Pro-Israel Rally Held at Legislative Plaza in Nashville

A rally for Jewish and Christian communities to “come together in unity to stand with Israel” took place at Legislative Plaza in Nashville on Friday following two straight weeks of pro-Palestine rallies.

The rally, which featured special guest speakers, including state representatives, state senators, pastors, rabbis, music artists, and community leaders, was held from 1:00 p.m.-3:00 p.m.

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Tennessee Legislature Convenes Tuesday with Education Issues at Forefront

Tennessee lawmakers will return to Nashville to begin the 2021 legislative session this week and soon will take up legislation on key education issues.

House and Senate speakers will gavel in the new session of the Tennessee General Assembly at noon Tuesday. The first week of session largely will be organizational, with House and Senate speakers swearing in newly elected legislators and announcing committee chair and committee assignments.

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Chase Matheson Talks About His Back the Badge Rally Happening This Sunday at the Legislative Plaza

Live from Music Row Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 a.m. to 8:00 a.m. –  guest host Ben Cunningham welcomed Back the Badge Organizer Chase Matheson to the newsmakers line.

During the third hour, Matheson described his motivation for the upcoming Back the Badge rally this Sunday at 1 p.m. at Legislative Plaza in Nashville. As a son of a former police officer, he felt that is was important that law enforcement know they have the support of the community.

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Tennessee Highway Patrol Removes Protesters Items at Legislative Plaza After Violating Agreement

The Tennessee Highway Patrol (THP) announced Tuesday night that it removed protesters’ extra equipment from the Legislative Plaza after these individuals failed to comply with an agreement made between the two sides. 

These protesters have been camping out at the plaza for the last 12 nights. In a makeshift CHOP, these demonstrators renamed the plaza the Ida B. Wells Plaza, who was an early civil rights leader.

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Defund the Police Protestors Complain of Alleged Sexual Assault at Legislative Plaza

The group of protestors who have overtaken Nashville’s Legislative Plaza and demand that government officials defund the police alleged this week that one man there sexually assaulted two of them.

Left-wing activist Justin Jones posted Facebook videos this week in which he and other protestors said they escorted an unidentified man off the premises. Jones and others alleged that the man assaulted two women. Some protestors said they supported the idea of the victims filing police reports. The victims ultimately chose not to do that, according to Jones’ videos.

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Law Enforcement Officers Prevent Protesters from Occupying Legislative Plaza for Second Night

Law enforcement officers were able to prevent demonstrators from camping out in Legislative Plaza for a second night Saturday.

Gov. Bill Lee failed to enforce state law Friday night and allowed left-wing protesters to occupy the plaza throughout the night and into Saturday morning, The Tennessee Star reported. More than 100 protesters claimed Friday that they had taken control of Nashville’s Legislative Plaza and refused to leave until speaking with Lee.

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Judson Phillips Commentary: Conservatives Need to Unite and Promote Our Agenda at the Tennessee General Assembly

by Judson Phillips   Conservatives love to rail against the Republicans who control the Tennessee General Assembly. And why not? These Republicans go out every two years (or four if they are in the Senate) and tell the voters how conservative they are. Then, once they have been given their next two year, no-cut contract, they proceed to vote the way the lobbyists want them to. Since the Republicans took control of the General Assembly in 2008, they have not met a spending plan they did not like.  The state budget has skyrocketed. And what do conservatives do? They get on Facebook and complain. Recently some of my Facebook friends were shocked to discover that American Muslim Advisory Council has a “Muslim Day” on Capitol Hill. Activists go and push their agenda to legislators.   The Muslims are not the only group that does that.  All kinds of groups do it. They range from farmers to the bat-guano crazy left. And there are a couple of center right groups that go up there. When is there a conservative day on Capitol Hill? The answer is, there isn’t. There is not a day when conservatives go to Capitol Hill and tell legislators…

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State Senator Mae Beavers Asks for Tighter Security at Legislative Plaza

State Sen. Mae Beavers says she is concerned about security at Legislative Plaza after receiving death threats and having problems with protesters interfering with meetings with constituents. However, in an interview with The Tennessee Star on Monday, Beavers (R-Mt. Juliet) said she has not hired her own personal security as reported by The Tennessean on Thursday. Beavers said the paper “manufactured a story.” Two men who are political friends are voluntarily helping protect her office but she did not seek their help, she said. Beavers said veterans from across the state have also volunteered to help but she has not taken them up on their offer. Beavers said she has received a few death threats in recent weeks, including one that put her on a kill list along with President Trump and other nationally-known conservatives, as well as state Rep. Mark Pody (R-Lebanon). Beavers has been the subject of protest because of her conservative positions on the transgender bathroom bill and gay marriage and her push to ensure that driver’s licenses for immigrants here on visas are clearly marked so they can’t vote. Last month, protesters shut down a press conference she was giving with Pody on the bathroom bill and the Natural Marriage Defense Act.…

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Angry Protesters Hurl Obscenities at Trump Supporters

Tennessee Star

Protesters at Saturday’s pro-Trump Spirit of America Rally in Nashville railed against capitalism and the president’s immigration policies while showing support for Planned Parenthood and other leftist causes. The first protesters to arrive were the most radical. Many were dressed in black hoodies and jackets with kerchiefs covering the bottom portion of their faces. Waving signs reading “Resist and Replace Capitalism” and “Impeach President Bannon,” they spewed obscenity-filled tirades through bullhorns at people who came to the rally to support Trump. A young woman carried a sign cursing Trump in Spanish and a young man carrying a “Coexist” banner and wearing a “F*** Trump” t-shirt shouted vulgarities at women. “That’s craziness right there,” said Trump supporter Jeanette Coke, pointing at the protesters. “You’re looking at pure craziness.” The commotion caught two young women here for a weekend visit from Georgia off guard. They came across the protesters soon after arriving in town. “They need to put their diapers back on and put their pacifiers in and go back home,” said one of the women, who would only give her name as Sandy. “Whether you voted for him or not, he’s our president.” Numerous state troopers stood by a barricade separating the…

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Ralph Bristol at the Spirit of America Rally in Nashville: Objecting to Illegal Immigration ‘Self Preservation’

Tennessee Star

Here is the text of Ralph Bristol’s speech delivered at the Spirit of America rally held in Nashville on Saturday, March 4. Ralph is the host of Nashville’s Morning News, heard from 5 a.m. to 9 a.m. weekdays on 99.7 FM, WWTN. A GOOD HEART By Ralph Bristol President Trump’s detractors in the media, the Democratic Party, and organized activists groups, who oppose him on immigration, including refugee issues, have produced an endless stream of protests, challenging the president’s heart. But they don’t just question Trump’s heart. They question the hearts beating inside this crowd gathered here today. So, at the risk of being rude to those who came to hear me, and others, speak, I don’t want to speak to you. I want to speak about you. I want to speak directly to President Trump’s detractors in the media and on the other side of various issues, who accuse Trump of being a religious bigot, a xenophobe, a fascist and a racist, to name just a few of the epithets doled out like song sheets at choir practice, and who compare his rhetoric to a dog whistle appealing only to the most deplorable among us. I don’t doubt that…

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Steve Gill a Featured Speaker at Spirit of America Rally in Nashville Today

Tennessee Star

Spirit of America rally organizer Mark Skoda announced earlier this week that former talk show titan and current political analyst Steve Gill will join the all-star lineup at Legislative Plaza Saturday. “I’ve known Steve Gill since 2010 and when I heard he was available, I jumped at the chance to add him to the program,” Skoda said. “He is a conservative clarion that has helped to build the grassroots liberty movement here in Tennessee into the political powerhouse it is today.” The topic of Gill’s speech will be actions speak louder than words. “There are so many politicians in Tennessee and around the country who think that sounding conservative is good enough,” Gill pointed out. “Sadly those of the same so-called conservatives who quickly betray us  once they get past election day.” “Our founding fathers didn’t just sit on the sidelines saying ‘somebody ought to do something,’ Gill noted. “They went out and put everything they had at risk to put their principles into action. “They understood that what you do matters a lot more than what you say and we have all benefited from their commitment, courage, and ‘words put into action’ for over 200 years. “This is our time to…

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March 4 Spirit of America Rally in Nashville to Support President Trump, Challenge ‘Deep State’

America First Tennessee, in partnership with liberty-minded, grassroots groups across Tennessee, today confirmed The Spirit of America Rally will be held on Saturday, March 4th from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Legislative Plaza in Nashville. “All the permits have been secured, insurance has been obtained, and safety and security precautions are in place,” rally organizer and founder of the Memphis Tea Party Mark Skoda said. “We have been working to establish this event for the purposes of celebrating President Trump and promoting his Contract with the American Voter,” he added. “The event is to give voice to the overwhelming support of the Trump Presidency by the people of Tennessee, as well as to raise awareness to the widespread problem with judicial overreach, and what citizens can do about it,” according to the statement from America First Tennessee. At least one left wing organization in Nashville has promised to “confront” those supporting President Trump’s policies, but Skoda says he and the organizing committee will not be intimidated. “We are seeing enormous support for this event. We want to showcase the grassroots support for our president while also celebrating his win! The left has shown its anger by rioting and…

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