Florida Abortion Activists Allegedly Caught Submitting Fraudulent Petition Signatures

Keep Abortion Legal

Florida authorities have caught multiple individuals involved in petition fraud related to a radical effort to enshrine late-term abortion into Florida’s state constitution.

The Florida Department of Law Enforcement announced this week that inspectors arrested a “paid petition circulator” and issued an arrest warrant for a second petition circulator after they submitted 133 invalid constitutional amendment petitions in numerous counties.

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Maine Governor Signs Bill Allowing Access to Late-Term Abortions

Maine Governor Janet Mills (D) signed a bill into law Wednesday that expanded access to abortion through all nine months of pregnancy, making the state one of the least restrictive in the nation when it comes to ending the lives of unborn babies.

LD 1619, dubbed “An Act to Improve Maine’s Reproductive Privacy Laws,” states an abortion may be performed “after viability,” i.e. when the unborn baby can survive independently outside his or her mother’s womb, “when the abortion is necessary in the professional judgment of a licensed physician.”

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ACLU Submits Signatures for Radical Ohio Late-Term Abortion and End to Parental Consent Ballot Initiative

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) submitted signatures Wednesday for its Ohio ballot initiative that would not only bring late-term abortions to the state but also end parental consent laws and other protections for women and children.

Protect Women Ohio (PWO) is a parental rights and pro-life coalition that is seeking to block radical leftist organizations’ attempt to rewrite Ohio’s Constitution via the ballot initiative that would eliminate parental notification and consent requirements for minors obtaining abortions and gender transition hormone drugs and surgeries.

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Maine House Democrats Pass Gov. Janet Mills’ Radical Late-Term Abortion Bill

Democrat lawmakers in the Maine House narrowly voted Thursday night to approve Gov. Janet Mills’ (D) radical late-term abortion bill, one that Planned Parenthood spent heavily in Mills’ and other Democrats’ 2022 campaigns to bring to fruition.

LD 1619, dubbed “An Act to Improve Maine’s Reproductive Privacy Laws,” passed by a vote of 74-72 in the state House, but the Senate, which had been expected to vote to approve the measure on Friday and send it to Mills’ desk for signature, adjourned without doing so.

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Maine Governor’s Expert Witness for Bill to Legalize Abortion Until Birth Authorized Abortion on New Mexico Woman Who Died from Complications of Procedure

The OB/GYN tapped by Maine Gov. Janet Mills (D) to champion her bill that would allow abortions up until birth has been found to have authorized the 24-week abortion of a woman who later died in Albuquerque from complications due to the procedure.

Dr. Shannon Carr was named in the wrongful death lawsuit filed against her employer, Southwestern Women’s Options (SWO), the Maine Wire reported Friday.

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Corporate Media Shifts Blame to Facebook After Mom Allegedly Performs Late-Term Abortion on Teen, Hides the Body

News outlets inaccurately suggested a 17-year-old girl was being prosecuted for obtaining an illegal late-term abortion in recent headlines about a Nebraska case.

Numerous outlets covering the story emphasized Facebook’s role in the prosecution of this abortion-related case and highlighted concerns about tech companies protecting people’s data in light of new abortion restrictions going into effect. Headlines generally didn’t acknowledge the baby’s late gestational age, the concealment of the corpse or the suspicious autopsy that led the the warrant for their Facebook messages.

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Leftist Pro-Life Group Calls for Full Investigation into Deaths of Late-Term Babies, Prosecution for Abortionist

Pregnant woman holding ultrasound photo in front of stomach

A group of pro-life activists – most of them identifying as “leftist” or “progressive” – held a press conference Tuesday to demand the Washington, DC, police conduct a full investigation into the deaths of the five late-term infants whose bodies were discovered last week at the home of Lauren Handy, one of their members.

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Pro-Life Leaders Demand Investigation Into Whether Late-Term Infant Bodies Discovered May Have Survived Botched Abortions: ‘Beyond Horrific and Devastating’

Leaders of a national pro-life organization are demanding an investigation into the deaths of five late-term infants whose bodies were discovered last week at a Capitol Hill region home in Washington, DC.

D.C. police discovered the bodies of the babies last Wednesday at a home occupied by pro-life activist Lauren Handy, WUSA9 reported.

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Texas Abortion Law Pushes Pro-Life vs. Abortion Debate into Virginia Campaigns


Voting in Virginia begins in less than two weeks, and abortion law is taking center stage in Virginia’s statewide races. Democratic candidates are highlighting a controversial Texas law as an example of what Republicans would push for, while Republicans point to a late-term abortion bill that Virginia Democrats pushed for in 2019. On Friday, GOP lieutenant governor candidate Winsome Sears said on Newsmax that she would support a heartbeat bill in Virginia.

Sears said, “Here’s the thing: when did it become the wrong thing for us to support the babies in the womb?”

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Former Governor Wilder Criticizes McAuliffe for Running Again; Trump Supports Youngkin; Youngkin and McAuliffe Trade Blows

Governor Douglas Wilder

Former Democratic Governor Douglas Wilder handed Glenn Youngkin a messaging win July 2 when he criticized Terry McAuliffe on The Jeff Katz Show. Wilder attacked McAuliffe for seeking the support of Governor Ralph Northam after previously calling for Northam and Attorney General Mark Herring to resign during Blackface scandals.

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Amy Klobuchar Refuses to Take a Position on Late-Term Abortion

  Minnesota Democratic Senator Amy Klobuchar refused to take a position on late-term abortions during her appearance on The View. During Friday’s television appearance, View host Meghan McCain asked Klobuchar about her position on the topic. Late-term abortions have been a controversial issue recently after the comments Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam made on this issue. The presidential candidate side-stepped this question by saying she is for “a woman having the right to make a choice about her own body.” https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P-_IOULlCzc As McCain asked another question, Joy Behar, McCain’s View co-host, came to the Klobuchar’s defense by saying “it is so rare” for late-term abortions to occur. “I don’t think it should be that hard to say ‘I’m not for late-term abortion,’” McCain said after not getting a direct response from Klobuchar. However, the Minnesota senator did address her concern for Roe v. Wade being overturned as Alabama and Missouri have recently passed laws tightening their state abortion laws. “They are taking us backward and they are basically criminalizing doctors when they do this,” Klobuchar said. She said there has been an “assault” on women’s health because of efforts to defund Planned Parenthood and take away the Affordable Care Act. “The…

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Tennessee Star/Triton Poll: Is Nashville More Pro-Life Than Politicians Think?

  While Nashville/Davidson County is a blue island amidst a sea of red counties in Middle Tennessee, having been one of only three counties in the state to vote for Hillary Clinton over Donald Trump in 2016, some voters may not be as lockstep liberal as many think — at least when it comes to the issue of late-term abortion. A new Tennessee Star/Triton poll reveals that a majority of likely Nashville voters are actually LESS likely to vote for a candidate who supports late term abortion and would deny help to keep a child alive after birth. 550 likely Davidson County voters were asked: Would you be more or less likely to vote for a candidate who supports late term abortions in the few weeks before birth and permitting doctors to deny help to keep a child alive in the hours after birth? 23.3% said that they would be more likely to vote for a candidate who supports abortion at any time; 54.9% were less likely; and 11.1% said it would make no difference to them. Another 10.6% were undecided. These poll numbers reflect national numbers on the issue of late term abortions. A Rasmussen Reports national survey in…

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Senator Joni Ernst Commentary: We Must End the Killing of Late-Term Babies

by Joni Ernst   At five months, an unborn baby can detect light, hear sounds, swallow, and even experience taste. These unborn babies have nails on their fingers and toes, and hair has just begun to grow on their heads. These babies feel pain. They scrunch their eyes, clench their hands, or pull back their limbs—just like any other child experiencing pain. They are even treated as patients during fetal surgery procedures, and giving them pain medication is standard practice. By any definition, unborn babies at five months’ development are in all ways babies. While modern medicine recognizes these unborn lives can experience pain, there is no federal law protecting these vulnerable humans from abortion. As a result, every year in our country, thousands of lives are painfully ended through this practice. This is unacceptable. Last week, during his State of the Union address, President Donald Trump called to pass legislation—the Pain-Capable Unborn Child Protection Act—which would recognize these unborn babies as the children they are. The bill would prohibit the abortion of unborn babies at 20 weeks post-fertilization and provide them the same protection from pain and suffering that all children deserve. Multiple states, including my home state of…

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