invalid on the basis of alleged unlawful conduct by state and local officials.

“In numerous instances, state and local officials brazenly violated election laws in order to advance a partisan political agenda,” said Phill Kline, Director of The Amistad Project. “The pattern of lawlessness was so pervasive and widespread that it deprived the people of Michigan of a free and fair election, throwing the integrity of the entire process into question.”

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Commentary: What We Must Believe to Believe Biden Won

Joe Biden

The Democrats dismiss any mention of the innumerable irregularities that tainted the general election as little more than crackpot conspiracy theories. This is a convenient way to avoid addressing serious questions raised by serious observers, but it will further undermine confidence in key institutions that form the foundation upon which the republic stands. Public trust in government, media, and even science was already declining before Election Day. This trend will dramatically accelerate if Americans don’t get answers to questions such as the following: Why would the voters deliver the Democrats a comprehensive down-ballot drubbing yet hand the White House to the worst presidential candidate in living memory?

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Sidney Powell ‘Releases the Kraken’ in Georgia Lawsuit

Attorney Sidney Powell filed her “Biblical” lawsuit on Wednesday in Georgia, making good on her promise to “release the Kraken.” The defendants were named as Governor Brian Kemp, Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, and State Election Board members David Worley, Rebecca Sullivan, Matthew Mashburn, and Anh Le. The lawsuit called into question around 146,600 votes at minimum.

The 104-page lawsuit claimed that Dominion Voting Systems (Dominion) engaged in virtual ballot-stuffing through its electronic voting software. It bolstered its claim by alleging that the software design was created to manipulate the Venezuelan elections of Hugo Chavez, and was designed in a way to hide vote manipulations from any audits.

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Amistad Project’s Georgia Lawsuit Targets 200K Ballot Deficit Caused by Improper Counting of Ballots

The Amistad Project of the Thomas More Society filed a lawsuit contesting the results of the 2020 presidential election in Georgia, saying fraudulent votes cast were 15 times greater than the margin separating Donald Trump and Joe Biden.

The organization said in a press release that it filed the lawsuit Tuesday, because well over 100,000 illegal votes were improperly counted, while tens of thousands of legal votes were not counted.

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Biden Selects Former Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen for Treasury Secretary, Would Be First Woman to Hold Position: Report

President-elect Joe Biden is expected to name former Federal Reserve Chairwoman Janet Yellen for secretary of the Department of the Treasury, The Wall Street Journal first reported Monday.

Yellen, 74, who was the first woman to serve as Federal Reserve chair after she was confirmed by the Senate in 2014, would be the first woman to head the Treasury Department, according to CNBC. Yellen is widely considered to be a “safe” pick with a high likelihood of confirmation by a closely divided Senate.

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Biden’s Pick for Homeland Security Chief ‘Exerted Improper Influence’ in Visa Program for Rich Foreign Investors

President-elect Joe Biden’s pick to lead the Department of Homeland Security was accused in a government watchdog report during the Obama administration of exerting improper influence to help high-profile Democrats navigate a government visa program to help their wealthy foreign investors.

Biden’s transition team announced on Monday that he will pick Alejandro Mayorkas, the former deputy secretary of homeland security, to lead the agency.

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Biden’s Pick for National Security Adviser Sent Classified Emails on Clinton’s Server, Hyped Fake Trump-Russia Collusion Story

Joe Biden’s likely choice for national security adviser sent more than 200 classified emails found on Hillary Clinton’s private email network, and touted a now-debunked allegation before the 2016 election which fueled the conspiracy theory that Donald Trump was in cahoots with Russian leaders.

Biden will select Jake Sullivan to serve in the White House role, The New York Times and Bloomberg reported.

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Sidney Powell Makes Explosive Allegations About Dominion; Firm Won $107 Million Contract with State of Georgia Months After Former Staffer for Gov. Kemp Signed on as Lobbyist

At the center of the pending lawsuits surrounding this general election is the integrity of electronic voting systems and the companies that own them. One company of particular interest is Dominion Voting Systems (Dominion), referenced by attorney Sidney Powell in multiple press conferences and interviews.

Powell has claimed that Dominion is responsible for switching, losing, and assigning different weights to votes. The attorney has also claimed that those who awarded contracts to Dominion did so for sweetened deals: guaranteed increased power and massive payouts. Powell further alleged that Dominion’s software and executives have ties to Venezuela and the late Hugo Chavez.

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Joe Morrissey Commentary: Electoral Incompetence in Richmond Should Alarm Both Parties

Election Day 2020 has come and gone. Voters in the United States found out last week that President Donald Trump was defeated by former Vice President Joe Biden. Counts in numerous states took longer than what many expected, but results were eventually provided nonetheless. Overall, the election occurred without a hitch. The same cannot be said for the City of Richmond. Issues that arose included precincts reporting the wrong vote counts, City Council candidates allocated the wrong vote totals, individual voters receiving numerous ballots – the list goes on!

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Biden’s Transition Team Is Stacked with Former Facebook and Zuckerberg Insiders

Mark Zuckergberg

At least seven former higher-ups of Facebook or the charity run by its founder, Mark Zuckerberg, have secured positions in President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team, despite Democratic Party officials labeling the social media giant among the biggest threats to American democracy.

Biden announced Friday that former Facebook Director of Public Policy Louisa Terrell would direct his White House Office of Legislative Affairs, which will put her in charge of advancing Biden’s agenda in Congress. Terrell, who lobbied for Facebook from 2011 through 2013, currently oversees legislative affairs for the Biden transition team.

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Biden Adds Obama Administration Veterans to Top Staff

President-elect Joe Biden is adding four Obama-Biden administration veterans to his top ranks as he continues to build out his White House team.

Cathy Russell, who was Jill Biden’s chief of staff during the Obama administration, will serve as director of the White House Office of Presidential Personnel, evaluating applicants for administration roles. Louisa Terrell, who served as a legislative adviser to the president in the Obama administration and worked as deputy chief of staff for Biden in the Senate, will be director of the White House Office of Legislative Affairs. Terrell has already been engaged in Capitol Hill outreach as part of Biden’s transition team.

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Attorney Lin Wood Confirms Trump Legal Team’s Evidence Will Be Enough to Overturn Election

ATLANTA, Georgia – Attorney Lin Wood stated that the evidence from Trump campaign attorney Sidney Powell will overturn the election. Wood filed suit against Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger, alleging that the state official changed election law. He confirmed this during The John Fredericks Show for an exclusive interview following his court loss on Thursday.

“I’ve not only talked with Sidney, I’ve met with her in length. I’ve seen the evidence. So I know what she said in her press conference yesterday is one hundred percent accurate,” stated Wood. “The elections in this country have been fraudulent for several election cycles.”

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Georgia Secretary of State Raffensperger and Gov. Kemp Certify Election Results, Leave it to Trump Campaign to Contest Results

ATLANTA, Georgia – Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger certified the election results on Friday afternoon officially, following completion of the statewide vote audit. Raffensperger held a brief press conference in which he validated the results of the recount and indicated that election integrity could be improved upon.

“Working as an engineer throughout my life, I live by the motto that: ‘Numbers don’t lie.’ As Secretary of State, I believe that the numbers that we have presented today are correct.”

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Lin Wood: Affidavits Can Expose Massive Georgia Vote Fraud

Ahead of the emergency hearing, famed attorney Lin Wood shared affidavits indicating a massive, layered orchestration of voter fraud. At the time of publication, Wood attached 17 affidavits.

One of the key affidavits included within the filings came from a purported aid of Hugo Chavez. The redacted filing tells the story of an ex-military, ex-security guard for Chavez who witnessed how the dictator “creat[ed] and operat[ed]” a “sophisticated electronic voting system that permitted the leaders of the Venezuelan government to manipulate the tabulation of votes.” The witness stated that they were involved directly in the creation of Smartmatic – a voting software that the witness claimed is a direct ancestor of Dominion Voting Systems.

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Biden’s Gun Registration Tax Could Cost Firearms Owners Billions

President-elect Joe Biden’s proposed firearm tax could cost gun owners upwards of $30 billion to keep the weapons they already possess, according to The Washington Free Beacon.

Biden plans to mandate both taxation and registration of so-called “assault weapons” and high-capacity magazines under the National Firearms Act (NFA), which requires a $200 fee per item, according to the former vice president’s campaign website. Around 20 million rifles and 150 million magazines would be taxable, leading to a total cost to U.S. gun owners of over $34 billion, according to the Free Beacon.

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District Judge Denies Motion to Delay Certification of Votes in Lin Wood Case Against Georgia Secretary of State

ATLANTA, Georgia – A district judge denied attorney Lin Wood’s motion to delay certification of the Georgia voting results. Wood presented 17 affidavits alleging potential voter fraud, from both monitors and workers. One affidavit came from a purported former right-hand man of prior Venezuelan president Hugo Chavez, detailing the electronic voting systems’ relation to ones used in the 2020 election.

“1. A motion to delay certification of GA vote based on a flawed recount was denied this evening by Atlanta Judge Steven D. Grimberg. The oral ruling was unclear but he may have overreached to dismiss my claim that election was unlawful due to @GaSecofState consent agreement. 2. The recount issue was separate from unlawful election issue. Sounded like Court thinks GA voter has NO standing to challenge unlawful federal election. Lawyer for Sec. of State suggested only state AG could do so. What? AG represents @GaSecofState. Makes no sense. 3. GA voters have rights. It is OUR right to vote. We The People must have legal right to challenge backroom deals cut by state officials. They will not sue each other. An appeal will be filed to Eleventh Circuit. I did not do this for GA voters because it was easy. Stay tuned.”

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Commentary: New State Lockdowns May Put 16 Million Jobs Recovered Since April in Jeopardy

16.4 million jobs have been recovered since April when labor markets bottomed amid the state-led Covid pandemic economic shutdowns, according to the latest data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics.

But with Covid cases once again on the upswing as the cold and flu season kicks into higher gear — about 166,000 confirmed new cases daily, and then the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation reports 255,000 probable new cases daily when projected asymptomatic cases are factored in — states appear ready to go right back into shutdown mode.

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One of Biden’s First Admin Hires Helped Push Through China Trade Bill That Caused ‘Sharp Drop’ in U.S. Jobs

One of the first officials President-elect Joe Biden picked to serve in his White House helped spearhead efforts two decades ago to normalize trade relations with China, a move which studies have found led to the loss of millions of manufacturing jobs in the U.S.

Steve Ricchetti will serve as counselor to Biden, the transition team announced on Tuesday. Ricchetti was chief of staff to then-Vice President Biden during the Obama administration, and was deputy chief of staff to President Bill Clinton.

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Joe Biden’s Transition Officials Received Intelligence on Michael Flynn Before Donald Trump Took Office

At least five former government officials who are either on President-elect Joe Biden’s transition team or reportedly in contention for a position in his cabinet were involved to varying degrees in handling intelligence related to former national security adviser Michael Flynn, a Daily Caller News Foundation review has found.

Two potential cabinet picks — Sarah Bloom Raskin and Elizabeth Sherwood-Randall — and a Biden transition team official — Stephanie L. O’Sullivan — submitted so-called unmasking requests for intelligence about Flynn weeks before the start of the Trump administration, according to a document declassified earlier this year.

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Commentary: 2020’s Long Count Is About Hypocrisy, Accuracy, and Legitimacy

The presidential election’s ongoing saga is a tale about hypocrisy, accuracy, and legitimacy. The Left’s adherents hypocritically claim they would not be pushing every reexamination button if they were trailing. Conservatives counter that accuracy is paramount in an election so complex, close, and important. Yet the overlooked consideration in this duel across the political spectrum is America’s need for legitimacy.

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Commentary: All Those Provisional Ballots in Pennsylvania

There’s big news breaking here in Pennsylvania, and most of the national media seems to be unaware. It’s the matter of Pennsylvania’s crucial (but heretofore largely ignored) provisional ballots, which could be decisive in pushing Donald Trump back into the lead in the state, or at least triggering a statewide recount.

Before considering those details, I want to respond to the many inquiries I’ve received from readers wondering how it’s possible that Joe Biden could have pulled into the lead in Pennsylvania. It’s an excellent question, and they’re right to be dubious of what has transpired.

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Trump Lawyers Powell and Giuliani Claim ‘Massive’ Vote Rigging by Dominion, Allege Company Link to Antifa

Two members of President Trump’s legal team and the president himself are claiming to have discovered evidence of massive election fraud generated by software produced by Smartmatic and Dominion Voting Systems.

Sidney Powell, lead lawyer for former National Security Advisor Lt. Gen. (Ret.) Michael Flynn, and Trump’s personal lawyer Rudy Giuliani are both alleging that statistical evidence shows hundreds of thousands of votes switched from Trump to the “projected winner” Joe Biden and that President Trump actually won the election in a landslide.

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Famed Attorney Lin Wood Blows the Doors off Alleged Georgia Vote Scam; Predicts New Election

Attorney Lincoln “Lin” Wood Jr. stated that Georgia may undergo another election if his lawsuit succeeds.

Wood is best known for his work with high-profile clients such as Richard Jewell, JonBenet Ramsey’s parents, Gary Condit, and Kobe Bryant’s alleged victim. Most recently, Wood made headlines for defending teenagers Nicholas Sandmann and Jacob Blake.

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Voting Software Was ‘Designed to Rig Elections,’ Trump Attorney Sidney Powell Tells Maria Bartiromo

Sidney Powell, President Donald Trump’s election lawyer, spoke to Maria Bartiromo Sunday on the many legal challenges that are active in several states.

Powell appeared on Sunday Morning Futures on Fox News.

Powell is a former federal prosecutor and was the attorney for former Trump National Security Advisor Michael Flynn, The Tennessee Star reported.

One of the legal challenges is in Michigan over Dominion software, Breitbart reported.

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Trump Could Receive Second Term from U.S. House in ‘Contingent Election’

Though chances are slim and the final electoral count is still pending, a little-known provision of the U.S. Constitution provides an opening for President Trump to possibly salvage victory through what’s known as a “contingent election.”

Under the 12th Amendment, in a contingent election one person does not win a majority of Electoral College votes, and the election is thrown to the U.S. House of Representatives. There, each state’s delegation has one vote, and a candidate must receive the votes of a majority of state delegations to win. Because of the timing, the new Congress is the one that decides, not the outgoing one.

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Commentary: Fox News and the Theft of the 2020 Presidential Election

Fact check:  Joe Biden is not the President elect.  This will come as a horrible shock to Fox News and the other left-wing media.  A candidate becomes President Elect when either the other candidate concedes, or the Electoral College meets and votes that candidate into the Presidency.

Of course, Fox News’ biggest concern right now is probably not who has won the election.  Perhaps one day, business students will read case studies on how Fox News destroyed its brand overnight. 

One thing conservatives noticed early in the evening of November 3, was that Fox was calling states for Biden almost immediately, but Trump states were not called nearly as fast.  One of the biggest questions of that night, is why did Fox call Arizona for Biden immediately after the polls closed?

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Biden Chooses Longtime Adviser Ron Klain as Chief of Staff

President-elect Joe Biden has chosen his longtime adviser Ron Klain to reprise his role as his chief of staff, installing an aide with decades of experience in the top role in his White House.

Klain will lead a White House likely to be consumed by the response to the coronavirus pandemic, which continues to spread unchecked across the nation, and he’ll face the challenge of working with a divided Congress that could include a Republican-led Senate. Klain served as the coordinator to the Ebola response during the 2014 outbreak.

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‘Stop The Steal’ Rallies a Second Time in Nashville with Double the Numbers

At a second Nashville-based “Stop the Steal” rally, hundreds of Trump supporters descended on the Tennessee State Capitol grounds downtown. Every person wore the hallmark shade of MAGA red. American flags waved alongside deep blue “Trump 2020” or “Keep America Great” flags. Cars decked out with patriotic and pro-Trump flags, stickers, and signs looped the capitol, blaring their horns as they passed. Some wore masks while others chose not to.

All throughout the event, the crowd would chorus chants of “Stop the steal!”, “We love Trump!”, or “Four more years!” Despite the reason behind the rally, the atmosphere was cheerful and confident. The organizers would pause between scheduled speakers to announce they’d found a lost license, or to hand out free copies of the Constitution to teenagers in attendance.

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Commentary: Why Pennsylvania Doesn’t Add Up

Clarks Mills, Pennsylvania

Driving through this rural area late Thursday morning, nine days after Election Day, it’s clear the extraordinary enthusiasm for Donald Trump has not waned. “TRUMP 2020: NO MORE BULLS—” remains a popular sign, as does “DRAIN THE SWAMP,” as does a placard protesting Gov. Tom Wolf and Pennsylvania Democrats: “FIRE THE LOCKDOWN LIBERALS!” Trump flags fly alongside the American flag in front yards. As usual, there’s not a Biden–Harris sign for miles. Ask folks in these parts, and they’ll tell you that Donald Trump couldn’t have possibly lost Pennsylvania.

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RNC Chairwoman Confirms 12K Incident Reports and Over 400 Affidavits Filed for Voter Fraud

According to a press release, Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel has confirmed about 12,000 incident reports and over 400 affidavits filed concerning potential voter fraud.

McDaniel appeared on Fox Business to provide the brief update. The chairwoman shared that the campaign has issued nine lawsuits currently nationwide. 

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BLM Co-Founder to Biden: ‘We Want Something for Our Vote’

Black Lives Matter co-founder Patrisse Cullors recently wrote a letter addressed to “President-Elect Joe Biden and Vice-President-Elect Kamala Harris” requesting a meeting to discuss the radical organization’s expectations and priorities, Fox News reports.

“Without the resounding support of Black people, we would be saddled with a very different electoral outcome,” Cullors wrote on Saturday. “In short, Black people won this election.”

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