Sen. Marsha Blackburn Says She Has Questions for Adam Schiff

  U.S. Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee criticized U.S. Rep. Adam Schiff, a Democrat representing California’s 28th Congressional District, and his conduct during last week’s impeachment hearings concerning U.S. Republican President Donald Trump. Blackburn made her remarks on FOX News Saturday, while on Neil Cavuto’s program. “I’ve got questions for Adam Schiff. If he knows the whistleblower? Who the whistleblower is? How many times did he meet with him?” Blackburn asked. “How many times did his staff meet with him? Did his staff work on writing that whistleblower report? Why did the CIA change the rules and allow hearsay?” Blackburn also had some direct words for how Schiff treated Elise Stefanik, a Republican representing New York’s 21st Congressional District, during last week’s proceedings. “The way he treated Elise Stefanik yesterday was absolutely awful and unacceptable and very arrogant,” Blackburn told Cavuto. Elsewhere on the program, Blackburn said the Democrats’ narrative on Trump’s alleged wrongdoing is always changing, so much so they have had to “flip the narrative.” And if the U.S. House of Representatives does indeed impeach Trump then Blackburn told Cavuto she’s ready to handle it as a senator. “If the (U.S.) Senate takes this up I hope that we…

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Senator Marsha Blackburn Discusses Her Illegal Immigration Legislation in Favor of ICE and Adam Schiff’s Basement Impeachment

In a special interview Thursday on the Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Leahy welcomed U.S. Senator Marsha Blackburn to the show to speak about the current impeachment process and her progress with illegal immigration legislation.

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Marsha Blackburn: Democrats Risk Alienating Americans With Trump Impeachment Inquiry

  U.S. Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee said Thursday that Democrats risk angering a lot of Americans if they move forward with an impeachment inquiry into U.S. Republican President Donald Trump. Blackburn said as much during a scheduled phone call with reporters from around the state. “This announcement (of the impeachment inquiry) was really the culmination of what has been a three-year push for them, and I think if you look at all the polling if they move forward with it they are going to do this at their own risk of alienating a lot of Americans,” Blackburn said. “Based on the transcript that was released yesterday it seems that the House Democrats might have jumped the gun on this one. The bottom line is if we see a big impeachment investigation starting in the House and it gets to the Senate (then) the Democrats are not going to have the votes from Republicans to do a conviction. We’re going to continue to watch this as it plays out.” During the call, Blackburn cited a December 2016 Vanity Fair article, published before Trump took office, that portrayed Democrats as eager to impeach the new president. The title of the…

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Marsha Blackburn Joins the Tennessee Star Report to Speak on Illegal Immigration and Bipartisan Strategy

On Tuesday morning’s The Tennessee Star Report with Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Leahy and Carmichael welcomed Tennessee state Senator Marsha Blackburn to the show and discussed her strategy on maintaining a bipartisan manner with her fellow Democrats in Washington.

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Marsha Blackburn and Joe Manchin Introduce Bill to Help Student-Veterans

  Tennessee Senator Marsha Blackburn introduced legislation along with West Virginia Senator Joe Manchin that would give student-veterans access to in-state tuition rates at public colleges regardless of if they are in-state residents who receive GI Bill payments. “We should give our veterans every opportunity to succeed after they have finished their service,” Blackburn said. “This legislation would eliminate existing obstacles that prevent our men and women in uniform from a smooth transition into civilian life. I am glad that Tennessee is currently one of the 27 states that currently waives the three-year cap. Let’s make it one of 50.” Right now, the GI Bill has a provision that requires veterans to be within three years of discharge from active duty to access in-state tuition rates. Manchin explained why this bill helps veteran students. “In the United States, Veteran students tend to outperform and out-earn their non-veteran counterparts. Veterans not only defend our freedoms and sacrifice for our country, they continuously work hard and search for opportunities to succeed here at home. Improving the Forever GI Bill will help Veteran students gain access to in-state tuition without having a ‘three-year rule’  that limits their opportunity to receive an education in…

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Marsha Blackburn Unleashes on Colin Kaepernick

  U.S. Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn held nothing back in a new column this week, describing Colin Kaepernick as “a spoiled brat football player” and his left-wing supporters as “self-absorbed” and lacking toughness. Blackburn made these comments in a new column on Breitbart this week. Kaepernick reportedly persuaded Nike to drop a planned Betsy Ross Flag sneaker. “Well, who would ever have thought that a spoiled brat football player would have a problem with an American flag that was first made by one of our founding mothers in 1776?” Blackburn wrote. “Sounds like someone needs a little flag education on what that symbol of freedom actually stands for to millions of people, not only in America, but also around the globe.” Blackburn said “it is time for the self-absorbed to understand a little bit about who continues to defend that freedom and protect their free speech so that they can say such inane things and continue to make millions of dollars.” Blackburn also said “those who complain about an American flag being on a pair of shoes could not fight like a soldier if they had to.” She went on to say “those who are complaining about this don’t have the mental toughness…

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Blackburn on Senate Passage of NDAA:  This Bill Secures Big Wins for Tennessee Military Community

  This week Republican U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee voted to fund the United States Military in Fiscal Year 2020, via the National Defense Authorization Act. The NDAA funds crucial projects that will directly impact military communities in Tennessee. Blackburn is a member of the Senate Armed Services Committee. “Tennessee is honored to be home to multiple military bases,” Blackburn said in a press release. “The sacrifice our members of the military make in service to our country can never be repaid. It is essential that we provide our men and women in uniform with the support they need to protect the United States and to provide for their families. This bill, which I worked on alongside my colleagues in the Senate Armed Services Committee, seeks to meet that goal.” The FY 2020 NDAA meets President Trump’s requested budget of $750 billion to fully fund the military. It also provides men and women in uniform with a 3.1 percent pay increase – the first since 2010, according to Blackburn’s press release. Blackburn secured funding for projects that will have a direct effect on military communities in Tennessee and on the mission of the Armed Forces to protect and defend…

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Marsha Blackburn Warns About Technology Companies’ Abusive Behavior Using Your Personal Information

  U.S. Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee reportedly warned in a speech this week about privacy concerns as technology companies gather consumer data and profit from it. This, according to, which reported Blackburn’s remarks during a speech to the free market group Free State Foundation in Washington, D.C. “The framework for federal privacy regulation is emerging as another flashpoint in some conservatives’ political battles with Silicon Valley powerhouses,” according to the website. “The more data companies extract, the more profitable they are,” the website quoted Blackburn as saying. “Big tech needs to trust the American consumer to make the wise decision, which means big tech needs to be transparent,” said Blackburn. also reported that many people in the audience agreed with the idea of more privacy regulations. “Privacy violations can result in consumer harm in the marketplace, harms which should be ‘identified, analyzed and potentially regulated,’” the website quote Noah Phillips as saying. Phillips is a Commissioner at the Federal Trade Commission. The website also quoted Phillips as saying new privacy laws must allow for “investment and risk-taking.” Michelle Richardson, director at the Center for Democracy and Technology, said Congress needs to rebalance power between companies and consumers.…

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Google Has Also Shown Left-Wing Bias Against Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee

  U.S. Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn had not issued a statement by Monday night concerning a new expose showing left-wing bias at Google. James O’Keefe of Project Veritas released the video Monday. In it, Google employees discuss the tools they use to try to undermine U.S. Republican President Donald Trump and to prevent his reelection next year. The Tennessee Star contacted Blackburn’s office Monday. “I have not yet seen the videos,” said Blackburn spokeswoman Elizabeth Gregory. Gregory said she could not promise a response before Monday’s stated deadline. As reported, a Google software engineer with clout verbally attacked Blackburn last year, calling her “a violent thug” and a “terrorist.” That employee, Blake Lemoine, also defended censoring Blackburn’s campaign ads on social media as she ran for the U.S. Senate last year. The comments reportedly took place in an internal email discussion last summer. The topic of discussion was a FOX News column in which Blackburn, then a congresswoman, urged tech companies to address bias against conservatives. Blackburn has criticized tech giants like Google, Facebook, and Twitter. Lemoine accused Blackburn of lying to the public and of “causing the deaths of people she claimed to protect” – referring to her work…

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Sen. Marsha Blackburn Encourages Conservative College Students to Stay Strong Against Leftist Attacks

  U.S. Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee says conservative college students should feel encouraged as they contend with hostile leftist professors and leftist classmates on campus. “Be encouraged. Be grateful you are someone who does not fall in line with the liberal dictate of the day,” Blackburn told this week. “That you know who you are and what you stand for and don’t ever ever ever let anybody sit down and tell you to shut up.” As The Tennessee Star reported, Blackburn has sponsored a resolution to encourage free speech and inclusive debate on college campuses. Blackburn said universities are stifling conservative speech. “Imagine how you would feel if you were on a college campus and you were not encouraged to be inquisitive and to learn. You were discouraged from exploring other opinions or reading a variety of work. I always feel as though my conservative viewpoints and principles have been strengthened by reading works from our founders,” Blackburn told Campus Reform. “Reading works about our nation’s history. Looking at the people and their lives that were so involved at different, crucial times of our nation’s history. Challenging myself. I will periodically read something with which I know…

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Political Action Committee That Helped Marsha Blackburn Win Tennessee Wants to Help Donald Trump

  A Political Action Committee that spent more than $1 million to help elect U.S. Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee now wants to help re-elect U.S. Republican President Donald Trump by working in key battleground states. Members of The Committee to Defend the President told The Tennessee Star Tuesday they plan to spend money in Florida, Georgia, Michigan, North Carolina, and Pennsylvania next year. They said they hope to replicate what they did for Blackburn last year in Tennessee — only on a larger scale. Committee Chairman Ted Harvey said he and his colleagues can use social media to help achieve their goals. They narrow people down by interests and likes. Then he and his colleagues collect voter registration lists to determine which of the likely Trump supporters is or is not registered. “We are going after people that should be Trump supporters, who identify themselves as Trump supporters, that have benefitted from the Trump economy, the Trump agenda, and his policies, but they are not registered to vote for one reason or another. Maybe they’ve been disheartened by the political process over the course of their lives or they’re veterans coming back from the military and haven’t registered to…

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U.S. Marshals Fight to Contain Riot in Memphis After Suspect Fatally Shot

  Riots erupted in Memphis’ Frayser community Wednesday after U.S. Marshals shot and killed a man wanted on multiple warrants, according to the Tennessee Bureau of Investigation. According to a TBI press release, multiple officers with the United States Marshals Service – Gulf Coast Regional Fugitive Task Force encountered the man as he got inside a vehicle. “While attempting to stop the individual, he reportedly rammed his vehicle into the officers’ vehicles multiple times before exited with a weapon,” according to the TBI press release. “The officers fired striking and killing the individual. No officers were injured.” According to the Nashville-based WKRN, a crowd formed and people threw rocks and bricks. Twenty-five officers suffered mostly minor injuries. Officers had to use tear gas and cordon off several blocks nearby. Officers reportedly arrested three people. “Officers on horseback patrolled the area, and lines of police cars with flashing blue lights were parked along the street. An ambulance could be seen at the outer edge of the scene,” WKRN reported. “A helicopter flew overhead as police cars trickled away. Residential streets were blocked, and a heavy police presence remained in the area Thursday.” Memphis Police and members of the Shelby County Sheriff’s…

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Same Google Employee Who Called Marsha Blackburn a Terrorist Allegedly Got Conservative Co-Worker Fired

  The same Google employee who described U.S. Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee as a terrorist reportedly had a role in firing a conservative co-worker, according to various news agencies. As The Tennessee Star reported last year, Blake Lemoine, a senior software engineer at Google, has a problem with Blackburn. Also, as reported, Lemoine is part of a cult under the tutelage of a former porn star. According to Fox Business, Google recently fired software engineer Mike Wacker for complaining about an anti-conservative bias within the company. “They just basically hauled me in front of a kangaroo court, basically called into this meeting with no notice,” Wacker told the network. “They asked me a bunch of random questions and I’m still trying to get my bearings, I’m like trying to figure out why I’m being investigated.” Google officials, however, told Fox Business that Wacker threatened co-workers, and the firing was justified after multiple warnings. But Wacker said the company still tolerates threats from left-leaning employees. “In the final written warning one of the allegations they had against me was that someone had called me rude, disrespectful and intellectually dishonest — well this was the same person who had referred to Sen. [Marsha] Blackburn as…

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Republican Scott DesJarlais Votes Against American Dream and Promise Act

  U.S. Republican Rep. Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee’s Fourth Congressional District voted against the American Dream and Promise Act Tuesday. If passed into law, it would grant amnesty to millions of illegal aliens. Most members in the Democrat-controlled U.S. House of Representatives voted in favor of the bill. DesJarlais said the following, in an emailed statement: “Already this week, the House passed a disaster aid bill without a single dime to alleviate the disaster at the border. Today, Nancy Pelosi and her caucus passed a bill providing amnesty and a path to citizenship, as well as Medicaid, food stamps, and other welfare benefits, to millions of illegal aliens, but no resources to prevent more than a hundred thousand from crossing the southern border every month. It would encourage legal aliens to break the law, to receive the same preferential treatment, and reward repeat criminals, including gang members,” DesJarlais wrote in a press release. “Bad laws like this are fueling the border crisis, reaching far into the U.S. Fortunately, despite misleading media coverage, Americans are beginning to understand the problem and effective solutions. We need to build a wall and end legal loopholes drawing enormous migrant caravans. Open borders are destructive.” According to…

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Google Engineer Who Called Marsha Blackburn a Terrorist Reportedly Belongs to Cult Led by Former Porn Star

  The Google engineer who last year described U.S. Republican Sen. Marsha Blackburn as a terrorist is part of a cult under the tutelage of a former porn star, according to this week’s Daily Caller. As The Tennessee Star reported last year, Blake Lemoine, a senior software engineer at Google, has a real beef with Blackburn. As The Daily Caller reported, Lemoine is a priest at the Church of Our Lady Magdalene. “The Church of Our Lady Magdalene has since changed its name to the Cult of Our Lady Magdalene, according to their website. Lemoine signed his Medium post with the title, ‘Priest of the Church of Our Lady Magdalene,’” the website reported. “One of the other leaders of the cult is High Priestess Kitty Stryker, who describes herself as ‘an active member of the genderqueer feminist art collective, the NorCal Degenerates’ and, in messages with the Daily Caller, as an ‘ex-sex worker’ who has performed in several pornographic movies.” The Degenderettes, The Daily Caller went on to report, are responsible for an art exhibition that included axes, baseball bats covered in barbed wire, and riot shields with the slogan, ‘Die Cis Scum.’” The website went on to say the cult’s beliefs influenced…

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Tennessee Star Poll: Bill Haslam Lags Far Behind Trump, Blackburn and Lee Among Likely Republican Primary Voters in Approval Rating

A new Tennessee Star poll reveals that President Donald Trump is retaining his consistently sky-high approval ratings among likely Republican Primary voter (87.7 percent), with Governor Bill Lee (73.5 percent) and Senator Marsha Blackburn (76.1 percent) also enjoying extremely strong support. However, former Tennessee Governor Bill Haslam is slightly below 50 percent at 49.1 percent approval with Republicans and lame-duck Senator Lamar Alexander is underwater with an approval-disapproval rating of 31.4 to 46.9 percent, similar to but not nearly as bad as the low approval ratings recorded by former Senator Bob Corker before he chose to not seek reelection. Nevertheless, Alexander’s numbers have declined from his 37.3 percent approval to 38.1 percent disapproval recorded among likely Republican primary voters in a poll conducted by the Tennessee Star last June. Since announcing he would not seek reelection, Alexander has broken with President Trump on a couple of key votes, including a vote against emergency funding for a southern border wall. The new Triton Polling survey was conducted over four days (April 13-16) and polled 1003 likely Republican Party primary voters statewide. It has a margin of error of 3.1 percent. Haslam and Alexander’s current approval numbers closely mirror the results of…

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Nashville Democrat Judge Dismisses Justin Jones Criminal Case on Paperwork Technicality

Leftist activist Justin Jones had charges related to his disruption of a Marsha Blackburn campaign rally last October dismissed on Tuesday based on a discrepancy in the documents between the date of his arrest and the date of his subsequent warrant. Democrat General Sessions Judge Diane Turner determined that the paperwork error justified dismissal of the criminal trespass and resisting arrest charges. The criminal warrant issued against Jones three days after his initial arrest contained the date that the warrant was issued rather than the date of the initial arrest, causing Judge Turner to determine that the warrant was flawed and that the DA would have to proceed to the Grand Jury to pursue the charges against Jones. Jones still faces other criminal charges related to his assault of House Speaker Glen Casada and Representative Debra Moody late last month.  Prior to the dismissal of the case, Jones was facing possible revocation of his bond pending a hearing on the February assault charges.  Jones is scheduled to be back in General Sessions Court before Judge Turner on March 22 for a preliminary hearing on the assault charges. Since his initial arrest last October, Jones sought to provoke a confrontation with…

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Out on Bond Left-Wing Activist Justin Jones Instigates Confrontation at State Capitol, State Troopers Intervene

A left-wing activist out on bond for allegedly disrupting a Marsha Blackburn rally in Nashville last fall apparently disturbed the Tennessee capitol building Thursday and said House Speaker Glen Casada actually pushed him. That activist, Justin Jones, has a history trying to obstruct Republican officials while they carry out their duties at the state capitol or at other Republican events. Casada’s representatives told The Tennessean their boss did nothing wrong. Jones, as reported, wants state officials to remove a bust of Nathan Bedford Forrest from the state capitol building. He has documented his efforts on his personal Facebook page, including at least one group sit-in at Casada’s office this month. Jones, on his Facebook page Thursday, uploaded a video that began with him arguing with a capitol staff member, demanding a meeting with Casada. Jones then saw Casada out of camera range and walked over to confront him. “Casada, we’ve been trying to get a meeting with you,” the camera recorded Jones saying. An unknown woman in a red coat blocked the camera’s point of view of whatever happened next between Jones and Casada, but during that time someone yelled “Don’t put your hands on him.” As Jones and others…

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Tennessee Star Report Exclusive: Sen. Marsha Blackburn Calls Budget Deal ‘Incremental Win’ for Trump

In an interview on The Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill spoke with Tennessee Senator, Marsha Blackburn Wednesday morning about the Democrat propsed Green New Deal and how it could effect Tennesseans by killing many of the industries found in both the state of Tennessee and nation wide. Towards the end of the show, Blackburn and Gill discussed the overall sentiment of the current deal on the table and whether or not this was a win for President Trump. They both agree that this was an ‘incremental win’ and could provide the opportunity to find additional funds to properly secure the border wall security issues. Gill: I’m sorry, I kind of have my mouth full I’m taking that last bite of steak before that green new deal goes into effect and Spartacus Booker takes my steak from my cold dead hands. Senator Marsha Blackburn with us to break down budget deals, green deals, and military explanations. Senator good to have you with us. Blackburn: It is so good to be with you. And I’ll tell you what,…

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Angel Family Who Lost Their Son Shortly After Christmas Day Praises Trump’s Immigration Push

by Nick Givas   D.J. and Wendy Corcoran, who lost their son to an illegal immigrant, appeared on “Fox & Friends” alongside GOP Sen. Marsha Blackburn to praise President Donald Trump’s immigration agenda. “The Corcorans have stepped forward and they are working so diligently and lovingly to remember their son, Pierce, to honor his life, and to come around other angel families and individuals that have been adversely impacted, Ainsley [Earhardt], by drugs, human trafficking, gangs, sex trafficking and they fully realize that until we secure that southern border, that every state’s a border state,” Blackburn said Wednesday.  “Every town’s a border town because of the impact of illegal entry into our country and onto our streets of our neighborhoods and communities,” the Tennessee senator continued. Pierce Corcoran, 22, was killed on Dec. 29 in an auto accident. The driver was an illegal immigrant who’d been in the country illegally for 14 years, according to Fox News. He was charged with criminally negligent homicide. Wendy Corcoran endorsed Trump’s border wall proposal and pushed for Congress to come together to achieve bipartisan immigration reform. “I thought it was exactly what we had hoped to hear,” she said. “I thought that he…

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Scott DesJarlais, Marsha Blackburn, Voice Support for Donald Trump After State of the Union

U.S. Republican Rep. Scott DesJarlais of Tennessee’s Fourth Congressional District said Tuesday night that he supported the remarks U.S. Republican President Donald Trump made at this year’s State of the Union. DesJarlais attended the president’s speech, delivered Tuesday. DesJarlais, a member of the House Armed Services Committee, as well as the House Agriculture Committee, issued the following statement in support of conservative economic policies, stronger border security and other elements of Trump’s speech: “More than 90 percent of the media coverage of President Trump is negative, despite our successful work to rejuvenate the economy, which has produced fantastic jobs reports recently. This State of the Union Address was an opportunity for him to address the American people directly, although millions, especially in Tennessee, are experiencing for themselves the power of conservative policies placing middle-class families and small businesses first,” DesJarlais said. “Lower taxes, lighter regulation, and energy independence have helped to create a surging manufacturing sector, rising wages and economic growth, which the prior Administration claimed would never return.” Trump is “also returning the U.S. military to its dominant status, necessary to defend the United States against foreign adversaries, including Mexican cartels,” DesJarlais said. DesJarlais said he, like Trump, is…

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Congress’ Work on Border Wall ‘Far from Over,’ Marsha Blackburn Affirms

Republican U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee reasserted her commitment to a wall along the U.S./Mexican border Friday. Blackburn did so immediately after U.S. President Donald Trump reached a compromise agreement with Democrats to re-open closed portions of the federal government in a dispute that centered primarily on border wall funding. My statement on the President’s decision to re-open the government: — Sen. Marsha Blackburn (@MarshaBlackburn) January 25, 2019 “President Trump has reached a compromise with Democratic and Republican leaders to reopen the federal government with a short term continuing resolution. While this action solves the immediate problem of funding the back pay of 800,000 federal workers, it does not address the urgent need to end the humanitarian crisis on our southern border. It does not end the illegal flow of drugs, gangs and human traffickers. Congress’ work on this issue is far from over,” Blackburn said in a press release. “I will continue to support our border patrol and their three essential needs: a border barrier, additional technology and more officers and agents on the border. I also support ending the DACA program, chain migration and the visa lottery system.” As The Wall Street Journal reported Friday, Trump…

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Most, But Not All Tennessee Republican D.C. Representatives Are Die Hard About the Border Wall

Republicans Chuck Fleischmann, Scott DesJarlais, and Marsha Blackburn have all reportedly come out swinging in support of President Donald Trump’s proposed border wall. U.S. Republican Senator Lamar Alexander of Tennessee, however, seems to have taken a more passive approach. Alexander’s junior colleague, U.S. Republican Senator Marsha Blackburn reportedly told The Cleveland Banner this week that, despite the shutdown, a large portion of the federal government, about 75 percent, still functions. Blackburn, according to The Banner, blamed the shutdown on Democrats, who refuse to negotiate. “It is sad they are putting partisan politics ahead of the American people,” the paper quoted Blackburn as saying. “It is unconscionable they would refuse to secure the border and protect our nation. Drugs, human sex and labor traffickers and gang members cross into this country — illegally every day. It is imperative that we secure the border and end illegal entry.” The United States, Blackburn went on to tell the paper, spends billions of dollars each year in foreign aid, money she said this country could use to secure the border — for one-tenth of that amount. Fleischmann, meanwhile, told The Banner he is withholding his pay during the shutdown, but he, like Blackburn, also…

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Left-Wing Activist Justin Jones Scheduled for Prosecution in March for Disrupting Marsha Blackburn Rally

Members of the Davidson County District Attorney General’s office are scheduled to prosecute left-wing activist Justin Jones in March on charges of criminal trespass and resisting arrest, according to a spokesman for that office. Jones, a Vanderbilt Divinity School student, seems to claim he is a victim of political persecution. In a story that made national headlines, Jones caused a scene at a campaign rally for then-U.S. Senate Republican candidate Marsha Blackburn in late October. Blackburn won the election the following month and has since taken the oath of office. Authorities charged Jones with criminal trespassing and resisting arrest for disrupting the Blackburn event at the Ray Stevens’ CabaRay Showroom in Nashville. Blackburn appeared at the event alongside U.S. Republican Senator Lindsey Graham of South Carolina. Stephen Hayslip, spokesman for Davidson County District Attorney General Glenn Funk, confirmed in an email to The Tennessee Star Friday that Funk’s office will prosecute Jones. Jones himself went into greater detail on his Facebook page Friday. “We have been set for a hearing on Tuesday, March 18th at 9 AM in courtroom 5D. It is deeply troubling that a democratically elected official is choosing to carry the extremist mantle of suppressing people from…

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Marsha Blackburn Cites Tennessee Tragedy in Defending Wall Along Mexican Border

Republican U.S. Sen. Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee has weighed in on the case of an alleged illegal immigrant who killed a man in Knoxville in a head-on car crash. Blackburn said border security is a priority. As The Tennessee Star reported, authorities charged Franco Cambrany Francisco-Eduardo, 44, with criminally negligent homicide, not having a driver’s license and failure to have proof of financial responsibility (having no insurance). The Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency has a hold on him. Francisco-Eduardo, of Oak Ridge, is accused of killing Pierce Corcoran, 22. The Knoxville Police Department said Francisco-Eduardo’s Chevy pickup hit Corcoran’s Honda Civic, causing a chain reaction. Corcoran and passenger Jade Adams, 21, were transported to UT Medical Center, where Corcoran was later pronounced dead. Blackburn made her remarks about the case on FOX & Friends Monday. “It is devastating. And, of course, we grieve and mourn with these families that have lost loved ones to illegal immigration,” Blackburn said. “And every time I meet with an Angel Mom, my heart just breaks. And this is why every town’s a border town and every state’s a border state until we secure that southern border.” Blackburn also said President Donald Trump is “so…

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Left-Wing Activist Justin Jones Court Date Set for January

Justin Jones, the Nashville activist who disrupted a rally for then-U.S. Senate Republican candidate Marsha Blackburn, is scheduled to have his day in court next month. Jones, a Vanderbilt Divinity School student, will have a hearing January 11 at 8:30 a.m. That hearing is scheduled to take place at the Davidson County Criminal Court, said Stephen Hayslip, spokesman for Davidson County District Attorney General Glenn Funk. Jones’ hearing was originally scheduled for last Friday before it was reset, Hayslip said. As reported, Jones said he only attended the Blackburn rally, in late October, to hear what Blackburn, now the U.S. Sen.-elect, had to say. Republican U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham of South Carolina was the event’s keynote speaker. Blackburn held the event at the Ray Stevens’ CabaRay Showroom in Nashville. As The Star reported, however, organizers recognized Jones as someone with a history of causing trouble at other political events and gave him a direct order to leave. Jones refused and later claimed the police officers who showed up to force him out wanted to beat him. He also denied Tennessee Republican Party officials’ claim he intentionally went to the rally to cause a scene. Jones, who identifies as African-American, said GOP officials…

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Taylor Swift Named ‘Most Influential’ Person on Twitter in 2018

Taylor Swift is the most influential person on Twitter this year, despite only tweeting 13 times, CNET says. Social media analysis company Brandwatch released on Wednesday its annual lists of the top 10 most influential women and top 10 men on Twitter. With an “influencer score” of 98 points out of a possible 100, Swift is the winner. Topping the list of most influential men – and playing second to Swift – is Liam Payne. The former One Direction band member turned solo artist scored 97 points. Payne was followed by President Donald Trump, singer Katy Perry, celeb Kim Kardashian West and singer Demi Lovato, all of whom scored 96 points. Perhaps it is good for Taylor that Brandwatch did not look at Instagram. Swift in October endorsed Tennessee Democratic U.S. Senate candidate Phil Bredesen on Instagram, as media outlets previously reported. She cited issues like LGBTQ rights and flamed Bredesen’s opponent, U.S. Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07). Bredesen lost spectacularly to Blackburn, who took a commanding lead of 54.73 percent to Bredesen’s 43.89 percent. Meanwhile, do not expect to see Bredesen on the list of most influential Twitter men. He was mocked online for using Swift’s popular song “Look What You Made Me Do”…

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Woman Who Interrupted Marsha Blackburn Moment of Silence Says She Was Justified

The woman who interrupted a moment of silence last month at a Marsha Blackburn rally in Nashville has come forward to justify what she did and say why she believes Blackburn is a white supremacist. The Tennessean recently gave the woman, Katie Cowley of Ooltewah, a forum to bash Blackburn and Republicans in general. “I interrupted because as a registered nurse, mom of five, wife of one of those first responders who must see, process and live with the incidents of violence that she and extremists like her are inciting,” Cowley said. Cowley said in her column that no one hired her to disrupt the gathering and she wasn’t part of any organized group. “And what I saw from the outset of the event was more disturbing than I had anticipated,” Cowley wrote. “I saw young African-American students — who were hard not to notice, since they were virtually the only non-white people in the room — approached by a large man with an earpiece and asked to leave.” These young African-American students, Cowley went on to say, never disrupted the event. The Tennessee Star later identified these two African-Americans as Janeisha Harris and Vanderbilt Divinity School student Justin Jones. Cowley…

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Senator Lamar Alexander Tells The Tennessee Star Report He Will Make a Decision on Whether to Run for Re-Election ‘By the End of This Year’

In an exclusive interview Monday morning with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy on The Tennessee Star Report – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Sen. Lamar Alexander (R-TN) said that he will make a decision on whether to run for a fourth term in the United States Senate before the end of this year, 2018. First elected to the United States Senate from Tennessee in 2002, the 78-year-old Alexander was re-elected in 2008 and 2014. He faced a tough Republican primary challenge in 2014 from former State Rep. Joe Carr (R-Lascassas). Alexander defeated Carr by a 49 percent to 40 percent margin in the primary, then sailed to any easy victory in the general election. Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill asked Alexander the big question about his political future towards the close of the Monday morning interview. You can hear that question and Sen. Alexander’s answer, a transcript of which appears below, beginning at the 9:00 mark in the audio file at the end of this story: Gill: About 7:01 pm on election night everybody started turning their attention towards 2020, I’d argue it’s before that, but whether it’s…

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Former State Representative Charles Sargent Has Died

Former Tennessee State Rep. Charles Sargent (R-Franklin) has passed away, according to the office of State Rep. Brandon Ogles, the Republican who replaced him. Diane Giddens, spokeswoman for Williamson County Mayor Rogers Anderson, also confirmed Sargent’s death Tuesday. As The Tennessee Star reported last fall, Sargent announced he would not seek re-election in 2018, after two decades of service. According to The Tennessean, Sargent announced last year he had skin cancer. Tributes begin pouring in as soon as word spread about Sargent’s passing. In an emailed statement, Republican U.S. Senator-elect Marsha Blackburn said Sargent and his wife Nancy were “such faithful public servants, committed to the growth and development of Williamson County and creating a stellar quality of life for those who, like them, chose to make it their home,” Blackburn said. “We worked together for decades through political endeavors to achieve this goal. His positive impact on our county and state will be felt for decades to come. I will miss him. My thoughts and prayers are with Nancy, their family and his friends.” Meanwhile, on his Facebook page, State Rep. Jeremy Faison, R-Cosby, said Sargent “ had a brilliant mind.” “The state of TN will miss him,” Faison…

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Left-Wing Activist Who Disrupted Marsha Blackburn Rally Plans to Visit Her U.S. Senate Office

The man who disrupted a Marsha Blackburn rally almost two weeks ago said on his Facebook page he will visit Blackburn and her staff in her new office after she takes the oath as U.S. senator. As The Tennessee Star reported, that man, Vanderbilt Divinity School student Justin Jones, did something similar last year with former Republican State Sen. Mae Beavers. In that case Jones occupied Beavers’ office and harassed her for three weeks. Jones made his intentions clear this week, one day after the election. “Somebody tell sister Marsha that the U.S. Senate office is a public office— it’s The People’s office— and unlike her campaign events she can’t have Tennesseans profiled, thrown out, and arrested simply for being there,” Jones wrote on his personal Facebook page. “We will show up, we will raise the issues that impact our communities, and we will NOT accommodate ourselves to injustice.” Jones, however, will have his own appointment with the justice system in Nashville before Blackburn is sworn in as a U.S. senator this January. The self-promoting Vanderbilt University Divinity School student has been charged with criminal trespassing and resisting arrest for his conduct at a rally Blackburn had late last month…

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OFF THE RECORD: ‘W’ #Winning – Counties Hold Strong for Blackburn and Lee

A Tennessee Journal analysis of the midterm election results of Tennessee’s Senate battle between Marsha Blackburn and Phil Bredesen focused on the fact that Bredesen won in the state’s ten largest counties by a 55-45 margin. Former Tennessean Reporter Jim O’Hara noted that the Bredesen vote total in the largest population counties was nevertheless overcome by the 69-31 margin Blackburn racked up in the other 85 counties in the state. (The analysis did not extend to Bill Lee’s 20% margin over Democrat Karl Dean, nor Donald Trump’s 26% margin of victory in 2016.) The point was, apparently, that while the vast majority of the state’s voters, as well as the overwhelming geographic territory of the state, swung heavily for Blackburn the glimmer of hope for Democrats is some doubt about whether Republicans can keep running up the score in the 85 smaller counties while losing to a heavily funded Democrat in the largest and growing counties. Putting aside for a moment that the “growth” in Shelby has actually been a steady population decline in the past 5 years — and that dark blue Davidson County is growing at a much slower pace than the surrounding red suburban counties — we…

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New Tennessee State Rep. London Lamar Says State Full of Racists

UPDATE: The Tennessee Star has retrieved the video – see more details here. – – – The newly elected state representative for Tennessee’s 91st district livestreamed a 15-minute rant on Facebook Wednesday and, said, among other things, Tennessee is a racist state and full of uneducated Republicans. That newly-elected representative, London Lamar, a Democrat from Memphis, also reprimanded white men for wanting to keep more of the money they earn. Lamar also suggested allowing felons to vote will help elect more Democrats. “Looking here at Tennessee, let’s just call a spade a spade,” Lamar said in the video. “Tennessee is racist, period. Period. And if you for one moment thought that white people in Tennessee were going to leave their own to jump over here and give us more access, they just told you last night it’s not happening.” Lamar said her video was also “a letter to all our statewide political consultants and candidates.” She warned against “catering to Republicans.” “If we look at some of the numbers last night, white men voted Republican well over 60 or 70 percent,” Lamar said. “Obviously, that is a particular base of people who believe in superiority. They don’t believe in sharing their…

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Phil Bredesen Supporters Threaten on Twitter to Leave Tennessee

Some of Phil Bredesen’s most ardent supporters are so furious over his election loss Tuesday they’re threatening to pack up and leave Tennessee forever, according to public posts they’ve made on social media. According to those posts, some of them are sounding the alarm to progressive thinkers all around the country and warning them never to move to the Volunteer State. Some of them were quite candid over their disgust with Marsha Blackburn and the people who voted for her. If you voted for Blackburn, more than a few of them said, then your mother most likely works in a profession of ill repute — but that’s just the polite version of what they actually said. Their exact quotes on the matter are unsuitable for print and do not meet The Tennessee Star’s content standards. These angry people also like to use the F-word — a lot. The Star, however, will only embed the family-friendly posts. To politely paraphrase what Twitter user “thedarthsarah,” said in her (very) early morning tweet, she wants to leave the state — now. Facebook user Mia Sagara, meanwhile, said she’s on her way out, because Bredesen lost. “I’ve never had any kind of + expectations…

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Marsha Blackburn and Bill Lee Win Big on Election Night in Tennessee

FRANKLIN, Tennessee–Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) and Bill Lee were big winners in their respective statewide races in Tennessee Tuesday night. Blackburn, the Republican nominee for the U.S. Senate seat currently held by retiring Sen. Bob Corker (R-TN), easily defeated the Democratic nominee, former Gov. Phil Bredesen by a double digit margin. With 81 percent of precincts reporting, Blackburn had 55.6 percent of the vote to 43.1 percent for Bredesen. The 12.5 percent margin of victory was higher than all but one poll of the race–The New York Times Upshot/Siena College Poll last month that gave her a 14 point lead. Blackburn’s margin of victory was well over 200,000 votes. She had 1,060,468 votes to Bredesen’s 822,435 with 19 percent of precincts still left to report. In the race for governor, Williamson County businessman Bill Lee’s margin over former Nashville Mayor Karl Dean was larger. With 63 percent of precincts reporting, Lee had 60.6 percent of the vote, compared to Dean’s 37.9 percent. In terms of raw vote margin, Lee had well over 350,000 more votes than Dean–1,006,690 to 629,484. Both Bredesen and Dean did well in the urban areas of Davidson County and Shelby County, but their margins there were…

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Tennessee Star Report Exclusive – Marsha Blackburn Says Phil Bredesen’s ‘Very First Vote Would Be for Chuck Schumer’

On Monday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – the team chatted with Tennessee’s own, Congresswoman, Marsha Blackburn about her current campaign, her values as a public servant, and what it’s like to be beside President Trump at these large enthusiastic rallys. Gill: Congresswoman Marsha Blackburn who is running for the US Senate until the final day.  And we were down in, she’s everywhere, we were down in Franklin on Saturday you know, just kind of tooling around their with our granddaughter Remy, and low and behold there’s Marsha Blackburn working the crowd there. Marsha it’s good to have you with us! Blackburn:  It is good to be with you!  And yes it was so wonderful to be in Franklin on Saturday.  It was the Franklin family fun day.  And I’ll tell you what, my grandsons’ had a great time and I know your little granddaughter had a good time also. Gill: It was a big day down there but an even bigger day in Chattanooga.  Now you’ve been to these Trump rally’s two years ago in 2016, you’ve…

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Car Thefts Rise in Brentwood Due to People Leaving Keys Inside

Too many people in Brentwood leave their keys in their automobiles unattended and car thieves notice, said that city’s Police Chief Jeff Hughes. As of the middle of October of this year, Brentwood Police tallied 21 vehicles stolen in 2018 compared to 18 stolen all last year, Hughes said. “Hot wiring a car is almost impossible nowadays. This is happening because people are leaving their vehicles with their keys in their cars,” Hughes told The Tennessee Star. “I think people sometimes have a false sense of security in an area that is consistently ranked by certain sources to be one of the safest cities in America, if not Tennessee. They will become complacent and leave valuables in their cars, leave their vehicles unlocked and, if not their primary set of keys, they may leave a spare set of keys in the car.” The thieves are usually juveniles coming in from Davidson County, some as young as 13 and 14-years old, Hughes said. That’s why these crimes are more likely to happen in the northern parts of Brentwood, nearest to Davidson County, Hughes said. This was among many topics Hughes and other area law enforcement officers addressed at a recent roundtable…

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President Trump Wows Capacity Crowd in Chattanooga

CHATTANOOGA, TN — U.S. President Donald Trump told a full house of more than 11,000 people at Chattanooga’s McKenzie Arena Sunday that Tuesday’s election “is about peace and prosperity.” To emphasize his point, Trump asked Tennessee voters to elect Republican Marsha Blackburn to the U.S. Senate this coming Tuesday. Blackburn seeks to replace outgoing Republican U.S. Sen. Bob Corker. Her opponent is Democrat Phil Bredesen, Tennessee’s former governor. “I am asking every citizen from every party, every background, and every race, color and creed to reject the Democrat politics of anger and division and to unite behind our proud and righteous destiny as Americans,” Trump told the crowd. This audience had not a single protestor. Trump had a passionate crowd in his favor. That prompted Trump to say, “there is an electricity in the air the likes of which you and I have not seen since the 2016 election.” “As we speak the Democrats are openly encouraging millions of illegal immigrants to break our laws, destroy our nation in so many ways, and they want to sign them up for free welfare, free health care, free education and the right to vote,” Trump said. “Illegal immigration costs our country more…

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Video Confirms Intent of Far-Left Protesters Who Showed Up ‘At a Republican GOTV Rally to Perform a Citizens’ Arrest on Marsha Blackburn & Lindsey Graham’

Members of a far-left group called the Tennessee Activist Coalition live streamed a video last weekend on their Facebook page promising viewers a citizens’ arrest of both Marsha Blackburn and keynote speaker Lindsey Graham. “Tennessee voters have shown up at a Republican GOTV rally to perform a citizens’ arrest on Marsha Blackburn & Lindsey Graham,”  self-described journalist Taralei Griffin wrote in a post last Sunday on the Tennessee Activist Coalition Facebook page as she initiated a livestream from inside Nashville’s CabaRay Theater as the rally began. That planned arrest, of course, never happened. With private security and law enforcement everywhere, it is highly unlikely members of this group could have carried out their mission. Whether they planned to use force is unknown. They never got a chance to carry out their objectives. That’s because members of the Tennessee GOP recognized one protestor, Justin Jones, 23, at the Ray Stevens CabaRay Showroom, from previous encounters and had him removed. The group’s plans to carry out the arrest evidently unraveled at that point. According to its Facebook page, the Tennessee Activist Coalition is a far-left group with more than 5,700 followers around the state. The group lists an official website, apart from social media, but,…

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Tennessee Star Report Exclusive Interview: Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas Discusses Mobs and Mid-Terms

On Friday’s Tennessee Star Report with Steve Gill and Michael Patrick Leahy – broadcast on Nashville’s Talk Radio 98.3 and 1510 WLAC weekdays from 5:00 am to 8:00 am – Gill and Leahy talked with Senator Tom Cotton of Arkansas about the final four days before the mid-term elections and whether or not the Republicans will keep control of the Senate.  Cotton expressed that a Democrat win would confirm a reliable vote for a liberal agenda.  He was confident that a vote for Marsha Blackburn would ensure a vote for Tennesseans. Gill:  On our newsmakers line, Senator Tom Cotton, Senator from Arkansas is an Army veteran, after 9/11 he put his professional career on hold to go serve as an infantry officer, served also with the old guard, if you’ve ever been to Arlington, the tomb of the unknown soldier, just an amazing honor to be put in that position.  And Senator good to have you with us and thank you for all you do. Cotton: Thank you, it’s great to be on with you and it was great to be back in Tennessee yesterday and especially back in Clarkesville and Fort Campbell with the Screaming Eagles. Gill: Yeah it’s a little…

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Justin Jones Supporters Furious at ‘White Judge’ Who Ordered His Arrest

Vanderbilt Divinity School student Justin Jones is out of jail on his own recognizance, four days after he disrupted a Marsha Blackburn rally in Nashville. This didn’t go down, however, without Jones and his allies stirring up a lot of drama over the arrest and blaming people other than themselves for what happened. Part of that drama included their own stated resentment over a judge ordering Jones’ arrest — especially because it was a white judge. As reported, Nashville police took Jones, 23, into custody and drove him downtown after his outburst at the Ray Stevens CabaRay Showroom last weekend. Nashville Night Court Commissioner Carolyn Piphus refused law enforcement’s request to issue an arrest warrant to Jones on charges of criminal trespassing, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct. Later in the week, however, Judge Melissa Blackburn — who is Caucasian — found probable cause to arrest Jones on the criminal trespassing and resisting arrest charges after presented with evidence by the office of District Attorney Glenn Funk. Blackburn, of no relation to Marsha Blackburn, issued a warrant, as The Tennessee Star reported. Upon learning this, Jones opted to turn himself in. After his release, he took to his personal Facebook page…

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Protester Justin Jones Disrupted Blackburn Rally After Hearing What He Called An ‘Evil Prayer’ for President Trump and Justice Kavanaugh

Left wing protester Justin Jones, who was arrested and booked in Nashville late Wednesday night on charges of criminal trespassing and resisting arrest for his disruption of a Marsha Blackburn rally in Nashville’s CabaRay Theater on Sunday, offered this insight into his conduct at that rally during an in-studio interview Tuesday morning on KSMS 92Q’s Kenny Smoov’s Morning Show: “I’ve never heard an evil prayer. And literally, before we were kicked out and thrown out, they had a prayer. And I’m in Divinity School. I’m studying to be a pastor. And we prayed for evilness. We prayed for a president who’s preying, P R E Y I N G, on our communities,” Jones told Smoov and the 92Q listening audience. “We prayed for Kavanaugh, who we know was accused of multiple instances of sexual assault, and instead of praying for the victims and survivors of those attacks, we prayed for this man, who is controversial,” he continued. “And we prayed for border walls. I said, the God I serve builds bridges and not walls,” Jones added. You can watch the full video of Jones’ interview here: (Jones’ “evil prayer” comments begin at about 04:14 and continue to 04:48.)   The…

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Marsha Blackburn Casts Her Ballot in Franklin, Says Some Democrats Support Her

FRANKLIN, Tennessee — Republican U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN-07) voted early Wednesday, with a sense of optimism and high hopes for next Tuesday’s election. Blackburn said she’s conversed with Democrats around the state who are on her side. She’s running against Democrat Phil Bredesen for the seat that current Republican Sen. Bob Corker will soon vacate. “I can’t begin to tell you how many individuals I have talked to who are Democrats, and many refer to themselves as Trump Democrats. They voted for the president because they support his agenda,” Blackburn said at a press conference after she voted at the Williamson County Admin Building. “They want to make certain that we continue to lower taxes and reduce regulation. Get the EPA off the farm and off the factory floor. They want to make certain we deal with the Affordable Care Act and get the cost of health insurance down. They talk regularly about my fight to keep taxes low. “We’ve got good bipartisan support. The nice thing is it grows every single day.”   As The Daily Caller reported this week, Google Ads announced that digital ads supporting Rep. Marsha Blackburn’s campaign, which included footage of protesters…

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Nashville Police Get New Warrant, Arrest Justin Jones for Criminal Trespassing and Resisting Arrest After Outburst at Marsha Blackburn Rally

Nashville authorities have arrested left-wing activist Justin Jones three days after he caused an outburst at Sunday’s Marsha Blackburn rally in Nashville. After Metro Nashville Police took Jones into custody Sunday and drove him downtown, Nashville Night Court Commissioner Carolyn Piphus refused law enforcement’s request to issue an arrest warrant to Jones on charges of criminal trespassing, resisting arrest, and disorderly conduct, as reported by The Tennessee Star. All three charges are misdemeanors. Later in the week, however, members of the office of Nashville District Attorney General Glenn Funk reviewed available evidence, including videos of Jones’ behavior. They agreed with law enforcement that arrest warrants were appropriate, said Nashville Police Spokesman Don Aaron. “Mr. Jones resides within the East Precinct and officers from East attempted to serve the outstanding warrants during their shift Tuesday evening,” Aaron told The Tennessee Star. “He was not home at the time.  Mr. Jones surrendered himself for booking late this afternoon downtown.” Authorities charged Jones with criminal trespassing and resisting arrest. For unknown reasons, authorities decided not to go forward with the disorderly conduct charge, Aaron said. District Attorney General’s Office Spokesman Steve Hayslip said the new warrants came about after Assistant District Attorney Deb Smith…

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Phil Bredesen Met in June With Blackburn Rally Protester Justin Jones, the Man Police Asked Judicial Commissioner to Charge With Resisting Arrest

Justin Jones, the man who caused the biggest outburst at Sunday’s Marsha Blackburn rally, met with Democrat Phil Bredesen at Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport this past summer. This, according to Jones’ personal Facebook page. The two men posed for a photo together, and Jones, 23, proudly uploaded it to his Facebook. And this apparently wasn’t a quick meeting, as the two men conveniently sat next to one another on an airplane trip. “Ran into former Tennessee Governor, Phil Bredesen, at the DC airport yesterday. Talked about the #poorpeoplescampaign and coincidentally we ended up sitting next to each other on the plane,” Jones said in the post, dated June 24. “Now that he’s running for U.S. Senator Bob Corker’s seat against Rep. Marsha Blackburn, we need commitments that he will fight for everyday people if elected and lift up a policy agenda that challenges systemic poverty, systemic racism, the war economy, ecological devastation, and the nation’s distorted moral narrative. We already know Marsha ain’t right, but whoever is elected let’s hold folks accountable!” Law enforcement officers, as The Tennessee Star reported, carried Jones out of the Ray Stevens’ CabaRay Showroom by force Sunday after he refused a direct order to leave an event…

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