Meshawn Maddock Commentary: Joe Biden’s Tax-and-Spend Agenda Is a Declaration of War on Middle-Income Americans

America’s working families need allies, not obstacles. 

As a mother and a Michigan small business owner, I vividly recall the anemic “recovery” we experienced under the Obama-Biden administration, which increased regulatory costs to a historic high of nearly $2 trillion a year — a tab paid in large part by hard working entrepreneurs like me. 

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Meshawn Maddock Commentary: Trump Showed Leadership When Michigan Needed It Most

President Trump is standing up for Michigan workers and business owners at a time when our own lawmakers and elected officials have refused to do the same. 

The riots that swept through America had a devastating impact on local communities throughout the country, including Michigan. In Grand Rapids alone, the radical Antifa thugs caused nearly $1 million in private property damage, as well as costing taxpayers over $1.3 million in police overtime and damaged municipal property.

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Meshawn Maddock Commentary: Michigan Women Will Thrive Under Four More Years of Trump

The Democrats are wasting their time campaigning in Michigan. With everything that President Trump has done for the Great Lake State, there’s just not much they can offer us. 

As a proud Michigander, I couldn’t imagine casting my ballot for anyone other than the President who engineered the Great American Comeback that has done so much to revive our state’s fortunes. 

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