Mike Lindell Doing His ‘Due Diligence’ on Run for Governor, Wants to Be ‘Dream Candidate for Everyone’

Minnesota’s next gubernatorial election is still more than two years away, but MyPillow CEO Mike Lindell said he is warming up to the idea of running.

A January article in The Star Tribune claimed Lindell was “open” to the possibility and suggested he would make a “dream candidate” for Republicans, given his fame, wealth, and inspiring life story.

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Mike Lindell’s Addiction Brought Him to the Brink of Nearly Losing Everything, Including His Life

The opening pages of Mike Lindell’s new book describe a dark and lonely man in the grip of addiction, long before he became the jovial millionaire CEO of one of America’s most visible companies.

“I felt a sudden sadness,” he writes, describing a moment of clarity that lead him down the path of sobriety. “This was where my addictions and bad decisions had led me. It was ridiculous, when you thought about it.”

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Former New York Lawmaker Removed from Event for Asking Tlaib About Her Anti-Semitism

  Dov Hikind, a former Democratic state lawmaker from New York and a Jewish American, was removed from an event Sunday after asking Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI-13) about her anti-Semitism. “What about your anti-Semitism? What about your blood libel against Israel?” a video of the event shows Hikind saying before being escorted out by security. Police just ejected me from an event of @Muslims4Peace at @RutgersU which was a fine event until @RashidaTlaib showed up. I challenged her about her antisemitism and spreading of an anti-Jewish blood libel! She had no answer for me. They will never silence us! Cc @IlhanMN pic.twitter.com/vyMGCGGxlX — Dov Hikind (@HikindDov) February 9, 2020 The comments were made during Tlaib’s appearance Sunday at a Muslims for Peace event at Rutgers University. Hikind was referring to Tlaib’s retweet of a comment from Hanan Ashrawi, a member of the Palestine Liberation Organization Executive Committee, who spread false claims that a Palestinian boy was “kidnapped by a herd of violent Israeli settlers, assaulted and thrown in a water well.” The Times of Israel later reported that the boy apparently slipped and drowned in a reservoir of rainwater. “My apologies for retweeting something that’s not fully verified,” Ashrawi wrote…

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