Ruben Gallego Asks Arizona Court to Keep Divorce Records Sealed amid New Details About Second Marriage to Lobbyist

Ruben Gallego family

New details have emerged about the marriage between Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ-03) and his second wife, Sydney Barron Gallego, as the date approaches for a court to decide whether records from his divorce from his first wife, Kate Gallego, should be unsealed.

Attorneys for Ruben Gallego, his ex-wife Kate Gallego, and The Washington Free Beacon are expected in court on October 10 to review proposed redactions to their divorce case after the conservative news publication sued and obtained a ruling demanding the Gallegos propose redactions ahead of a public release.

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Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego Explains Endorsement of Ex-Husband Ruben Gallego for Senate After Emergency Move to Seal Divorce Case

Kate Gallego and Ruben Gallego

Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego on Monday doubled down on her endorsement of Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ-03), her ex-husband, in remarks made weeks after an emergency motion was filed in a bid to seal details of their divorce case from the public.

Kate Gallego made her remarks about the endorsement of her ex-husband during an interview with KTAR News host Jim Sharpe at the Democratic National Convention in Chicago, Illinois.

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Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego Appointed by Sec. Pete Buttigieg to Advise Department of Transportation

Kate Gallego

Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego (D) was selected by Department of Transportation (DOT) Secretary Pete Buttigieg to participate in a new advisory committee on December 29.

Gallego was among the 27 members of the agency’s new Transforming Transportation Advisory Committee (TTAC) for a two-year term named by Buttigieg last week. Explaining the need for the committee, Buttigieg noted the United States faces both “unprecedented opportunity and unprecedented challenges in transportation.”

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Arizona House Republicans Urge Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego Against ‘Relinquishing Local Control’ of Police With Federal Consent Decree

Mayor Kate Gallego

Arizona State Representative David Marshall (R-Snowflake) led a group of 20 Republican lawmakers in a letter urging Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego not to enter into a consent decree with the Department of Justice (DOJ), warning it would “turn control” of the Phoenix Police Department (PPD) “over to the federal government.”

Reports indicate Gallego is considering whether to sign a potential consent decree, even as Phoenix City Council signals its potential opposition, and the move is opposed by Phoenix law enforcement groups.

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Phoenix to Receive $25 Million Grant to Construct Pedestrian Bridge

Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego revealed that the city will receive a $25 million grant to construct the long-proposed Rio Salado Bike/Pedestrian Bridge.

She joined Pete Buttigieg, U.S. secretary of transportation, and other community officials at the Rio Salado Audubon Center, according to a news release from the city. The funding comes from a Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) grant.

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Arizona Mayors Say They Won’t Use City Resources to Uphold Abortion Laws

Mayors in two prominent cities in Arizona have signaled that they will not follow the state abortion laws after last week’s Supreme Court reversal of Roe V. Wade.

“I am deeply disappointed by today’s Supreme Court decision,” said Phoenix Mayor Kate Gallego (D). “Phoenix is a pro-choice city. A majority of the city council and I have no interest in using city resources to prevent women from accessing health care.”

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