Commentary: Trump and the Fate of Western Civilization

President Donald Trump

Less than a week ago, a lone assassin’s bullet came within millimeters of killing Donald Trump. Had it succeeded, the unrest and polarization we already endure in America would have gotten significantly worse. There will be endless theories and explanations about how this near miss will affect the election, inspire more violence, or stimulate calls for unity and calm. But what is it about Trump that has made him a target of relentless and unified defamation, or worse, from every established American institution for nearly a decade?

Trump represents a movement. It is bigger than him, and it is bigger than MAGA. Trump and MAGA have counterparts all over the world, especially in Europe. The people in these movements all share at least two common grievances: they don’t want their national cultures destroyed, and they don’t want their standard of living destroyed. And in every country where these movements have arisen, that is exactly what is happening, and it’s happening fast.

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Commentary: A Spark In the Minds of the People

Thomas Jefferson and John Adams

What really happened in New York this past week in the prosecution of Donald Trump?  The breathless paid script readers of the controlled “press” wanted to gloat and heap disdain on the former President. Their glee was only matched by the vapid analysis of how the verdict might impact the election this year. And a few of the quislings of the Republican In Name Only (RINO) persuasion began to daydream about a return to the Republican Party that played the role of shill to the state, supporting ever more wars of imperial design and furthering the “project” of globalization.

But of course all of these things are mere momentary delusions.  In the scheme of things, the Soviet show trail in New York will have little impact on any of these things. It will, however, leave a lasting mark.

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Commentary: 2024 Is America’s Last Chance to End the Obama-Biden Anti-American Revolution

President Joe Biden with former president Barack Obama

Given the realities of the past three years of the Biden Administration, this article expands on the thesis we have made in these pages that the American presidential election of 2024 will be the most important since 1860. That is not hyperbole, but a recognition of the grave conditions the American people face—these are matters of life and death for the country. Like in 1860, the election on November 5, 2024, will determine the course of history and whether or not the United States survives as a constitutional republic. While the deep roots of this crisis have been many decades in the making, the immediate causes are found in the Biden administration’s unconstitutional, illegal, reckless, and revolutionary actions against President Trump, his advisors, the leaders and supporters of the Make America Great Again movement—and ultimately the American people.

At root, this radical neo-Marxist revolution started under the Obama administration with the declaration to “fundamentally transform” America and has continued under the Biden administration, which has implemented and executed the tenets of that revolution across all aspects of the United States, our government and against the citizenry. This has taken many forms, but the most important has been, and continues to be, the permanent weaponization of government against political opponents to cause their defeat, to decapitate their political movement, and to coerce and demoralize their members and supporters so that there is no challenge to their power. The tactics employed against President Trump have been specifically designed by the totalitarian left to interfere in this presidential election by consuming his time and draining resources away from his campaign in this critically important election year. The raids, indictments, trials, and gag orders against a former president—and leading 2024 presidential candidate—demonstrate that these neo-Marxist totalitarians will violate the constitutional rights of the most prominent political figure in American politics in this century. The direct and stark implication is that if this can happen to Trump, then it can happen to all Americans.

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Commentary: With RNC Shakeup, MAGA Brings Accountability to the Republican Party

Michael Whatley and Lara Trump (composite image)

An insidious institutional rot has long afflicted the Republican Party and the broader conservative movement. Historically, this has presented a vexing problem for grassroots activists desperate to change the status quo. Now, after Herculean efforts by players big and small, it appears that the rabble-rousing of the MAGA faithful is finally paying off.

New Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairman Michael Whatley and Vice Chairwoman Lara Trump have brought immediate change to the institution, working with senior Trump campaign advisor Chris LaCivita to streamline this leviathan. Whereas former RNC Chairwoman Ronna Romney-McDaniel did not make the systemic changes needed to support a modern campaign infrastructure, the new team has wasted no time taking a hatchet to overpriced, underworked, and misaligned elements of the organization.

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Commentary: Republicans Can Expose Joe Biden’s Phony Nationalism by Embracing MAGA

Joe Biden’s State of the Union speech, like his entire presidency, was an astonishingly cynical performance. There were plenty of hollow boasts about things Biden hasn’t actually achieved, but he went further than the usual partisan spin. He conveyed, to a primetime audience, a Potemkin village version of his administration’s goals. While he did plug gun control and an anti-police bill, there were few mentions of identity or race. He mostly talked about economics. In fact, he presented himself as a champion of national revitalization.

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Trump Releases Video Statement on His Plan for Dealing with Atlanta Riots

Former President Donald Trump released a video statement Friday prompted by the riots in Atlanta, calling out the perpetrators and declaring what his actions would be as president under the same circumstances.

Protests against the construction of a new police training facility on Wednesday, January 18 turned violent days later when a man allegedly shot a state trooper during a law enforcement operation at the site. When police shot back, the man died, The Georgia Star News reported.

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Ohio Senate Candidate Ryan: ‘Kill and Confront’ GOP’s MAGA Wing

On Tuesday, speaking to Joe Scarborough and his “Morning Joe” panel on MSNBC, Ohio Democratic Senate candidate Tim Ryan made a dramatic statement regarding how he wants to deal with members of the Republican Party he regards as “extremist.” 

“We’ve got to kill and confront that movement,” Ryan said of a group he termed “the extremists that we’re dealing with every single day,” strongly implying he meant supporters of former President Donald Trump, or the “Make America Great Again” [MAGA] movement. The candidate, a who represents Ohio’s 13th District in the U.S. House of Representatives, faces attorney, author and venture capitalist J.D. Vance — an outspoken MAGA candidate — in the November election. 

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Commentary: No Bump for Biden from His Dark ‘MAGA Republican’ Speech as Race for Congress Comes into Focus

President Joe Biden received no bounce in polls from his dark Sept. 1 speech in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania outlining the supposed “threat” to “the very foundations of our republic” posed by former President Donald Trump and the so-called Make America Great Again (MAGA) Republicans.

58 percent disapproved of his handling of his job before the speech, and 57 percent afterward, the latest Reuters/Ipsos poll showed.

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Victor Davis Hanson Commentary: Here Come the Bad Old Days

There is no end of history. Instead, civilization is a constant fight to embrace what has worked for the common good through the ages – and to reject what in the past has failed abysmally.

Bad and bankrupt ideas, protocols, and ideologies – like McCarthyism, communism, various cults, or fascism – resurface not because of their intrinsic or lasting value or record of success, but because civilizations become less vigilant and allow human vanities, ignorance, arrogance, and evil to reassert themselves.

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Ohio Senate Candidate Vance Denounces Biden’s Slight Against MAGA Republicans

Ohio Republican Senate candidate J.D. Vance on Friday denounced President Joe Biden for an oration he gave at Independence Hall in Philadelphia, PA the night before in which the president castigated pro-Trump Republicans as a danger to democracy. 

Vance, an attorney, venture capitalist and author, blasted the speech as disuniting and inflammatory. He said Biden should instead turn to problems of consequence to Americans including crime, inflation and the educational and social compromises children have endured as a result of COVID-19 countermeasures. 

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Renacci to Host Pro-MAGA Forum Series Starting in Medina, Ohio

Jim Renacci, a Republican former Ohio gubernatorial candidate who now chairs the pro-Trump American Greatness PAC, announced Friday he will host a series of forums across the Buckeye State this fall to foster conservative unity on political strategy. 

The first of these events will occur on the evening of September 15 at the Thirsty Cowboy in Medina. Subsequent forums will be announced at a later time. The events will also feature vendor tables for aligned political organizations.

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Commentary: The MAGA Book of Political Offense

by Theodore Roosevelt Malloch   Too many conservatives constantly stay on the defensive. They have no strategy, let alone tactical plans or a complete gamebook to go on offense and run up points. You don’t win by playing defense. You win by scoring points and controlling – dominating – the opponent or opposing team. In recent articles in this publication, I have suggested we need to get serious and take back the four corners of deceit we have been dealt by progressive liberalism: in government, academia, media, and science. Precisely how should we go about doing that? Here is the beginning of a plan to do nothing less than dominate, starting in January 2023 and earnestly after the 2024 presidential election. Doing this, as someone you all remember once said, “will make you get tired of winning.” Let’s start with a definition, so we are all on the same page. In sports and in politics, offense, from Latin offendere, means to attack or strike against. It is the action of attacking or engaging an opponent. Republicans, at least conservative ones, need to capture and live by this definition. By going on the attack, we can pick our battles and accomplish our goals. This is not a…

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Commentary: Securing America’s Border and Communities Is Our Government’s First Duty

Group of people at a Trump rally, man in a "Keep America Great" hat

Remember when President George W. Bush said this?

I’ve had a lot of experience with dealing with borders, as the Governor of Texas. I know there’s a compassionate, humane way to deal with this issue. I want to remind people that family values do not stop at the Rio Grande River.

It was January 2005. Bush had just won reelection with a campaign strong on national security. Then after narrowly defeating John Kerry, Bush did what Bushes tend to do when they think they’re secure: He lurched to the Left and betrayed the base of his own party. He cast Americans who want a strong, secure border as racists—just four years after we had been attacked by international terrorists who exploited our weak immigration system to kill thousands of us. Bush behaved as if Americans didn’t know that Mexicans living south of the Rio Grande believe in family. Millions of Americans have Mexican heritage themselves. But they or their ancestors chose to be Americans.

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‘Handmaid’s Tale’ Protestors Appear Ahead of Third and Final Presidential Debate

In the hours preceding dawn, five women dressed in long red cloaks and white bonnets gathered on a street corner by Belmont University. These “Handmaid’s Tale” protestors held up a spray-painted bedsheet: “PRO-LIFE IS A LIE. TRUMP LET 222K DIE.” One woman held a plastic coat hanger.
Handmaid’s Tale protestors were inspired by the book and subsequent television series of the same name. In the fictitious world of the series, women trapped in reproductive slavery wear red cloaks and white bonnets. In our world, Handmaid’s Tale protestors commonly appear to protest pro-life bills and “oppressive” legislators. 

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Activists Claim Nashville’s ‘Black Lives Matter’ Mural ‘Intentionally Vandalized’ Less Than 24 Hours After Completion

Activists are claiming that tire tracks across Nashville’s newest “Black Lives Matter” mural are signs of intentional vandalism. One set of tires left burnout marks across the bottom half of the letters.
According to reports, the organizers for painting the mural have reached out to Mayor John Cooper about the incident. The mayor’s office hasn’t issued any statements on the matter. None of the activists reported going to the police.

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Commentary: Defund Conservatism, Inc. to Make America Great Again

It was fascinating to watch Tucker Carlson call out Heritage Foundation President Kay James for her recent op-ed at Fox News. James added her voice to the politically correct chorus, informing us that racism is “a cancer in America” and “our Achilles’ Heel that has afflicted us for 400 years.” Some people, myself included, would like to know, who are these racists James speaks of? Are they the people on the Heritage board who appointed her? Are they people who work for Heritage or are in the conservative movement, even people who identify with the America First agenda? She should name names.

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Crowds Line Up Nearly a Mile to See President Trump in Chattanooga

President Donald Trump tweeted a photo of “massive” crowds from Chattanooga’s McKenzie Arena where he was to speak tonight to support Senate candidate U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07). Trump visited nearby Macon, North Georgia earlier in the afternoon. The president is scheduled to speak at 7 p.m. Eastern/6 p.m. Central from the arena at the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga. Multiple media outlets reported the possibility of Vice President Mike Pence traveling with the president. On my way to Macon, Georgia where the crowds are massive, for a 4pmE #MAGARally. Will be in Chattanooga, Tennessee tonight, seen below, for a 7pmE rally. Something’s happening! Everyone needs to get out and VOTE! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) November 4, 2018 On my way to Macon, Georgia where the crowds are massive, for a 4pmE #MAGARally. Will be in Chattanooga, Tennessee tonight, seen below, for a 7pmE rally. Something’s happening! Everyone needs to get out and VOTE! The Tennessee Star is on the scene and took this video of the gathering crowds from inside the arena   WTVC reported the line of Trump supporters in Chattanooga stretched nearly a mile. Reporter Taylor Stewart tweeted, “TRUMP IN CHATT: The line of supporters…

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In Honor of Trump’s Visit to Johnson City, Group Names Plethora of Examples of Tennessee Business Growth Thanks to President’s Tax Cuts

In honor of President Trump visiting Johnson City Monday night, Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) released a list of “Tennessee Examples of Tax Reform Good News.” Trump’s appearance was a Make America Great Again (MAGA) midterm rally to share “great news” about the economy and support U.S. Representative Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) in her Senate race. The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act that was passed by the Republican Congress and signed by President Donald Trump means 90 percent of wage earners have higher take-home pay, ATR said. The group praised Blackburn’s “yes” vote on the tax cuts. Garren Shipley, Republican National Committee spokesman, said, “President Trump couldn’t have made the stakes more clear. A vote for Phil Bredesen is a vote for the failed polices espoused by Hillary Clinton – a candidate Bredesen enthusiastically supported in 2016. A vote for Marsha Blackburn is a vote to continue to success our country has seen over the last 20 months. Marsha knows that the tax cuts passed by Republicans and the drastic reduction in burdensome regulations has jumpstarted our economy. Tennesseans cannot afford the Bredesen/Clinton policies and that’s why Marsha Blackburn will be elected to the U.S. Senate.” Watch the live video feed…

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President Trump to Hold MAGA Midterm Rally Oct. 1 in Johnson City for Marsha Blackburn, Will ‘Share Great News About Booming Economy’

Tennessee Star

President Donald Trump will hold a Make America Great Again (MAGA) midterm rally Oct. 1 in Johnson City. The rally will be the president’s sixth in Tennessee – and first in Johnson City – since he began his first presidential race in June 2015, his campaign announced Monday. The rally will be held at 7 p.m. ET at the Freedom Hall. The president is expected to discuss the latest news on the booming Trump economy and the critical importance of protecting and expanding the GOP majorities in the House and Senate for his America First agenda. “We are pleased to announce our next scheduled Make America Great Again rally on Monday, October 1 in Johnson City, Tennessee,” said Michael Glassner, chief operating officer for Donald J. Trump for President Inc. “With just 44 days from today until the midterm elections, President Trump looks forward to sharing the great news about the booming economy that’s delivered new jobs and bigger paychecks to Tennessee families. The President will also remind Tennesseans of the critical importance to get out and vote for Marsha Blackburn for the U.S. Senate.” The public may register online for the rally here. You may only register up two…

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Commentary: Is ‘Uncle’ Joe Biden a Threat to Steal Trump’s #MAGA Voters?

Joe Biden

by Jeffery Rendall   “But Barack, I want to run, I need to run…” The words hung in the air as Joe Biden clung to the edge of his chair in the Oval Office in late 2015. The vice president fiddled nervously waiting a response from the president, a normally impatient man who’d just spent fifteen minutes methodically droning on about how it was Hillary’s turn to rule now and every Democrat recognized it, blah, blah blah… That’s why Clinton is practically unopposed within the party this year, Obama insisted – who could realistically challenge her, that doddering idiot Bernie Sanders? He’s not even a Democrat! Pfft. Obama mused. “Let’s just keep peace in the party, Joe. When I knocked the ‘likeable enough’ Hillary off her pedestal in ’08 we all agreed she’d get the next go-round after I’d finished fundamentally transforming the country. If you get in now it’ll ruin everything.” Biden sighed and submissively stared out the window, obviously unpersuaded by the man who’d failed miserably to halt the rise of the oceans and unite the entire world. Obama thought to himself, ‘Here it is, I’ve tucked away my enormous ego for that old bat and now my left-hand man is bugging me to go against…

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President Trump Holds Raucous Campaign-Style Rally in Pensacola

President Trump delighted a packed crowd in Pensacola with a signature Make America Great campaign-style rally. Speaking for nearly an hour and a half, the President hit on every one of his campaign themes: the Wall, the Rigged System, the Forgotten Men and Women (no more!), Prosperity, Jobs, American unity, Fake News, divisive Democrats, and at about the forty minute mark, the critical importance of Alabamans casting their vote in the special election Tues (Dec 12) for Judge Roy Moore.

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Georgia School Officials Say Teacher Was Wrong To Reprimand Students Wearing ‘Make America Great Again’ T-Shirts

  School district officials in Georgia are saying a teacher was wrong to tell students they couldn’t wear “Make America Great Again” t-shirts in class. A math teacher at River Ridge High School in Woodstock, a north Atlanta suburb, told two students Aug. 31 their shirts featuring President Trump’s campaign slogan were not permitted. “Her actions were wrong, as the ‘Make America Great Again’ shirts worn by the students are not a violation of our school district dress code,” said Cherokee County Schools spokeswoman Barbara Jacoby in a statement. “The teacher additionally — and inappropriately — shared her personal opinion about the campaign slogan during class.” Other students captured the incident on video, which is now circulating on social media. The video shows the teacher comparing the slogan to a swastika and support for neo-Nazis. Republican state Rep. John Carson, whose district includes River Ridge High School, called the incident despicable. “It’s ironic to me that the political left claims to promote free speech, but then attempts to silence conservative free speech,” Carson told the Atlanta Journal-Constitution. The school’s principal apologized to the students and their families, and the superintendent is advising schools that teachers should not share political opinions…

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