NYT Changes Headline On Gov’t Shutdown To Lessen Blame On Dems For Impasse

The New York Times changed a headline in an article Saturday morning about the government shutdown that absolves Democrats of blame for the impasse. The original version of the NYT headline on an article reporting the news reads: “Senate Democrat Block Bill to Keep Government Open Past Midnight, Shutdown Looms” – which went through various changes as negotiations on the budget deal broke down.

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Commentary: Trump Says What Normal Americans Think, Establishment Goes Nuts

by George Rasley, CHQ Editor   [Editor’s note: This commentary contains strong adult language not suitable for young children.] We’ve observed an interesting phenomenon since Donald Trump was elected President; it is now common for almost any political discussion to include the phrase “normal Americans” to contrast what people outside the Beltway think about issues versus what the establishment elite think about the issues. Does that mean that liberals are not “normal?” We think it does, and we cite the liberal explosion of outrage over the President asking why we need more immigration from “shithole” countries as evidence. In an Oval Office meeting at the White House Thursday, ABC News reports that President Trump grew frustrated at a proposed bipartisan immigration plan that would scale back the visa lottery program, but not eliminate it, asking those in the room why they would want more people from Haiti, Africa and other “shithole countries” coming into the United States, according to multiple sources either briefed on or familiar with the discussion. ABC reports the president suggested instead that the U.S. should have more people from places like Norway, whose prime minister he met with Wednesday, according to these sources. Note there’s no firsthand…

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Google’s New Fact-Check Feature Targets Conservative Sites Almost Exclusively

Google, the most powerful search engine in the world, is now displaying fact checks for conservative publications in its results. No prominent liberal site receives the same treatment. And not only is Google’s fact-checking highly partisan – perhaps reflecting the sentiments of its leaders – it is also blatantly wrong, asserting sites made “claims” they demonstrably never made.

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Jake Tapper, CNN Host, Kicks White House Advisor Stephen Miller Off Show

CNN anchor Jake Tapper cut off White House adviser Stephen Miller after a heated interview Sunday over a new book that has the president and his supporters up in arms. The news anchor attributed Mr. Miller’s combative behavior to his desire to please the president. “There’s one viewer that you care about right now, and you’re being obsequious, you’re being a factotum in order to please him,” Mr. Tapper said on his “State of the Union” show. “And I think I’ve wasted enough of my viewers’ time. Thank you, Stephen.”

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Pope Condemns ‘Fake News’ And ‘Media Bias’ As ‘Very Serious Sin’

Pope Francis

Pope Francis told members of the Catholic media over the weekend that peddling in “fake news” constitutes a “grave sin that hurts the heart of the journalist and hurts others.” “You shouldn’t fall into the ‘sins of communication’ disinformation, or giving just one side, calumny that is sensationalised, or defamation,” the Pope said, according to The Associated Press.

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Ingraham: Chris Cuomo a ‘Pundit Masquerading as a News Anchor’

LifeZette co-founder Laura Ingraham blasted CNN anchor Chris Cuomo following his explosive exchange with White House counselor Kellyanne Conway on “New Day,” saying on “The Laura Ingraham Show” that Cuomo “is a pundit masquerading as a news anchor.” Cuomo and Conway had an intense exchange Tuesday when Conway defended President Donald Trump’s decision to endorse U.S. Senate candidate Roy Moore (R-Ala.). Moore, 70, has been accused of making unwanted sexual advances toward teenagers, including a 14-year-old girl, when he was in his 30s. He has denied the allegations.

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BuzzFeed to Cut Jobs, Refocus Advertising

BuzzFeed said Wednesday it was cutting an estimated 100 jobs as the news and entertainment website reorganizes its advertising efforts in the face of disappointing revenues. The cuts will be mainly in the business and advertising divisions in the US operations, with a number of editorial and business employees cut in Britain, a spokesman said, confirming an earlier report in the Wall Street Journal. …

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Roy Moore Challenges Late Night Host Jimmy Kimmel to Face Him and Alabamans ‘Man to Man’ After Interrupting Church Services

Anti-Christian, progressive chauvinist Jimmy Kimmel sunk to a new low Wednesday night as he sent his stringer, toadie ‘comedian’ Rich Barbieri (a/k/a Jake Byrd) into an Alabama church to interrupt a worship service where US Senate candidate Roy Moore was speaking. But Roy Moore and his team won’t be letting Kimmel and company’s insults slide this time. “Jimmy Kimmel and the ‘Hollywood elite’ cross the line when they invade our Churches under a disguise and attempt to make a mockery of our worship services,” Drew Messer, a senior adviser to Moore, told Breitbart News on Thursday morning after the incident at the church on Wednesday night. “If Kimmel wants to mock our Christian values, he should come down here and do it man to man instead of hiding behind a camera in Hollywood,” Messer said. “And yes, Jimmy, we will still rebuild our military, build the wall, protect our gun rights, reform our tax code, and support President Trump whether you like that or not. Hollywood will not bully us around.” Senior Moore adviser Brett Doster agreed, saying in a separate email to Breitbart News: Last night, Jimmy Kimmel sent one of his goons to disrupt an Alabama worship service…

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McConnell: ‘Absolutely Outrageous’ for Media to Question Trump’s Mental Health

Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) slammed news outlets that have raised questions about President Donald Trump’s mental fitness, saying Wednesday on Fox News’ “The Ingraham Angle” that the accusations “are absolutely outrageous.” It’s no secret that Trump and McConnell don’t always get along — the president often rips McConnell for the Senate’s inaction on his…

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President Trump Called to Thank the Troops on Thanksgiving, and Not Everyone Is Happy About It

On Thanksgiving morning, President Trump delivered a message via teleconference from his luxury resort in Mar-a-Lago to American military service members overseas — but not everyone is happy about it. Retired Lieutenant General Mark Hertling appeared on CNN Thursday to air his grievances with the content of President Trump’s Thanksgiving message to the troops, referring…

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Hillary Clinton: Bill Clinton ‘Probably Survived’ Early Battles Because Fox News Didn’t Exist

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton told a Little Rock audience over the weekend that her husband’s first White House bid was successful in large part because Fox News Channel did not exist. Bill Clinton, his wife, and long-time ally James Carville convened at the Clinton Foundation on Saturday night to celebrate the 25th anniversary of…

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Roy Moore to Sue The Washington Post

Roy Moore, the Republican’s nominee in the Alabama fight for the U.S. Senate seat, announced he’s going to sue The Washington Post for the series of stories that implicate him in sexual dalliances with underage girls 40 years ago. He said this as political players in his own party were folding like cheap card tables to…

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Commentary: FAKE NEWS on Russia Reaches New Low with Wilbur Ross’ Natural Gas Shipping Company Narrative

By Robert Romano   OMG! Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross held stake in a company that ships natural gas, and actually found natural gas producers who wanted to ship it. One of them was Russia. Stop the presses! Actually, in this case, they probably should have stopped the presses. The breathless reporting by NBC News and the International Consortium of Investigative Journalists that Commerce Secretary Wilbur Ross failed to disclose to Congress his financial stake in Navigator Holdings Ltd., a British company that ships natural gas and liquid petrochemicals, which did business with Russia — is utterly false and completely indefensible. Nothing was hidden from Congress. So says Ross, in an exclusive interview with CNBC, saying, “That’s totally wrong. It was disclosed on the form 278 which is the financial disclosure form, in my case, three times,” Ross said. The form with his interest in Navigator, listed openly on the Office of Government Ethics website, was filed by Ross on Dec. 19, 2016, before Ross was ever confirmed by the U.S. Senate in Feb. 2017. That’s bad enough. But the allegation that a company that ships natural gas around the world, including from Russia — the number two producer of natural gas in the entire world second only…

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NBC News Writes First Muslim ‘Backlash’ Story 6 Hours After New York Terror Attack

NBC News began constructing a favorite media narrative in the hours following Tuesday’s terror attack in New York City, posting a story about potential “backlash” against Muslims just six hours after a Muslim man mowed down tourists on a bike path in Manhattan. Shortly after police identified the suspect as 29-year-old Sayfullo Habibullaevic Saipov, an Uzbekistan…

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NYTimes Editor Blasts ‘Oblivious Idiot’ Trump, ‘Horrible’ Pence in Latest Project Veritas Sting

A New York Times senior staff editor called President Trump an “oblivious idiot” and Vice President Mike Pence “horrible” and “worse than Trump” in an undercover video released Tuesday by the watchdog group Project Veritas. The video, part of an investigation into liberal media bias, shows London-based homepage editor Desiree Shoe blasting the president and vice…

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Comedian George Lopez Booed Off Stage for Anti-Trump Rant

While appearing at the Carousel Ball in Denver recently, comedian George Lopez was booed off stage after a series of racially charged jokes at President Trump’s (and his supporters’) expense, Page Six reported. The atmosphere in the room was so uncomfortable, Liberty Media CEO Greg Maffei stood up from his front-row table to interrupt Lopez during his act to ask the comedian tone down his anti-conservative, anti-white rhetoric at the white-tie benefit for juvenile diabetes. The comedian, however, refused. Page Six reports: We’re told that Lopez responded to Maffei, “Thank you for changing my opinion on old white men, but it doesn’t change the way I feel about orange men.” Trying to recover and sensing the audience turn, Lopez said, “Listen, it’s about the kids … I apologize for bringing politics to an event. This is America — it still is. So I apologize to your white privilege.” We’re told Lopez also told a joke about Trump’s proposed border wall with Mexico, saying, “I guess you can get some Mexicans to do it cheaper and they wouldn’t crush the tunnels underneath.” Mercifully, after introducing a video package, Lopez was replaced by a local news anchor, who took over the emcee…

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NYT Reporters on Twitter Make It Hard to Argue NYT Doesn’t Have a ‘Vendetta’ Against Trump

Journalists expressing individual opinions make it hard to convince the world that The New York Times doesn’t have a “vendetta” against President Donald Trump, The New York Times’ executive editor said Thursday. “I feel pretty strongly that New York Times journalists should not be able to say anything on social media that they cannot say either…

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President Trump Surprised Newspaper Published Favorable Article About His Fundraising Abilities

U.S. President Donald Trump has expressed surprise that The Washington Post — a newspaper Trump repeatedly has accused of writing inaccurate news stories about him — published a favorable news story about his fundraising prowess. The Post reported Friday the Republican Party is on the verge of raising more money in small amounts than in more…

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