Former Minnesota Policeman Convicted in Fatal Shooting of Australian Woman

  A former Minneapolis police officer was found guilty on Tuesday of murder for fatally shooting an Australian woman from his patrol car while responding to her 2017 report of a possible sex assault near her home. Mohamed Noor, 33, was convicted of third-degree murder and second-degree manslaughter for killing 40-year-old Justine Ruszczyk Damond outside her home near Minneapolis, in an incident that drew international criticism including from Australia’s prime minister, who called the incident “shocking.” He was acquitted of second-degree intentional murder. Noor sat silently through the entire reading of the verdict with his hands cupped, breathing heavily. The packed courtroom remained silent. Noor was handcuffed and taken into custody. Hennepin County Attorney Mike Freeman said he expected Noor to face 12-1/2 years in prison for the murder charge and four years for the manslaughter charge when he is sentenced. A wave of killings of black men and teens by U.S. police prompted street protests with this case providing a mirror image since Damond was white and Noor is a black Somali immigrant. Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo apologized to Damond’s friends and family in a statement released after the verdict was read. “This was indeed a sad and…

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Minnesota House Approves 20 Cent Gas Tax Hike, Likely DOA in Senate

  The Minnesota House approved a 20-cent gas tax increase Monday in a vote along party lines, but the proposal is likely dead-on-arrival in the Republican-controlled Senate. “We’re not going to do a gas tax. I’ve made it very clear that is not a direction we’re going to go,” Senate Majority Leader Paul Gazelka (R-Nisswa) said Monday, according to The Star Tribune. The transportation bill passed the House in a 74 to 58 vote. Under the bill, the state’s gas tax would jump from 28.5 cents per gallon to 48.5 cents, which is a 70 percent increase. The bill also included a metro-wide sales tax to help fund Light Rail, a vehicle registration tax increase, and a new vehicle tax increase. “The House DFL’s plan to raise excessive tax and fees, including a 70 percent gas tax increase, a metro area sales tax, and more expensive tab fees is reckless and will cause serious financial harm to Minnesota families,” Rep. Jon Koznick (R-Lakeville) said. “Their plan puts Minnesota drivers in reverse.” DFL legislators staunchly defended the tax increases during a Monday press conference held before the vote. “This morning we are joining Gov. [Tim] Walz in offering Minnesotans a choice.…

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Ohio’s Buckeye Institute Continues to ‘Fight Relentlessly’ in Minnesota Professor’s Union Case

  Robert Alt, president of The Buckeye Institute, recently called on the U.S. Supreme Court to put an end to states forcing non-union members to pay union dues. The institute issued a press release after the Supreme Court denied to hear Kathy Uradnik’s case. After the certiorari was denied by the Supreme Court, Alt stated that his organization will take Uradnik’s case back to the U.S. District Court in Minnesota’s 8th district. “Unfortunately, today the high court passed on the opportunity to hear her case immediately, but it has given us another opportunity to seek justice by sending it back to the U.S. District Court where The Buckeye Institute will continue to fight relentlessly on Kathy’s behalf,” said Alt. The Public Employment Labor Relations Act (“PELRA”) has been in effect in Minnesota for over 20 years. The law requires that public employees pay union dues, even if they have opted to not be apart of said union. PELRA also asserts that any public employee is subject to representation by a chosen union representative and that no employee can confer with upper management. Liaisons may only occur between upper management and the union representative. Uradnik, a political science professor at St.…

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Angie Craig Facing Criticism for Impeachment Comments

  Rep. Angie Craig (D-MN-02) hosted her fourth town hall last week and received several questions from constituents on moving forward with impeachment hearings against President Donald Trump. Up until Tuesday’s town hall, Craig had taken a relatively moderate position on the issue of impeachment and believed it shouldn’t be discussed until Mueller completed his investigation. “I believe the next step is for the Congress to request the unredacted version of the report. I believe the next step is for the committee chairmen to call a number of folks forward to testify, to fill in the facts for the American people,” Craig told her constituents Tuesday. “I am very troubled by the number of the potential areas of obstruction of justice that are mentioned in the report.” Some took the comments to mean that Craig supports moving forward with the impeachment process, including the National Republican Congressional Committee. “Yesterday Craig laid out for her constituents how exactly Congress should waste more of Minnesotans’ taxpayer money on baseless impeachment claims,” NRCC spokeswoman Carly Atchison said. “It is bizarre that Angie Craig now decides to pursue baseless impeachment, but regardless, she should stop peddling conspiracy theories and focus on Minnesotans.” Former Congressman…

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Republicans Support Three Minnesota Bills That Would Send $8 Million in Taxpayer Money to Somali Programs

  Three bills in the Minnesota Legislature would divert a total of $8 million in taxpayer money to Somali programs over the next two fiscal years. House File 985, for instance, would develop an “east African community economic development pilot program,” which would receive $2 million in both fiscal year 2020 and 2021. “$2,000,000 in fiscal year 2020 and $2,000,000 in fiscal year 2021 are appropriated from the general fund to the commissioner of employment and economic development for a grant to Youthprise to give grants through a competitive process to community organizations to provide economic development services designed to enhance long-term economic self-sufficiency in communities with concentrated east African populations,” the text of the bill states. Youthprise is a local nonprofit focused on supporting “youth-serving organizations and systems throughout Minnesota.” The bill has 22 cosponsors in the House and four in the Senate, including Republican State Sen. Jerry Relph (R-St. Cloud) (pictured above, left). A similar bill, House File 463, would provide a grant of $2 million for the African Economic Development Solutions program. The money would act as a “revolving loan fund” and provide “technical assistance services to support new and existing African immigrant entrepreneurs in order to…

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Boys Can Now Compete on Girls’ Dance Teams in Minnesota

  Boys can now compete on what were previously girls-only dance teams following a Tuesday settlement by the Minnesota State High School League. Dmitri Moua and Zachary Greenwald, two high school students in Minnesota, filed a federal civil rights lawsuit against the Minnesota State High School League (MSHSL) after they were prevented from competing on their schools’ dance teams. The two boys were represented pro bono by the Pacific Legal Foundation, who announced the settlement in a Tuesday press release. According to the non-profit, the MSHSL agreed to permanently rescind the rule that prevented boys from competing on high school dance teams, and pay for the two boys’ legal fees. “Dmitri and Zach look forward to joining their high school dance teams in the very near future, and participate in a sport they love with their friends. They are excited for this same opportunity to be available to all Minnesota high school students now and in the years to come,” the Pacific Legal Foundation said. The settlement comes after a March 6 ruling in the Eighth Circuit Court of Appeals in favor of Moua and Greenwald. The court found that only allowing girls to participate in competitive dance teams violated…

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Minnesota Dept. of Revenue: Walz Tax Proposals Would Hurt the Poor Most

Gov. Tim Walz

  A new analysis from Gov. Tim Walz’s own Department of Revenue shows that his tax proposals would hurt the poorest Minnesotans the most. The Tax Research Division of the Minnesota Department of Revenue released its tax incidence analysis Tuesday, and looked at the combined changes that would be made under Walz’s tax, transportation, and health and human services bills. Overall, the report found that the combined increase in tax collections under Walz’s budget proposal is estimated to be $2.372 billion in 2021, of which $2.104 billion is “borne by Minnesota residents.” The average increase in total taxes paid would be 6.52 percent, though the increases would be higher for the bottom five income brackets than the top five. Specifically, the analysis shows that the lowest income bracket would see an 8.5 percent increase in tax burdens while the highest income bracket would see a 4.3 percent increase. Looked at a different way, Minnesotans’ state and local tax burden would increase by an average of 0.76 percent of income. The report, however, states that “the increased tax burden is largest for the lowest deciles and declines at higher income ranges.” The tax burden for the top one percent of earners…

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Tim Ryan Announces Support for Requiring 2020 Candidates to Participate in Climate Debate

  Rep. Tim Ryan (D-OH-13) announced Monday that he supports U.S. Youth Climate Strike’s petition to require the Democratic 2020 presidential candidates to have a debate on climate change. “I’m in! Climate change demands unprecedented action that requires our full and complete attention. This is an economic issue, a social justice issue, and a national security issue,” Ryan said on Twitter in response to the U.S. Youth Climate Strike’s request to support the debate. I’m in! Climate change demands unprecedented action that requires our full and complete attention. This is an economic issue, a social justice issue, and a national security issue. @MoveOn — Tim Ryan (@TimRyan) April 22, 2019 “Tim Ryan is now the fourth presidential candidate to come out in support for our petition and call for a climate debate. Our movement is indefinitely picking up speed, and this is all because of our grassroots. Keep signing and sharing, and we’ll get this victory,” U.S. Youth Climate Strike wrote on Twitter. Ryan joins 2020 candidates Jay Inslee, Julian Castro, and Mike Gravel in supporting a debate on climate change, while South Bend Mayor Pete Buttigieg said he will “try to” support the idea. The petition itself,…

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Omar Once Claimed America Was ‘Founded by Genocide,’ Called International Terrorism ‘Avoidance Tactic’

  A 2017 tweet from Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) was uncovered last week and shows the freshman member of Congress saying that America “was founded by genocide.” “We must confront that our nation was founded by genocide and we maintain global power through neocolonialism,” Omar wrote, linking to an op-ed she wrote for Time. Her tweet was retweeted by the Minnesota House DFL Twitter account. We must confront that our nation was founded by genocide and we maintain global power through neocolonialism. — Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) August 17, 2017 In the article itself, Omar discussed the tragic events in Charlottesville and how to prevent it from happening again. “The solution is to educate. It is imperative we collectively overcome and make amends with history. We must confront that our nation was founded by the genocide of indigenous people and on the backs of slaves, that we maintain global power with the tenor of neocolonialism,” Omar wrote in the article. She then claimed that America’s “national avoidance tactic has been to shift the focus to potential international terrorism.” “With constant misinformation and fearmongering, it is easy to exacerbate external threats while avoiding our internal weaknesses. Our apathy has placed immense…

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NRSC Begins Targeting Minnesota’s Sen. Tina Smith, Other Vulnerable Battleground Dems

The National Republican Senatorial Committee (NRSC) began targeting Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN) and other swing-state Democrats Monday with a new billboard campaign. “Ask Tina Smith about the 430,478 Minnesota jobs at risk under the Green New Deal,” the NRSC’s new Minnesota billboard states. Smith has expressed support for the Green New Deal, but voted “present” along with Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) when the measure was put up for a vote in the Senate. Great new billboard here in MN by ⁦@NRSC⁩. It’s time ⁦@TinaSmithMN⁩ answer for why she wants to crush jobs in Minnesota. #mnsen — Kevin Poindexter (@Kdpoindexter) April 22, 2019 State Sen. Karin Housley (R-St. Mary’s Point), Smith’s 2018 opponent, tweeted a picture of the billboard Monday along with the contact information for Smith’s office. “Yep, you should ask Sen. Tina Smith. I saved you the search,” Housley said. Smith defeated Housley in the 2018 special election to finish the remainder of former Sen. Al Franken’s term, but she will be up for reelection again in 2020. Yep, you should ask @SenTinaSmith. I saved you the search: (202) 224-5641 or #mnsen — Karin Housley (@KarinHousley) April 22, 2019 It’s been rumored that Housley may run…

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Poll Finds Minnesotans Overwhelmingly Oppose 20-Cent Gas Tax Increase

A new poll released last week by the Minnesota Chamber of Commerce found overwhelming opposition to an increase in the state’s gas tax. The poll, conducted in conjunction with the Minnesota Business Partnership, discovered that nearly two-thirds of voters statewide oppose Gov. Tim Walz’s proposed 20-cent gas tax hike. The results of the poll show that 65 percent of respondents oppose the increase, while 54 percent are “strongly” opposed. Those numbers are even higher for Greater Minnesota respondents. Seventy-five percent of those surveyed in Greater Minnesota oppose a 20-cent increase, and 63 percent said they were strongly opposed. That’s compared to 57 percent of Twin Cities respondents who said they were opposed, while 40 percent in the metro area support the increase. As an alternative, 64 percent of Minnesotans said they are in favor of dedicating the auto parts sales tax to the transportation budget. Minnesota’s gas tax is currently the 24th highest in the country, and was last raised in 2008. A poll from The Star Tribune in October found that 56 percent of Minnesotans actually support a gas tax increase. That poll, however, asked about a 10-cent increase, as opposed to the 20-cent increase mentioned by the Minnesota…

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Some Democrats Are Returning Donations from Ilhan Omar

Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN-05) campaign committee raked in an impressive $832,024 during her tumultuous first quarter as a member of Congress. Some of Omar’s donations to fellow Democrats, however, are being returned. Dan McCready, a North Carolina Democrat currently running in a special election, announced on Twitter Wednesday that he had returned Omar’s $2,000 donation. “Some folks are asking why I directed the return of Rep. Omar’s donation. I did this weeks ago because I vigorously disagree with any anti-Semitic comments,” he said. “Since this time, dangerous and hateful attacks have started against her. I condemn in the strongest terms the hateful rhetoric against her, the Muslim community and people of color.” Some folks are asking why I directed the return of Rep. Omar’s donation. I did this weeks ago because I vigorously disagree with any anti-semitic comments. Since this time, dangerous and hateful attacks have started against her… (thread) — Dan McCready (@McCreadyForNC) April 18, 2019 The Washington Free Beacon later reported that Reps. Lucy McBath (D-GA-06) and Jahana Hayes (D-CT-05) failed to disclose large contributions from Omar’s campaign. After The Free Beacon’s report, McBath revealed that the contribution from Omar was not accepted, according to The Atlanta Journal-Constitution.…

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Minneapolis Bans ‘Fear-Based’ Police Training

by Whitney Tipton   Minneapolis police officers will no longer be allowed to attend training based on the “warrior style” philosophy, Mayor Jacob Frey announced Thursday. The controversial instruction, available through private seminars, teaches officers to be aware of the threats around them and overcome the fear of taking a life in order to preserve their own, according to the Minneapolis Star Tribune. Moving forward, officers who wish to pursue any training related to use-of-force must first submit the course for approval from Minneapolis Police Chief Medaria Arradondo, KARE11 is reporting. “Fear-based training violates the values at the very heart of community policing,” said Frey. “Our officers have no business at a training that conflicts with those provided by Minneapolis on use of force and deescalation.” Effective today, @MinneapolisPD will become the 1st major department that we know of to prohibit this kind of fear-based training. Attending or instructing an external training that relates to use-of-force will now require approval from our Chief. #mplsSOTC — Jacob Frey (@Jacob_Frey) April 18, 2019 The President of the Police Officers Federation of Minneapolis, Lt. Bob Kroll, disagreed with Frey’s characterization of the training, which he said has existed for while, calling it “excellent.”…

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Minnesota Dems ‘Deeply Disturbed’ by Mueller Report, Republicans Say They’re Throwing a ‘Temper Tantrum’

Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s report on his investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 election was officially released to the public Thursday. Reactions from Minnesota’s congressional delegation were predictably divided. Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN) said she was “deeply distributed” as she reviewed the report, claiming it has “proved Russian interference in the 2016 election.” “Second, there is ample evidence of attempts by the president to obstruct the investigation and the special counsel left it to Congress to decide whether that amounts to a crime. And the report demonstrates that the lies Trump associated told materially affected the course of the investigation,” Smith wrote in a statement posted to Facebook. Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) agreed and pointed out that the report states that the Russian government interfered in the 2016 election “in a sweeping and systematic fashion.” “So despite the endless doubts cast by the president, this happened. Case made for my bill for backup paper ballots and post-election audits,” Klobuchar wrote on Twitter. First Page of Mueller report says that Russian government interfered in 2016 presidential election “in sweeping and systematic fashion.” So despite the endless doubts cast by the President, this happened. Case made for my bill for backup…

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Fox News Will Host Klobuchar for Town Hall While DNC Refuses to Partner with Network for Debates

  2020 Democrats are reportedly “flocking” to Fox News to participate in the network’s town hall events, the next of which will feature Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN), the network announced Wednesday. Sen. Bernie Sanders’ (I-VT) Monday night town hall event on Fox News was the most-watched town hall of the 2020 campaign thus far, according to The Daily Beast. More than 2.5 million viewers tuned in for the event, compared to CNN’s recent town hall with Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), which attracted 1.95 million viewers. On the night of the town hall, rival network MSNBC had 1.44 million viewers, while CNN had just 913,000. The event was described as a “ratings smash,” but that isn’t stopping the Democratic National Committee from refusing to partner with Fox News for any 2020 debates. In fact, during a Monday morning interview on Fox News, DNC Chairman Tom Perez said he wouldn’t reconsider the decision. “Here is why we won’t do that. Because I don’t have faith in your leadership at Fox News at the senior levels,” Perez told anchor Bill Hemmer. “I have great respect for Bret and for Chris and for you, but you’ve demonstrated, above your pay grade, they don’t trust…

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St. Paul Canceled $100K Fireworks Display, But Will Pay $225K to Bring Red Bull Event to Town

The City of St. Paul has agreed to bring Red Bull’s Flugtag event back to town at a cost of $225,000, raising questions about why the city canceled its $100,000 Fourth of July fireworks display last year. Flugtag, which means “flying day” in German, is a “human-powered gliding” competition that was last in St. Paul in 2010. Red Bull is bringing the event back to town on September 7, and has already started promoting the festivities. But according to The Pioneer Press, the city is on the hook for $225,000 in public sponsorship, which Visit St. Paul Chief Executive Terry Mattson said he has searched for “under every seat cushion.” “We’ve looked under every seat cushion and came back with $85,000 for the city,” he said. “We haven’t signed a contract or anything like that, but that’s what we deemed available. There’s a finite amount of resources.” The mayor’s office said it already budgeted $50,000 for an event such as the Flugtag in its 2019 budget. “St. Paul has been teaming up with Red Bull, our tourism bureau and partners in the private sector for nearly a decade and the 2019 Red Bull Flugtag will continue to place St. Paul…

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Trump Visits Minnesota for Tax Day Event While Protesters and Supporters Clash Outside

BURNSVILLE, Minnesota – President Donald Trump visited Nuss Truck & Equipment Monday for a roundtable discussion with local business leaders while protesters lined the streets outside. The Minnesota chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) organized a protest outside of the Nuss company’s Burnsville location in support of Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05), who was singled out on Twitter by the president last week for her comments on the 9/11 terror attacks. “No hate! No fear! Immigrants are welcome here,” protesters chanted, while on the opposite side of the street a large crowd of Trump supporters led chants of “USA!” and “build the wall!” With a heavy security presence, both sides remained relatively peaceful while engaging in competing chants during the hours leading up to Trump’s arrival.   On the inside, the president touted his Tax Cuts and Jobs Act for the tax-day event, calling it the “biggest tax cut in history.”   “This has been a very special state. It’s been a rare victory for Republicans, and we almost won it. One more speech,” Trump continued, saying Minnesota has been treated “extremely unfairly” on immigration. “Today unemployment in Minnesota, because of your federal government policies, is down to the…

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Mike Lindell Commentary: Tax Day Visit by President Trump Is a Victory Lap for Minnesotans and for America

by Mike Lindell   I regret that I won’t be able to be in the Twin Cities area Monday for President Trump’s Tax Day visit. Even though I’ll be in Israel, I’ll be watching from afar as thousands of my fellow Minnesotans show their excitement for the tremendous economic progress and success our country has enjoyed under Donald Trump. As someone who employs over 1,500 Minnesotans, I’ve seen the great American comeback firsthand. Thanks to President Trump’s America First agenda, hope has turned into confidence for business owners and their employees in Minnesota and across the country. Wages are going up, and small business owners like myself are still eager to expand. In fact, small business optimism is now at all-time record levels. Recruiters at job fairs are eager to hire. That’s fantastic news for everyone, because when companies compete for employees, wages go up. It’s the main reason why unemployment in the Twin Cities area has been about 25 percent lower, on average,  than it was when President Trump took office. The Clean Jobs Midwest survey found that Indiana and Minnesota led the Midwest in creating new clean energy jobs last year, with Minnesota’s clean energy jobs increasing by…

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Minnesota Democrats Criticized for Not Taking Child Care Fraud ‘Seriously’ After Release of Second Report

A second report released last week by the non-partisan Office of the Legislative Auditor (OLA) found that the Minnesota Department of Human Services’ “program integrity controls are insufficient to effectively prevent, detect, and investigate fraud” in the state’s Child Care Assistance Program (CCAP). In March, the OLA released its first report on the issue, which found “pervasive” fraud in the program and confirmed that millions of dollars in government payments went to fraudulent child care centers. After the release of the report, DHS Inspector General Carolyn Ham (pictured, left) was placed on “investigate leave.” The OLA’s second report, released Wednesday, focused more specifically on the “internal controls” in place within DHS to prevent fraud. The 44-page report produced five key findings, including: DHS and county agencies did not sufficiently leverage independent, external data sources to verifying recipient eligibility for CCAP. DHS had weak processes to validate that CCAP provider billings aligned with actual child care provided. Among other functions, MEC² (the payment system for CCAP) was developed to accurately process provider billings and payments; however, MEC² lacked some key controls to identify errors to inhibit, track, and recover improper payments. DHS did not implement sufficient program integrity controls for licensing…

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Minnesota Politicians Come to Omar’s Defense After Trump Tweet

Innumerable politicians and commentators came to Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN-05) defense Saturday morning after President Donald Trump tweeted out a video of her controversial remarks at a recent CAIR fundraiser. As The Minnesota Sun reported, Omar delivered the keynote address at CAIR’s March fundraiser in Los Angeles, and faced criticism last week after video from the event showed her describing the 9/11 terror attacks as “some people did something.” On Friday, Trump tweeted a video of Omar’s remarks that was spliced together with footage from the attacks, captioning his tweet with “we will never forget.” WE WILL NEVER FORGET! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) April 12, 2019 By Saturday morning, Omar was trending on Twitter along with the hashtag “IStandWithIlhanOmar.” “The video that Donald Trump posted is dangerous, reckless, and I would say criminal,” DFL Chairman Ken Martin said. “For a president to target Ilhan, a member of Congress, is abhorrent to the values of our democracy. No member of congress should have to fear for their safety and his actions cross the line.” The video that @realdonaldtrump posted is dangerous, reckless & I would say criminal. For a President to target @Ilhan, a member of congress, is abhorrent…

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Nearly Four Dozen Arrested on Sex-Trafficking Charges During Final Four Weekend in Minnesota

The Minnesota Bureau of Criminal Apprehension (BCA) arrested nearly four dozen people on child sex-trafficking and related charges during the Final Four weekend in Minnesota. The final games of the NCAA’s basketball tournament were hosted at Minneapolis’ U.S. Bank Stadium, home of the Minnesota Vikings. The BCA, with the assistance of ICE’s Homeland Security Investigations (HSI) and the Minneapolis and St. Paul police departments, conducted a four-day sting operation during the tournament. According to a press release from ICE, a total of 47 people were booked into Hennepin, Anoka, or Ramsey county jails on probable cause solicitation of a minor or solicitation of prostitution of people under 16 years of age. Of those 47, 11 were booked on charges of probable cause sex trafficking or promotion of prostitution. The operation also rescued 28 victims from sex-trafficking situations, including one minor. “This operation is an example of the aggressive steps necessary to stop traffickers and johns who buy and sell people for sex in our communities,” BCA Superintendent Drew Evans said. “We can’t let this crime continue, and we must work together to stop it.” The operation was a part of HSI’s Operation Predator initiative, which has arrested more than 19,000…

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Video Shows Ilhan Omar Mocking Americans for Their Anxiety Over Terrorist Organizations

A recently unearthed video shows Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) mocking Americans for their anxiety over terrorist organizations such as Al-Qaeda and Hezbollah. The video was released Thursday by The Reagan Battalion and comes just days after the Daily Caller News Foundation obtained video of Omar describing 9/11 as an event in which “some people did something.” As The Minnesota Sun reported, Omar faced widespread backlash for those comments, and is once again facing pressure from the GOP to be removed from her assignment on the House Foreign Affairs Committee. In the new video, Omar is discussing a course on terrorism that she took in college, and mocks the professor for being uncomfortable when discussing terrorist organizations. The clip is from a 2013 interview Omar did with the Somali-American show “BelAhdan,” and the full episode can be viewed here. “The thing that was interesting in the class was that every time the professor said Al-Qaeda, he sort of—his shoulders went up, and you know—‘Al-Qaeda,’ you know, ‘Hezbollah,’” she says while mockingly shrugging her shoulders and laughing with the moderator. A recently discovered video shows @IlhanMN mocking Americans for their anxiety about al-Qaeda, equating US armed forces to al-Qaeda and Hezbollah.…

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House Democrats Introduce ‘Minnesota Green New Deal’ Written By High School Students

Minnesota lawmakers have officially introduced a state level “Green New Deal” that was inspired in large part by youth-activist organizations. In fact, when introducing his bill Wednesday, Rep. Frank Hornstein (DFL-Minneapolis) said it was the “first time” he’s ever “witnessed high school students actually writing a bill.” Hornstein was joined at a Wednesday press conference by a handful of student activists with the climate group “MN Can’t Wait,” according to MPR News. The bill itself, officially titled “Minnesota Green New Deal Act,” calls for making the state’s electricity 100 percent carbon-free by 2030. It would also place a “construction moratorium” on allowing state agencies to issue permits to “construct a facility to transport, store, or process coal, crude oil or its derivative products, propane, or natural gas.” “The commission is prohibited from issuing a certificate of need to construct an electric generating plant powered by coal, products refined from crude oil, or natural gas,” the bill adds. Hornstein’s legislation would also establish a “Climate Change Advisory Council” that would “provide recommendations to improve Minnesota state government operations, functions, and policies to identify groups and individuals in need of assistance in adapting to climate change and develop programs to assist those…

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GOP Renews Calls for Omar’s Removal from Foreign Affairs Committee After She Described 9/11 as ‘Some People Did Something’

Republicans are once again calling for Rep. Ilhan Omar’s (D-MN-05) removal from the House Foreign Affairs Committee after video leaked of her describing the 9/11 terror attacks as “some people did something.” Omar’s remarks came during her appearance at the Council on American-Islamic Relations’ (CAIR) March fundraiser in Los Angeles. “I say raise hell. Make people uncomfortable, because here’s the truth: for far too long we have lived with the discomfort of being a second-class citizen,” Omar said during her keynote address, according to video obtained by the Daily Caller News Foundation. “Frankly, I’m tired of it, and every single Muslim in this country should be tired of it,” she continued. “CAIR was founded after 9/11 because they recognized that some people did something and all of us were starting to lose access to our civil liberties.” Minnesota Republican Party Chairwoman Jennifer Carnahan said she was “horrified” that the comments “came from a member of Congress.” “This is a day that we will never forget. When thousands of innocent men, women, and children lost their lives due to a terrorist attack. A day when the lives of all Americans were changed forever. Yet, Omar minimized this day and the action…

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President Trump Planning Tax Day Event in Minnesota

President Donald Trump plans to visit Minnesota Monday for an event celebrating the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act on the April 15 tax filing deadline. Details of the event are still unclear, but White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirmed that the trip will happen while speaking with reporters aboard Air Force One on Wednesday. The Star Tribune reports that the event will be held in the Twin Cities area, and points out that the Federal Aviation Administration has posted a “VIP Movement Notification” for Minneapolis on April 15. Trump visited Duluth and Rochester in 2018 for rallies to bolster Republican candidates, and claimed during both events that he would flip Minnesota red in 2020. Both districts Trump visited (Minnesota’s First Congressional District and Eighth Congressional District) ended up going to Republicans in the 2018 midterms. Trump narrowly lost to Democrat Hillary Clinton in Minnesota in 2016 by just 1.5 percent, or 44,593 votes. DFL Party Chairman Ken Martin said in a statement that “if Donald Trump expects a warm welcome in Minnesota, he’ll be sorely disappointed.” “He’s here to sell a record of broken promises, lies, and attacks of families across our great state. It won’t work,” Martin…

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Trump and Omar Exchange Jabs After Minnesota Congresswoman Calls Jewish Adviser a ‘White Nationalist’

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) and President Donald Trump are feuding on Twitter again, this time after the Minnesota congresswoman called White House policy adviser Stephen Miller a “white nationalist.” “Stephen Miller is a white nationalist. The fact that he still has influence on policy and political appointments is an outrage,” Omar wrote on Twitter Monday night. Stephen Miller is a white nationalist. The fact that he still has influence on policy and political appointments is an outrage. — Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) April 8, 2019 The comments sparked criticism from Omar’s GOP opponents, who claimed that she was once again targeting Jewish politicians. Trump himself tweeted a video of Jeff Ballabon, a Jewish political strategist and CEO of B2 Strategic, discussing the comments on Fox Business. “What’s completely unacceptable is for Ilhan Omar to yet again target Jews. In this case, it’s not just Stephen Miller, but she’s doing this by declaring a Jew, someone who’s known to be Jewish, a white nationalist. She’s saying, ‘Oh, Jews. You’re not minorities.’ In other words, this is a way of taking away our right to speak out in their culture, in this leftist culture that says only certain kinds of people have…

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Klobuchar Hauls in $5.2 Million in First Quarter, But Trails High-Profile Candidates

Sen. Amy Klobuchar (D-MN) revealed Monday that her presidential campaign raised $5.2 million in the first fundraising quarter of 2019, which ended Friday. The Minnesota senator currently has $7 million in cash on hand after transferring some funds from her Senate campaign account. Klobuchar announced her candidacy on February 11, meaning she was able to raise the $5.2 million in roughly seven weeks, but the figure pales in comparison to some of her more high-profile competitors. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT), for instance, raised $6 million in just the first 24 hours of his campaign. Former Texas Congressman Beto O’Rourke, meanwhile, raised $9.4 million in the 18 days between announcing candidacy and the close of the quarter, according to Business Insider, which reports that O’Rourke raised $6.1 million in the first 24 hours. Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA), who declared candidacy in January, raised a total of $12 million, while Sanders led the pack with $18.2 million in total donations. Klobuchar does have a slight lead over Sen. Cory Booker (D-NJ), who raised $5 million since launching his campaign. Dark-horse candidate Pete Buttigieg, mayor of South Bend, Indiana, raised $7 million in the first quarter of 2019. Klobuchar’s campaign said it had nearly…

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Keith Ellison Joins Another Multi-State Effort to Protect Abortion Access

Attorney General Keith Ellison has joined 20 fellow attorneys general in filing an amicus brief in support of a Kentucky abortion provider. EMW Women’s Surgical Center is Kentucky’s only licensed abortion facility, but in 2017 the state’s Cabinet for Health and Family Services informed the clinic that it had violated state law and its license was incorrectly renewed. The abortion provider was later informed that its transfer agreements with a hospital and ambulance company were “deficient,” but the District Court for the Western District of Kentucky found that these agreements imposed an undue burden on women seeking abortions. Last month, Kentucky’s Cabinet for Health and Family Services appealed the lower court’s decision in federal court. Since EMW Women’s Surgical Center is currently the state’s only abortion provider, women seeking abortions would have to travel to a neighboring state. Nevada Attorney General Aaron Ford filed an amicus brief in support of the Kentucky abortion clinic, and was later joined by 20 fellow attorneys general, including Ellison. According to a press release from Ellison’s office, the brief argues that “the availability of abortion services in neighboring states does not excuse a state from the Constitution’s prohibition on unduly burdening a woman’s ability…

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Students Critical of University of Minnesota’s Decision to Invite ‘Green Book’ Producer to Commencement

The University of Minnesota’s College of Liberal Arts invited “Green Book” producer and university alumnus Jim Burke to deliver the keynote address for its commencement ceremony, but some students and faculty aren’t happy with the decision. The movie was widely criticized for its use of racial slurs and for employing a “white savior” trope in which Viggo Mortensen’s character repeatedly gets co-star Mahershala Ali out of jams along their musical journey through the south in 1962. To many’s dismay, the film managed to win best picture at the 2019 Academy Awards. “‘Green Book’ is a white savior film. It allows and encourages a state of cognitive dissonance for white audiences between their perceived sense of self and racism,” Becca Mayo, a fifth-year student studying cinema and media culture, told the Minnesota Daily. Department of Cultural Studies and Comparative Literature instructor Brad Stiffler said the movie’s main problem is “its depiction of interpersonal relationships as antidotes to racism,” saying it simplifies “systemic and institutional racial problems.” “It’s something that this film especially seems to fall in that trap of reducing the complexity and the seriousness of race and race relations in the U.S. to this sort of caricatured idea of ‘Can…

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Minnesota House Votes in Favor of Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Immigrants

The Minnesota House voted in favor of a bill Friday afternoon that will allow illegal immigrants in the state to obtain valid driver’s licenses. Under House File 1500, an individual will not be “required to demonstrate United States citizenship or lawful presence in the United States in order to obtain a noncompliant driver’s license or identification card.” DFL legislators and their allies first unveiled the bill at a February press conference, which Archbishop Bernard Hebda spoke at in favor of the legislation. Hebda has called the bill an “important human rights test,” and said the Catholic Church sees it as “closely related to the question of dignity of human life.” Prior to Friday’s floor vote, supporters of the bill called one last press conference to discuss its importance. Fr. Joseph Williams, pastor of St. Stephen’s Catholic Church in Minneapolis, spoke at the press conference on behalf of the Minnesota Catholic Conference. “Some of the people whom I pastor don’t have their papers, but all of them bear the image and likeness of God. And I’ve discovered over the years that they love this great country as much as I do, and they’re working hard, often in humble circumstances, to make…

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Omar Meets With Daughter of Jailed Muslim Brotherhood Leader, Calls for Her Release

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) posted a picture Tuesday on Twitter after hosting a meeting to discuss “Hoda Abdelmonem, a political prisoner in Egypt.” “I hope that Trump brings up her case in his meeting with the regime that has imprisoned her. We must work to #FreeHoda,” Omar said. I recently met with @jkbadawy and @thefreedomi to talk about Hoda Abdelmonem, a political prisoner in Egypt. I hope that Trump brings up her case in his meeting with the regime that has imprisoned her. We must work to #FreeHoda. — Rep. Ilhan Omar (@Ilhan) April 2, 2019 Abdelmonem, however, has been identified in numerous reports as a senior member of the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt. She was arrested in November along with Muslim Brotherhood leader Khairat al-Shater on allegations of membership in a terrorist organization, according to Reuters. Reuters identified Abdelmonem as a “60-year-old lawyer and Brotherhood member.” After her arrest, her family met with her at a state security prosecution office and said in a statement that they were “shocked to find that Hoda, a 60-year-old mother and grandmother, was in a dire health condition with clear signs of weight loss, psychological trauma, severe signs of instability and shock.”…

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Report: Doug Wardlow Considering Running Against Tina Smith in 2020

Doug Wardlow, the Minnesota Republican Party’s 2018 nominee for attorney general, is reportedly considering a run against Sen. Tina Smith (D-MN) in 2020. The National Journal claims a “Republican source with knowledge” said Wardlow is being encouraged to run for the seat by party officials and activists. Wardlow lost his 2018 race against Attorney General Keith Ellison, but only by four points—a closer margin than any other Republican running for statewide office. Ellison’s campaign, however, was nearly derailed by domestic-abuse allegations leveled against the Democrat. The anonymous source also pointed out that Wardlow outperformed President Donald Trump’s numbers in the Twin Cities area and Rochester, and that he managed to raise more than $1 million during his campaign. Smith, who was appointed by former Gov. Mark Dayton to fill in for Al Franken, defeated State Sen. Karin Housley (R-St. Mary’s Point) with 53 percent of the vote, compared to Housley’s 42 percent. But Smith will be up again for reelection in 2020, since the 2018 race was a special election called for the remaining two years of Franken’s six-year term. A look at Wardlow’s Twitter feed from the last several weeks shows that he’s had his eye on Smith. In…

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Walz Calls for Writing a ‘New Story’ of Bipartisanship in First State of the State

Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) delivered his first State of the State Address Wednesday night and called on members of the Minnesota House and Senate to “write a new story” of bipartisanship. Walz stuck to his typical off-the-cuff speaking style, and began his address by taking an implicit shot at President Donald Trump. “We’re not here to send out mean tweets,” he said, though most of his speech focused on a theme of “writing a different story.” To drive his point home, Walz invited several guests who have been impacted by the debates taking place at the State Capitol, such as a former neighbor from Mankato who lost her husband in a car accident. According to Walz, he was “hit head-on on Highway 14 and killed.” “That same highway has killed 145 people in the last three decades. It is the most dangerous in Minnesota,” he said. “My passion is not to pick a fight with you about transportation.” “I will gladly have the debate with you and a compromise to find how we do that. But here’s what I’m telling you: in the 23 years since Charlie has died, that is still a two-lane, dangerous road, and the time has…

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Democrat Pundit Says Klobuchar’s Line ‘I Can See Iowa from My Front Porch’ Playing Well in Hawkeye State

Michael Patrick Leahy and Steve Gill, hosts of The Tennessee Star Report, recently spoke with attorney and Iowa insider Jim Larew to get his take on the 2020 Democratic presidential candidates. Larew said Sen. Amy Klobuchar’s (D-MN) catchphrase that she can “see Iowa from her front porch” seems to be playing well among Democrats in the state. “That’s a good line. That’s a good line, Jim,” Leahy said. “It is. And she does well with that group. She comes across as being, you know, the young woman next door. And it’s a friendlier chord that she has,” Larew said of Klobuchar. The latest poll of likely Iowa caucus-goers, however, had Klobuchar sitting at just three percent, while former Vice President Joe Biden led the poll at 27 percent, followed by Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) at 25 percent. She led six other candidates who were all tied at just one percent. Klobuchar campaigned across Iowa in mid-March, making stops in Dubuque, Waterloo, and Independence. “I followed the Mississippi River down from our snowy announcement and ended up in Dubuque! Great conversations with Iowans who are looking forward to 2020,” Klobuchar said of her visit, attempting to use her status as one…

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Democrat-Controlled Minnesota House Passes Bill to Allow Child Sex Offenders, Murderers to Work in DHS Programs

The Minnesota House passed a bill Monday in a vote along party lines that would allow residents convicted of a number of felonies to work in programs overseen by the Department of Human Services. The bill, House File 2265, was authored by Rep. Dave Pinto (DFL-St. Paul) and passed out of the House in a 73-54 vote. Pinto’s bill would require the DHS to consider granting a “set aside or variance” for “an individual who was disqualified for a crime or conduct listed under section 245C.15, subdivision 1” and if more than 20 years have passed since the individual was either sentenced or committed the crime. The bill would apply to positions that require a DHS background check, such as Personal Care Attendants (PCAs), services for Minnesotans with disabilities, and Non-Emergency Medical Transportation drivers. Crimes listed under section 245C.15, subdivision 1, include: Felony-level stalking Drive-by shooting Malicious punishment of a child Solicitation of children to engage in sexual conduct Murder of an unborn child in the first degree Kidnapping Domestic assault by strangulation Child abuse or neglect Spousal abuse Domestic assault Murder in the first, second, and third degree In a press release, Deputy Minority Leader Anne Neu (R-North Branch)…

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Tim Walz Spoke at Event Sponsored by Group Accused of Terror Connections

Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) spoke Thursday at an event sponsored by Minnesota’s chapter of the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) at Metropolitan State University. As The Minnesota Sun has reported, CAIR was listed by the Department of Justice as an unindicted co-conspirator in funding millions of dollars to Hamas, a terrorist organization. The United Arab Emirates listed CAIR as a terrorist organization along with al-Qaeda and ISIS. A recent online petition called on Attorney General William Barr to investigative Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13) for their ties to CAIR. “There’s no doubt that Tlaib and Omar have close-knit ties with Hamas-affiliated CAIR and we, as concerned citizens, call on Attorney General and U.S. Special Envoy for Antisemitism to investigate these ties,” the petition states. After his Thursday event, Walz specifically thanked CAIR for “putting on this event” on how to “challenge Islamophobia.” Hate and Islamophobia have no place in Minnesota. When our Muslim communities thrive, Minnesota thrives. Thank you to @CAIRMN and @Choose_Metro for putting on this event yesterday to address how to challenge Islamophobia. — Governor Tim Walz (@GovTimWalz) March 29, 2019 “Hate and Islamophobia have no place in Minnesota. When our Muslim communities thrive,…

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Minnesota Bishops Double-Down on Supporting Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Immigrants

Leaders of the Archdiocese of St. Paul and Minneapolis are doubling-down on their support of a bill that would provide driver’s licenses to people in the country illegally. Under House File 1500, a person would not be “required to demonstrate United States citizenship or lawful presence in the United States in order to obtain a noncompliant driver’s license or identification card.” As The Minnesota Sun previously reported, Archbishop Bernard Hebda spoke at a February press conference in favor of the bill alongside several Democratic politicians. “This legislation is an important human rights test. Will we as Minnesotans embrace our brothers and sisters and help them in a way that costs us nothing as a community? Or will we be overcome by what Pope Francis calls a ‘culture of indifference’ that fails in the duty to see the needs of others effectively?” Hebda said at the time. Hebda was recently joined in supporting the bill by Bishop Andrew Cozzens and Minnesota Catholic Conference Executive Director Jason Adkins, both of whom spoke with The Catholic Spirit about the proposal. “We believe it is very clear where Catholic principles take you in this decision,” Cozzens told The Spirit. “It is an intrinsic, moral…

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Freshman Rep. Ilhan Omar Tests the Limits of Party Loyalty, Attracts Challengers as 2020 Nears

by Katherine Gypson   Four months ago, the Minnesota Democrat Ilhan Omar became the first Somali-American and one of the first two Muslim women to serve in Congress. Her election was heralded by many as a sign of a more diverse generation of politicians coming to power on Capitol Hill. But just weeks into her first congressional term, Omar ignited a controversy with a tweet invoking an offensive trope suggesting U.S. lawmakers’ support for Israel was swayed by money from the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, a powerful lobbying group. Shortly after her apology for that tweet, Omar suggested in a public statement that lawmakers held a dual loyalty to the U.S. and Israel. Omar’s comments triggered two congressional resolutions condemning hate speech. Members of Congress on both sides of the aisle, including senior Democratic leadership, strongly criticized Omar for making remarks that many felt crossed the line into anti-Semitism. In a speech on Sunday to the opening session of AIPAC’s annual conference in Washington, House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer of Maryland declared that “what weakens us … is when, instead of engaging in legitimate debate about policies, someone questions the motives of his or her fellow citizens.” The controversy jeopardized…

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Elections Omnibus Bill Would Make Minnesota Member of National Popular Vote Interstate Compact

An omnibus bill that could radically transform elections in Minnesota recently passed out of committee and is making its way through the Minnesota House. Among the most drastic proposals in the bill is one that would make Minnesota a member of the National Popular Vote Interstate Compact, which is an agreement among states to award their entire Electoral College delegation to the winner of the national popular vote. Since 2007, 12 states and the District of Columbia have joined the compact, and several other states are currently considering joining. The agreement wouldn’t take effect until its member states cumulatively possess a majority of the electoral votes. The bill would also place Minnesota on a growing list of states to automatically restore voting rights to felons once they have completed their time behind bars. The omnibus bill incorporates elements of at least 10 bills introduced in the Minnesota House this session, and is sponsored by Rep. Raymond Dehn (DFL-Minneapolis), chair of the House Subcommittee on Elections, who said his proposal would bring “more integrity” to elections. The bill passed out of the House Subcommittee on Elections, and will next head to the House Government Operations Committee, according to a press release.…

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Minnesota Democrats Introduce $53 Million Omnibus Bill to Tackle Climate Change

Minnesota House Democrats on the Energy and Climate Finance and Policy Committee unveiled a $53 million omnibus bill this week to tackle climate change in the state. According to a House press release, the omnibus package incorporates elements of 16 different bills that have been introduced this session and is sponsored by Rep. Jean Wagenius (DFL-Minneapolis), chair of the committee. While introducing her bill, Wagenius claimed that research from the U.N. shows that “the world only has the next dozens years to sharply reduce carbon dioxide emissions to head off the most catastrophic impacts of climate change.” “The bill before you is a down payment on an effort to give young Minnesotans the kind of future they want and we want for them,” she said. “Dr. Mark Seeley said that Minnesota has experienced the most profound changes in the country due to climate change. He said the pace of change is unprecedented and well documented by science, and he said he could not overstate the problem.” A new $16 million “Solar for Schools” program would receive the most funding from the $53 million bill. The program, initially proposed in a bill sponsored by Rep. Patty Acomb (DFL-Minnetonka), would provide grants…

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Minnesota’s Hands-Free Driving Bill Could Include Exception for Those Wearing Hijabs

A bill requiring “hands-free” communications while driving is on track to become law in Minnesota. The proposal passed the Minnesota Senate Monday in a 56-10 vote after clearing the Minnesota House last week. It would prohibit Minnesota drivers from using cell phones on the road unless they use “voice-activated” communications or a device in “hands-free mode,” thus earning it the nickname of a “hands-free bill.” What exactly constitutes “hands-free,” however, was the subject of one amendment introduced by Sen. Bobby Joe Champion (DFL-Minneapolis). Champion’s amendment moved to expand the definition of “hands-free” to include the “use of a scarf or hijab or other items of clothing to hold a device in a hands-free manner.” The amendment ultimately passed in a 37-29 vote, but will still need to win over supporters in the House. “Any person who is using a scarf and they are operating hands free—because that’s what it says, ‘hands-free mode’—by using a scarf in order to hold a phone would not be a violation because both hands would be on the steering wheel,” he said, noting that it would help prevent racial profiling, according to MPR News. Sen. Scott Newman (R-Hutchinson), the bill’s lead sponsor, voted against the…

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Walz’s Revised Budget Proposal Still Includes 20-Cent Gas-Tax Increase

Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) was forced to reexamine his budget proposal “line by line” after the state’s budget forecast came up $492 million short of November’s estimated $1.5 billion surplus. But his recently released revised budget recommendations still include a 20-cent gas-tax hike. “The governor recommends the state commit to a major transportation investment plan to fund the estimated $6 billion gap that exists between funding needs and available revenues over the next 10 years. The governor proposes filling the $6 billion gap in road and bridge funding by initiating a 20 cent gas tax increase, including fuel in distributor storage at the start time of each increase,” the budget recommendations state. Walz is also calling for increasing the registration tax from 1.25 percent to 1.5 percent and increasing the motor vehicle sales tax from 6.5 percent to 6.875 percent. “This is not a choice between whether we want the gas tax or not. It’s a choice between living in a state with the best transportation system in the country or one with crumbling roads and bridges,” Walz said in February when unveiling his initial budget proposal. Overall, Walz’s budget proposal would raise spending by more than $3 billion, increasing…

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Omar Erupts After Israeli Prime Minister Netanyahu Calls Her Out

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) lashed out at Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Twitter Tuesday after he indirectly singled her out during his televised address to the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) Policy Conference in Washington. Omar faced significant backlash for her February criticisms of AIPAC when she said it’s “all about the Benjamins, baby,” and suggested that AIPAC’s money was to blame for American support of Israel. Then, during a town hall at a Washington, D.C. coffee shop, Omar said she wants to “talk about the political influence in this country that says it is OK for people to push for allegiance to a foreign country.” The comments were widely rebuked for invoking the anti-Semitic dual-loyalty trope, which Netanyahu addressed during his Tuesday speech. “In recent weeks, we’ve heard a lot of about the rise of forces who want to pull America and Israel apart. So I can tell you one thing, I can guarantee this: they will fail. They will fail. Our shared values are too deep, our shared interests too strong, our shared destiny too intertwined,” Netanyahu said. “Those who seek to defame this great organization, AIPAC, those who seek to undermine American support for Israel,…

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Jewish Org Calls for Investigation of Reps. Omar and Tlaib’s Ties to CAIR

A trending online petition calls on U.S. Attorney General William Barr and Special Envoy for Antisemitism Elan Carr to investigate Reps. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13) and their ties to the Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR). The petition, which had more than 12,000 signatures at the time of publication, was started by Stop Antisemitism and describes CAIR’s connections to the terrorist organization Hamas. “In 2007, CAIR was listed as an unindicted co-conspirator in the case that found Holy Land Foundation responsible for siphoning over $12 million to Hamas,” the petition states. It goes on to describe Omar and Tlaib’s connections to CAIR, noting that it has “provided thousands of dollars directly and indirectly to support the campaigns of Ilhan Omar and Rashida Tlaib – both of whom have received awards and recognition by the organization.” “There’s no doubt that Tlaib and Omar have close-knit ties with Hamas-affiliated CAIR and we, as concerned citizens, call on Attorney General and U.S. Special Envoy for Antisemitism to investigate these ties,” the petition concludes. Liora Rez, co-founder of Stop Antisemitism, told The Jerusalem Post that her organization is “very excited” by the traction the petition has received in just over a week.…

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Minnesota’s Rep. Ilhan Omar Blames Trump for New Zealand Massacre During CAIR Fundraiser While Hundreds Protest Outside

Rep. Ilhan Omar (D-MN-05) spoke Saturday at a fundraiser for the Hamas-linked Council on American-Islamic Relations (CAIR) while hundreds of protesters gathered outside the event. Omar was the keynote speaker for CAIR’s Fourth Annual Valley Banquet in Los Angeles focused on “advancing justice” and “empowering Valley Muslims,” according to an event invitation. As The Daily Caller explains, the U.S. Department of Justice found CAIR to be a co-conspirator in funneling millions of dollars to Hamas. Its leaders have a history of making sympathetic comments about terrorist organizations, such as one comment from Hassan Shibly, chief executive director of CAIR-Florida, who suggested that Hezbollah and Hamas aren’t terrorist organizations. Shibly spoke alongside Omar during Saturday’s fundraiser. During her remarks, Omar blamed President Donald Trump for the recent massacre at Christchurch mosque in New Zealand, according to audio obtained by Gateway Pundit. “We all kind of knew this was happening, but the reason I think that many of us knew that this was going to get worse is that we finally have a leader, a world leader in the White House, who publicly says Islam hates us—who fuels hate against Muslims, who thinks it is OK to speak about a faith and…

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Unemployment Jumps, Minnesota Loses 8,800 Jobs During Walz’s First Full Month

Minnesota’s Department of Employment and Economic Development, or DEED, released its monthly jobs report Thursday, and the results weren’t good for Gov. Tim Walz’s first full month in office. According to the report, Minnesota lost 8,800 seasonally adjusted jobs in February, and the unemployment rate climbed from 3 percent to 3.1 percent, compared to a national unemployment rate of 3.8 percent. February 2019 saw 1,364 fewer jobs than February 2018 and was the first month of annual job decline since July 2010. Of the 11 major industries, seven saw job declines, with construction losing the most at 3,800 fewer jobs. “The most significant decline this month was in construction, losing 3,800 jobs—not shocking given the brutal February we had,” DEED Commissioner Steve Grove said in a news release. “Along with that, we know that Minnesota faces dwindling labor force growth—we can’t have job gains without people to fill the positions.” The trade, transportation, and utilities industry dropped 3,000 jobs, while education and health care lost 2,300 jobs, and manufacturing lost 1,600. The largest gain was recorded in the professional and business services industry with 1,300 new jobs, followed by 1,000 new jobs in financial activities, and 400 new jobs in…

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Republican Bill on Female Genital Mutilation Has Yet to Receive a Hearing in Minnesota House

A Republican-backed bill in the Minnesota House that would expand criminal penalties for female genital mutilation has yet to receive so much as a committee hearing. The bill was introduced January 24 by Rep. Mary Franson (R-Alexandria) and has 17 Republican cosponsors, but not a single Democratic cosponsor. As The Minnesota Sun reported when the bill was first introduced, Franson’s legislation would expand the criminal definition of female genital mutilation to include punishments for parents who subject their children to the practice. Under current Minnesota law, it is illegal for doctors to perform female genital mutilation, but there are no penalties in place for the parents. Franson’s bill would make it a felony for any “parent, guardian, or other person legally responsible or charged with the care or custody of a minor who knowingly allows the circumcision, excision, or infibulation, in whole or in part, of the labia majora, labia minora, or clitoris of the minor.” The bill, however, has struggled to get a committee hearing in the Democratic-controlled House. It was first referred to the House Judiciary Finance and Civil Law Committee upon introduction, but was then recalled and re-referred to the Public Safety and Criminal Justice Reform Finance…

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Minnesota’s Mainstream Media Received $330,000 Grant for Two-Day Conference on Racial Bias in Reporting

Minnesota’s “mainstream media professionals” gathered for a two-day conference this week at Hamline University to discuss the “impact that racial narratives have on individuals, communities, and trust in media—and how they can collaborate to change it.” The conference, called “Truth and Transformation: Changing Racial Narratives in Media,” was made possible by a $332,000 grant from the Saint Paul and Minnesota Foundations that was awarded to a “community-media partnership.” According to the conference website, this partnership includes Minnesota Public Radio, Hamline University, ThreeSixty Journalism at the University of St. Thomas, the Minnesota Humanities Center, Pillsbury United Communities, and KMOJ Radio. The conference ran from March 19 to March 20 and helped “participants deepen their understanding of narratives that are absented from dominant culture discourse and engage with one another through the power of story, setting the foundation for deepened relationships across organizations, generations and geographic locations.” “On day two, participants will challenge their own assumptions and practice strategies for telling more accurate racial narratives, placing value on the strength of different worldviews. They will hear first-hand accounts of Minnesotans impacted by racial narratives, and work collaboratively to identify systemic barriers and to amplify community solutions to narrative change,” the conference website…

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REPORT: 50 Percent Renewable Energy Mandate Would Cost Minnesota $80 Billion by 2050

A shocking new report from the Center of the American Experiment found that a 50 percent renewable energy mandate would cost $80.2 billion in Minnesota alone by the year 2050. Minnesota’s current renewable energy mandate, or REM, requires that 25 percent of the state’s electricity come from renewable sources by 2025, but some Democratic lawmakers would like to see that number raised to 50 percent by 2030. Gov. Tim Walz (D-MN) recently proposed making Minnesota 100 percent carbon-free by 2050. The Center of the American Experiment’s report chose to focus on the 50 percent by 2030 figure since research has shown that “using wind, solar and batteries to achieve 100 percent of electricity generations would be exponentially more expensive than a 50 percent renewable benchmark.” It’s important to note that Walz’s proposal calls for 100 percent carbon-free energy, rather than strictly renewable energy, meaning sources like nuclear energy could still be used heavily. The report’s first finding states that a 50 percent REM would “increase electricity costs by $80.2 billion to meet mandated renewable energy goals and maintain this electric system through 2050.” The report, titled “Doubling Down on Failure,” further finds that a 50 percent REM would “destroy 20,950…

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Minnesota Democrats Reportedly Want Rep Ilhan Omar Out – She Blames Trump

by Molly Prince   Democratic Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar blamed President Donald Trump on Sunday after reports members of the Minnesota Democratic Party are considering removing her from congressional office for her repeated anti-Semitic statements. I am sorry Mr. @realDonaldTrump 🎶 I am for real, you can’t #MuslimBan us from Congress! — Ilhan Omar (@IlhanMN) March 17, 2019 Minnesota Democrats are reportedly dismayed that Omar has made a string of bigoted comments about Jews, which have received massive condemnation from both sides of the aisle. Consequently, members of the state party are looking for someone to contest her nomination in 2020 and run a different candidate in her place. Rather than blaming the Minnesota Democrats, Omar focused the backlash on Trump’s 2017 executive order, which has been referred to as a Muslim ban. The executive order suspended U.S. entry of those whose counties do not meet adjudication standards under federal immigration law for 90 days and included exceptions on a case-by-case basis. Omar, along with fellow Democratic Rep. Rashida Tlaib of Michigan, became America’s first Muslim congresswomen when sworn into office in January. Both congresswomen’s time in office has been embroiled in allegations of anti-Semitism. Omar has defended the anti-Semitic statements, such as ones invoking…

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