Trump: 13 GOP Incumbents Targeted for Party Challenge in 2022 Congressional Races

Donald Trump walking

There are thirteen House and Senate races targeted so far by former President Donald Trump’s revenge tour to unseat GOP incumbents who voted to impeach him in January or to support Biden administration policies.

Rep. Fred Upton (R-Mich.) voted to impeach President Trump after the Jan. 6 riot at the U.S. Capitol. Trump was ultimately acquitted by the U.S. Senate.

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Trump Reportedly Set to Endorse Liz Cheney Challenger In Effort to Oust His Highest-Profile GOP Critic

Former President Donald Trump has reportedly chosen his preferred candidate to oust Wyoming Republican Rep. Liz Cheney.

Trump is set to back attorney Harriet Hageman, three people with knowledge of his plans told Politico. Cheney, who was the highest-ranking Republican woman in Congress before being ousted from her position in May, is one of Trump’s most vocal GOP critics.

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Private Afghanistan Evacuation Team Criticizes Biden Administration Officials Who ‘Did Absolutely Nothing’ to Help Girls Escape Taliban

Afghan women refugee settlment

The Biden administration ignored several pleas for help from an American evacuation team in the waning days of the Afghanistan withdrawal, emails reviewed by the Daily Caller News Foundation show.

The team had contacted senior officials in the administration to help evacuate people from Afghanistan before the U.S. withdrawal, according to emails obtained by the DCNF. They were working to get Americans and vulnerable Afghans out of the country, but it was a difficult task to do alone, according to the team.

Robert Stryk, who earlier spoke with the DCNF about his frustrations with the administration before Aug. 31, said Deputy National Security Advisor Jon Finer failed to act on his team’s desperate pleas for help in getting hundreds of girls out of Afghanistan as the U.S. withdrawal deadline approached.

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Biden Defends Withdrawal, Declares End of War in Afghanistan

President Joe Biden addressed the nation Tuesday afternoon, presenting a detailed defense of his decision to withdraw U.S. troops from Afghanistan and once again honoring the lives of the 13 U.S. service members killed in a terrorist attack last week.

Biden’s speech came the day of the deadline for withdrawing U.S. forces from the country. All U.S. troops were reportedly evacuated, though at least 100 Americans, possibly several hundred, remain.

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Commentary: The Liz Cheney Meltdown, and What It Means

Liz Cheney

Bye, Liz.

The abject implosion of a politician once thought to possess national prospects — though not due to her talent but rather her name and connections — might have been overshadowed by the alarming performance just a few hours later by our near-invalid president. But Liz Cheney’s bizarre performance on the U.S. Capitol steps Wednesday was nonetheless notable.

If you haven’t followed the lead-up to Wednesday’s meltdown, it involved the sham 9/11 Commission–style inquiry being built to examine the Capitol riot of Jan. 6. That inquiry, to be chaired by partisan hack Mississippi Democrat Bennie Thompson on behalf of Nancy Pelosi, is obviously not built to fully examine what happened that day; it’s built to assign blame to the Republican Party for what Pelosi and the rest of the Democrat Party is determined to present as a casus belli against half of the American people.

Pelosi’s Jan. 6 commission is a big deal, because she has turned the Capitol into an armed camp behind razor wire for most of the past six months and change over the dubious assertion that the protesters who descended on the building and briefly disrupted the vote to certify a presidential election that still reeks of irregularity and worse presented an “insurrection” and a “grave threat to democracy” to trump (pun not intended, but whatever) anything else since the Civil War.

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Commentary: The Representation of Paycheck Americans

Donald Trump speaking at his rally

Like an aging diva, blinded by the lights that obscure an empty auditorium, U.S. Representative Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) desperately imitates her supposed rivals to woo her already-departed fans. Robust and confrontational, the Reagan-style ideals of limited government, personal responsibility, and optimism are poison to her beltway cocktail circuit. Cheney’s recent speech is a clinic in the Republicans’ second-place strategy that has kept them out of power in Congress for most of the post-war era.

“I will do everything I can to ensure that the former president never again gets anywhere near the Oval Office,” Cheney said. “We have seen the danger that he continues to provoke with his language. We have seen his lack of commitment and dedication to the Constitution, and I think it’s very important that we make sure whomever we elect is somebody who will be faithful to the Constitution.”

What a load of crap. Cheney has shirked her constitutional duty to check uniparty power and the right of citizens to challenge leftist authority.

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Army Veteran Denton Knapp Announces Bid to Challenge Rep. Liz Cheney for Wyoming House Seat

Denton Knapp

Army veteran Denton Knapp has announced a bid for Wyoming’s one and only House seat, meaning that sitting Rep. Liz Cheney will face yet another challenger in the GOP primary.

Knapp, who graduated from Campbell County High School in Gillette, Wyoming, lives in California but is returning to the state, according to the Gillette News Record. He will face-off against multiple other Republicans who will also be competing in the contest.

Cheney, the House Republican Conference chairwoman, has been a vocal critic of former President Trump’s claim that the 2020 election was tainted by fraud. She was also one of 10 House Republicans to vote in favor of impeaching Trump in the wake of the Jan. 6 Capitol riot.

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Commentary: Asking the Wrong Question About Liz Cheney

To the delight of actual conservatives everywhere, it appears that U.S. Representaative Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) will soon finally be out of the GOP leadership, rectifying a huge mistake made less than three months ago by House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-Calif.) and House GOP leadership when they steadfastly supported her against a groundswell of calls from voters for her removal.

At that time, McCarthy passionately defended her presence in leadership ahead of a secret ballot vote, with many describing his contribution as decisive in turning the tide toward keeping Cheney as House GOP conference chairman. That McCarthy would be forced to reverse himself just a few months later shows that his judgment as a leader is fatally flawed.

The question conservatives should be asking now is not why we need to oust Liz Cheney but how she ever got into leadership in the first place?

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Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney Faces Another Republican Who Wants to Challenge Her in the State’s GOP Primary

  Another Wyoming Republican is throwing his hat into the GOP primary race in an effort to unseat Rep. Liz Cheney (R-WY-At Large District). Darin Smith, a Cheyenne-based businessman, announced his candidacy Friday, according to a press release. The Wyoming native describes himself as “pro-God, pro-family, pro-life, pro-gun, pro-veteran, pro-oil and gas, and pro-agriculture.” Smith told The Cowboy State Daily that Cheney is “more vulnerable” to a primary challenge in 2022 than she was back in 2016. “Obviously, her national stature is going down the tubes,” he told the State Daily. “She does not share the same worldview of the Republican Party.” In his campaign video, Smith said Liz Cheney “voted against Wyoming” when she voted to impeach former President Donald Trump. Three months ago, the Wyoming GOP censured Cheney over her impeachment vote of former President Donald Trump. This will not be the first time Smith has faced off against Cheney in an election. Previously, Smith ran against her back in 2016 in the GOP primary. However, he came in fourth out of nine places five years ago. The practicing lawyer told the State Daily that he has learned a lot since 2016. “Back then (in 2016), my wife…

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Steve Scalise Wants Liz Cheney Out of Leadership

House Minority Whip Steve Scalise is openly backing the ousting of Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney from her Republican leadership position and supporting New York Rep. Elise Stefanik to replace her.

“House Republicans need to be solely focused on taking back the House in 2022 and fighting against Speaker Pelosi and President Biden’s radical socialist agenda, and Elise Stefanik is strongly committed to doing that, which is why Whip Scalise has pledged to support her for Conference Chair,” his spokesman, Lauren Fine, said in a statement first reported by Punchbowl News.

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Rep. Matt Gaetz Travels to Wyoming to Criticize Liz Cheney at Rally

Congressman Matt Gaetz (R-Fla.) traveled to Wyoming for a rally on Thursday at the state capitol, where he denounced the state’s At-Large Representative Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) for her vote in favor of President Donald Trump’s second impeachment, as reported by Fox News.

Speaking to a crowd of Wyoming Trump supporters, Gaetz declared Cheney to be a member of the “establishment in both political parties [that] have teamed up to screw our fellow Americans for generations.” Gaetz also slammed Cheney’s hawkish approach to foreign policy, saying that “there’s basically two things that Liz Cheney has done in the United States Congress: Frustrate the agenda of President Trump, and sell out to the forever war machine.”

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Two Wyoming Republicans Announce 2022 Primary Challenges Against Liz Cheney After Impeachment Vote

Two Wyoming Republicans have filed papers to challenge House Republican Conference Chair Rep. Liz Cheney (R-Wy.) in the 2022 primaries following her vote to impeach former President Donald Trump.

Wyoming State Sen. Anthony Bouchard and Rep. and business owner Marissa Selvig both filed statements of candidacy in the 2022 primary election on Wednesday.

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Over 100 House Republicans Support Removing Liz Cheney from Leadership Role

Over half of all Republican members of the House of Representatives are prepared to support an effort to remove Liz Cheney (R-Wyo.) as Chair of the House GOP Conference, according to Breitbart.

It has been reported that approximately 115 House Republicans are committed to voting in favor of a “no confidence” motion on Cheney’s leadership, which could allow for Cheney to be removed and replaced. The position is the third highest-ranking role in House GOP leadership, only behind the House Minority Whip and House Minority Leader.

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Commentary: Her Vote to Impeach Imperils Liz Cheney’s GOP Leadership Role

Among the 232 votes in the House of Representatives to impeach Donald Trump a second time were 10 cast by Republicans — and now the GOP has a messy church fight on its hands. That’s  because one of the 10 breaking ranks was Wyoming Rep. Liz Cheney, who chairs the GOP conference. The immediate question for House Republicans is whether Cheney should remain in that post after voting to impeach Trump. But this is a proxy fight. The broader question is whether Trump populism ought to remain Republican Party orthodoxy.

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Liz Cheney Fires Back After Ilhan Omar Accuses Her of Lying: ‘An Anti-Semitic Socialist’

by Molly Prince   GOP Conference chair Liz Cheney had some strong words for Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar on Friday after the freshman congresswoman accused Cheney, without evidence, of lying. “Liz Cheney is accusing a committee investigating Russian election interference of…helping Vladimir Putin,” Omar tweeted. “This is an impressive lie even for the Cheney family.” Omar’s comments were in response to the Wyoming congresswoman’s assertion that Democrats on the House Judiciary Committee were undermining American democracy and thereby helping Russian President Vladimir Putin. The decision by the Judiciary Committee to hold Attorney General William Barr in contempt of Congress triggered Cheney’s remarks. “If you look at what we know and what we know from the Mueller report and other places, it’s absolutely clear the Russians have attempted. A number of them were indicted for attempting to influence, to undermine our democratic processes,” Cheney said during a press conference on Wednesday. “The Democrats on the Judiciary Committee are doing exactly what Vladimir Putin would do if he could.” Cheney stood by her remarks and fired back at Omar. “No surprise [Omar], an anti-Semitic Socialist who slanders US troops and carries water for Hamas and Maduro, doesn’t recognize the truth when…

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Liz Cheney Slams Ocasio-Cortez: You Owe Dan Crenshaw an Apology and a Thank You

by Molly Prince   GOP Conference Chair Liz Cheney criticized Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez for her “indefensible and uninformed” attack of Rep. Dan Crenshaw after the congressman took offense to Rep. Ilhan Omar’s description of the 9/11 terrorist attacks that left nearly 3,000 Americans dead. “It’s nauseating, frankly,” Cheney said Friday, referring to a video that surfaced of Omar calling the Sept. 11 attacks merely an event where “some people did something.” The video was from a fundraiser for the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) on March 23 — Omar, a Minnesota Democrat, was delivering the keynote speech and was shown urging Muslim Americans to “raise hell” and “make people uncomfortable.” .@RepLizCheney doesn't hold back on her thoughts on Rep. @IlhanMN's comments on 9/11 on @BreitbartNews Daily on @SiriusXMPatriot 125 — SiriusXM Patriot (@SiriusXMPatriot) April 12, 2019 “I’m glad that you played the whole clip because some of our colleagues, including Congresswoman Ocasio-Cortez, have launched a defense of her, claiming that her comments were ‘taken out of context,’” Cheney said while appearing on “Sirius XM Patriot.” “First of all, there’s no context in which calling 9/11 ‘some people did something’ is anything other than a disgrace,” she continued. “Secondly, Congresswoman…

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Ranking GOP House Members Reveal Plan to Bypass Pelosi on Anti-Infanticide Bill

by Molly Prince   Republican leaders in the House of Representatives gathered outside the Capitol Building on Wednesday to announce the party’s strategy to bring anti-infanticide legislation to the floor after House Democrats rejected a vote 17 times. “There are some issues you really can’t believe that you have to have a debate about and this is certainly one of those,” GOP Conference Chair Liz Cheney told the crowd. “The idea that we would not protect babies after they are born — the idea that we have one party now in this Congress that refuses to put a bill on the floor to stop infanticide — it’s really unbelievable.” Cheney and six of her Republican colleagues joined pro-life activists in condemning the Democrats’ 17 attempts over the past 40 days to avoid voting on the Born Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act, which would require medical care for babies who survive abortions. A similar bill failed in the Senate in February by a vote of 53 to 44. As a way to bypass Democrats’ refusal to bring the legislation from committee to the House floor, Minority Whip Steve Scalise announced a discharge petition would be available in the coming weeks, which…

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Ilhan Omar Snaps at CNN Reporter: ‘Are You Serious?’

by Peter Hasson   Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar on Wednesday snapped at a CNN reporter who tried to ask her about the fallout over her recent comments blaming Jewish political donors for Republicans’ support of Israel. President Trump on Tuesday said Omar should step down either from Congress or the House Foreign Affairs Committee, and called Omar’s apology “lame.” The congresswoman on Wednesday shot back a tweet that accused the president of “trafficking in hate,” but then dodged questions twice when asked about it by CNN’s Manu Raju. “Rep. Ilhan Omar in no mood to talk about her controversies this week. First, she said: ‘No thank you’ when asked to comment on Trump saying she should resign. Second time I saw her, she yelled: ‘Are you serious?’ when I tried to question her,” Raju wrote on Twitter. ‘What’s wrong with you” the congresswoman reportedly asked him. Before I even got my question out the second time I saw her, Ilhan Omar angrily said: “Are you serious? What’s wrong with you.” — Manu Raju (@mkraju) February 13, 2019 Omar, who has been known to be cold towards reporters in the past, has come under fire for some of her…

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Pelosi Faces Pressure From GOP for Appointing ‘Anti-Semitic’ Ilhan Omar to Foreign Affairs Committee

Republican House leaders are calling on Speaker Nancy Pelosi to denounce Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN-05) support for the boycott, divestment, and sanctions (BDS) movement after she was appointed to the House Foreign Affairs Committee. “I finally have committee assignments and I am excited. 1st choice—House Foreign Affairs Committee: The Foreign Affairs Committee oversees all foreign assistance, national security affecting the country’s foreign policy, treaties, peacekeeping and war powers,” Omar tweeted Thursday. In a series of tweets, Omar claimed that she plans to use the “committee’s human rights jurisdiction to hold the president accountable for deaths in detention centers on his watch.” “As someone who has seen firsthand the havoc wreaked by war, I am proud to serve on the committee that is responsible for overseeing our country’s—and this president’s—actions abroad,” she added. I finally have committee assignments and I am excited 🤗 1st choice- House Foreign Affairs Committee: The Foreign Affairs Committee oversees all foreign assistance, national security affecting the country’s foreign policy, treaties, peacekeeping and war powers. — Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) January 17, 2019 The Minnesota Sun has covered Omar’s past anti-Semitic comments extensively, most recently reporting on her opposition to a bill that would allow state and local…

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Commentary: House Republicans’ First Mistake – Playing On The Democrats’ Field

by George Rasley   The House Republicans first day in the minority got off to an inauspicious start via Rep. Liz Cheney’s introduction and nomination of Kevin McCarthy as Speaker of the House. Cheney began the speech by pandering to liberal feminists by citing what an honor it was to speak in the House Chamber where the 19th Amendment granting women the right to vote was passed. Setting aside the fact that the 19th Amendment passed 99 years ago, what that had to do with Kevin McCarthy, a fairly obvious male, the House Republicans’ agenda or anything else was obscure to most listeners. It’s not that Rep. Cheney didn’t proceed to list a bunch of things House Republicans are (more or less) for or against – it is that she failed to articulate those things into a coherent worldview that could be weighed against the Democrats’ worldview. This was a great disappointment because when Rep. Cheney ran for House Conference Chairman, we had high expectations for her based on the agenda she set forth before and after the vote. Just this past Sunday Cheney vowed on Sunday to “fight hard” against socialist policies Democrats may pursue as the majority party…

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Liz Cheney Urges Republicans to Fight Hard Against Democrats’ Socialist Ideas

by Molly Prince   Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming sounded the alarm for Republicans to fight hard against socialist issues when Democrats take control of the House of Representatives after the new year. Cheney dismissed the notion that elected representatives are not good people, while speaking Sunday to Fox News host Chris Wallace, but rather urged for a battle of ideas, especially in light of the recent election of socialists in the Democratic Party. “There isn’t venom all the time. I’ve found that you can go and sit down next to anybody from any party. They’ve got an interesting story and they’re good people there for the right reasons,” Cheney said on “Fox News Sunday.” “Now, it is the truth, however, that we have big issues. We have a lot of Democrats now coming in who are socialists — I’m not exaggerating, they’re socialists.” Cheney, who is the 3rd ranking Republican in the House, acknowledged when Democrats control the chamber during the next session, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who is likely to win the speaker-ship, will be compelled to pivot further to the left as she pushes forward the Democratic policy agenda. “I think it’s very important that we…

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