Tennessee House Bill Would Increase Penalties for Illegal Alien Crime

Monty Fritts

A bill in the Tennessee House of Representatives would trigger harsher penalties for violent crimes if the person convicted of those crimes is an illegal alien.

HB 1872 “authorizes the enhancement of criminal penalties up to life in prison without parole upon conviction of violent crimes by illegal aliens; conviction of possession of a firearm or deadly weapon by an illegal alien; or conviction of a violent crime on the property of a school by any person.”

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Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skmretti Calls on U.S. Senate to Pass the Laken Riley Act


Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti joined a coalition of 25 other state attorneys general in sending a letter to leaders in the U.S. Senate urging the immediate passage of the Laken Riley Act.

Laken Riley, the 22-year-old Georgia nursing student, was allegedly killed at the hands of an illegal Venezuelan immigrant while on a jog near campus.

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Laken Riley Act Up for Vote in GOP-Led House Before Biden’s State of the Union Address on Thursday

Laken Riley

The GOP-led House will vote on the Laken Riley Act on Thursday ahead of President Biden’s State of the Union, according to Majority Leader Steve Scalise, after Riley was killed allegedly by an illegal immigrant released under the Biden administration.

Prior to Riley’s death, Jose Ibarra was transported to New York after Border Patrol encountered him at the border. He was later arrested by police in Queens, New York, for endangering a 5-year-old who was riding on the back of his moped “without a helmet,” according to media reports.

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