Knoxville Police Department Releases Body Cam Footage of Officer Shooting Suspect Armed with Two Knives

Police Knife Video

The Knoxville Police Department (KPD) released the body cam footage of an officer who shot a man armed with two knives outside the Exxon gas station at 5306 N. Broadway last month.

On April 17, just before 5:30 p.m., Officer Seth Beeler arrived at the Exxon on a report that a man, who has since been identified as William Charles McBride Jr., was “acting erratically and potentially violently inside of the store,” according to KPD.

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FBI Working with Knoxville Police to Crack ‘Anti-Trans Banner’ Case

The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has reportedly been called in to help the Knoxville Police Department (KPD) solve a pressing case involving a banner being left outside the Knox Pride Center.

On Monday morning, according to a police report filed by a complainant named John Camp, someone hung a banner outside the Knox Pride Center reading “Kill Count 3 Whites Kids 3 White Adults.”

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Two People Found Dead After Fire in Abandoned Building at Knoxville College

According to the Knoxville Police Department (KPD), two people were found dead in an abandoned building at Knoxville College when the Knoxville Fire Department (KFD) was called to extinguish an unrelated fire.

“The Knoxville Police Department is investigating after two deceased individuals were found inside of a building on the Knoxville College campus Sunday morning,” KPD said on Facebook.

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14-Year-Old Charged After Accidentally Discharging Gun in Knoxville High School

The Knoxville Police Department (KPD) at the end of last week that a teenage suspect was in custody after accidentally discharging a firearm inside a high school. 

“An investigation is underway after a gun possessed by a student at West High School discharged in a classroom. Preliminarily appears that the gun was in the student’s backpack,” KPD said on Twitter. “A teacher was grazed either by the bullet or bullet fragment. No serious injuries were reported. The student is in custody and the gun is accounted for.”

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Knoxville Police Warn of Imposters Scamming Residents

The Knoxville Police Department (KPD) is warning residents that scammers pretending to be police officers are attempting to swindle cash out of the city’s residents. 

“The KPD recently received another report of a scam call where an unknown suspect claimed to be a Knoxville Police Department officer and successfully swindled money and financial information from unsuspecting victims,” KPD said in a Twitter announcement. “The scammer claimed to need financial information and/or money to assist in the resolution of a pending criminal case.” 

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Knoxville City Council Considering Zero-Tolerance Policy on Racism and Sexism by Any City Employee

Knoxville City Council will be considering a zero-tolerance policy on racism and sexism displayed by any city employee.

Council member Amelia Parker announced that she is drafting the policy. This latest initiative follows a similar policy proposed in the wake of George Floyd’s death last year by community activists, and agreed upon by Knoxville Mayor Indya Kincannon. That initiative never came to fruition. Concerning last year’s similar proposal, Parker said in an email that the lack of follow-through from Kincannon was disappointing.

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Knox County School Board Considering Hire of Outside Consultant to Decide on Putting Law Enforcement Back in Schools; Mayor Says It’s a ‘Waste of Taxpayer Dollars’

The Knox County Schools (KCS) Board of Education is considering whether to hire an outside consultant for reinstating law enforcement in their schools. In a letter submitted to the Knox County Board of Education (KCBOE) last week, Knox County Mayor Glenn Jacobs said that the proposed facilitator would be a waste of taxpayer dollars.

“Please let this letter serve as official notification that I strongly oppose using taxpayer dollars to pay an outside consulting firm to tell the district what every parent in Knox County already knows: armed law enforcement officers are a necessity in schools,” wrote Jacobs. “[I] simply cannot ignore that physical security is absolutely critical in keeping our students safe at school. I am deeply disturbed that any governmental body would even consider removing law enforcement from any of our schools.”

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Knoxville Mayor Removes Police from Schools After Police Shot, Killed Armed High School Student

Mayor Indya Kincannon

Knoxville schools will no longer have a police presence, per a joint letter issued by Knoxville Mayor Indya Kincannon and the Knoxville Police Department (KPD). The mayor and KPD pulled the plug on an agreement in which KPD supplied officers as security for Knox County Schools (KCS).

KPD officers will be pulled from schools by June 12 – the latest date of graduations occurring. The letter explained that KCS’s internal security and mental health professionals have grown since the agreement took place, making it unnecessary to have KPD assistance.

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Mayor of Knoxville Latest Politician to Have Home Vandalized

The Mayor of Knoxville is the latest politician to have her home vandalized, in a trend that has become commonplace since last summer’s Antifa and Black Lives Matter riots. 

“The Knoxville Police Department is investigating after a vandalism report at Mayor Indya Kincannon’s home Sunday night,” according to a Monday report by WBIR. “When officers arrived on the scene, they observed the word ‘Death’ spray-painted in black on the backside of a detached garage at Mayor Kincannon’s house.”

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Knoxville Opts Out of Controversial Practice of Sharing Personal Data of COVID-19 Patients with Police

The City of Knoxville said Tuesday it will opt-out of sharing the names and addresses of COVID-19 patients with law enforcement following a statewide controversy over the practice.

Mayor Indya Kincannon and Police Chief Eve Thomas said that the Knoxville Police Department will leave a state program that allows law-enforcement officers across Tennessee to access a database of persons who have tested positive for COVID-19.

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Eve Thomas Sworn In As Knoxville Police Department’s First Female Chief

Eve Thomas

Knoxville Mayor Madeline Rogero has promoted Deputy Chief Eve Thomas to become Knoxville’s first-ever female police chief, WBIR reported. Thomas was sworn in Thursday and succeeds Chief David Rausch as he becomes director of the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation on Monday, June 25. Rausch is taking over the TBI after his predecessor, Acting Director Jason Locke, announced his retirement, WATE reported. Locke came under investigation and had lawmakers calling for his resignation after his wife accused him of having an affair with a high-ranking state worker at taxpayers’ expense. Rausch left the KPD in a good position for her, Thomas told WBIR. “The reason I know I am prepared is because of the great team we have. And Chief Rausch has left me in a great spot.” Thomas began her career at KPD in 1993, where her duties included Field Training Officer, Recruitment Coordinator, and working in the accreditation unit, among others. In February, she was named one of KPD’s four deputy chiefs and division commander of the Criminal Investigations Division, making her the second woman to obtain the rank. She told WBIR she wants to grow community relationships Rausch built and continue his focus on fighting drugs.    …

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Knoxville Man Creates Bracelets With Bible Verse Featured On Police Department Plaque

  A Knoxville man has created bracelets featuring the Bible verse written on a plaque at the Knoxville Police Department that was moved last week because of complaints from the Freedom From Religion Foundation. The plaque, which was hanging above an employee entrance, was moved to the other side of the doorway where inspirational quotes from other traditions will also be displayed. City officials decided to relocate the plaque to show that Christian faith will not be promoted over other religions, which the Freedom From Religion Foundation said was unconstitutional. The Bible verse, Romans 8:31, says, “What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us, then who can be against us?” Ryan Hudson designed and ordered the rubber bracelets with the help of family and friends. He has been selling them for $1. The proceeds will go to a charity that supports the police department. “They can take down a sign, but they can’t destroy our beliefs,” Hudson said on Facebook. His original idea was to provide police officers with the bracelets, but then demand grew from others in the community. Demand was so great that ordering has now closed. But Hudson said he will post on…

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Letter to the Editor: Don’t Let America Become Like Soviet Russia


  Dear Tennessee Star, My name is Florin. I am married, father of six and  a strong conservative Christian. I am this way for my own and personal salvation and my love for God. Thirty years ago I’ve escaped from the former Soviet  regime where Christians were persecuted and killed. The United States of America was the only place for refuge that was known to accept Christians like me and it was also known all over the world as a Christian Country. The United States printed the Bibles in more than one hundred languages and sent out missionaries all over the world. Ever since I immigrated to America I am a fighter for religion rights which are taken away from us Christians every day by those evil groups that are turning this country upside down and destroying it from inside out. I totally disagree with what the Knoxville mayor did. Instead of fighting for the Christian Communities in Tennessee she crashed our Bible to the ground. I am encouraging the Christians in Knoxville, TN to come out and ask for her resignation upon failure to defend the City, State and Country’s Christian Religion faith against all other atheist individuals and…

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Knoxville Mayor Sides with Anti-Christian Group, Orders Removal of Scripture from Police Department

“What shall we then say to these things? If God be for us then who can be against us?” ~ Romans 8:31 After nearly a half-century – and one complaint – a plaque displaying a single verse of scripture (quoted above) at the Knoxville Police Department employee entrance will be removed, Mayor Madeline Rogero and Police Chief David Rausch announced at a press conference Monday. As a consolation, Rogero said in a statement the piece will be moved to a new “Hall of Inspiration” at KPD’s headquarters in the Safety Building, “along with other inspirational writings from a variety of faiths and philosophers.” In her prepared remarks, Mayor Rogero said, “We are not aware of any complaints or issues raised in recent history by KPD staff or members of the public. It has become part of KPD tradition, providing strength and comfort to our officers as they perform their daily – and often dangerous – duties.” “I know that people both inside and outside City government are upset with this ending of a tradition,” she added. “As a person of faith, I understand and respect the passion that people feel for this issue. ” The move is in a response to a letter…

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