Republicans Say DFL ‘Marching Left’ After Suburban Democrat Ousts Iron Ranger for Leadership Role

  Sen. Susan Kent (DFL-Woodbury) defeated Sen. Tom Bakk (DFL-Cook) for the role of Senate DFL minority leader during a Saturday meeting, a move Republicans think signals the party’s shift to the left. Kent (pictured above) emerged victorious Saturday evening after the 32-member caucus met at the Carpenters Union Hall in St. Paul for nearly six hours. Bakk had served as leader of the Senate Democrats for seven years and often faced criticism for breaking with his caucus on the issues of gun control and mining. He spent eight years in the Minnesota House prior to his election to the Senate in 2002. Kent was first elected to the Senate in 2012 but Republican Party Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan thinks her leadership role will be short-lived. Republican Giuliani Stephens, the former mayor of Woodbury and a 2018 candidate for governor, announced a campaign for Kent’s seat in January. “You know the Democrats are in trouble and scrambling when they oust leadership midstream,” Carnahan wrote on Twitter. “Susan Kent may be in leadership now, but it’ll be short-lived. She’ll be defeated on Nov. 3. Woodbury is ready for a change.” Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka (R-Nisswa) said Kent’s ascent to power shows…

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Keith Ellison Goes on Rant Against Voter ID Laws: ‘Clearly a Bad Thing’

  Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison said laws requiring voters to present a photo ID are “clearly a bad thing” in a Sunday Twitter rant. “If you believe that elections should be decided by We the People, then photo ID is clearly a bad thing. In Minnesota, we beat the undemocratic forces in 2012 but they have come back for more in 2020. Get ready,” Ellison wrote on Twitter. If you believe that elections should be decided by We the People, then photo ID is clearly a bad thing. In Minnesota, we beat the undemocratic forces in 2012 but they have come back for more in 2020. Get ready. — Keith Ellison (@keithellison) January 26, 2020 He pointed to Minnesota’s 2012 ballot initiative that would have amended the state constitution to require voters to present a photo ID in order to vote. The initiative was defeated by 225,000 votes “because it suppresses the vote, especially of the elderly, people of color, the poor, military personnel serving overseas, and others,” said Ellison. “In 2020 it’s still a horrible idea with impure motivation. We will defeat it again,” he continued. Minnesotans rejected photo ID in 2012 by 225,000 votes because it suppresses…

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Somali Democrat Planning Bid for Fifth District Calls Omar a ‘Disgrace’ to ‘Baffled’ Somali Community

  Leila Shukri Adan, a Somali-American Democrat, plans to announce a campaign against Rep. Ilhan Omar in the coming days for the DFL nomination in Minnesota’s Fifth Congressional District. Adan recently published an op-ed at Powerline in response to Omar being named the “2019 anti-Semite of the year” by an organization called “It is with dismay that I read the article describing our congressional representative as the anti-Semite of the year. She brings unwanted attention and shame to the Fifth District by her views. Those of us in the Somali community see her words and deeds as a disgrace. She has put us on the map in all the wrong ways,” Adan writes in her article. According to Powerline’s Scott Johnson, Adan is expected to announce her candidacy “shortly” and wants it to be known “that Omar does not speak for the Fifth District’s Somali community.” “What mainstream media outlets do not know is that Omar is not representative of our community. She does not speak for us,” Adan continues, noting that Minneapolis’ Somali community includes “Somalis who claim Jewish ancestry.” “Somalis are not anti-Semitic and we continue to see the path Omar is on as a danger to…

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