Mayor’s Office Confirms Sgt. Forrest Was Only Metro Nashville Security Officer to Travel With Megan Barry to 2016 DNC, Claims Trip Was ‘Appropriate’ City Business, Expenses Paid by Campaign

Sean Braisted, Director of Communications for the Mayor’s Office, has confirmed to The Tennessee Star that Mayor Megan Barry’s lover, Sgt. Rob Forrest, was the only Metro Nashville security officer assigned to travel with the mayor when she attended the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania in July 2016.

Mayor Barry has previously claimed that Forrest only accompanied her out of state as a security officer when paid by Metro Nashville when she was traveling on official city business.

Barry attended the Democratic National Convention not on city business, but on political and personal business as a delegate committed to Hillary Clinton.

Braisted failed to respond directly to The Star’s request that he identify the specific city business Barry conducted at the Democratic National Convention.

Instead, he asserted that Barry “met with many other mayors, as well as state and federal officials during the course of this trip.” He also fell back on a previous statement by Metro Nashville Police Chief Steve Anderson in explaining why Forrest was assigned to accompany Mayor Barry on this trip, and presumably, was paid by Metro Nashville to do so.

“As Chief Anderson has said, the mayor is the mayor wherever she is and should have security with her at all times. Large, high profile conventions such as this are a potential security threat and protective detail was appropriate,” Braisted told The Star.

Sources tell The Star, however, that the Democratic National Committee provided security to all elected officials attending the convention, and that Barry insisted that Forrest alone provide her security at the event.

You can read the questions posed by The Star, and Braisted’s responses below:

Tennessee Star: Can you confirm or deny that Sgt. Forrest was the only Metro Nashville security officer assigned to travel with Mayor Barry to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in July 2016?

Braisted: Yes.

Tennessee Star: What specific city business did Mayor Barry conduct at the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in July 2016?

Braisted: Mayor Barry represents the people of Nashville and met with many other mayors, as well as state and federal officials during the course of this trip. As Chief Anderson has said, the mayor is the mayor wherever she is and should have security with her at all times. Large, high profile conventions such as this are a potential security threat and protective detail was appropriate.

Tennessee Star: Can you confirm or deny that Mayor Barry and Sgt. Forrest stayed at a different hotel than the rest of the Tennessee delegation to the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in July 2016?

Braisted: They each had separate rooms and stayed in the Democratic Mayor’s room block in a hotel closer to the convention.

Tennessee Star: Did Metro Nashville pay for travel and lodging for Sgt. Forrest to and from the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in July 2016?

Braisted: No, the Friends of Megan Barry campaign reimbursed for travel expenses.

Tennessee Star: Did Metro Nashville pay for travel and lodging for Mayor Barry to and from the Democratic National Convention in Philadelphia in July 2016?

Braisted: No, the Friends of Megan Barry campaign reimbursed for travel expenses.

The Tennessee Star attempted to verify Braisted’s claim that The Friends of Megan Barry campaign reimbursed Metro Nashville for the travel expenses of Barry and Forrest to and from the DNC in Philadelphia, but was unable to do so.

Apparently, the most recent filing of contributions and expenses for The Friends of Megan Barry campaign is only available for calendar year 2015.

Barry has claimed that security is necessary every where she goes because she is always mayor. However, there are numerous instances where she is mayor and not accompanied by any security detail, and it is not clear why the campaign paid Forrest’s travel expenses to Philadelphia if, in fact, he was providing security by virtue of her position as mayor.

The Tennessee Star will provide more details on this unfolding story as it develops.


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11 Thoughts to “Mayor’s Office Confirms Sgt. Forrest Was Only Metro Nashville Security Officer to Travel With Megan Barry to 2016 DNC, Claims Trip Was ‘Appropriate’ City Business, Expenses Paid by Campaign”

  1. Jamse Sheffield

    She will never resign liberals never just go away.

  2. Larry

    Why don’t you dumbasses elect another safe city loving pos?

  3. Tim Whitby

    Bye bye, COW EYES!!

  4. Sgt Nightstick

    5 days at the DNC? Will she release her schedule there. That’s some total bs. Can’t believe the arrogance to not resign.

  5. Jujuuballard

    Who and why does the mayor need Sean Braisted to respond to all questions I think he may be getting a little confused. What is this police chief praise his boss to the heavens. Needs job if you are the mayors daughter. Just let Megan know. She opens a new position so her lovers daughter. Snap your fingers lovers daughter has a new job. How many other prospects applied got this new found position. Didn’t matter. Everybody had their butts covered. If your daddy is sleeping with the mayor and she wants you in. yOU aRE. iN. So sad politicians have so few morals. Not all but it only takes one rotten Megan. To ruin this city

  6. Communications Director

    This was not an adulterous affair! It was free love without boundaries between consenting adults and a personal failing. The Mayor needs love, compassion, and forgiveness. ( please send a most generous offer of $25, $35, $50 or even $500)

  7. Linda

    Always got that chessy cat smile on her face.

  8. Floyd

    So Sean Braisted is saying that this self admitted liar, Megan Barry, represents the people of Nashville? I don’t believe that’s true today since most are demanding her resignation and feel her actions do not represent Nashville in a good way. The sorties to the convention, NYC, Paris and Athens are the tip of the iceberg. What about wasting her time, our money and Sgt Forrest’s condoms attending the Barack Obama Day black tie dinner sponsored by the Shelby County Young Democrats in Memphis last Feb? Remember, the Mayor and her PR hit team only provide controlled revelations crafted for the media when they get caught in lies.

  9. Steve L.

    California liberal bringing her values to Tennessee. Clearly in her mind our tax dollars are collected for her needs. Whether it is a light rail system , in-state tuition for illegals, or a romantic get away. This is embarrassing for TN and she has no idea why. Sad, so sad.

  10. Eric

    It was the “Democrat National Committee.” What was democratic about it?

    1. Eric

      Democrat National Convention, sorry
