Analysis: Why NYT’s Latest Attempt To Scare Readers About Global Warming Is A ‘Waste Of Time’

by Michael Bastasch  – The New York Times teamed up with climate scientists to produce a graphic purporting to show an increase in hot days.  – However, it’s not actually showing that, but instead TheNYT’s graphic shows an average based on climate models.  – When compared to the observed temperature record, TheNYT’s graphic doesn’t match up. Another week, another New York Times feature trying to get its readers worried about how much the world could warm in the future. This time TheNYT partnered with the Climate Impact Lab, which is “a group of climate scientists, economists and data analysts from the Rhodium Group, the University of Chicago, Rutgers University and the University of California, Berkeley,” the paper noted. TheNYT and Climate Impact Lab created a graphic that’s supposed to show readers how many more days at or above 90 degrees they could expect today in their home town from when they were born — their data only goes back to 1960, though. The question is: how accurate is TheNYT’s representation of the change in days at of above 90 degrees? Well, at least for U.S. cities, it seems to be misleading. “This is [a] waste of time,” quipped Dr. Ryan Maue, a Cato…

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FAKE NEWS: Mainstream Media Continues to Prove It Is Nothing but Propaganda

Donald Trump

By Printus LeBlanc   To say the relationship between the mainstream media and President Trump is rocky would be an understatement. The mainstream media has waged a jihad against Trump since he descended from the escalator in Trump Tower on June 16, 2015, to announce his candidacy for President. The press is upset the President calls them out on their blatant bias, but when looking at the details, does the press have a leg to stand on. While the sad status of journalism began its decline generations ago, the people got a glimpse of it after the 2008 election. It was a widely held belief the mainstream media was left-leaning, but the JournoList scandal solidified it was not only left-leaning but pretty much left-wing propaganda. In February of 2007, a private google group was created containing 400 left-leaning academics and journalists. This was no big deal until after the 2008 election. The Daily Caller got a hold of some of the conversations going on in the group, and it was shocking. What they found were “journalists” colluding with one another to kill storiesthat would make then-candidate Obama look bad, while coordinating the effort to boost the future President. The attained documents were…

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Media Bias: Baltimore Sun Columnist Says Press Should Assume Donald Trump Is Always Lying

by Nick Givas Baltimore Sun media critic David Zurawik called President Donald Trump a liar on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” Sunday and said the press should just assume he’s always being dishonest. “Now we’ve got a president who says I cannot tell a truth about anything, just check me out. Fact check. So in my piece I said, look, I write commentary so I have more latitude, but I’m done with it … is it a lie, what’s his intent?” Zurawik said. “Who could know intent with this man? He lies every minute, he changes his story second to second.” Zurawik said it would be easier to operate under the assumption that Trump is lying and then go back to perform a reverse fact check to search for kernels of truth. “We should just say he’s lying, folks. Start from that premise. He’s a liar. Okay. If you can prove he’s not telling a lie, great. We should fact-check him backwards maybe, see if anything he’s telling us is true,” Zurawik said. “I think we’ve wrestled with it long enough for 18 months that we can call him a liar without being self-conscious and nervous about it, even by some of…

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Commentary: Media’s Outright Lies and Distortions Cloak True Portrait of Trump

Donald Trump

by Jeffrey A. Rendall   Have you ever been shown an image and told it portrays something you just don’t see? I’m not referring to a Rorschach test (a psychological test in which subjects’ perceptions of inkblots are recorded and then analyzed using psychological interpretation, complex algorithms, or both); no, I’m talking about a regular run-of-the-mill photo you see in the newspaper or displayed on TV. If that’s the case then you know how half of America now feels about the ongoing jumbled witch hunt the Robert Mueller investigation has devolved into. This week supposedly marked a huge turning point in the liberals’ crusade to bring down the presidency of Donald Trump, with former campaign manager Paul Manafort being convicted in federal court (of non-campaign-related crimes) and sleazy former Trump lawyer Michael Cohen pleading guilty to Mueller’s charges. Through all of it the media’s painted a portrait of Trump that’s more than a little hazy – it’s downright indistinct. The figures are unclear and the actions are open to wide interpretation. One thing’s for sure – it’s a presented piece of evidence that wouldn’t hold up in court. For his part Trump initially took the legal troubles of his former…

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‘This Is Not Science:’ Scientist Rips Into The Latest Attempt To Blame Wildfires On Global Warming

Cliff Mass

by Michael Bastasch    – The Associated Press claims that “science says” global warming increases the area of western U.S. land scorched by wildfires every year.  – Climate scientist Cliff Mass noted AP’s simple correlation is not “science” and misses other key drivers of fires.  – It’s similar to another report from early August also attempting to link wildfires to global warming. The Associated Press is out with an analysis claiming that “science says” the amount of western U.S. land scorched by wildfires every year increases as temperatures go up. However, while those things are true, simply correlating two data trends is not “science,” as AP writer Seth Borenstein claims. And one expert says the simple correlation is meant to suggest a strong relationship between global warming and western wildfires that might not be there. “This is not science,” University of Washington climate scientist Cliff Mass told The Daily Caller News Foundation. The AP’s analysis found the “five years with the most acres burned since 1983 averaged 63.4 degrees from April to September,” which is “1.2 degrees warmer than average and 2.4 degrees hotter than the years with the least acres burned.” Since 1999, “10 years have had more than 10,000 square miles…

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Commentary: Neither ‘Free’ Nor ‘Independent,’ the ‘Enemy Of The People’ Media Were On The Wrong Side In The Revolution

Donald Trump

by George Rasley   Thursday, some 300 newspapers published editorials attacking President Trump for calling certain media figures and companies “the enemy of the people.” The effort was conceived by the Boston Globe and promoted by the American Society of News Editors, the New England Newspaper and Press Association and other groups. Marjorie Pritchard, the Globe’s deputy editorial page editor, told CNN the goal was to raise awareness in the public mind of “the importance of a free and independent press.” If that was the goal, as far as we can tell it failed to deliver. And the reason that it failed is because the American public, outside the largely coastal enclaves of the self-appointed urban elite, long ago realized that most of today’s “press” is neither free nor independent. The days of the feisty independent newspaper publisher are long gone. They have been replaced by corporate managers in thrall to next quarter’s profits, who are not rewarded for speaking truth to power or fighting for the little guy, but for how many column inches of ad space they place. And that same progressive corporate ownership of multiple newspapers must have made getting the orders to push the Boston Globe’s…

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Commentary: Mainstream Media Is a Watchdog on Republicans, But a Lapdog for Democrats

Kathleen Sebelius

This week mainstream media reporters nationwide took a posture against President Donald Trump and asserted they act with integrity and objectivity and that his attacks on them are attacks on democracy itself. Hook people in the mainstream media up to polygraph machines and ask them if they really believe that. They’ll pass with flying colors. But as someone who spent nearly 10 years in the mainstream press, I witnessed things that tell me people in the media aren’t necessarily looking out for you and your best interests. The year was 2006, and I had a newspaper job in Central Florida. The Congressional mid-term elections were coming. That election was a topic at one morning staff meeting. One reporter said far more Democrats than Republicans in the county were voting early, obviously a bad sign for the GOP. He wanted to do a story. Our editor shot him down flat. “If you publish that story then it might prompt more Republicans to get out and vote early, and I don’t want to see that happen,” our editor, who is now deceased, said at the time. This was a corporate-owned daily newspaper that served thousands of people every day. A few weeks…

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CNN’s Van Jones: There’s No Difference Between Hateful Nazi Rhetoric And Conservative Media

Van Jones

by Nick Givas   CNN host Van Jones compared Fox News host Laura Ingraham to a neo-Nazi on his show Saturday and said they were preaching the same message of hate. Jones played a clip of one of his CNN colleagues interviewing a white nationalist in Pennsylvania and then played a clip of Ingraham discussing demographic changes in America. “This guy actually openly wears swastikas on his shirt and he says America is his country because he’s white,” Jones said before running the clip. “To be fair, 12 of the guy’s neighbors came out immediately and told [the CNN correspondent] they don’t agree with this guy. He doesn’t represent them and their community, and they deserve a round of applause for sticking up for what’s right in this country.” Right after praising the man’s neighbors for doing the right thing, Jones attacked Ingraham and fed the fire of division by comparing her message to that of hateful Nazis. “I appreciate them for doing that. But here’s the thing that bothers me the most. Those same themes that were once considered so extreme are now becoming mainstream, at least in conservative media,” he continued. “Listen to Laura Ingraham on Fox News addressing millions of your…

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FAKE NEWS: Washington Post Publishes ‘Historian’ Max Boot’s False Racism Accusation Against Trump

Max Boot

by James D. Agresti   Max Boot, a foreign policy expert and historian, recently wrote in the Washington Post that President Trump “praised white supremacists who gathered nearly a year ago in Charlottesville as ‘very fine people’.” This is an abject falsehood. At the press conference where Trump allegedly said that, he explicitly “condemned” the white supremacists two times, said they were “very bad people,” and emphasized that he was not calling them “very fine people.” Still, a reporter at the conference tried to put this spin on his words, and Trump responded, “No, no.” Nonetheless, a wide range of media outlets, politicians, and activists falsely portrayed Trump as lauding the white supremacists. The full transcript and video of the press conference show that when Trump used the phrase “very fine people,” he was referring to “people protesting very quietly the taking down of the statue of Robert E. Lee.” Trump also accurately pointed out that the event’s organizers “didn’t put themselves down as neo-Nazis.” In fact, on the day beforehand, the local NBC news station reported that the event was a “protest of the City Council’s decision to remove the statue of confederate General Robert E. Lee from Emancipation Park.” The report contained no mention of white supremacy or anything similar. Hence, some…

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Founder of Congress’ Media Fairness Caucus Has a Prescription for Curing Media Bias

Lamar Smith

by Rob Bluey and Ginny Montalbano   The Daily Signal spoke last week with Rep. Lamar Smith, R-Texas, about media bias. Smith discussed the House Media Fairness Caucus, which he founded, how Americans can combat media bias, and a new term he coined: mediacrats. This transcript of the interview has been lightly edited for clarity and length. Rob Bluey: Congressman, how bad is media bias today? Rep. Lamar Smith: I have to tell you, I’m sure it’s been worse, but I’m not aware of it. What we’re seeing today, I think, is a real threat to our democracy because you’ve got virtually every media platform—and the ones that obviously come to mind are Facebook or Twitter or Google, for example—who have demonstrably been biased against conservative voices, against conservative commentary, and against conservative Republican individuals. And you’ve got a situation where it’s interesting to me that the bias is always [in] one direction. It’s always the conservatives who are either shadow-boxed or censored, or their information is deleted. And all these social platforms—and we just had a recent hearing in the Judiciary Committee—say that they’re going to correct that, say they want to stop the bias. But I remain unconvinced. The reason…

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President Trump, New York Times Publisher A.G. Sulzberger Spar Over President’s Attacks on US Media

Donald Trump

President Trump said Sunday he recently told the publisher of The New York Times how he came to describe the mainstream news media as the “Enemy of the People,” but the news executive said he in turn told Trump his language was “inflammatory” and “increasingly dangerous” for journalists around the world. In a Twitter comment, Trump described his July 20 meeting at the White House with A.G. Sulzberger as “very good and interesting.” The U.S. leader said he “spent much time talking about the vast amounts of Fake News being put out by the media & how that Fake News has morphed into phrase, “Enemy of the People.” Sad!” Had a very good and interesting meeting at the White House with A.G. Sulzberger, Publisher of the New York Times. Spent much time talking about the vast amounts of Fake News being put out by the media & how that Fake News has morphed into phrase, “Enemy of the People.” Sad! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 29, 2018 Sulzberger, perhaps the most prominent publisher in the U.S., said that in keeping with the “long tradition” of Times publishers meeting with past U.S. presidents, the conversation was “off the record,” at Trump aides’ request, meaning…

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Twitter Suspends Conservative Pundit Kathleen McKinley For Opposing Trans In Military, Tying ‘Extreme Muslim Beliefs’ To Honor Killings

Kathleen McKinley

by Peter Hasson   Kathleen McKinley, a conservative blogger and political commentator for a local Fox station in Houston, was surprised Friday to find an email from Twitter announcing her account had been suspended. Twitter listed two tweets that it claimed violated rules against “hateful conduct,” emails that McKinley shared with The Daily Caller News Foundation show. In the first tweet, McKinley stated her opposition to an Obama-era rule allowing transgender troops serving in the military, which she felt the Obama-era “was normalizing a mental disorder (gender dysphoria) (called ‘distress’ now) which has no place in our military. Certainly not our $$ for surgery.” The belief that biological males who believe they’re women shouldn’t be cleared for military service is well within the conservative mainstream. McKinley’s second tweet referred to “extreme Muslim beliefs” — rather than mainstream Muslim beliefs — “that condone honor killings.” That tweet had a specific context: McKinley’s friend Obianuju Ekeocha, an African pro-life activist, was in a Twitter debate about abortion with Bill Prady, a producer on CBS’ “The Big Bang Theory.” At issue was whether pro-lifers should support exemptions for someone who claimed a religious right to abortion. Ekeocha’s answer was no, for the same reason that she…

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California Congresswoman Says There’s No Bias Against Conservatives In Tech – Here’s Why She’s Wrong

Zoe Lofgren

by Kyle Perisic   A Democratic congresswoman said on Tuesday that conservatives and Republicans’ concerns over bias on the Facebook, Google, and Twitter platforms are unjustified. Here’s proof she’s wrong. Democratic Rep. Zoe Lofgren of California said at a hearing addressing political discrimination against conservatives and Republicans on Facebook, Google, and Twitter, which dominant Internet traffic, is “motivated by a sense of persecution, on the part of Republicans and conservatives that somehow they’re being unfairly treated when they have a majority in House, the Senate, the White House.” Despite the hearing specifically addressing discrimination against conservatives on the Facebook, Google, and Twitter platforms — not on their conservative news sites — Lofgren brought up “conservative news sites have three times more user engagement that liberals do.” “There’s been no evidence whatsoever that I have seen and that the majority has been able to provide that there’s any bias whatsoever,” she added. YouTube, a subsidiary of Google’s parent company Alphabet, admitted in March it “may misapply some of our policies resulting in mistaken removals,” which in this case involved a number of conservative channels being removed from the platform, The Daily Caller News Foundation reported. Additionally, Google, utilizing Wikipedia, mislabeled a Republican candidate…

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State of New Jersey Subsidizes Local News, While Tennessee Star Thrives in Free Market

Steve Gill

During Friday’s Gill Report, broadcast live on WETR 92.3 FM in Knoxville, Steve Gill contemplated the decline of the main stream news outfits and New Jersey’s new found attempt at a tax payer funded media. “Unless you’ve been living in a cave somewhere, you probably have noticed that the main stream media is well, running down the tubes,” said Gill; noting, “Newspapers are closing, advertising revenue is down, we’re hearing more and more about how folks are being laid off at newspapers and you’re seeing newspapers go out of business.” He continued: “Although I will tell you, The Tennessee Star is thriving, and if you do things the right way, there are still plenty of opportunities in media. But rather than do things the right way, you’ve got the main stream media that is still devoted to promoting their personal political agenda of the left rather than actually dispensing the news and being fair and balanced and providing actual facts to folks to inform them rather than inflame them and encourage them to just be propagandized from the left. The Tennessee Star is doing fine, and we’re continuing to grow and expand because we’re filling a need that the main…

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Correcting the Media Misinformation About Arming Teachers

armed teachers

by James D. Agresti   Misinformation can be deadly, especially when it comes to issues like school shootings. This is because it can build support for policies that increase fatalities and generate opposition to reforms that can save lives. Despite these high stakes, a wide array of media outlets have spread fictions about violence, firearms, and armed security in the wake of the armed rampage that killed 17 students and teachers at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida. Value of Deterrence Shortly after the Parkland massacre, President Trump said: “A ‘gun free’ school is a magnet for bad people.” “Highly trained, gun adept, teachers/coaches” would be a “great deterrent” to school shootings. “If a potential ‘sicko shooter’ knows that a school has a large number of very talented teachers (and others) who will be instantly shooting, the sicko will NEVER attack that school.” After reporting the last of these statements, the Washington Post countered, “Some criminologists have questioned that reasoning, pointing out that some people who plan to commit mass shootings are prepared to die in the process.” Likewise, the New York Timeseditorial board wrote that “many deranged mass murderers expect to die themselves during their killing sprees. It’s almost laughable to believe that the president’s…

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Called Out: NPR Reporter Rips Apart AP’s Story On Immigrants In The Military

US Army

by Neetu Chandak   National Public Radio reporter Tim Mak took apart the Associated Press’s coverage of discharged immigrant military recruits in multiple tweets Friday. The AP’s article, “AP NewsBreak: US Army quietly discharging immigrant recruits,” framed the military as adopting policy changes that hurt immigrants, according to Mak. However, Mak criticized the AP for only providing “hints and anecdotes” instead of evidence that the Trump administration made such changes. “If I was the editor on this story I would have asked for more meat on the bones,” tweeted Mak. “Show me evidence of a change in policy.” Bottom line. Two things can be true: the Army needs immigrant recruits and they are proven to be above average troops Also Some of those who enlist as immigrants will not meet the background check standards and will have to be discharged — Tim Mak (@timkmak) July 6, 2018 While the AP framed immigrants as being unfairly and abruptly targeted by the military, Mak said discharges happen frequently for a variety of reasons. “I bet I could find 40 recruits discharged bf basic [sic] for being too fat,” he said. “Perhaps these immigrant recruits could not pass a background check (by the way, there are jobs in the…

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The AT&T-Time Warner Merger Approved, Mass Media Consolidation Could Lead the Way to One-Party Rule in the U.S.

ATT and Time Warner Cable

By Robert Romano   A vibrant and healthy democracy depends on the free marketplace of ideas. Call it what you want. Viewpoint diversity. Access to alternative views. In today’s media and information-driven society and culture, being able to find the opposing view on an issue, to compare the pros and cons of public policy matters or different products and services, is critical to how the American people make decisions about just about everything. What to buy? Who to vote for? What to watch? Which music to listen to? What to wear? The plethora of choices we have today is owed entirely to the openness of the Internet and other media that facilitates and enables brand development. But what if that process could become compromised or disrupted in a bid to control media? To control what messages were available to the public? This is the very real danger facing policymakers today in an environment increasingly moving towards mass media consolidation. With federal judge Richard Leon’s approval of the $107 billion AT&T-Time Warner merger, allowing the two companies to combine, the floodgates are opening for content distributors like AT&T — which owns Directv — to also own much of content that plays on those…

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Commentary: Media Monopolies Declare War on Conservatives

Vig Right Turn

by Richard A Viguerie, CHQ Chairman   Conservatives, wake up!  We face a problem that challenges our very existence.  Elitists want to eliminate us as a cultural and political force to be reckoned with.  To reach that goal, they will decide what news we see and which opinion viewpoints we hear.  And they have the power to do that. I’m referring to the elitists’ new information monopolies—Facebook, Google, Twitter, and YouTube.  We are in the early stages of this Information War, but be forewarned—that war has already started. Recent changes in Facebook’s rules of operation, for example, have already resulted in conservative sites losing an average of 14% of their traffic, while liberal sites have enjoyed increases.  This doesn’t mean the number of liberals is increasing while the number of conservatives is decreasing—far from it.  It means that the new rules are manipulating the news and opinions the public is allowed to see.  Let this continue, and conservatism will be “the incredibly shrinking movement.” But this is a wake-up call, not a call for despair.  Conservatives have faced elitist information monopolies before, and we beat them.  We can do it again.  It’s in our genes! The old information monopolies were known…

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Trump Contends Prosecutors Will ‘Meddle’ in 2018 Elections

U.S. President Donald Trump contended Tuesday that prosecutors investigating his 2016 campaign’s links to Russia “will be MEDDLING” in November’s congressional elections. The 13 Angry Democrats (plus people who worked 8 years for Obama) working on the rigged Russia Witch Hunt, will be MEDDLING with the mid-term elections, especially now that Republicans (stay tough!) are taking the lead in Polls. There was no Collusion, except by the Democrats! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) May 29, 2018 Trump offered no explanation how he thinks the legal team of special counsel Robert Mueller would interfere with the voting for all 435 seats in the House of Representatives and a third of those in the 100-member Senate. Last week he suggested that the length of Mueller’s year-long investigation could turn voters against candidates he favors and “put some hurt on the Republican Party.” Trump, in a string of Twitter comments, ignored the conclusion last week by his new secretary of state, Mike Pompeo, that U.S. officials expect “continued efforts” by Russia to interfere with the congressional elections, just as the U.S. intelligence community concluded it did in the presidential election two years ago to help Trump win. With the congressional campaigns now in…

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Commentary: Media Hypocrites Way Off Base to Jab at Mike Pence for Doing His Job

Mike Pence

by Jeffery Rendall   Chief among many reasons conservatives felt good about Donald Trump’s stunning victory in 2016 was the fact Mike Pence would be his vice president. Instead of tapping someone with deep establishment connections within Washington circles Trump selected Indiana Gov. Pence as his running mate, a man who hadn’t even endorsed the eventual nominee in the lead-up to his state’s Republican primary (Pence went for Ted Cruz but said nice things about Trump too – it was almost akin to a split endorsement). Up until that point Pence was well-known to national conservative groups but was still a mystery to many of the rank-and-file party members across the country. The mainstream media wondered, why Pence? He hailed from a conservative state Trump presumably would have little trouble winning; he’d been a congressman for a dozen years and had ascended to a leadership position yet was not considered a party poohbah in Congress. The humble Midwesterner was not even viewed as enough of a “team player” to merit establishment support – after all, he’d opposed George W. Bush’s big government Medicare Part D expansion… Those darn limited government conservative principles of Mike Pence – they always get in…

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‘Let Me Assault YOUR Reputation’ – MSNBC Panel Turns Into Dumpster Fire

by Peter Hasson   An MSNBC panel quickly deteriorated on Saturday after Harvard Law School professor Alan Dershowitz and Democratic Senate candidate Richard Painter got into a heated dispute and began slinging accusations at each other. The two panelists initially clashed over Dershowitz’s negative characterization of Robert Mueller, but the disagreement soon turned into personal attacks. Dershowitz noted “two tragedies” with regard to the Mueller investigation. “One, the way the White House has behaved and second, the way Mueller, who has a mixed reputation when I was in Boston with regard to four innocent people who spent their life and two of them died in jail — “ Dershowitz said, before Painter interrupted him. “That is not true. You cannot say that, professor. That’s a lie,” said Painter, who has made a name for himself with his hysterical attacks on President Donald Trump.” “Do not assault his reputation. That’s just not true.” “Then let me assault your reputation,” Dershowitz fired back. “Let me talk about your reputation. Painter is trying to turn — parlay his anti-Trump zealotry into a position.” The conversation further deteriorated from there, as Dershowitz — who was hard to hear because of a spotty Skype connection — accused Painter of lying “repeatedly about my background and expertise,” while Painter continued…

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Three Revelations From New York Times Reporter’s Book on Hillary Clinton

by Katrina Trinko New York Times reporter Amy Chozick’s new book on her time covering Hillary Clinton doesn’t show either her employer, The New York Times, or Clinton herself in a particularly flattering light. Chozick, a member of the largely female press corps that followed Clinton on a near-daily basis at times, crisscrossing the country with her, reported on Clinton’s 2008 campaign for The Wall Street Journal and her 2016 campaign for The New York Times. And in “Chasing Hillary: Ten Years, Two Presidential Campaigns, and One Intact Glass Ceiling,” Chozick talks about what it was really like. I’ve assembled three of the revelations I found most interesting. But first, a couple of caveats: I’m not familiar with Chozick’s reporting for the Times, so all my assessments are based on a reading of the book itself. And secondly, Chelsea Clinton is already alleging Chozick got facts wrong, although Chozick is pushing back, noting her book was reviewed by a fact-checker. [ The liberal Left continue to push their radical agenda against American values. The good news is there is a solution. Find out more ] Now to dive in … Hillary Clinton didn’t act like a feminist heroine on the campaign trail. For years, it’s…

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The Mooch Goes After Michelle Wolf For Tasteless ‘Atrocity,’ Compares Her To Michael Wolff

by Nick Givas   Former White House communications director Anthony Scaramucci expressed disgust at comedian Michelle Wolf for her attacks on White House press secretary Sarah Sanders at the White House Correspondents Dinner. “I think what you guys are missing is, you think it’s totally okay to take a cheese graters to somebody’s face, grate their face, drop the cheese grater and say, geez, part of your job is to have the right side of your face bleeding,” Scaramucci said on CNN’s “Reliable Sources” Sunday. Scaramucci called the insults to Sanders an “atrocity” and compared Michelle Wolf to “Fire And Fury” author Michael Wolff. “I think the hostilities need to be de-escalated on both sides,” Scaramucci added. “It’s not just the White House. What happened last night was an atrocity, and it was like literally watching Michael Wolff with a wig on. I thought Michelle Wolf was Michael Wolff, actually.” Host Brian Stelter appeared shocked at Scaramucci’s use of the word atrocity and said there are worse tragedies in America more deserving of attention. “Okay. I’ll tell you why it’s an atrocity,” Scaramucci shot back. “Because it doesn’t help what you’re trying to achieve and what I think all of us are trying to…

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‘Sleepy Eyes’ Chuck Todd the Target of President Trump’s Ire For Downplaying US Negotiations With North Korea

by Chris White   President Donald Trump clobbered NBC host Chuck Todd Sunday morning for supposedly suggesting the U.S. gave up too much in its negotiations with North Korea. “Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd of Fake News NBC just stated that we have given up so much in our negotiations with North Korea, and they have given up nothing,” Trump wrote in a tweet Sunday. He was likely referring to comments Todd made on Sunday’s “Today Show,” which airs before “Meet The Press.” “Wow, we haven’t given up anything & they have agreed to denuclearization (so great for World), site closure, & no more testing!” Trump added in an early Sunday morning tweet, which came less than a week after North Korean leader Kim Jong Un agreed to the “complete denuclearization” of the Korean Peninsula without preconditions. Sleepy Eyes Chuck Todd of Fake News NBC just stated that we have given up so much in our negotiations with North Korea, and they have given up nothing. Wow, we haven’t given up anything & they have agreed to denuclearization (so great for World), site closure, & no more testing! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 22, 2018 The communist country has repeatedly…

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The Kevin Williamson Saga Reveals The True Colors Of Journalists

by Joe Simonson   Kevin D. Williamson, the former National Review writer and editor who was recently fired from a new position at The Atlantic for controversial comments he made about abortion, wrote an op-ed Friday in The Wall Street Journal giving his perspective on the incident for the first time. In his column, readers discover a variety of insights into the state of contemporary journalism, ranging from Atlantic editor-in-chief Jeffrey Goldberg’s admission that previous writers like Christopher Hitchens could get away from writing his unorthodox opinions because he was “in the family,” while Williamson is a foreigner to the liberal intelligentsia. We also come to learn just how out-of-touch Goldberg appears to be from the state of the left. Soon after his hiring, Williamson warned his new boss that “the campaign to have me fired will begin 11 seconds after you announce that you’ve hired me.” “It won’t be that bad,” Williams recounts Goldberg responding. “The Atlantic isn’t the New York Times. It isn’t high church for liberals.” Perhaps The Atlantic isn’t, but as much as conservatives can make jokes about the direction of liberalism with the recent Starbucks controversy, it has become abundantly clear that nothing appears off limits to American’s current…

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‘Facebook’s Treatment of Diamond and Silk’ Is ‘Latest Example of Censoring Conservative Voices’

Something isn’t adding up here. Wednesday was day two of Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s congressional hearings, and as with the Senate’s questioning on day one, members of the House of Representatives repeatedly referenced the social media giant’s reported squelching of Diamond and Silk on its platform. The North Carolina-based sisters, Lynnette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson — better known as the outspoken and entertaining conservative duo Diamond and Silk — gave their take on the situation on Wednesday night’s “The Ingraham Angle” on Fox News.

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Diamond and Silk Open Up About their Censure by Facebook: ‘It’s Discrimination’

Facebook may be realizing it made an error in its censorship of two of President Donald Trump’s most vocal supporters: Diamond and Silk. Fox News reports that the tech giant is reconsidering its recent classification of videos from Diamond — Lynnette Hardaway (shown above left) and Silk (Rochelle Richardson, above right) — that it currently labeled “unsafe to the community.”

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Commentary: #NeverTrump Dwindles as Their Calamitous Predictions Fall Away

Bill Kristol, #NeverTrump

by Jeffery A Rendall   Is #NeverTrump disappearing? It’s safe to say intra-party opposition to a certain candidate or platform isn’t a new concept. Conservatives, for example, have battled the Republican establishment for well over a hundred years trying to win control of the party and turn it into more of an ideologically driven movement (as first embodied by Barry Goldwater and then by Ronald Reagan) as opposed to a collection of politicians who generally favored sound (but big) government and vigorous national defense. Internal schisms were on full display during the 2016 Republican primaries with the “outsiders” (Donald Trump, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson and Carly Fiorina) consistently polling at 60% or above versus the establishment (Jeb Bush, Marco Rubio, John Kasich and Chris Christie, et al) dividing the smaller pie of votes. From the outset it was apparent an “outsider” would win the GOP nomination – it just took months to determine whether it would be Trump or Cruz. Once Trump was a shoe-in for the nomination, however, a new phenomenon developed within the Republican Party that hadn’t manifested before. A small group of noteworthy conservatives banded with the shattered remnants of the Bush establishment to vow to never support Trump under…

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Brad Parscale, Trump 2020 Campaign Manager, Calls for CNN’s Jim Acosta to be Suspended

President Trump’s re-election campaign manager is calling for CNN’s Chief White House Correspondent Jim Acosta to be suspended after he shouted questions about immigration at the president as he interacted with children during the White House Easter Egg Roll on Monday. Brad Parscale tweeted an article from The Daily Caller that said Mr. Acosta “began yelling at” Mr. Trump after he joined first lady Melania Trump and his son Barron at a coloring table with about a dozen other children.

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Laura Ingraham, Fox News Host, Announces Vacation Amid Advertiser Boycott

Laura Ingraham will spend a week away from her nightly Fox News program after after nearly a dozen advertisers withdrew their support over her recent comments about school shooting survivor and anti-gun violence activist David Hogg. “I’ll be off next week for Easter break with my kids, but fear not, we’ve got a great lineup of guest hosts to fill in for me,” the conservative commentator said during Friday’s episode of “The Ingraham Angle.”

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Craig Shirley Commentary: Comforting Lies, Unwritten Rules, and the Ruination of Laura Ingraham

by Craig Shirley   Laura Ingraham might just be the most principled and assertive woman I have ever met. When she believes in her heart that the cause is just, she doesn’t back down come hell or highwater. In a field dominated by two-faced charlatans who rattle sabers at each other on television by day and drink cocktails together by night, Laura is the real deal. That passionate and opinionated voice on the radio isn’t some façade or “personality:” That’s Laura Ingraham. With all that verve and brashness, it’s easy to dismiss the individual, but her humbleness as a Catholic, her kindness as a mother of three adopted children, and her resilience as a breast cancer survivor affirms the words of St. Francis De Sales; “Nothing is so strong as gentleness. Nothing is so gentle as real strength.” If we lived in a world where the culture didn’t punish women for being conservative, Laura’s career would have earned critical acclaim long ago. While at Dartmouth College, she became the first woman to serve as Editor-in-Chief of The Dartmouth Review. She then earned her law degree from UVA, wrote speeches for the Reagan Administration, clerked for the Supreme Court, and has become one…

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MSNBC’s Barnicle Claims Obama Era Was ‘Virtually Scandal-Free’

MSNBC senior contributor Mike Barnicle gushed over former President Barack Obama Tuesday on “Morning Joe,” claiming with a straight face that Obama’s eight years in the White House were “virtually scandal-free.” Barnicle was interviewing Robert Gibbs, Obama’s first White House press secretary, when he lavished President Donald Trump’s predecessor with unvarnished praise. Without attempting to disguise his less than favorable opinion of Trump and his administration, Barnicle asked Gibbs about “the damage that’s being done to the institution of the presidency today” after eight years under an “exemplary” president.

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Facebook FAIL: Fact-Checkers Trigger Suspension Threat Against Satire Site for ‘Fake News’ Story About CNN’s ‘Industrial Washing Mashines’

Facebook on Friday said it mistakenly threatened to demonetize a satirical website’s social networking account after one of its articles, “CNN Purchases Industrial-Sized Washing Machine To Spin News Before Publication,” was debunked by Snopes, the fact-checking site used to help counter the platform’s fake news problem.

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Dana Loesch on the CNN Town Hall About the Parkland Shooting: ‘There Were People Rushing the Stage and Screaming, ‘Burn Her”

A seething Dana Loesch – outspoken NRA spokesperson and longtime conservative activist – took the legacy media head-on in a fiery speech Thursday morning provocatively titled, “Media Love Mass Shootings.” Reflecting on her appearance at Wednesday evening’s town hall about the mass shooting, produced by CNN, Loesch said: I want to make this super obvious point. The government has proven that they cannot keep you safe. And yet, some people want all of us to disarm. You heard that town hall last night. They cheered the confiscation of firearms. And it was over 5,000 people. I had to have a security detail to get out. I wouldn’t be able to exit that if I didn’t have a private security detail. There were people rushing the stage and screaming, ‘burn her.’ And I came there to talk solutions and I still am going to continue that conversation on solutions as the NRA has been doing since before I was alive. But the government can’t keep you safe. And some people want us to give up our firearms and rely soley on the protection of the same government that has already failed us numerous times to keep us safe. And then, they also called Trump…

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News Corp CEO Rails at ‘Dysfunctional’ Online Environment

News Corp’s chief executive on Thursday took a swipe at Google and Facebook for fostering a “dysfunctional” and “debased” online environment which harms the news media and responsible journalism. Robert Thompson, CEO of the publishing arm of Rupert Murdoch’s media empire, stepped up his criticism of the online giants as the company released its quarterly earnings.

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Study Finds Massive Bias in Networks’ Nunes Memo Coverage

Even before Friday’s long-awaited release of a by the FBI and the Justice Department during the 2016 campaign, Republican members of Congress had dropped a deluge of hints about its contents. But viewers of the three major television news broadcasts would hardly know it. The Big Three networks were far more interested in reporting Democrats’ arguments making the document public, according to a by the Media Research Center (MRC).

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Alan Grayson, Former Florida Congressman, Dumped by PolitiFact Within Hours of Hiring Statement

The fact-checkers at PolitiFact found themselves dumping former congressman Alan Grayson hours after publishing a celebratory hiring statement. Mr. Grayson, a Florida Democrat known for bombastic comments and the assertion that AR-15 rifles fire “700 rounds in a minute,’” was let go by on the same day its “reader advocate” experiment was announced. The Democrat…

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Rep. Diane Black Pushes Back on Glamour Magazine’s Lauding of ‘Glorious’ Re-Edit of Word War II Film, ‘Saving Private Ryan’

When Glamour Magazine proudly tweeted a link to an article featuring a “feminist” re-edit of the landmark film, ‘Saving Private Ryan,’ Representative Diane Black, whose father fought in World War II, shot back: It's hard to imagine a more out of touch display of identity politics. The real heroes were the brave Americans like my father who risked their lives fighting for our freedoms in WWII. #RealWWIIHeroes — Diane Black (@DianeBlackTN) January 23, 2018 Released in 1998, the Steven Spielberg movie, with its harrowing opening scene of the invasion of Normady, is widely considered to be the most realistic depiction of the horror and sacrifice the coalition of soldiers led by Americans suffered through and ultimately surmounted. The hard-won beachhead gained on the beaches of Normandy was arguably the turning point that would eventually lead to the defeat of the Nazis. Twenty years after the film’s release, any modicum of recognizing the immensity of the Normandy invasion has been pushed aside to make room for this latest demonstration of political correctness by Glamour Magazine’s “internet hero,” Logan Smith, who re-edited the film to remove all the men. Glamour wrote of the effort: “In response to the MRA douche who…

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