Commentary: The Left’s Civility Claptrap

Joe Biden’s campaigns have rested on the most rancid racial politics. In 2020, he routinely accused his opponent of racism and support for white supremacism, drawing on nothing but his own libelous twisting of Trump’s words after the rioting in Charlottesville. In 2012, Biden had accused Republicans of planning to put blacks “back in chains.” His venom came out also on non-racial matters. He once called opponents of gay marriage the “dregs of society.” In the Senate, he habitually hurled dirty charges, becoming the father of Borking.

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Four to Six Week Nationwide Lockdown Could Curb the Pandemic and Jumpstart the Economy, Biden Covid Advisor Says

Dr. Michael Osterholm, a coronavirus advisor to President-elect Joe Biden, said that a 4-6 week lockdown that shut down businesses and compensated workers for lost wages may curb the spread of the virus and get the economy on track until a vaccine is approved and distributed.

Osterholm, the director of the Center of Infectious Disease Research and Policy at the University of Minnesota, told Yahoo Finance Wednesday that the strategy would help decrease daily case counts and hospitalizations until an effective vaccine arrives.

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Pfizer Notified Biden Before Trump on Vaccine Success

In an interview with WMAL radio show Wednesday morning, Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar appeared to confirm that the Trump administration learned of Pfizer’s successful COVID-19 vaccine trial from press coverage not from company officials directly. “I…learned of this from media reports on Monday morning,” Azar told “Mornings on the Mall” program on November 11. “There certainly was a gap in communications, let’s say.”

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Judge Hands Trumps Win, Rules PA Official Exceeded Authority by Changing Election Deadline

A Pennsylvania judge on Thursday ruled in favor of the Trump campaign, ordering that state election officials cannot count ballots that were cast provisionally by voters who did not have proof of identification and then subsequently failed to provide ID by Nov. 9.

Existing Pennsylvania law states voters have until six days after the election – in this case Nov. 9 – to “cure” problems with a ballot, including a lack of identification.

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Chris Butler Commentary: Conservatives Don’t Want an Echo Chamber, They Just Want Big Media to Do Their Jobs

Big Media must challenge and address their own confirmation biases about conservatives and about Trump voters first, before they lecture Trump voters about their beliefs.

The illusion is over. Before Donald Trump came along Big Media always teetered close to the edge of the line with their biases, but after 2016 they crossed that line and they pushed forward. Just this week many people believed that CNN’s Jake Tapper threatened Trump voters for not accepting, per the media, that Joe Biden is president-elect. Also last week, Anderson Cooper, also of CNN, described Trump as an “obese turtle.”

People in Big Media may not know any Trump voters. People in Big Media may not count any Trump voters among their list of friends.

But I know Trump voters — and they are irate.

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Georgia Announces Full, Hand Recount in Presidential Race

Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Wednesday the state will do a hand recount of the ballots cast in the presidential election.

Raffensperger said the current margin between President Donald Trump and presumptive president-elect Joe Biden stands at 14,111. Because it’s so close and almost 5 million votes were cast in the race, a full hand recount of every vote is statistically necessary to correctly determine the winner, Raffensperger said.

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Truckers Plan ‘Stop the Wheels’ Shutdown in Protest of Joe Biden’s Plans for Fracking Ban, Green New Deal

If you notice store shelves that are empty of toilet paper and canned food again, it may be because of a truckers’ shutdown and not the Chinese coronavirus.

Truckers have been taking to social media to try to organize a “Stop The Wheels 2020” shutdown in protest of Joe Biden’s plans for the Green New Deal and a fracking ban in the event he assumes the presidency.

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Commentary: A Biden–Harris Administration Would Unravel Middle East Peace

Stormy weather might be on the Middle East’s horizon. Following the U.S. presidential election, Iran offered a mafia-style protection deal to countries that have normalized relations with Israel: they must abandon Israel and align with Iran, or face the consequences. A Biden–Harris administration would likely undermine much of the progress towards Middle East peace that the Trump administration has made. Former Vice President Joe Biden and Sen. Kamala Harris (D-Calif.) have several policy positions that would jeopardize the progress towards Middle East peace brokered by the Trump administration.

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Georgia’s Protections, Checks and Balances on the Vote Counting Process

In the disarray and distrust inspired by alleged voting irregularities in Georgia, it stands that the hallmarks of a trustworthy vote-counting process should be revisited.

The Tennessee Star contacted the elections officials a range of the most populated counties in the state to gain insider perspective and knowledge. However, several of the officials refused to offer comment, and the remainder didn’t respond by press time.

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Vanderbilt University Won’t Say If They Will Dismiss Jon Meacham After Ethical Lapse Involving His Involvement With Joe Biden

MSNBC has dismissed Vanderbilt professor Jon Meacham from his job as a network contributor because he did not inform network staff that he was writing speeches for former Vice President Joe Biden’s presidential campaign.

The Tennessee Star left two messages with Vanderbilt University Tuesday, one by phone and one by email. We asked Vanderbilt officials if they planned to relieve Meacham of his duties because of his ethical lapse and lack of transparency.

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Georgia Whistleblower: Officials Used Ballot Machines Missing Security Seals in Gwinnett County

Election Day

A GOP poll watcher reported that officials allowed workers to use ballot machines that were missing security seals in Gwinnett County, Georgia. Beth Sexton first called into The Tennessee Star tipline to report the incident on Monday.

According to the report Sexton gave the tipline, a group of concerned-looking poll workers were gathered around a ballot machine. When Sexton approached them, she overheard them discussing missing security seals.

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Glitch-Prone Dominion Voting Software Used in Georgia Counties

A glitch-prone voting software called Dominion Voting Systems (Dominion) was used in all 159 of Georgia counties. Dominion classified their presence in Georgia as a “statewide voting system rollout.”

This past week, Dominion has caused delayed voting and reporting results in Gwinnett County, Morgan County, and Spalding County. Gwinnett County is the same location a whistleblower claimed had ballot machines used that were missing security seals.

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Democrats Invite Voters to Exploit Georgia’s Weak Residency Rules to Stuff Ballot Boxes in Runoff Elections

Democrats are advocating for blue voters to become Georgia residents for the upcoming runoff elections. Georgia doesn’t have a minimum residency requirement, which poses a legal loophole for both parties. Democrats could drum up enough voters to match general election turnouts and flip the state, and Republicans could ensure their hold on two Senate seats.

Additionally, the state’s voter I.D. laws allow individuals to use an out-of-state driver’s license to vote. However, the law defines residency as “without any present intuition of removing therefrom [the fixed habitation].”

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North Carolina Lawmakers Demand State Board of Elections Release Data on How Many Ballots are Outstanding

North Carolina legislative leaders are demanding that the State Board of Elections release data on total outstanding ballots to provide transparency.

The co-chairs of the State Senate and House Elections Committees sent the demand in a letter Friday to Karen Brinson Bell, executive director of the North Carolina State Board of Elections, which is controlled by Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper. The announcement was made by N.C. Senate Leader Phil Berger.

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Pennsylvania Poll Volunteer: Election Totally Chaotic and Suspicious

A poll worker who checked in voters at the Radnor Municipal Building located in Delaware County, Pennsylvania’s Sixth Ward – about 13 miles outside of Philadelphia – said Tuesday was “total chaos.”

The worker, who we will call Sue (to protect her identity and safety), said that she worked the greater Philly area polling precinct in 2016 and never saw what she witnessed in droves on election day 2020.

People were angry, according to the election volunteer.

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Commentary: We Must Commit to Following the Evidence Where it Leads, for the Good of the Country

Most of us are most comfortable when things are under our control. We like using the skills and powers with which we have been blessed to make life better, both for ourselves and for others.

Sometimes, life just hums along and we confidently play our winning hand. Success is attainable; we know the way to get it and we are motivated to achieve it.

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Analysis: Quantifying Illegal Votes Cast by Non-Citizens in the Battleground States of the 2020 Presidential Election

Based on current population data from the Census Bureau and voting data from previous elections, Just Facts has conducted a study to estimate the number of votes illegally cast by non-citizens in the battleground states of the 2020 election. The results – documented in this spreadsheet – show that such fraudulent activities have netted Joe Biden the following extra votes in these tightly contested states:

Arizona: 51,081 ± 17,689
Georgia: 54,950 ± 19,025
Michigan: 22,585 ± 7,842
Nevada: 22,021 ± 7,717
North Carolina: 46,218 ± 16,001
Pennsylvania: 32,706 ± 11,332
Wisconsin: 5,010 ± 1,774

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Another Election Computer Glitch in Michigan Reversed as Republican Declared Belated Winner

A Michigan Republican received a welcome shock when his apparent loss at the polls was reversed due to the fix of a “technical glitch” that originally had him losing the election.

Adam Kochenderfer was originally declared the loser in his race against Democrat Melanie Hartman for a position on the Oakland County Board of Commissioners. The narrow race appeared to end with Hartman the winner by just 104 votes.

Yet the county clerk soon discovered that a set of absentee ballots had actually been reported in the voter totals twice. Once the duplicate set was removed, Kochenderfer came out ahead by 1,127 votes.

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Software that Incorrectly Awarded Biden Thousands of Michigan Votes Is Used in Dozens of Other States

Election software that incorrectly awarded thousands of votes to Joe Biden in Michigan is used in a majority of U.S. states, including statewide in Georgia where it has reportedly been implicated in several voting-related “glitches” there.

The Michigan Secretary of State confirmed on Friday that a software error in Antrim County, Michigan, in which Joe Biden was incorrectly awarded thousands of votes that led him to be declared the county winner, was caused by an error in which the county clerk “did not update the software used to collect voting machine data and report unofficial results.” The software is administered by the company Dominion Voting Systems.

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Commentary: Let’s Take Stock of Where We Are

The 2020 election in particular, and our electoral process in general, have been badly compromised.

First there have been the successful efforts by Democrats to loosen electoral administration standards and practices by legalizing ballot harvesting (where partisan “volunteers” go out and collect ballots as well as “assist” voters in filling out their ballots), allowing same-day voter registration, mass mail-in voting, and the like. On the flipside we have Democrats tenaciously fighting any efforts to shore up the integrity of the system, such as requiring ID and proof of citizenship to vote. 

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Biden Claims Mandate in First Address to America Since Declaring Victory

Presumptive President-elect Joe Biden Saturday night said he was given a mandate by voters to restore unity and civility after what he called four years of divisiveness under President Donald Trump.

Addressing America from his hometown of Wilmington, Delaware, hours after claiming victory over Trump, Biden said he would lead by example and be the president of all Americans, not just those who voted for him.

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Arizona GOP Insists Trump Will Still Win State, Hints at Lawsuits

Arizona’s Republican Party chair said Friday that she’s still certain President Donald Trump will prevail there as a party lawyer says the GOP is exploring all legal options.

In a call with reporters, Arizona Republican Party Chairwoman Dr. Kelli Ward said, despite media reports saying former Vice President Joe Biden has locked up the state’s 11 electoral college votes, they see an eventual victory for Trump.

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Where the Republican Party Stands: Virginia’s Political Shifts in the 2020 Election

The 2020 election outcomes revealed a telling political trajectory occurring in Virginia and the nation. Final tallies indicated that Republicans’ future chances of winning in the state may be ever-slimming. A consistent theme across the board – Republicans fell short with the unprecedented number of absentee voters.

Although Republicans increased their presidential vote totals from 2016 by about 185,000, Democrats increased their votes by nearly 400,000. In every election since 2008, Democratic candidates had only enjoyed about a 10,000 vote increase per year.

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Biden Declares Victory Over Trump, White House Says Race Isn’t Over

Democrat Joe Biden declared victory Saturday in his race to win the White House after several national news outlets called him the winner over President Donald Trump.

“America, I’m honored that you have chosen me to lead our great country,” Biden said on his Twitter account. “The work ahead of us will be hard, but I promise you this: I will be a President for all Americans – whether you voted for me or not. I will keep the faith that you have placed in me.”

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Rate of Rejected Mail-in Ballots Almost 30 Times Lower in Pennsylvania This Year Than in 2016

Mail-in ballots in Pennsylvania so far this year have been accepted at almost 30 times the rate predicted by historical rejection numbers, raising potential questions in a state in which Democratic challenger Joe Biden is maintaining a lead of just several thousand votes.

A county-by-county review by Just the News of accepted and rejected mail-in ballots throughout the state of Pennsylvania show that, when added up, the state only rejected 951 of 2,614,011 mail-in ballots this year, or a rate of 0.03%.

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Michigan County Flips Back to Trump, Following Repair of Voting Software Glitch

An election-software glitch in Michigan’s Antrim County that had incorrectly directed Democratic votes to presidential candidate Joe Biden was fixed Friday, putting thousands of votes correctly into President Trump’s totals.

The software had reportedly caused a significant number of votes to be allotted to Biden in a county that has for years been reliably red. In the presumed final count, Biden had originally led in the county by roughly 3,000 votes. Revised totals show that Trump won the county by around 2,500.

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Commentary: A Republican Senate Will Keep Biden in Check? Oh, Please!

In February 2020, Mitt Romney became the first U.S. senator in history to vote to convict the president of his own party. Despite a laughable impeachment case concocted by House Democrats and clear evidence of corruption tied to the Democratic presidential candidate whom the impeachment effort was designed to protect, Romney nonetheless supported the removal of Donald Trump from the White House.

“My faith is at the heart of who I am,” Utah’s junior senator claimed while working up tears from the Senate floor on February 5. “The grave question the Constitution tasks senators to answer is whether the president committed an act so extreme and egregious that it rises to the level of high crime and misdemeanor. Yes, he did.”

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Michigan Secretary of State Spokesperson: Post Alleging 118-Year-Old Man Who Voted by Absentee Ballot Was Probably Just a Mistyped Entry

Michigan Secretary of State Jocelyn Benson’s spokesperson stated that a viral post alleging that a 118-year-old man voted was true, but was probably due to a mistyped entry. Fact-checkers said that they discovered another individual with the same name in the area.

The post featured a screen recording: an individual typed in “William Bradley” into the state’s voter information page, followed by a birth date and zip code. Immediately, the search returned with Bradley’s city clerk information as well as a confirmation that an absentee ballot had been received.

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Georgia Election Officials Say Recount Likely in Presidential Race

The razor-thin margin between President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden in Georgia likely will necessitate a recount, Georgia elections officials said Friday.

“Right now, Georgia remains too close to call,” Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger said Friday afternoon. “Out of the approximately 5 million votes cast, we’ll have a margin of a few thousand. … With a margin that small, there likely will be a recount in Georgia.”

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GOP-Led Michigan Legislature to Hold Election Hearings After Glitch Initially Gave up to 5,000 Trump Votes to Biden

Michigan House Speaker Lee Chatfield, R-Levering, on Friday said lawmakers will hold hearings Saturday to look into election fraud claims in the 2020 presidential election.

“Every single legal vote needs to be counted, regardless of who cast it or who they voted for. And then the candidate who wins the most of those votes will win Michigan’s electoral votes, just like it always has been. Nothing about that process will change in 2020,” Chatfield said in a statement.

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Trump Campaign: Fox News Election Guru Who Called Arizona for Biden Conflicted by Democrat Loyalties

The Trump campaign slammed the director of the Fox News decision desk, which projects the channel’s election night winners, for Democratic donations, including the 2008 Obama-Biden campaign, and his past work as a Democratic consultant.

The Trump campaign on Thursday afternoon issued a press statement claiming that Arnon Mishkin prematurely called Arizona for Democrat Joe Biden before hundreds of thousands of ballots had been counted. The campaign noted that even left-leaning election analysts like Nate Silver have criticized the decision and have called on Fox and the Associated Press to retract their calls. For now, Mishkin and Fox News are standing by what the campaign called “his terrible decision.”

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Scrutiny of Top Pennsylvania Election Official Grows as GOP Says She ‘Fundamentally Altered’ Outcome

In a guidance to her state’s counties dated Oct. 21, Pennsylvania Secretary of State Kathy Boockvar advised that a voter whose mail-in ballot was rejected would be eligible to vote in-person with a provisional ballot on Election Day as a way to “cure” their ballot.

Now, GOP Pennsylvania Rep. Mike Kelly, state General Assembly candidate Joseph Hamm and four other plaintiffs are suing Boockvar over her guidance.

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Milwaukee’s Sky-High Voter Turnout Raises Questions, Prompts Lawsuit Seeking Explanation

More than 90 of the 400-plus voting wards in Milwaukee County, a key Wisconsin battleground where Joe Biden beat President Trump on Tuesday, recorded voter turnout of over 90% of registered voters this year, a remarkable outcome in a nation where 68% turnout this election will set a 120-year record.

Astronomical voting rates are often red flags for U.S. voter fraud watchdogs, who see highly elevated local turnout as a possible sign of election malfeasance. But Milwaukee itself is an unusual voting machine, at least for the last two presidential elections. There were many 80%-plus voter turnout wards in 2016 as well, with some over 90% that year too. And no one questioned it then.

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Commentary: How This Presidential Race Ends

Supreme Court of the United States

It is obvious the presidential drama is not going to be resolved until early December. There will be litigation and recounts and the real possibility that this election ends up in the Supreme Court.

The Democrats are trying to steal the election. It is blatant and they aren’t even trying to hide it. Ballots are being discovered late in important states where Democrats hold the governor’s office. Amazingly, these ballots are all seeming to break for Biden. In Pennsylvania and in Michigan, Republican poll watchers are being ejected or denied entry to observe the count.

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Analysis Reveals Milwaukee Presidential Election Voting Irregularities

An analysis of the City of Milwaukee’s 2020 U.S. Presidential election votes reveals several irregularities related primarily to voter participation.

Wisconsin is a key battleground state with 10 electoral college votes. In 2016, then first-time presidential candidate Donald Trump won the state over Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton, taking a little over 47 percent of the state’s nearly 2.9 million votes.

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A Breakdown of Michigan’s Witching Hour Ballot Dump from Tuesday

The masses turned in for the night during the early hours on Wednesday with President Donald Trump ahead of Democratic candidate Joe Biden by around 5 points. By sunrise, Biden had gained nearly 139,000 votes due to an alleged data error.

As Wednesday morning’s counts added to the early morning influx of votes, the race had slimmed down to less than one percentage point – a slightly larger margin than Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in 2016.

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Viral Video Alleged Gov. Whitmer Sent Health Officials to Bar Poll Challengers in Detroit

In viral video posted Wednesday afternoon, a woman alleged that Governor Gretchen Whitmer had ordered health officials to block poll watchers and challengers from entering a Detroit ballot counting facility.

The woman, Connie Johnson, shot the video using Facebook Live. She showed herself standing on the second floor of the TCF Center in Detroit. The following is her account of the ballot counting on Wednesday afternoon in Detroit.

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Trump Campaign Announces ‘Major Victory’ in PA Court Allowing GOP Poll Watchers Access to Ballot Counting

The Trump Campaign announced Thursday morning a “major victory” in a Pennsylvania appellate court in their suit challenging the lack of access of Republican poll watchers to the ballot processing and counting process.

Justin Clark, Trump 2020 Deputy Campaign Manger and Senior Counsel called the decision a “major victory for election integrity, election transparency, all Pennsylvania voters, and the rule of law.”

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Republicans Dominate the 2020 Tennessee Election Cycle

Tennessee’s elections were called for Republicans across the board not long after the polls closed on Tuesday night. The red state remained red, for the most part. One state-level seat flipped in Davidson County: a blue dot surrounded by red.

On the national scale, President Donald Trump won with an approximate 23 point lead over Democratic candidate Joe Biden. That lead is 3 points shy of his 2016 victory against Hillary Clinton. A total of just over 3 million votes were reported. Absentee votes favored Biden by just under one percent.

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Biden Wants Every Vote Counted – Philadelphia Wants Them Counted Secretly

  Democrats in Philadelphia were denying Republicans the right to observe and validate the hand counting of mail-in ballots but a judge ruled Thursday in favor of the republican petitioners, saying that they could be in the room to observe and verify if they stayed six feet away. Democrats immediately demanded a conference with the judge to plea for reversal of the order. White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany posted on Facebook “Democrats are arguing that at Philadelphia ballot counting locations they do not want Republicans watching what they’re doing. Why? Absolute INSANITY!!” The Federalist reported that Wisconsin and Michigan saw Biden vote surges in the wee hours of Wednesday morning similar to what happened in Pennsylvania. On Wednesday, President Trump’s attorney Rudy Giuliani went to Pennsylvania and the onslaught of lawsuits began there. Giuliani lambasted the Democratic-controlled city of Philadelphia for their history of corruption, signaling that it is illegal for observers to not be able to actually observe – to verify signatures, postmark and validity of a ballot. Giuliani also hinted there may be a national lawsuit filed to uncover what he claims is a concerted effort by the Democratic party to steal the election. This chaos was…

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Trump Sues in Pennsylvania, Michigan; Asks for Wisconsin Recount

The Trump campaign said it filed lawsuits Wednesday in Pennsylvania and Michigan, laying the groundwork for contesting the outcome in undecided battleground states that could determine whether President Donald Trump gets another four years in the White House.

Suits in both states are demanding better access for campaign observers to locations where ballots are being processed and counted, the campaign said. The campaign also is seeking to intervene in a Pennsylvania case at the Supreme Court that deals with whether ballots received up to three days after the election can be counted, deputy campaign manager Justin Clark said.

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