Virginia County Continues to Pursue Guaranteed Income Pilot Project

Counting Money

A select group of Loudoun County residents may soon receive an extra “no strings attached” $500 per month from the county.

Loudoun County’s Board of Supervisors voted in its most recent finance committee meeting to move forward with plans to establish a guaranteed income pilot project, as several other Virginia localities have done — along with more than 150 other localities across the country, according to Mayors for a Guaranteed Income.

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Loudoun Firefighters, County Board Ratify Collective Bargaining Agreement

Fire Fighters

Loudoun County’s Board of Supervisors ratified a collective bargaining agreement with its firefighters Tuesday, the first such agreement in the county’s history and one of many popping up across the commonwealth.

“I don’t know when I’ve been happier and prouder to make a motion,” said Board Chairwoman Phyllis Randall, D-At Large. “If I were a crier – and I just might – I would be crying right now.”

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