Mark Green’s New Intelligence Enterprise Act Passes House

  U.S. Rep. Mark Green, a Republican representing Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional District, announced Thursday that his Unifying DHS Intelligence Enterprise Act, passed the House of Representatives. According to a press release from Green’s office, the bill directs the U.S. Department of Homeland Security to establish a homeland intelligence doctrine, synchronizing intelligence sharing and improving coordination across the department. “During my time as an Army special operations flight surgeon, I learned the value of streamlined intelligence on a mission. I am proud to sponsor this legislation unifying the Department of Homeland Security’s intelligence apparatus and enabling the Department to better carry out its mission to keep America safe.,” the press release quoted Green as saying. “At a time of heightened threats to our security at home and abroad, we must equip the men and women of DHS to easily and effectively do their jobs as they stand on the frontlines protecting our country, patrolling our border, and enforcing our laws.” As The Tennessee Star reported last month, Green is also co-sponsoring legislation to protect U.S. technology from Chinese espionage. That legislation “would place certain technology on the U.S. Commerce Department’s export control list and impose sanctions on individuals who violate those…

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Scott DesJarlais: ‘Radical Element’ Behind Impeachment Inquiry

  Members of Tennessee’s Congressional delegation were quick to opine Tuesday on Democratic House Speaker Nancy Pelosi’s impeachment inquiry of U.S. Republican President Donald Trump. Democrats endorsed the impeachment inquiry, while Republicans vowed to support the president. Scott DesJarlais, a Republican representing Tennessee’s Fourth Congressional District, sent out a press release Tuesday saying this is not what the American people want. “Before and after last year’s midterm elections, a few of us predicted Democrat leadership would fall prey to their most strident members and move to impeach President Trump.  Sadly, having accomplished nothing but fruitless investigations in this Congress, Speaker Pelosi has allowed this radical element to dictate another partisan investigation,” DesJarlais said. “An overwhelming majority of the American public rejects impeachment. However, some individuals, who still cannot accept that their candidate lost the 2016 presidential election, are pursuing a purely political agenda. Congress must reject it.” Meanwhile, Steve Cohen, a Democrat who represents Tennessee’s Ninth Congressional District, had a different mindset. “Today is a historic day for our nation. The President has breached his oath, violated the law and risked our national security. This week we learned that the President has abused his power and broken the law by pressuring a foreign government…

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Scott DesJarlais Votes Against Budget Bill

  U.S. Republican Congressman Scott DesJarlais, representing Tennessee’s Fourth Congressional District, this week rejected the Bipartisan Budget Act of 2019 and voted against the bill, according to a press release. In a statement, DesJarlais said the following: “The federal government’s first responsibility is national defense. The bill continues our country’s rebuilding of the military under President Trump, but like past agreements to lift budget caps, which successfully reduced federal spending levels, it incorporates the misguided notion that discretionary domestic spending must also rise. Since fiscal conservatives forced caps on reckless spending, Congress has found clever ways to avoid the restrictions.” “In similar fashion, this deal grows deficits and debt. In this strong economy, because of tax cuts, now is the time to create a surplus and return more income to the American taxpayer,” he continued. “Cutting spending, and reforming wasteful government programs, would continue our economic progress. Deficits and debt are the biggest threat.” As The Tennessee Star reported this week, U.S. Rep. Mark Green, a Republican congressman representing Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional District, weighed in on reports about a spending deal between the White House and Congressional leaders. In a press release, Green made an analogy to which almost every…

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Mark Green of Tennessee Won’t Support New Spending Bill

  U.S. Rep. Mark Green, a Republican congressman representing Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional District, weighed in Tuesday on reports about a spending deal between the White House and Congressional leaders. In a press release, Green made an analogy to which almost every American can relate. “Imagine someone living far beyond their means. He receives a large income, yes, but he has a giant mortgage, a luxury vehicle, high-end clothing and expensive hobbies. His expenses far exceed his income. Year after year goes by, but he never changes his lifestyle. Debt piles up. Now he’s worried about missing payments on his bills. So, he looks for another loan. A normal bank would never loan this person more money. Would you?” Green asked. “In this case, the bank is the American taxpayer. And the taxpayer is represented by Congress. And leaders in Congress are poised to loan this guy (the federal government) more money, rather than instruct him to adjust his lifestyle. The spending deal before us would continue Washington’s reckless spending with an unlimited line of credit. That means our children and grandchildren will pay for it. While I am glad our military receives a boost under this deal, and Fort Campbell would…

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Mark Green of Tennessee Goes on Offense Against Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

  U.S. Republican Congressman Mark Green, representing Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional District, has gone on offense against New York Democratic Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez. This, according to, which reported Green went on offense because Ocasio-Cortez said Republican lawmakers approve of U.S. Republican President Donald Trump’s tweets telling various Democratic congresswomen to go back to their home countries and fix them. Green reportedly said there was “no choice but to assume” that Democratic lawmakers “condone” the recent attack on an Immigration and Customs Enforcement facility. “Green responded to her post on Thursday, publishing a copycat tweet that turned the tables on the New York Democrat by saying there was ‘no choice but to assume that Ocasio-Cortez ‘condones’ the attack on an ICE migrant holding facility in Washington state over the weekend,” reported. An armed individual recently attacked a Washington detention facility. “Until [Ocasio-Cortez] denounces this attack (which should be easy!), we sadly have no choice but to assume she condones it,” Green wrote. “It is extremely disturbing that the *entire* Dem caucus is silent. Is this their agenda?” This is not the first time in recent weeks Green has gone after Democrats. As The Tennessee Star reported earlier this month, during…

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Mark Green of Tennessee Explains to Democrats Why Obamacare Is Doomed to Fail

  U.S. Republican Congressman Mark Green of Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional District explained during a hearing on Obamacare this week how his experiences in an emergency room turned him against socialized medicine. Green made his remarks during a House Oversight Committee hearing. “My first patient was a gang member. He’d been shot in the lower abdomen. The guy was punching at the staff and yelling at us all. Meanwhile, we’re trying to save his life,” Green said. “After giving this guy world-class care I walked out thinking at least with government payer I’d get paid for the risks taking care of this patient.” Near the end of his shift, however, Green said he had another patient, a 35-year-old woman on chemo with a lowered immunity system. The woman’s infections had threatened her life. “With her were two children and a worried husband. The woman was only 35 years old. She didn’t have insurance. As we stabilized her, I realized that early detection saved this young woman’s life. In Europe, socialized medicine has delayed early detection as care is rationed, and that is why mortality rates for specific illnesses are far better in the United States than they are in Europe and…

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The Tennessee Star Report: Rep. Mark Green Discusses How Democrats Want a ‘Different Country’

  During a discussion Friday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill and Leahy spoke to Congressman Mark Green about how he will not be running for the Tennessee Senate seat and how the Democrats are working against the American people and themselves in their hopes of creating a different country. Towards the end of the segment, Congressman Green talked about how the Republicans are ahead of the game with candidates in an effort to take back the House and how they are instituting a similar system to the Democrats to raise funds, called Win Red. Gill: Big news this week as governor Bill Haslam, former governor Bill Haslam announces he will not seek the US Senate seat being vacated by Lamar Alexander which immediately turns speculation to congressman Mark Green. Would he run for the seat? Congressman Mark Green yesterday announcing he will not seek that Senate seat but will instead focus his attention on making sure that President Trump gets re-elected. Making sure that Republicans re-take the house and take that gavel back from Nancy Pelosi and her…

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Ambassador to Japan Bill Hagerty Endorsed by President Trump for U.S. Senate Seat

  President Donald Trump has endorsed Bill Hagerty, the current ambassador to Japan, in the U.S. Senate race in Tennessee. “Tennessee loving Bill Hagerty, who was my Tennessee Victory Chair and is now the very outstanding Ambassador to Japan, will be running for the U.S. Senate. He is strong on crime, borders and our Second Amendment. Loves our military and our vets. Has my complete and total endorsement,” Trump wrote on Twitter Friday afternoon. Tennessee loving Bill Hagerty, who was my Tennessee Victoy Chair and is now the very outstanding Ambassador to Japan, will be running for the U.S. Senate. He is strong on crime, borders & our 2nd A. Loves our Military & our Vets. Has my Complete & Total Endorsement! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 12, 2019 The announcement comes a day after both former Tennessee Gov. Bill Haslam and Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) announced that they would not be entering the race. Hagerty will run for the seat currently held by Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN), who announced in December that he would not seek reelection in 2020. On Thursday’s Tennessee Star Report, Club for Growth Chairman David McIntosh discussed a potential Hagerty candidacy with the hosts.…

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Rep. Green Calls for ‘Permanent Solution to the Border Crisis’

  U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07) on Monday called for a “permanent solution to the border crisis.” Green, a member of the House Homeland Security Committee, made his statement in regard to both the Senate and House, which reportedly are working on bills simultaneously to bring humanitarian relief to the ongoing border crisis. According to both a press release and a tweet, Green said, “Whatever Congress passes must include a permanent solution to the border crisis. We must fix our legal loopholes. Via the president’s emergency declaration, we are getting the physical wall built. But we need to build a legal wall by fixing the loopholes.” Whatever Congress passes must include a permanent solution to the border crisis. We must fix our legal loopholes. Via the president's emergency declaration, we are getting the physical wall built. But we need to build a legal wall by fixing the loopholes. — Rep. Mark Green (@RepMarkGreen) June 24, 2019 The report that Green referenced was from The Hill, which said President Donald Trump’s $4.5 billion border spending request is facing obstacles in differences between the Senate and House versions. The bills are similar on the amount of funding but differ on…

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New Photos and Videos Show Congressman Mark Green in Normandy

  U.S. Rep. Mark Green of Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional District has uploaded several new videos and photos to his Facebook page from his recent trip to Normandy to observe D-Day celebrations. To commemorate the 75th anniversary of D-Day, Green joined some of his colleagues on a bipartisan delegation trip to France last week. U.S. Republican President Donald Trump and a bipartisan Congressional delegation honored the men who served in the largest amphibious invasion ever. In one video, Green captured scenery of Normandy Beach. In another video, Green stood atop a cliff at Normandy Beach. “Today I get to stand here and look at these cliffs and understand more than ever before the incredible bravery it took to come up these cliffs while the enemy fired at almost point blank range,” Green said while speaking directly into the camera. Other photos show Green aboard a military transport while flying over Normandy. Additional photos show other battlefields nearby and French planes overhead offering tribute to D-Day’s heroes. As The Tennessee Star reported last week, during his trip Green mingled with some of the surviving men who participated in that historic event. He also took time to reflect upon why we must never forget…

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Live from Normandy, Mark Green Joins the Tennessee Star Report in Remembrance of D-Day

  During a specific interview discussion Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill and Leahy spoke to Congressman Mark Green live from Normandy to discuss the tone in France and how it was important to remember what price is paid for our freedom in America. Gill: One of our good friends Congressman Mark Green is in Normandy. Actually commanded troupes at Sainte Mere Eglise where the 82nd Airborne parachuted in to start fighting the Germans. And he’s at Normandy right now giving us an on the spot report right now. Mark good to have you with us. Green: Thanks Steve how are you? Thanks for having me on the show. Gill: As we’re watching some of these images this morning on Fox the potency of this day comes through the TV screen. It must be even more intense to be there. Green: Yeah I really hope that the case for the folks back home because I couldn’t help cry a little bit. You know when you think of the incredible bravery and the sacrifice and…

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Mark Green of Tennessee Visits Normandy for D-Day, Remembers the Cost of Freedom

  U.S. Rep. Mark Green of Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional District was in Normandy this week to observe the 75th anniversary of D-Day. While there, Green also mingled with some of the surviving men who participated in that historic event. He also took time to reflect upon why we must never forget that day. Green shared some of his observations by phone from France on Thursday’s edition of The Tennessee Star Report. Green told radio hosts Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy that the D-Day soldiers he’s met this week “are harder than Superman’s kneecap.” “They are just tough guys. I got to talk with a bunch of them this morning. I went in and heard their stories. Fascinating. Chills up and down my spine since early this morning,” Green said. “The guys who came home with a flag over their coffin, they are the heroes, and they are the ones that we must never every forget.” Another takeaway from Green’s trip — the cost of freedom. “I think the thing most important is to remember the price that freedom cost us and to always remember we have to be ever vigilant to any encroachments in freedom,” Green said on Thursday’s program.…

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Republican Scott DesJarlais Votes Against American Dream and Promise Act

  U.S. Republican Rep. Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee’s Fourth Congressional District voted against the American Dream and Promise Act Tuesday. If passed into law, it would grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. Most members in the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of the bill. DesJarlais said the following, in an emailed statement: “Already this week, the House passed a disaster aid bill without a single dime to alleviate the disaster at the border. Today, Nancy Pelosi and her caucus passed a bill providing amnesty and a path to citizenship, as well as Medicaid, food stamps, and other welfare benefits, to millions of illegal aliens, but no resources to prevent more than a hundred thousand from crossing the southern border every month. It would encourage legal aliens to break the law, to receive the same preferential treatment, and reward repeat criminals, including gang members,” DesJarlais wrote in a press release. “Bad laws like this are fueling the border crisis, reaching far into the U.S. Fortunately, despite misleading media coverage, Americans are beginning to understand the problem and effective solutions. We need to build a wall and end legal loopholes drawing enormous migrant caravans. Open borders are destructive.” According to…

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Tennessee Star Poll Shows Haslam Leads Green by 9 Statewide Among GOP Primary Voters in U.S. Senate Matchup, But Green Has Lead in Middle Tennessee

On Friday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the duo dissected the recent Tennessee Star Triton poll numbers which show former Gov. Bill Haslam leads Rep. Mark Green (R-TN-07) by 9 points statewide among likely GOP primary voters in a potential 2020 Republican U.S. Senate primary matchup. Green, however, leads Haslam in the three Middle Tennessee Congressional districts. Here is the transcript of that discussion: Gill: We’ve been talking a little bit about the Tennessee Star Triton poll that we did over the last week. Friday through Monday. A thousand three likely Republican primary voters were polled. And the reason that we polled frankly likely Republicans is whether you are looking at issues that will be moved through or blocked in the state legislature. The Republicans have super majorities in the state House and the state Senate.  What’s going to move those legislators to have concerns is going to be what do Republican primary voters think because that’s the only way most of these guys and ladies could get beat. Also when you look at the political reality…

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U.S. Rep. Mark Green Updates Constituents at Brentwood Town Hall

BRENTWOOD — U.S. Rep. Mark Green, a Republican representing Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional District, held a town hall meeting in Brentwood Friday and updated constituents about what he’s done since he took office in January. About 50 people attended. Green told audience members he’s sponsored or co-sponsored the following bills during his short tenure in Congress: • A bill that would protect Gold Star families during federal government shutdowns. Gold Star families have lost family members fighting the War on Terror and receive federal benefits. • A bill that targets drug cartels. Green said there are three drug cartels that operate like terrorist organizations, and they also intimidate law enforcement. Green did not identify the three cartels. Green’s bill would formally label these cartels as terrorist organizations, he said. Green went on to say “the resources of the federal government can pounce on them and seize their financial assets.” U.S. Republican President Donald Trump is still considering whether to go along with the bill, Green said. • A bill to keep the U.S. Supreme Court limited to nine justices. • A bill pertaining to notorious drug trafficker Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman. The federal government seized $14 billion of “El Chapo’s” assets.…

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Rep. Mark Green Talks to the Tennessee Star Report About His Questioning of Michael Cohen at Oversight Committee Hearing, Heartbeat Bill and Border Security

On Friday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill and Leahy talked to Tennessee Congressman Mark Green about his opening statements and questions posed to Michael Cohen during the hearing in Washington yesterday. The Congressman admitted that this was a strategic move that would allow a light to be shown on the true intentions of the Democrats. Towards the end of the segment, Mark Green touched upon his positions regarding the Fetal Heartbeat bill and the border wall security funding.  He went on to note that there are many Republicans not siding with the President and joining the Democrats in their resolution bill to stop the national emergency as declared by President Trump while noting the several national emergencies declared by previous Presidents in number. Gill: Congressman Green with us on our newsmakers line this morning. And Congressman, Great job. Even Rush Limbaugh gave you some kudos this week. (Green laughs) Green: Yeah that was a pinnacle. The highlight of my life to get a good shout out from Rush Limbaugh. That was pretty cool. Thanks for having…

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Congressman Mark Green Destroys Convicted Felon Michael Cohen

U.S. Rep. Mark Green, a Republican representing Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional District, delivered a blistering speech against Michael Cohen in Washington, D.C. Wednesday. Green scolded Cohen as, among other things, a liar, narcissist, and a tax cheat. Green also reprimanded House Democrats for even thinking to give Cohen a platform on a national stage. Cohen, of course, testified against U.S. Republican President Donald Trump Wednesday in front of the U.S. House Oversight Committee. Cohen spoke of Trump’s alleged payoffs and other alleged illegal acts. Green belongs to that committee. And when it was his turn to speak, Green unloaded: “The chairman of this committee promised the American people a fair and open process, yet the Democrats have vastly limited the scope of this hearing. They’ve issued a gag order to try to tell members of this committee what we can and cannot talk about. My colleagues on the other side of the aisle claim that they want the truth, that they want transparency and fair oversight, yet the Democrats’ witness to testify before Congress today is none other than a scorned man going to prison for lying to Congress. Let it sink in. He’s going to prison for lying to Congress,…

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Rep. Mark Green Receives Committee Assignments

The House Steering Committee announced that U.S. Republican Rep. Mark Green of Tennessee is recommended to serve on the House Committee on Homeland Security and the House Committee on Oversight and Reform. This, according to a press release this week. The House is expected to vote and ratify Rep. Green’s assignments this week, the press release went on to say. Green represents Tennessee’s Seventh U.S. Congressional District. “A graduate of West Point, Rep. Green is a former Special Operations flight surgeon with three combat tours in the War on Terror. Green was part of the mission to capture Saddam Hussein and interviewed the former dictator for 6 hours on the night of his capture,” according to the press release. Rep. Green is also a former state legislator and successful businessman. The healthcare company Dr. Green founded garnered $200 million in annual revenue. He served in the Tennessee State Senate for six years, where he distinguished himself as a conservative leader fighting for freedom and smaller government. His chief legislative accomplishment was repealing the Hall Income Tax, the second time in U.S. history a state repealed an income tax, the press release said. “It has been an honor to serve our…

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Local Entrepreneur Robert C. Sherrill Receives Pardon from Gov. Bill Haslam

Robert C. Sherrill has been running for a long time. In 2002, he ran away from a youth halfway house that made him serve time in an adult prison when he was finally captured. His running, in his words, comes from being in a broken family. When his father passed away when Sherrill was young, he ran. When he got out of prison, he ran a lucrative drug ring. This week he received news that made him run around and shout. Government Bill Haslam called him to let him know that he would sign papers that would pardon him. “It was like a breath of fresh air, I really don’t know how to describe it,” said Sherrill. “I am truly blessed, I’m truly humbled and I am truly thankful. I have been running my whole life it seems. It was a process on this journey to get pardoned. It was a three-month process. Very frustrating. But nevertheless, I am thankful.” Sherrill credits his faith in God and his rough upbringing to keep him focused. Before the pardon, he was able to own several businesses including; Imperial Cleaning Systems Inc., The Lab Nashville, Vanguard Transportations and RCS Holdings Real Estate. Sherrill…

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Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, Who Said ‘Congressional Salaries Should Be Furloughed’ During Shutdown, Not on List of Those Refusing Paycheck, Unlike Tennessee’s Rep. Mark Green

U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY-14), who previously called for a furlough of Congressional salaries in response to the partial shutdown of the federal shutdown, apparently has not followed through and has even ducked a reporter’s question about it. The New York Post reported on Thursday that Oscasio-Cortez ran away when asked about her salary: “I’ve gotta run!” Ocasio-Cortez told The Post when asked the question Thursday on Capitol Hill. She then scampered down a crowded hallway to get in line for her mock swearing-in with House Speaker Nancy Pelosi. Her response stands in stark contrast with U.S. Rep. Dr. Mark Green (R-TN-07), who on Friday sent a letter U.S. House of Representative’s Chief Administrative Officer, Philip Kiko, requesting his salary be suspended until a deal is reached and the partial government shutdown ends, as The Tennessee Star reported. On Dec. 22, Ocasio-Cortez tweeted: Next time we have a gov shutdown, Congressional salaries should be furloughed as well. It’s completely unacceptable that members of Congress can force a government shutdown on partisan lines & then have Congressional salaries exempt from that decision. Have some integrity. — Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (@AOC) December 22, 2018 On another Twitter post Dec. 22, in response…

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Homeschool Group Endorses Mark Green

The Homeschool Legal Defense Association Action PAC has endorsed Mark Green for Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional District. PAC Director Jeremiah Lorrig told The Tennessee Star Thursday that members of the group this year are only making endorsements in a few select races across the country. “Most of the races that we are endorsing in are very close races, but there are a few like Green who stand out, even in safe districts,” Lorrig said. “We wanted to recognize his support for homeschooling.” In the endorsement letter, Lorrig cites what he said were Green’s “pro-family positions,” and his “commitment to the rights of homeschoolers.” The HSLDA PAC represents more than two million homeschool students and their families, according to a press release. HSLDA Action PAC is the latest national grassroots group to back Green for Congress. The campaign recently announced endorsements from the National Federation for Independent Business, the National Rifle Association, and the National Right to Life. “I am honored to receive the HSLDA’s endorsement,” Green said in a statement. “I’m a firm believer in the rights of parents to direct the education and upbringing of their children. I have consistently fought for 18 students and families in Tennessee, and it’s…

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National Federation of Independent Business Endorses Mark Green

Mark Green

The National Federation of Independent Business has this week endorsed Mark Green for Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional District. Republican Marsha Blackburn currently occupies that seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. She is right now running for the U.S. Senate. In a statement, NFIB Tennessee State Director Jim Brown said Green is “an exceptional supporter of small businesses in Tennessee.” “Over the years, he has proven himself to be a steady advocate for small business in the Senate Commerce Committee. He is a recipient of the prestigious NFIB Guardian of Small Business Award and holds a 100 percent voting record on the issues that matter to small businesses in our state,” Brown said. “As a former small business owner, he has a deep understanding of the challenges that our members face daily. On behalf of our members in Tennessee’s 7th Congressional District, we are proud to endorse him for election to the United States House of Representatives.” NFIB joins two other national grassroots organizations that have endorsed Green in recent weeks — the NRA and the National Right to Life. The Club for Growth, FRC Action, Combat Veterans for Congress, FreedomWorks, House Freedom Fund, Campaign for Working Families, and GOPAC have…

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NRA Endorses Mark Green for Congress

The National Rifle Association Political Victory Fund has endorsed Republican Mark Green for Tennessee’s Seventh Congressional District seat this week. Republican Marsha Blackburn currently occupies that seat in the U.S. House of Representatives. She is right now running for the U.S. Senate. In their endorsement, NRA officials describe Green as “a longtime champion for gun owners” who fought for the Second Amendment in the Tennessee State Senate. “I’m proud to receive the NRA’s endorsement,” Green said in a press release. “In the State Senate, I have led the fight to expand gun rights to law-abiding citizens and championed the constitutional carry bill in the state. I defended each of the freedoms in the Constitution when I went to Iraq and Afghanistan, and if elected to Congress, you can count on me to continue fighting for the Second Amendment.” Green is a lifetime member of the NRA and has collaborated with the organization on numerous legislative efforts. In his latest re-election campaign to the State Senate, Green received an A+ on the NRA-ILA’s scorecard and also received their endorsement, according to the press release. Green’s opponent in the race, Democrat Justin Kanew, has reportedly pledged not to accept any NRA contributions,…

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The Tennessee Star Interview: Dr. Mark Green’s Real-World Experience in War and Life Prepares Him to Serve in Congress

Steve Gill, Mark Green

State Senator Dr. Mark Green (R-Clarksville), the Republican nominee for the 7th Congressional District seat currently held by Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07), sat down for an exclusive interview with The Tennessee Star political editor Steve Gill earlier this month. The 53-year-old physician, a long-time resident of Tennessee, and decorated combat veteran of the Iraq war, where he served as an Army Ranger, told Gill that his Christian faith is a defining element of his own life, but that Christians are increasingly being blackballed from public service. Gill asked if this was a growing problem, citing the case of federal appeals court Judge Amy Coney Barrett. She was belittled for her Catholic faith during a September 2017 Senate confirmation hearing by Sen. Diane Feinstein, (D-CA), who said “the dogma lives loudly within you, and that’s of concern.” Green said Christians are often the victims of misunderstanding by those who don’t share their faith. “I think it’s just a misunderstanding that people have,” he said. “I am a Christian, and because I’m a Christian I love and serve everyone, even people who don’t believe the way I believe. When I went into combat I was going to potentially give my life for…

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State Senator Mark Green Endorses Diane Black for Governor

Mark Green, Diane Black

CLARKSVILLE, Tennessee–State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville) endorsed Rep. Diane Black (R-TN-06) for governor at his Red, White, and Blues Barbecue event held at the Old Glory Distilling Company in Clarksville on Saturday night. Green told the enthusiastic crowd of 300 supporters in attendance that, while he is friends with all four of the candidates for governor in the Republican primary election for governor that will be held in just over four weeks on August 2, he believes that Black is the best person for the job. “Diane Black is a conservative fighter. She has a very conservative record,” Green began. “She helped President Trump write the tax cuts, just six months ago. She helped get that done,” he added. “We’ve got a great field of candidates for governor, and I consider every single one of them a friend,” the former Army doctor noted. “But the issues that are pressing our state and our nation, we need a conservative fighter, and clearly the best candidate for that job is Diane Black,” Green continued. “Cami and I have decided that we will be supporting and casting our vote for Diane Black for Governor,” Green concluded. Black took the stage briefly after receiving…

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Sen. Ted Cruz Endorses Mark Green in 7th Congressional District Race

Mark Green FRC endorsement

Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) endorsed State Sen. Mark Green (R-Clarksville) for the Republican nomination in the 7th Congressional District race to replace Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07), the Green campaign said in a statement released on Monday. “I’m proud to endorse State Sen. Mark Green for Congress, and am confident his business and military experience, coupled with his conservative core convictions, will equip him to quickly become a highly effective member,” Cruz said in the statement. “I know I can count on Mark to consistently promote job growth, expand freedom, and preserve security for the citizens of Tennessee and every American,” Cruz added. Cruz ran for the 2016 Republican nomination for president, but finished in second place behind nominee Donald Trump. Though he ultimately endorsed Trump, Cruz made waves when he failed to endorse him initially at the 2016 Republican National Convention in Cleveland. “As one of our country’s most principled and courageous conservative leaders, Senator Cruz has led the fight to make D.C. listen to the American people. From leading the fight to repeal Obamacare to standing up for the Constitution, Ted Cruz has inspired millions of Americans, and I look forward to joining him in the fight in Washington,”…

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Is a Mark Green Senate Primary Challenge to Bob Corker Back on the Table?

Tennessee Star

  Senator Bob Corker was greeted Friday morning with another withering rebuke by President Trump, in response to a series of criticisms hailed at the President over the past ten days, for which Corker – who is up for re-election by Trump-friendly Tennesseans next year – staunchly “stands by.” Meanwhile, State Senator Mark Green’s (R-Clarksville) refusal to rule out a run against the struggling incumbent could signal a re-consideration to challenge Corker in the 2018 Republican primary. “I’ve already told Senator Corker my thoughts about his comments about the President and that’s as far as I intend to go at this point,” Green told Breitbart News Friday afternoon. Earlier this year State Senator Green was eyeing a run to replace the termed-out Governor Bill Haslam when the Trump Administration nominated him for Secretary of the Army. The move was met with the broad support of the Senate and wildly popular Secretary of Defense, James Mattis. However, after a sustained, two-pronged attack by leftist groups against Green’s nomination using inaccurate accounts of remarks he made having to do with the so-called “bathroom bill” and the threat of radical Islam to the American way of life, he withdrew his nomination. In early August, Green announced that he…

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Williamson GOP Announces All-Star Line Up for July 15 Summer Event

Tennessee Star

  The Williamson County Republican Party – along with Davidson County Republican Party, Republican Women of Williamson County, Williamson County Young Republicans, Williamson County Republican Career Women, and the Tennessee College Republican Committee – is pulling out all the stops to bring local Republicans out for the Annual Summer Dinner, set for July 15 in Thompson’s Station. This year’s fundraiser features an All-Star speaker line up, with Representative Marsha Blackburn, State Senators Mark Green and Mae Beavers, and businessman Bill Lee. “The Republican Party of Williamson County’s Annual Membership Dinner on Saturday July 15th at Little Creek Farms in Thompson’s Station signals the kickoff of this election season. Come dance and listen to Senator Jack Johnson’s band, The Austin Boys, or just tap your toes while you enjoy some BBQ with all the fix in’s and a cold glass of iced tea,” Williamson County Republican Party Chairman Debbie Deaver tells The Tennessee Star. Congressman Blackburn will be on hand to chat about the latest news from Washington, D.C. State Senator Mark Green will provide a legislative wrap-up for the last session of the General Assembly. And you will hear from gubernatorial candidates Mae Beavers and local businessman Bill Lee—who knows, you…

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Richard Viguerie Commentary: The Democrats’ War To Drive Christians Out Of Government

  by Richard A Viguerie Chairman When the Democratic Party scrubbed the mention of God from its platform and delegates to the Democratic National Convention booed any mention of God it was clear to most movement conservatives that Democrats had become the official party of the anti-religious Left. What was not clear then, but is crystal clear now, is just how vicious and deeply personal the Democrats’ war on professing Christians, Christian values and Christianity in general would become.* The clearest evidence of this Democratic Party war on Christianity is the very well-organized campaign now going on to prevent professing Christians from serving in the federal government or holding Senate-confirmed federal appointments. This campaign has already claimed one victim: Dr. Mark Green, a West Point grad, decorated Army flight surgeon and Tennessee State Senator, who was widely assumed to be the frontrunner to be the next Governor of Tennessee, but who suspended his campaign for Governor when President Donald Trump tapped him to be the next Secretary of the Army. My friends at the Tennessee Star did a great job of documenting the lies and smears leveled at state Senator Green, but the most interesting fact revealed in their…

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Six Potential Challengers to Bob Corker in the 2018 Tennessee U.S. Senate Republican Primary

Tennessee Star

  With the new Tennessee Star polling data revealing significant vulnerabilities for Senator Bob Corker among likely Republican Primary voters, the speculation about potential opponents who may seek to exploit those vulnerabilities has increased dramatically. (Regardless of how many think about it, if more than one conservative challenger actually gets in the race they give it to Corker. And a successful race will almost certainly require a minimum of $7 million.) Who are these potential challengers? In alphabetical order: Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn. Topping the wish list of many Tennessee conservatives is the Representative from Middle Tennessee’s 7th District. Having represented a wide swath of West Tennessee before redistricting she has a significant base of support in both Middle and West Tennessee, which was reflected in the cross tabs in The Tennessee Star Poll head-to-head poll with Corker. Blackburn won the Middle portion of the state outside the margin of error (43-38) and beat Corker handily in West Tennessee (49-36). Statewide the two were within the margin of error with Corker edging Blackburn 41-39. A Tennessean story that was widely repeated across the state and country reported that Blackburn has indicated that she will NOT run for the Senate in 2018.…

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BREAKING: Mark Green Says ‘I Will Not Be Resuming My Campaign for Governor’

Tennessee Star

State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville) released a statement on his Facebook page Friday afternoon that he will not be running for Governor of Tennessee in 2018. “I will not be resuming my campaign for governor. I will instead look to Washington DC to help serve our country and provide real help to President Trump,” Green said in the statement, which you can read below. “Since withdrawing my name from nomination for Secretary of The Army, so many friends, family, and fellow Tennesseans have voiced unbelievable, and overwhelming support for Camie and me. We appreciate the calls, texts, and messages,” Green said in the statement. “I saw firsthand,” Green continued “what President Trump calls the swamp over the past few months, and what I saw was shocking.” Green then explained his decision not to get back in the race for governor. “Many Tennesseans are asking me to return to my campaign for governor. Camie and I would love nothing more,” he said in the statement. “Being the Governor of Tennessee would be an honor like none I have yet attained. Leading our great state to the next level would please us very much. And, Tennesseans would get to know the best…

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Mark Green Tells WWTN’s Pamela Furr He ‘Will Be Making an Announcement in the Next Day or So’ About Possible Campaign

State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville) told WWTN 99.7 FM’s Pamela Furr, sitting in as host of the Dan Mandis Show on Thursday, that he will “be making an announcement in the next day or so” about his political future. Furr also asked Green about his plans after his announcement last month that he was withdrawing as a candidate for the Secretary of the Army. Green has been widely mentioned as a candidate for the Republican nomination for Governor of Tennessee in 2018. Furr also noted that there were rumors that he might instead challenge Senator Bob Corker, who is also up for re-election in 2018. “Now what are you going to do?” Furr asked. “We have pretty much settled on a decision and are looking to probably make an announcement in the next day or so on what’s next for us. There are lots of options out there. We’ll be making an announcement in the next day or so,” Green said. Furr pressed Green to respond to some of his critics. “There are those that think you backed down pretty quickly. What would you say to those who would be critical of you?” Furr asked. “The issue of pulling my…

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Republicans Eyeing Job As Tennessee Governor Respond To Timely Questions At Event Thursday

  While announced and expected Republican candidates for Tennessee governor differed little in their comments at a Rutherford County GOP event on Thursday, they handled questions about tough and timely issues. Businessmen Randy Boyd and Bill Lee spoke at at the annual Reagan Day Dinner, as did state Sen. Mark Green (R-Clarksville) and Congresswoman Diane Black. Boyd, who formerly served as Gov. Bill Haslam’s economic commissioner, and Lee are the only two who have officially announced their candidacies for the 2018 race. On sanctuary cities, all four in attendance said they were strongly against Tennessee cities refusing to cooperate with U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents. There are no cities in the state that have technically refused to cooperate with ICE, though Nashville Mayor Megan Barry is seen as sympathetic toward illegal immigrants. Moreover, lax immigration enforcement nationwide under previous presidents has meant ongoing problems with criminal illegal immigrants who continue to commit crimes. “No city in Tennessee will be a sanctuary city under my watch,” said Boyd, who is regarded as an establishment Republican and who last year gave a large donation to Conexión Américas for its culinary entrepreneurship program. Renata Soto, the founder and director of the Nashville group, is…

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The Smearing Of Mark Green And What It Means For Christians

Tennessee Star

  In today’s climate, the vitriol that Tennessee state Senator Mark Green faced for his orthodox Christian beliefs while being considered for Army secretary would surprise few. But there also was a conspicuous lack of a vigorous defense from his fellow Republicans and even his fellow Southern Baptists. With few exceptions, there was little in the way of significant pushback against the torrent of rage against Green’s past statements on LGBT issues, Islam and other topics of concern to biblically-minded Christians and other conservatives. Under intense pressure, Green withdrew his name from consideration May 5. “Green’s nomination drew immediate backlash from Democrats, and even some Republicans,” reported McClatchy DC Bureau. “His support was lukewarm at best, and few in Washington showed an appetite to defend his controversial comments.” Raymond Baker, a Franklin resident and retired Republican political consultant, told The Tennessee Star that what really hurt Green was that Tennessee’s two Republican U.S. senators, Bob Corker and Lamar Alexander, did not fight hard enough on his behalf when the going got tough. Corker and Alexander, along with other “so-called Republican leaders” long ago sold their soul to liberal interest groups, Baker said. After President Trump nominated Green for the post,…

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Mark Green Withdraws as Nominee for Army Secretary

  “President Trump’s pick for Army Secretary, Mark Green, has withdrawn his name from consideration,” NBC News reported late Friday afternoon: “Tragically, my life of public service and my Christian beliefs have been mischaracterized and attacked by a few on the other side of the aisle for political gain,” Green said in a statement sent to NBC News. “While these false attacks have no bearing on the needs of the Army or my qualifications to serve, I believe it is critical to give the President the ability to move forward with his vision to restore our military to its rightful place in the world.” Sources familiar with Green’s situation tell The Tennessee Star that the character attacks on him from Islamic activists and LGBT activists did not receive any pushback from the Pentagon or the White House. This left Green hanging out by himself, getting battered unfairly without the ability to respond. “It’s frightening that a White House that has opened its doors to Americans of all backgrounds now allows Mark Green to be denied the opportunity to provide his service to our country because he is ‘too Christian.’ This is a shameful indication that persecution of Christians isn’t limited…

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California Think Tank Issues Letter from ‘Current and Former Military University Faculty Members Alarmed by’ Mark Green Nomination as Army Secretary

Tennessee Star

“In response to President Donald Trump’s recent nomination of Tennessee State Senator Mark Green as Secretary of the Army, 21 current and former Faculty Members at Service Academies, War Colleges, and other Military Universities released a statement today warning that the appointment represents a ‘serious threat’ to the military’s core values and ability to draw on the best talent to accomplish critical military missions,” the Palm Center said in a statement released on Friday. Green, a graduate of the U.S. Military Academy and medical doctor, served honorably in the Army. His service included a tour of duty in Iraq. Green’s “military awards include the Bronze Star, The Air Medal, The Air Medal with “V” device for valor under heavy enemy fire, and numerous other medals for service. He also was awarded the Combat Medical Badge, the US Army Ranger Tab, and The Expert Infantryman’s Badge, among many others,” according to the website Dr. Mark Green for Tennessee. Dr. Green’s military career began as an infantry officer. From 1987 – 1990 he served as a rifle platoon leader, scout platoon leader and battalion personnel officer in the 194th Separate Armor Brigade, and from 1990 – 1992, as a supply officer and…

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LGBT Groups Mount Opposition to Tennessee’s Mark Green as Army Secretary

Tennessee Star

  LGBT advocates like Human Rights Campaign (HRC) and Army Military Partner Association (AMPA) are organizing to block the confirmation of Tennessee state senator Mark Green as President Trump’s next Army Secretary. In what appears to be a coordinated media campaign, several news outlets are reporting Green’s policy positions and record on so-called LGBT issues are “deeply concerning.” Friday, the New York Times reported: A Tennessee state senator who has criticized federal attempts to bar discrimination against gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in workplaces and businesses was nominated on Friday to be President Trump’s next secretary of the Army. After a brief bio, the Times quoted from a blog post by AMPA: On Tuesday, the American Military Partner Association, the largest organization of L.G.B.T. military families, accused Mr. Green of making “a shameful political career out of targeting L.G.B.T. people for discrimination.” Monday, published: LGBT groups are raising pressure on President Trump’s nominee for Army secretary, just three days after the pick became official, and are vowing a fight. Trump “couldn’t have picked a worse nominee to pick a fight with Congress,” David Stacy, government affairs director at the Human Rights Campaign (HRC), said Monday. Tuesday morning, the Washington post…

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BREAKING: President Trump Says He Will Nominate Mark Green to be Secretary of the Army

Tennessee Star

  President Trump will nominate Tennessee State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville) to be Secretary of the Army, the White House said on Friday. In a press release issued by the White House Office of the Press Secretary,  Green was named along with several other individuals who will be nominated for top adminstration positions. “President Donald J. Trump today announced his intent to nominate key additions to his Administration,” the statement read, adding this about Green: Mark E. Green of Tennessee to be Secretary of the Army. Dr. Mark Green currently serves as Tennessee State Senator for District 22. He is the Chaplain of the Senate GOP Caucus and was selected as the Tennessee Journal’s Rookie of the year in 2013. Dr. Green is the CEO of Align MD, an emergency department staffing company, which provides leadership and staffing to emergency departments and hospitalist services in forty-seven hospitals in nine states. In 1986, Second Lieutenant Green graduated from West Point with a degree in economics and began his military career as an infantry officer. Dr. Green served as a rifle platoon leader, scout platoon leader, battalion personnel officer, a supply officer, an airborne rifle company commander in the famed 82nd Airborne…

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BREAKING: New York Times Reports State Senator Mark Green Under Consideration for Secretary of the Army

The New York Times is reporting that State Sen. Mark Green (R-Clarksville) is under consideration by President Trump to be named Secretary of the Army. Senior admin official confirms Mark Green is being considered for secretary of the Army. — Maggie Haberman (@maggieNYT) March 15, 2017 Several sources have independently confirmed this report to The Tennessee Star. Green is considered a front runner in the race for the Republican nomination for Governor of Tennessee in 2018. Should he not run, there will no longer be a strongly conservative candidate in the race to challenge Randy Boyd and potential candidate Rep. Diane Black (R-TN).

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“Federal Funding of America’s Sanctuary Cities” a report released this month by, includes Nashville as a sanctuary city that has received a total of $231,115,291.00 in direct payments and pass through federal grants that was part of the $26.741 billion federal dollars directed to 106 sanctuary cities. The report includes an interactive map that includes the details of federal funding for each identified sanctuary city. On January 25, 2017, President Trump issued an executive order “Enhancing Public Safety in the Interior of the United States” which included a directive to withhold non-mandatory federal funding to jurisdictions that elect not to comply with federal immigration laws regarding deportation of illegal aliens.  Authors of the report suggest that the executive order was the impetus to collate the data and quantify how much federal funding could be in jeopardy. Ironically, the report’s first page states: OUR REPORT MADE POSSIBLE BY: The “Federal Funding Accountability and Transparency Act of 2006” Sponsors: Sen. Tom Coburn (R-OK) & Sen. Barack Obama (D-IL) (Public Law 109-282, 109th Congress), was the resulting mandate of this bipartisan legislation. The publicly accessible searchable website enables taxpayers to see how their money is being spent. Former senator Tom Coburn is…

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State Senator Mark Green Tells WWTN’s Dan Mandis ‘I’m Opposed to the Gas Tax Increase’

“I’m opposed to the gas tax increase,” State Senator Mark Green (R-Clarksville) told WWTN 99.7 FM talk show host Dan Mandis on Wednesday in an exclusive interview. “Looking towards the future, you’ve formally filed paperwork to run for governor. You went on a 34-stop listening tour across Tennessee. Tell me what you found out,” Mandis asked Green. “There’s just a stack of ideas that people have on how to make Tennessee better. It’s just awesome,” Green said. “One of the things they said they don’t want is a gas tax or a diesel tax increase. Tennesseans were pretty strong about that everywhere I went,” he added. “Now I’ve seen the polls, but I know what my anecdotal evidence is. Everywhere I went people were like ‘How dare you raise taxes in the face of a $1.8 billion surplus! You’ve overtaxed us $1.8 billion and you want more!’ And I’ve got to tend to agree with them,” the former Army doctor said. “It doesn’t make any sense that we would tax more in the face of such a large surplus,” he added. “So, I’m opposed to the gas tax increase,” the future candidate for governor declared: There were certain aspects of…

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