Commentary: The Anti-Democratic Democratic Left

BLM protesters

Joe Biden has claimed that his opponents are assaulting democracy on the basis of the January 6, 2020, buffoonish riot.

Aside from the fact that storming the Capitol Rotunda sometimes is apparently deemed permissible—as in the recent pro-Hamas takeover of it—or aside from the fact that disrupting a federal government proceeding is deemed exempt—as in the recent pro-Hamas throng that blocked the route of the presidential motorcade and thus delayed the State of the Union address to the nation by 26 minutes—who really is attacking democracy?

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Commentary: The Kavanaugh War and the End of Honor Culture

In the 2000 political drama “The Contender,” an opposition research attack is launched against a woman named Laine Hanson (Joan Allen) who has been nominated for the vice presidency. Part of the assault is a rumor, supposedly confirmed with actual videotape, that Hanson partook in group sex while she was in college. It turns out that the oppo was faked, part of a conspiracy not just to derail Hanson politically, but also to destroy her life. Still, Hanson will not go out and refute or deny the rumors even after they have been exposed as fake. In a key scene, Hanson is confronted by an irate president (Jeff Bridges) via his staffer (Sam Elliot), who demands she deny and debunk the rumors.

Hanson explains why she won’t address the scandal. It’s not just the questions they wanted to ask, she says. It’s that they felt it was OK to ask them in the first place. And it’s not. To respond to them is to forfeit dignity and honor. Hanson was not willing to do that.

It’s a remarkable scene because it is so rare these days that anyone in Hollywood or on the Left defends the concept of honor. 

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Commentary: Five Reasons ‘Roe’ Is Ripe for Reversal

closeup of a baby

It seems like only yesterday the Left went to war to stop Judge Brett Kavanaugh from ascending to the Supreme Court. Crackpots and charlatans flocked to the call for accusations, no matter how fictional, that might sink his nomination. The Left extracted a compromise from squishy Republicans to give the FBI enough time to frame . . . er, “investigate” Kavanaugh before proceeding to a confirmation vote. The Left is still furious at FBI Director Christopher Wray for failing to gin up a predicate for stopping Kavanaugh’s eventual confirmation.

Even then, it was very clear that the public relations assault had nothing to do with Kavanaugh’s history with the opposite sex. As they tried to weaponize sketchy sexual abuse allegations against Kavanaugh, we learned later that Democrats suppressed allegations of sexual abuse committed by their own leaders and supporters (Andrew Cuomo, Harvey Weinstein, U.S. Represenative John Conyers, former New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman, and Bill Clinton to name just a few examples). When these leaders were held accountable, it usually followed a long period of cover-ups and denials by their political allies. 

But Democrats didn’t really care about whether Kavanaugh committed sexual assault in the 1980s. It was, everyone knew, all about abortion. 

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Woman Says She Made False Claims About Kavanaugh, Now She’s Been Referred to the FBI

by Chuck Ross   A woman who acknowledged falsely accusing Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh of rape is being referred to the FBI and Department of Justice for investigation, according to an official letter. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley said in a letter sent Friday to FBI Director Christopher Wray and Attorney General Jeff Sessions that the woman, Judy Munro-Leighton, admitted Thursday that she falsely claimed in an email to committee staff on Oct. 3 that Kavanaugh and a friend had raped her. In the email, Munro-Leighton claimed to be the author of an anonymous letter sent to California Democratic Sen. Kamala Harris on Sept. 19. In that letter, a person who signed the letter as “Jane Doe” claimed Kavanaugh and a friend raped her in the back of a car. Grassley, an Iowa Republican, said investigators quickly discovered that Munro-Leighton was a “left-wing activist” who is decades older than Kavanaugh. [ RELATED: Grassley Refers Avenatti, Swetnick To FBI For Investigation ] But after reaching Munro-Leighton on Thursday, she admitted “that she had not been sexually assaulted by Judge Kavanaugh and was not the author of the original Jane Doe letter.” Munro-Leighton said that she “just wanted to get attention” for her…

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Ruth Bader Ginsburg Calls Congress the Culprit in Polarizing Judicial Confirmation Process

by Tristan Justice   Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg points the finger at an increasingly partisan Congress for polarizing the judicial confirmation process. Speaking at the federal courthouse in Washington on Wednesday, Ginsburg said a lack of collegiality and bipartisanship among lawmakers was to blame for polarizing the confirmation process for federal judges, The Washington Post reported. Ginsburg alluded to the heated confirmation hearings for  Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh, without mentioning the high court’s newest justice by name. She reflected on past Supreme Court confirmation processes and pointed to Justice Antonin Scalia’s unanimous confirmation vote in the Senate, as well as the 96-3 vote for her, the Post reported.”What a difference in time that was from what we are witnessing today,” Ginsburg said in an apparent reference to the bitter confirmation battle over Kavanaugh and the resulting 50-48 vote to confirm him. Only one Democrat voted for Kavanaugh.”To me, the obvious culprit is Congress,” Ginsburg said. Ginsburg praised Justice Sandra Day O’Connor, who retired in 2005, as a model of someone who put “country above party and self-interest” and who “worked collaboratively to solve problems,” the Post reported. Ginsburg’s comments came a day after O’Connor, the first female…

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On WKRN’s This Week With Bob Mueller, Steve Gill Says ‘Phil Bredesen Is Not A Centrist’

Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill  was a guest on WKRN’s This Week With Bob Mueller and chatted with Bob about how Phil Bredesen would vote if elected to the Senate and how contrary to popular belief, he was not a “centrist.” Gill commented, “I don’t believe Phil Bredesen at all.  I want Dr. Ford’s team to polygraph him on this because I don’t believe that if he was actually there he would cast his vote.  Only one Democrat Joe Manchin is thinking about.  I don’t think that you would have Phil Bredesen go against the whole grain of the Democratic party if he was actually there.  And I think the real test is not what people believe Phil Bredesen would do in this case, it’s hogwash, but it’s what he would do in the next one.” Gill questioned whether people are paying attention to the news as Phil Bredesen has planned to head to New York City to meet with Michael  Bloomberg who will help raise him a lot of money and wondered how folks can believe, that if he becomes Senator, will actually vote for their Tennessee values. “He’s donated half a million dollars to the most liberal extremists…

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Commentary: War on Men Is a Long-Term Plan for Democrat Victory

by Karin McQuillan   Encouraging women to hate and fear men as rapists is not a cultural development. It is a political weapon. Democrats are trying to replicate their electoral success among blacks, which they cheaply achieve by convincing them Republicans are racists. Smears such as “racism” and “rape culture” are effective substitutes for policy achievements or a platform, and so much easier to deliver. Democrats cynically ignore the unhappiness wrought by this ugly emotional manipulation of women and blacks. With these two monolithic voting blocs in the bag, Democrats figure they may happily predict a “blue wave.” Encouraging a war between women and men is not an improvised reaction to Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the U.S. Supreme Court. It is a calculated initiative of the hard Left, put on steroids under President Obama. It is working exactly according to plan. Obama’s burning dream was to solidify voters into identity voting blocs that can deliver a permanent Democratic majority, and end this pesky American tradition of a two-party system. Black voters were already sewed tight, by virtue of the president’s skin color. Turning single women into a Democratic monolith became the party’s critical priority in achieving success. The Obama Administration targeted the vulnerable Millennial…

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Legal Experts Weigh in on Future With Kavanaugh on the Bench

by Hanna Bogorowski   Shortly after the Senate voted to confirm Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, legal experts John Yoo and Jonathan Turley weighed in on what the future with another conservative judge on the bench potentially looks like, specifically in terms of key progressive focal points. Opposition to Kavanaugh’s nomination came from Democrats’ fears that he could jeopardize women’s access to abortion, and one Democratic senator said Kavanaugh would even criminalize it. Yoo, a law professor at the University of California, Berkeley, said Saturday he believes Kavanaugh has other plans for the courts, at least in the beginning. “I don’t think Justice Kavanaugh is going to be some great opponent of abortion rights or affirmative action or gay marriage at first,” Yoo said. What he said will upset Democrats initially based on what he’s done as lower court judge in the past is going after the independence of federal bureaucracies that he says have been “spreading their power without political accountability for 20, 30, 40 years, maybe going all the way back to the New Deal.” “I think that’s the progressive machine that’s producing law all the time that I think Justice Kavanaugh is going to be an enemy. Progressives are…

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‘There’s Is No Debate,’ Ron DeSantis is Racist Says AM Joy Guest Tiffany Cross

by Nick Givas   Managing editor of The Beat DC, Tiffany Cross called Florida gubernatorial candidate Ron DeSantis “racist” on MSNBC’s “AM Joy” Sunday and said there’s “no debate” about his racial beliefs. DeSantis is running against Democrat challenger Andrew Gillum and has starkly contrasted himself against Gillum’s left wing policies. He also accused Gillum of trying change Florida into Venezuela. “When I look at races, particularly in the South … Andrew Gillum’s race. You have DeSantis who has come out and there is no debate. We don’t have to ask the question is he racist,” Cross declared. “He’s already shown his colors.” Cross also claimed the confirmation fight over Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has pumped up Democrats and said the party has to hire more Latinos and black Americans to target their fellow voters with greater efficiency. “The Kavanaugh vote energized the base. I think it is up to the people who are running to come in after that and make sure that they’re reaching out to the proper communities … rural black voters who remain untouched,” she concluded. “Something like 90 percent of Latino voters in the district, it’s escaping me now, had not been reached out to by a major campaign.…

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Analysis: Kavanaugh Fight Sharpens the Stakes for Midterms

voters polling place

The bitter battle over Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination to the Supreme Court has exacerbated the nation’s political divide and left many Americans emotionally raw. It’s also given new definition to the high stakes of November’s election. Until now, the fight for control of Congress has largely been viewed as a referendum on President Donald Trump’s first two years in office. But the turmoil surrounding Kavanaugh has transformed the midterms into something bigger than Trump, with implications that could endure long after his presidency. The election is suddenly layered with charged cultural questions about the scarcity of women in political power, the handling of sexual assault allegations, and shifting power dynamics that have left some white men uneasy about their place in American life. Both parties contend the new contours of the race will energize their supporters in the election’s final stretch. Both may be right. Republicans, however, may benefit most in the short term. Until now, party leaders, Trump included, have struggled to rev up GOP voters, even with a strong economy to campaign on. The president’s middling job approval rating and independent voters’ disdain for his constant personal attacks have been a drag on GOP candidates, particularly in the more…

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Senator Susan Collins’ Historic Speech Lauding Constitutional Principles in Support of Justice Brett Kavanaugh

U.S. Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) delivered remarks from the Senate floor Friday afternoon to announce her decision to vote to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to be an associate justice of the U.S. Supreme Court. On Saturday, Kavanaugh was confirmed to the Supreme Court by the United States Senate by a 50 to 48 vote. Collins’s speech was the defining moment in the confirmation battle. It has been described by many conservatives and Republicans as one of the greatest speeches ever delivered in the history of the Senate. Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) delivers a heartfelt speech explaining her decision regarding Kavanuagh’s confirmation and the importance of this historical occasion to the Senate floor.   Her full remarks are as follows: Mr. President, the five previous times that I have come to the floor to explain my vote on the nomination of a justice to the United States Supreme Court, I have begun my floor remarks explaining my decision with a recognition of the solemn nature and the importance of the occasion. But today we have come to the conclusion of a confirmation process that has become so dysfunctional it looks more like a caricature of a gutter-level political campaign than a…

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Nine Times the Media Pushed Misinformation About Kavanaugh

Brett Kavanaugh

by Peter Hasson   Establishment media outlets repeatedly bungled their coverage of Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh, spreading misinformation as a result. Here are nine instances in which media outlets pushed misinformation about Kavanaugh. 1. “Devil’s Triangle” Multiple media outlets accused Kavanaugh of lying about the term “devil’s triangle” in his high school yearbook, which Democrats claimed was a reference to a group sex act. When asked by Democratic Vermont Sen. Patrick Leahy, Kavanaugh said that “devil’s triangle” was a drinking game played with quarters and three cups. The Huffington Post called Kavanaugh’s explanation a “lie.” Seven witnesses — including the classmate credited in the yearbook for inventing the game — have corroborated Kavanaugh’s account of “devil’s triangle.” Politico on Thursday published a video that cited the website Urban Dictionary to suggest Kavanaugh was lying. Politico later deleted the video and issued an apology for its “outdated information.” — Peter J. Hasson (@peterjhasson) October 4, 2018 2. Media outlets claim Kavanaugh described birth control as “abortion-inducing drugs” Multiple media outlets claimed Kavanaugh described some forms of birth control as “abortion-inducing drugs.” HuffPost’s article, “Brett Kavanaugh Refers To Birth Control As ‘Abortion-Inducing Drugs’ At Confirmation Hearing,” has been shared 110,000 times. The Cut (a New York Magazine website) titled its article: “Brett Kavanaugh…

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Commentary: The Left’s Pattern of Overlooking Due Process

by David Harsanyi   The notion that certain Americans are pre-emptively guilty of wrongdoing, whether there’s any corroborating evidence to back up an accusation or not, isn’t reserved for conservatives who happen to be in contention for a Supreme Court seat. In the hierarchy of progressive values, due process is a bottom dweller. Over the past decade, you could see the illiberalism evolving on college campuses, where Democrats subverted basic standards of justice. It was the Obama administration that demanded schools judge cases of alleged sexual assaults under a “clear and convincing evidence” standard rather than on a “preponderance of evidence” standard, allowed accusers to appeal “not guilty” findings, and permitted the meting out of punishment before any investigation was even conducted, among other big problems. Democrats are simply shepherding those corrosive standards into the real world. Another area of American life where we continue to see egregious attacks on the presumption of innocence is gun ownership. You might remember that a couple of years ago, Democrats engaged in a much-covered congressional “sit-in” to support legislation that would have stripped Americans on secret government watchlists—hundreds of thousands of people who had never been accused, much less convicted, of any crime—of their…

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‘But, Kavanaugh!’ Never-Trump’s Awakening

by Julie Kelly   The headline was a stunner: “For Once, I’m Grateful For Trump.” Even more shocking was the column’s author: New York Times columnist Bret Stephens. At great risk of alienating his Trump-hating readership at the Times, Stephens carefully explained why he is relieved a man he detests now sits in the Oval Office. From evidence-free accusations against Judge Brett Kavanaugh to grandstanding, hypocritical senators, Stephens admitted he was reluctant to make such a heretical confession in the pages of a newspaper committed to destroying the Supreme Court nominee: I’m grateful because Trump has not backed down in the face of the slipperiness, hypocrisy and dangerous standard-setting deployed by opponents of Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination. I’m grateful because ferocious and even crass obstinacy has its uses in life, and never more so than in the face of sly moral bullying. I’m grateful because he’s a big fat hammer fending off a razor-sharp dagger. The piece was not well-received by Times readers. As of Friday morning, there were more than 3,500 comments, mostly tantrums by progressives about Stephens’s viewpoint. The attempted political assassination of Brett Kavanaugh has triggered an epiphany for NeverTrump “conservatives” such as Stephens. Some of Trump’s most vicious and vocal critics on the Right…

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What the FBI Report on Kavanaugh Really Tells Us

by Hans von Spakovsky   The new FBI report on Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh that was being reviewed by senators Thursday makes it clear that there is absolutely no reason to further delay the confirmation vote on his nomination. America would be well-served if the Senate seats this extraordinarily qualified judge on the nation’s highest court. Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa, reviewed the FBI’s supplemental background investigation of charges of sexual misconduct against Kavanaugh on Thursday morning. Grassley said: “There’s nothing in it that we didn’t already know. These uncorroborated accusations have been unequivocally and repeatedly rejected by Judge Kavanaugh, and neither the Judiciary Committee nor the FBI could locate any third parties who can attest to any of the allegations.” Furthermore, Grassley said the FBI’s “investigation found no hint of misconduct.” The new FBI report supplements the sixth full-field FBI background investigation of Kavanaugh since 1993. The claims being made by Democrats that the FBI was somehow limited or curtailed in its investigation because it didn’t have enough time to conduct the probe shows a woeful ignorance of the resources of the agency and the extensive manpower it can bring to bear. While this supplementary investigation…

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Commentary: Democrats Risk Losing Suburban Women with Kavanaugh Attacks

Murkowski, Collins

by Julie Kelly   I am not a crier. One of my best friends teases me that Satan cries more than I do; my husband jokes about my “six-second cry” when I finally shed some tears. But as I watched Brett Kavanaugh’s opening statement to the Senate Judiciary Committee last Thursday, I cried—and for more than six seconds. I wept for him, for his crushed wife seated behind him, for his young daughters, and for his friends. I cried for our country. It was an emotional release of sympathy, frustration and rage. I wasn’t alone. Several of my friends admitted they had the same reaction. The Federalist’s Mollie Hemingway mirrored the feelings of millions of women when she choked up that evening during an interview with Tucker Carlson on Fox News: “I was sobbing when I was watching it,” Hemingway said. “I heard that a lot from people as well. It was hard just to watch those clips here.” A bungled political assassination attempt on Brett Kavanaugh will cost the Democrats more than a seat on the Supreme Court: The party might also have killed its edge with suburban women just weeks before the pivotal midterm elections. The near-unanimous reaction to this travesty among…

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Seven Witnesses Corroborate Kavanaugh’s Account Of The Devil’s Triangle

by Molly Prince   Georgetown Prep alumni have come forward corroborating Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh’s claim that two phrases in his high school yearbook were not sexual references. Four of Kavanaugh’shigh school classmates explained in a letter to the Senate Judiciary Committee that ‘Devil’s Triangle’ was a drinking game the group came up with while at Georgetown Prep. The letter further explained the rules of the game: ‘Devil’s Triangle’ was a drinking game we came up with in high school. It was a variation on the game ‘Quarters’. When we played ‘Devil’s Triangle’, four people sat at a table. On the table, three small glasses of beer were arranged next to one another to form a triangle. Each of the four participants took turns being the ‘shooter.’ The shooter attempted to bounce a quarter into one of the glasses. If the quarter landed in one of the glasses, the person at the table sitting nearest to that glass had to drink the beer. The letter also stated that they were not aware at the time that the name had any other meanings. During a committee hearing on Sept. 27, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse questioned Kavanaugh about the phrase “Devil’s Triangle.” “Drinking…

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REVEALED: The Man Accusing Blasey Ford of Lying About Polygraphs

by Kevin Daley and Andrew Kerr   The Daily Caller News Foundation has identified Brian Merrick as the author of a letter alleging that Dr. Christine Blasey Ford did not provide accurate testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee about her experience with polygraph tests. Though a witness Merrick names has denied his accusation, Senate Republicans have requested additional information from Blasey Ford in view of the letter. Blasey Ford has accused Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh of sexually assaulting her in the early 1980s while the two were teenagers. Merrick met Blasey Ford in either 1989 or 1990, and the pair dated from 1992 to 1998, according to a letter he submitted to the Judiciary Committee. The letter also indicates that they lived together for a portion of their relationship. The couple met when they were students at Pepperdine University in California. TheDCNF has independently confirmed that Merrick and Blasey Ford were associated with the same address in southern California while they were dating in the late 1990s. The Wall Street Journal identified Merrick as an ex-boyfriend of Blasey Ford in a pre-hearingarticle. Though Merrick wrote that he finds Blasey Ford truthful, he disputed several portions of her testimony before the Senate…

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Sen. Lamar Alexander Tells Tennessee Star Report Vote on Kavanaugh Will Be Held This Week

On Tuesday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the men talked with Senator Lamar Alexander about getting the vote finalized after a seventh FBI investigation into Judge Kavanaugh is completed so that they can confirm President Trump’s Supreme Court nominee. “Well, Senator McConnell is determined to have the vote this week so we’ll get the FBI look at Judge Kavanaugh over the last 26 years.  We’ll see if it says what it said before.  We’ll have a day or two to read it, and then we’ll vote.  And so yes, I believe a vote will be this week sometime, maybe Friday or Saturday, but it will be this week,” Alexander said. At the beginning of the segment, Alexander commented in dismay regarding the issue of fairness and how the destruction of Kavanaugh’s reputation, which was excellent up until only ten days ago, has effected the nominee. “What people are overlooking is Judge Kavanaugh has been subjected to six background checks over the last 26 years in connection with the various federal positions he has.  And those background checks are extensive. The…

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Protesters Rip Pro-Kavanaugh Signs From Students In Texas

by Neetu Chandak   Protesters ripped signs that supported Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and allegedly snatched a Make American Great Again hat from Texas college students on Tuesday. Young Conservatives of Texas at the University of Texas (YCTUT) held a rally to support Kavanaugh. Some of the signs YCTUT members held included “Confirm Kavanaugh,” “Kavanaugh for Justice” and “Witch Hunt!” according to a picture the group provided to The Daily Caller News Foundation. A video posted to Twitter shows one girl ripping signs that read “no campus kangaroo courts in Congress.” She then proceeds to shove YCTUT Chairman Saurabh Sharma. “Are you trying to assault me? This is assault,” Sharma said to the girl in the video. “Fuck you to every girl that has been sexually assaulted on this campus,” the girl said to Sharma. Sharma told TheDCNF that YTCUT officer Joshua Lambert had his Make America Great Again hat snatched, but a person in the crowd later returned it. Lisa Dreher, a reporter with the school’s paper, The Texan Daily, told TheDCNF that she saw a red hat flying and counter-protesters cheering. UTPD said student in pink jacket attempted to rip off MAGA hat if another student. Student talking…

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ACLU Launches Million Dollar Ad Campaign Likening Kavanaugh To Bill Cosby, Bill Clinton

by Hanna Bogorowski   The ACLU took another step against Supreme Court nominee Judge Brett Kavanaugh Monday after it launched a million dollar advertisement campaign opposing his nomination and likening the judge to convicted sexual predator Bill Cosby. The campaign targets a handful of Republican senators, including Sens. Deb Fischer of Nebraska, Cory Gardner of Colorado, Shelley Moore Capito of West Virginia, Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, as well as Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin of West Virginia. The ACLU took the nontraditional step of opposing Kavanaugh’s nomination on Saturday, a move the supposedly non-partisan organization called “rare.” “In this instance, the national board held an extraordinary meeting, and has chosen to make an exception” to its policy of not supporting or opposing candidates for political offices or judicial office. The organization took this opposition one step further Monday when it announced it spent over $1 million in television advertisements urging said Republican senators to vote against Kavanaugh. “We’ve seen this before, denials from powerful men,” the ad begins, showing images of famous men accused of sexual assault, including disgraced Hollywood mogul Harvey Weinstein and former President Bill Clinton. “America is watching,” it warns. NEW: When we said we're going to use the full force of the ACLU…

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Rand Paul Calls For Investigation Into Who Doxxed Senate Judiciary Committee Republicans

Rand Paul

by Molly Prince   Sen. Rand Paul called for an investigation Friday to determine and punish who published the personal information of three Republican senators during the Senate Judiciary Committee hearing with Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh and Christine Blasey Ford, who accused him of sexual assault. “Yesterday there was an attempt to incite people by publishing the personal information of Senators – including home addresses – endangering them & their families,” the Kentucky Republican tweeted. “This should be  investigated & the perpetrators punished. There is too much hatred and violence in politics these days.” Yesterday there was an attempt to incite people by publishing the personal information of Senators – including home addresses- endangering them & their families. This should be investigated & the perpetrators punished. There is too much hatred and violence in politics these days. — Rand Paul (@RandPaul) September 28, 2018 Three members of the Senate Judiciary Committee — Sens. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina and Mike Lee and Orrin Hatch, both of Utah — had their personal information, including their phone numbers and home addresses, posted on their respective Wikipedia pages shortly after each questioned Kavanaugh at Thursday’s hearing. The unknown person who published the information…

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Expert: Failure By the Republicans to Confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh Could Mean Annihilation in November

Brett Kavanaugh, Donald Trump

By Robert Romano     The GOP Senate has one very important job, and that is to confirm Judge Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court, maintaining the balance of power on the nation’s highest court. When Justice Anthony Kennedy retired, it was a gift to Republicans, giving them an opportunity to confirm a replacement that would be nominated by a Republican president and confirmed by a Republican Senate. To highlight the importance of Kavanaugh’s confirmation, one need only look through the prism of time to see what lies ahead should he be delayed or defeated. If Kavanaugh is held up or voted down, it will be because a few — and that’s all it will take — Senate Republicans who sabotaged their own party by scuttling the confirmation. If Senate Republicans fail here and now, there likely won’t be enough time to confirm an alternate to Kavanaugh before 2019. It would be a betrayal of Republicans voters who wanted a constitutionalist majority on the court to interpret the law as written, and could risk suppressing conservative turnout in the 2018 midterm elections in November. Put simply, the GOP simply cannot afford to lose the Kavanaugh confirmation. Senate Democrats, should they wrest…

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Bredsen Still Equivocating on How He Would Vote on Kavanaugh SCOTUS Nomination, Says Accuser ‘Has a Very Credible Story’ Despite Lack of Corroboration

Phil Bredesen, the Democrat candidate for the U.S. Senate seat in Tennessee being vacated by Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), is still equivocating on how he would vote if he were in the U.S. Senate now and required to vote on the confirmation of Judge Brett Kavanaugh, nominated by President Trump to serve on the Supreme Court. In contrast to Bredesen, his Republican opponent, Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) remains fully in support of confirming Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court. Late Wednesday, Bredesen told the Associated Press that Professor Christine Blasey Ford, the woman who has accused Kavanaugh of attempting to sexually assault her more than 35 years ago but has provided no corroborating evidence or witnesses, “has a very credible story .” “But he said the Judiciary Committee should consider proceeding with a vote if she does not testify under oath,” the Associated Press reported, adding: “She has put herself out there,” Bredesen said of Christine Blasey Ford, who accused Kavanaugh of assaulting her while they were both in high school. “If she decided at this point to not do something, I guess the committee has to go ahead and say, ‘Well, we were willing to listen, but if she’s not…

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Nowville: Senators, Governors and Celebrities Set to Flock to Tennessee in Upcoming Months for Election Support

On Thursday’s Gill Report –broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 1510 WLAC weekdays at 7:30 am– Star News Digital Media National Political Editor Steve Gill discussed the upcoming onslaught of Senators, Governors, and Celebrities slated to hit Tennessee soil in the upcoming weeks to support their chosen candidates and the motivation behind each parties voters in the November election. Gill went on to assure that Trump voters will turn out to defend and support their President if the Democrats make this election all about him. He continued: And you know that you’re going to see a lot of outside folks coming in to Tennessee to try to help things along for Phil Bredesen and Marsha Blackburn in the Senate race. And a lot of these out of town Senators, and Governors, and Celebrities already coming in, you’re going to see a lot more of it over the next fifty, sixty days or so. Now the latest for Marsha Blackburn is Mike Pence. The Vice President is going to headline a fundraiser in Knoxville for her Senate bid on September 21st. Now the cost is going to be a $1,000.00 per person, $5,400.00 per couple with a photo, or $25,000.00 per couple…

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As Kavanaugh Hearings Loom, One Minnesota Senate Democrat Regrets Abolishing Filibuster

by Kevin Daley   Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar of Minnesota said Sunday that her party should not have invoked the so-called nuclear option and abolished the legislative filibuster for judicial nominees. The remarks come just before Judge Brett Kavanaugh will appear for confirmation hearings before the Senate Judiciary Committee. Republican lawmakers expect Kavanaugh will be confirmed if he acquits himself well at the hearings. “I would’ve liked to see 60 votes, no matter what the judge is,” Klobuchar told NBC. “I don’t think we should’ve made that change, when we look back at it. But it happened because we were so frustrated, because President Obama wasn’t able to get his nominees.” But Klobuchar added that neither party is likely to reimpose the filibuster over judicial nominations, since doing so would cede a huge tactical advantage. “I don’t think anyone’s going to want to hamstring themselves,” she said. Democrats changed Senate rules in 2013 after a protracted Republican filibuster blocked three Obama nominees to the U.S. Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit, the court on which Kavanaugh sits. All three nominees, Judges Nina Pillard, Patricia Millett, and Robert Wilkins, were later confirmed. The GOP followed suit in 2017 when Democrats successfully filibustered Justice Neil Gorsuch’s…

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Commentary: Libertarians and Donald Trump’s #MAGA Republican Party

Donald Trump

by Jeffery Rendall   Does Donald Trump upset your libertarian soul? It’s a question conservatives and Republicans are asking of late, especially in the wake of the president’s unbending defense of his America First trade policy and always front-and-center advocacy for sealing America’s southern border (as well as his travel ban and other proposed shifts in immigration procedure that would effectively limit the number and types of legal immigrants). Trump’s fondness for big government resolutions and big spending has the liberty movement upset. It’s a crack in the GOP coalition that could easily widen if not addressed. Such Trumpian measures reek of system generated “solutions,” something dyed in the wool libertarians profess to abhor. There aren’t many such (pure libertarian) creatures in elected politics these days – at least not in the Washington swamp – but those who are here are becoming restless with Trump’s willful use of state power and resources to achieve his aims. In a piece titled “Donald Trump and the libertarian crack-up,” W. James Antle III wrote at the Washington Examiner last week, “Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., confirmed on Monday he would vote for Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh despite concerns over his Fourth Amendment jurisprudence. Rep. Justin Amash,…

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