Michigan, Wisconsin Elections Officials Refuse to Explain Sudden Biden Vote Influx

Elections officials in Michigan and Wisconsin refused to explain Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden’s sudden and dramatic vote tally increase that occurred in both states Wednesday morning.

Michigan and Wisconsin state officials warned against misinformation being shared online, but wouldn’t comment on specific vote tranches that appeared to show former Vice President Joe Biden suddenly receiving more votes than President Donald Trump. The two battleground states remained tightly contested as of Wednesday afternoon, according to The New York Times.

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Nearly 100 Million Americans Voted Early; Hawaii, Texas Already Exceed 2016 Turnout

Roughly 100 million early votes already were cast before the first polls opened Tuesday morning, Michael McDonald, professor at the University of Florida, says. He runs the Election Project, which tracks polling and election data by state.

“These reports will include early voting activity from the proceeding day,” McDonald said in the latest analysis published Nov. 1. “It is also likely reports by Tuesday morning will fail to capture all of the pre-election voting activity since there are sporadic reports of election officials experiencing delays in processing the unprecedented number of mail ballots.”

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Joe Biden Plans to Assume Role of President-Elect If Media Declares Him Winner – Even Amid Trump’s Legal Challenges

Joe Biden is planning to strike a pose as the president-elect on election night if the corporate media decides that he has an insurmountable lead, even as President Trump challenges late mail-in ballots in court.

Democrats say they have “learned the lesson” of the contested 2000 election, when they say George W. Bush declared victory and “acted like the winner” while votes were still being counted and his Democrat opponent Al Gore “hung back.”

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Trump Wins Ohio, Florida and Texas, Closes Electoral Vote Gap with Biden in Race to 270

President Donald Trump won the key battleground states of Ohio, Florida and Texas and he holds leads in all the others but Arizona as former Vice President Joe Biden’s path to victory narrowed.

Trump so far has been declared the winner in Alabama, Arkansas, Florida, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, North Dakota, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, Utah and West Virginia.

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Minnesota Voters Sour on State of Nation

Voters in Minnesota made their pick for president while holding negative views about the country’s direction, according to an expansive AP survey of the American electorate.

The race between President Donald Trump and Democratic rival Joe Biden concluded Tuesday in a deeply divided nation struggling with a once-in-a-century pandemic and a severe economic downturn. AP VoteCast found that more than 3 in 10 Minnesota voters said the U.S. is on the right track and more than 6 in 10 voters said it is headed in the wrong direction.

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Commentary: Will America Stay Awake With Trump, or Go Back to Sleep With Biden?

Is it possible that Americans have become so servile, so convinced of our worthlessness, that we would hand over our country again to a ruling class that has neither the desire nor the ability to preserve it?

This is the critical question that hangs in the balance today. Either America will sleepwalk into an oblivion of decline with Joe Biden, an empty suit beholden to America’s enemies both at home and abroad, or we will reject his soothing platitudes, recognize his campaign for the swindle that it is, and stay alert and alive with Donald Trump.

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Commentary: The Secret Ballot Is Trump’s Secret Weapon

Americans take for granted that, when we step into the voting booth and cast our ballots, the choices we make will remain secret unless we voluntarily reveal them. Moreover, regardless of ideological bent, very few voters would approve of any attempt to lift that veil of privacy from the process. Yet the secret ballot was essentially unheard of in the United States until the mid-19th century, and it wasn’t adopted throughout the country until the 1890s. Before then, elections were conducted by voice or by color-coded tickets. The “shy Trump voter” could never survive in such an electoral environment. Thus, it’s unlikely that Trump could have been elected in 2016.

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Commentary: Want to Keep our Sweet Land of Liberty? Reject the Marxists

Today is the day we will find out whether or not our country will remain the exceptional country it is.  This is the land of liberty and opportunity, where the precious words written in our Declaration of Independence, as safeguarded under our Constitution, protect people of all faiths, skin colors and ethnicities. We must not abandon our identity and succumb to Marxism, which devours and destroys every single country it invades. 

Make no mistake about it, tomorrow’s election is between preserving our liberties and our freedoms or bowing to Marxists, that is to the Democrat Party.  It is that simple.

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Top 10 Reasons Americans Reelect President Donald J. Trump

President Donald J. Trump is on the verge of becoming the 16th man to be elected to the White House twice—but, everyone is telling you he is going to lose. Here are the Top 10 reasons why the polls are wrong and Trump gets four more years as the commander-in-chief. 10. Trump voters are not likely voters. Pollsters are making a big mistake when they change their screening of respondents for their turnout model from registered voters to so-called likely voters. Before Trump, this might have made sense because likely voters are, well, the people who are actually going to vote. The problem is that Trump voters are not likely at all. Pollsters ask voters if they voted in previous elections and or primaries to discern if they are likely to show up this time. The problem is that many Trump voters voted for the first time in a long time for Trump in 2016—and they have not voted since. Look for Trump voters to come out of the woodwork and the shadows giving him a huge push the polls completely missed. Go ahead and throw in all the millions of new voters the Republican National Committee has registered, including…

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‘Disinformation’ and Other Media Excuses for Downplaying, Dismissing Hunter Biden Revelations

Establishment media outlets have largely downplayed and dismissed new revelations about Hunter Biden’s foreign business dealings and how much his father, Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden, may have known about those dealings.

Media outlets have offered a variety of rationales for downplaying the revelations, which have come from newly surfaced emails and from one of Hunter Biden’s former business partners, Tony Bobulinski.

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Kamala Harris Goes ‘Full Blown Marxist’ in Campaign Ad

by Debra Heine   The Biden campaign is taking some heat after vice presidential candidate Kamala Harris unabashedly promoted the communist principle of equality of outcome in a campaign ad, rather than the American ideal of equality of opportunity. The animated video, shared by Sen. Harris (D-Calif.) on Twitter Sunday, begins with two men — one white and one black —  staring up at a mountain they both want to climb. Both men are given the same length rope, but the white man is easily able to reach his rope while the black man is stuck at the bottom of a cliff, unable to reach his rope. Harris begins by saying, “So there’s a big difference between equality and equity. Equality suggests, ‘oh, everyone should get the same amount.’” “The problem with that [is] not everybody’s starting out from the same place. So if we’re all getting the same amount but you started out back there and I started out over here, we could get the same amount, but you’re still going to be that far back behind me,” she said, as the white man scrambles up the mountain while the black man watches sadly from below. As Harris continues,…

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Hong Kong Democracy Protesters Support Trump, View Biden as Weak

Prominent pro-democracy Hong Kong protesters support President Donald Trump’s re-election bid citing his strong stance on China.

The protesters who have demonstrated against China’s tightening grip on Hong Kong believe that if Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden wins Tuesday’s election, the U.S. stance on China would be weak, according to the South China Morning Post (SCMP). As vice president, Biden lead former President Barack Obama’s China policy, according to The Atlantic.

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UVA Fellow, Former George Mason Professor: Overthrow the Government if Trump Wins

University of Virginia (UVA) postdoctoral fellow and former George Mason University (GMU) professor David Walsh called for government overthrow if Democratic challenger Joe Biden loses the election.

“Here’s the thing: if the worst-case scenario happens next week, Americans don’t need to just ‘protest.’ They need to actively try to topple the government,” wrote Walsh. “Also worth nothing that the military has already made it clear that in such a scenario, they’re not going to back Trump.”

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Tennessee’s Democratic Representatives Cohen and Cooper Fear-Monger Voters Ahead of Election Day

Representatives Steve Cohen (D-TN-09) and Jim Cooper (D-TN-05) tweeted that voters should be fearful heading into Election Day. Both representatives issued their remarks on the day before the election.

The tweets from Cohen and Cooper reflect one of two messages: encouraging individuals to submit their votes and questioning the integrity of the election. The day before Election Day, Cohen suggested that the election’s aftermath should be feared.

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Commentary: Michigan Has One More Chance to Reject the Political Establishment – It Might Not Come Again

Joe Biden is not merely a presidential candidate; he is a vehicle for returning the establishment elite to power.

Michiganders of both parties rejected the establishment in 2016. In doing so four years ago, the voters shocked Hollywood, labor bosses, left-wing journalists, and other political elites who thought we fit neatly into one of their ideological boxes. People across the Midwest correctly recognized that the political class had long ago ceased to be responsive to our needs, and so we revolted. Not much has changed since then.

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Commentary: Illegal Immigration is Costing Michiganders Jobs

This November, Michigan voters would be wise to recognize the connection between their top concern — the economy — and illegal immigration. Study after study shows that illegal immigration puts downward pressure on wages and takes away Americans’ job opportunities.

That doesn’t seem to bother Democrats. Joe Biden’s immigration plans, which Democratic senators including Gary Peters support, would put the screws to America’s working class. His agenda includes an amnesty for 11 million illegal immigrants already here. In addition, Biden wants to suspend all deportations during his first 100 days in office and relax the rules for claiming asylum.

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Commentary: BidenCare Equals Disaster for America’s Healthcare

The future of our nation hangs in the balance and the direction of our healthcare system is one of the main differences at stake in the 2020 Presidential election this week. In the final Presidential debate, the distinctions between President Trump’s vision vs. former Vice President Biden’s vision for our nation could not be clearer. This truly is America vs. Socialism.

To understand that difference watch President Trump and former Vice President Biden’s responses on how they view healthcare and the proper role of the federal government.

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Most Americans Have Heard of Biden Family Allegations, More than Half Believe Them

Nearly three quarters of Americans are aware of the controversy surrounding Joe Biden and his family’s overseas business deals, and a majority of those who know about the allegations believe them to be true, according to a Just the News-Scott Rasmussen poll taken on the final week of the election.

A total of 72% of the 1,200 likely voters surveyed between Oct. 29 and Oct. 31 said they had “seen, read, or heard” news stories “concerning allegations that Joe Biden had lied and was selling influence to China and Ukraine for the benefit of his family?”

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The Prize for the Ukrainian Prosecutor Who Settled Burisma Case Was a Meeting with the Clinton Campaign

A few months after Joe Biden forced the firing of Ukraine’s chief prosecutor, his son’s company Burisma Holdings courted the replacement with a promise to bring him to Washington to meet with Hillary Clinton’s campaign in the final weeks of the 2016 election, newly released State Department memos reveal.

Burisma’s effort to woo — through its Democrat-tied U.S. lobbying firm — newly installed Ukraine Prosecutor General Yuriy Lutsenko raised concerns at the highest levels of the U.S. embassy in Kiev, where officials tried to talk the prosecutor out of the trip given the fact he was overseeing a probe of the gas company.

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Rep. Steve Cohen and Democrats Accuse White House Press Secretary of Violating Hatch Act

Representative Steve Cohen (D-TN) and other Democrats have accused White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany of violating the HATCH Act. Cohen retweeted an article from The New York Times that accused McEnany of breaking the law.
“Kayleigh McEnany’s violations of the #HatchAct would be a scandal in any other administration,” wrote Cohen. “Grifters and miscreants. Utterly appalling. #CultureOfCorruption”

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Biden Calls Trump Supporters ‘Ugly Folks’ at Minnesota Rally

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden referred to a large group of pro-Trump counter protesters as “ugly folks” during a rally Friday evening in Falcon Heights, Minnesota.

“Dr. Fauci called for a mask mandate last week. This isn’t a political statement like those ugly folks over there beeping the horns,” said Biden, who has been running on a platform of unifying the country.

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Commentary: Is China Funding the Phony Joe Biden Campaign?

Joe Biden is running a profoundly phony campaign. Hillary’s defeat is famously blamed on her low-energy decision to not show up in the Rust Belt. But Biden isn’t showing up anywhere.

No candidate since George Washington has campaigned so little and with so few live supporters. Joe Biden is no George Washington.

How can Biden be a contender when he gets 30 supporters at his rallies and Trump attracts 30,000? Biden attracted 130 cars to hear him in must-win Pennsylvania. In Miami, Latinos for Trump organized a 30,000 car parade on their own.

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Commentary: The Nightmare Scenario of Biden-Harris and the Ascendancy of Kamala

Kamala Harris is a radical with anti-America positions who will be within a hair’s breadth of the Oval Office should Joe Biden win the presidency. It’s not just because Kamala has had her eye on the top slot, which she does. It’s not just because there are legitimate questions about Biden’s cognitive state, which there are. It’s because the Biden Family Scandal may well be the most expedient means by which Harris’ eye on the Oval Office comes to fruition.

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Commentary: Will Maximum COVID Fear Keep Democrats at Home on Election Day?

In the closing days of the presidential campaign, amid a surge in support for President Donald Trump in many battleground state polls, media outlets are reporting rising confirmed Covid cases in states like Wisconsin and New Mexico but also nationally as the cold and flu season kicks into gear.

“Wisconsin faces Covid-19 crisis as coronavirus cases continue to rise, governor says,” reads one headline from CNN.

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Biden Vows to Pass ‘Equality Act’ During His First 100 Days in Office

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden promised to pass the Equality Act during his first 100 days of office if he becomes President of the United States.

The former vice president also vowed in an interview with Philadelphia Gay News that he will make LGBTQ equality a focus of United States diplomacy if he becomes president of the United States, Reuters reported Wednesday.

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Commentary: Obama Can’t Get Past His Grudge Against Trump

Barack Obama and Joe Biden head to Michigan this weekend to hustle votes in one of the three states that helped elect Donald Trump in 2016. Recent polls show Biden with a comfortable lead in Michigan, but Democrats are taking nothing for granted in the final stretch; Representative Debbie Dingel (D-Mich.) on Wednesday warned Team Biden that the race is tightening. “So many auto workers who I thought were going to go back to Joe Biden were very clear with me…that they were voting for President Trump.”

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EXCLUSIVE: NY Post’s ‘Smoking Gun’ Hunter Biden Email 100% Authentic, Forensic Analysis Concludes

by Andrew Kerr   An email Hunter Biden received in April 2015 from a Burisma executive discussing an introduction to then-Vice President Joe Biden, which lies at the heart of a New York Post investigation, is unquestionably authentic, a cybersecurity expert told the Daily Caller News Foundation on Thursday. The DCNF obtained a full copy of Hunter Biden’s alleged laptop from former New York Mayor Rudy Giuliani on Wednesday. The DCNF provided Robert Graham, the founder of the cybersecurity firm Errata Security, with a copy of the email and its metadata for forensic analysis. Graham, who has been cited as a cybersecurity expert in The Washington Post, the Associated Press, Wired, Engadget and other news and technology outlets, told the DCNF that he used a cryptographic signature found in the email’s metadata to validate that Vadym Pozharsky, an advisor to Burisma’s board of directors, emailed Hunter Biden on April 17, 2015. In the email, Pozharsky thanked Hunter Biden for “inviting me to DC and giving an opportunity to meet your father and spent [sic] some time together.” The New York Post first reported the email in October, describing it as a “smoking-gun” showing that Hunter Biden had introduced his father to the Burisma executive in 2015. The…

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Michigan: Ground Zero for Biden-Led Chinese Acquisition of Automotive Manufacturer with National Security Implications

A key presidential election battleground state of Michigan is also ground zero for a Chinese company’s acquisition of an automotive manufacturer with direct involvement by one of Hunter Biden’s businesses.

The transaction gave Chinese companies direct control of technology with possible military applications and, therefore, has national security implications.

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Biden’s Plan to ‘Transition Away’ from the Oil Industry Would Hurt New Mexico, Texas the Most

Both Republicans and Democrats are pushing back on comments Democratic presidential candidate Joe Biden made about “transitioning away” from the oil industry.

At the presidential debate Thursday night, Biden said, “I would transition away from the oil industry, yes. The oil industry pollutes, significantly. It has to be replaced by renewable energy over time.”

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DeWine Calls for Some Ohio Businesses to Close Offices, Employees Work from Home

The Ohio Star received a tip that Ohio Governor Mike DeWine was calling on larger businesses in Ohio’s red counties (according to the Ohio Public Health Advisory System) to keep their employees at home.

During a special news briefing held on Wednesday announcing a Bureau of Workers Compensation dividend giveback of $5 billion to Ohio businesses, The Star asked the governor about the tip and whether he was urging businesses to keep employees at home.

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Commentary: The Biden Family Scandal Is Monumental; It’s the October Surprise Joe Biden Just Wants to Go Away

by Julie Strauss Levin   Let’s get right to the bottom line:  Recent news raises serious questions as to whether Joe Biden broke the public’s trust, exploited his position as a public official, and financially enriched the Biden family significantly from foreign business partners in China, the Ukraine, and Russia. Before we jump into what we now know, how about a little refresher on Biden’s statement last September to Fox’s Peter Doocy when he asked of Biden, “how many times have you spoken to your son about his overseas business dealings?” Biden’s indignant response? “I have never spoken to my son about his overseas business dealings.”  Wow.  Seems Joe didn’t get the memo, “never say never” because, in fact, Biden well knew about his son Hunter’s business dealings.  Indeed, it seems Papa Biden wasn’t wading, he was actually knee deep, in Hunter’s business affairs and also may have had some of his own going on. Fast forward from last September to weeks ago when we learned the following:  Last year, Hunter Biden dropped off his laptop at a computer repair shop in Delaware, signed a receipt (appears to be the same signature Hunter used in his paternity suit papers).  He…

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Biden Family Scandal: Seven Uncomfortable Realities Confronting the Democrat Nominee

Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden has offered short, at times, halting defenses of his son Hunter’s business deals in recent weeks after months of ignoring an increasingly clear narrative of a family member pursuing lucrative business deals in the shadows of his vice presidency.

“Not one single solitary thing was out of line,” Biden said last Thursday when the questions about his son’s business dealings came up at the last presidential debate. “Not a single thing.”

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Commentary: With Justice Amy Coney Barrett Confirmed, Will Joe Biden Pack the Supreme Court If He Wins?

The U.S. Senate has confirmed Justice Amy Coney Barrett to the U.S. Supreme Court by a vote of 52 to 48, creating a new 6 to 3 majority of Republican-appointed justices on the nation’s highest court—and the Democratic Party is in an absolute panic over the outcome.

Almost as soon as Ruth Bader Ginsburg passed away, Democrats were already threatening to abolish the filibuster in order to amend the Judiciary Act of 1869 and pack the Supreme Court — increasing the threshold way beyond the current nine justices set by law.

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Commentary: The Media’s Smear Job Campaigning for Joe Biden

As the national political media have conducted practically the entire Democratic presidential election campaign, the credibility of the media is entirely implicated in the election result. In the latest revelations about the financial activities of the Biden family while presidential candidate Joe Biden was the vice president, the national political media and the principal social media companies have sandbagged another large media company, News Corporation’s New York Post, and have tried to impose online silence on the White House press secretary Kayleigh McEnany.

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