Tennessee to Require Social Media Companies to Get Parental Consent for Minors

Bill Lee Social Media Bill

Social media companies in Tennessee will need to verify parental consent before allowing minors to create accounts in the state starting Jan. 1.

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed the bill, which along with age verification and parental consent, requires social media companies to allow parents access to monitor the account with privacy settings, daily time restrictions and creating breaks where the minor cannot use the social media.

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ACLU Argues Michigan Law Requiring Parental Consent for Abortions Harms Minors

Pregnancy Test

The American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) released a report Thursday arguing that a Michigan law requiring parental consent for abortions harms minors.

The law, which became effective in 1991, requires all Michigan residents under the age of 18 to obtain parental consent before getting an abortion or receive a waiver from a judge. The ACLU of Michigan chapter, alongside Human Rights Watch (HRW) and the Michigan Organization on Adolescent Sexual Health (MOASH), however, argued that the law “undermines the safety, health, and dignity” of minors and that the process to waive parental consent is “traumatizing.”

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Supermajorities Oppose ‘Gender-Affirming Care’ for Minors, Against Biological Males Playing Female Sports, Poll Finds


A new poll finds that by a margin of nearly 3 to 1, respondents don’t think that it should be legal to provide minors with puberty blockers, drugs, and/or surgery to transition from one sex to the other. And by an even bigger margin, better than 7 to 1, respondents said that biological males who “identify” as female should not be permitted to compete in girls’ and women’s sports.

The Rasmussen Survey, conducted March 6 and 7 among 1,000 registered voters, also found that only 10% had ever introduced themselves using “preferred pronouns,” while fewer than half of those polled, 45%, had ever met someone who used their personal preferred pronouns to introduce themselves.

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Federal Court Greenlights Alabama’s Ban on Sex Change Hormones, Surgeries for Minors

The Eleventh Circuit Court of Appeals issued a temporary order to lift an injunction preventing an Alabama law banning sex-change surgeries for minors from going into effect, according to court documents.

The law was halted in 2022 for the duration of the lawsuit by a district court, which claimed that the legislation illegally intruded into a patient’s medical decisions, according to the Associated Press. The appeals court ruled against the lower court’s decision in August, and on Thursday it lifted the injunction to allow the law to take effect while the appellate court continues to weigh the law.

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Wisconsin Passes Protections for Women’s Sports, Bans Sex Change Surgeries for Minors

Wisconsin lawmakers passed a series of bills on Thursday that ban doctors from performing sex change surgeries on minors and bar male athletes from participating in women’s sports, according to the Cap Times.

The package contains three bills, two of which prohibit biological men from competing in girls’ K-12 sports and women’s collegiate sports, while the third would cause a physician to lose their medical license if they perform a sex change surgery or administer puberty blockers to a minor, according to the texts. The Wisconsin Assembly passed the package, sending the bills to the Senate for final approval before heading to Democratic Gov. Tony Evers’ desk, who has said he would veto the legislation, the Cap Times reported.

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Michigan to Begin Testing Children for Lead Poisoning

Starting January 1, Michigan minors will be screened for lead poisoning unless a parent or guardian objects.

Gov. Gretchen Whitmer signed Senate Bill 31, which requires children be tested for lead poisoning at certain ages, the testing be recorded on their certificate of immunization and the Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) develop rules to implement the bill’s requirements.

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More than 3,500 Minors Underwent Transgender Surgeries in Five Years, Study Says

Transgender advocates repeatedly claim that minors only take “puberty-blocking” drugs or cross-sex hormones, but never undergo surgeries in an attempt to force their male or female bodies to resemble the opposite sex, yet a new study estimates that more than 3,000 minors underwent transgender surgeries in a five-year period, and more than 400 of them had their genitals removed.

The Journal of the American Medical Association published a study Wednesday estimating that 48,019 Americans underwent “gender-affirming surgeries” from 2016 to 2020, and 3,678 of them underwent surgery between ages 12 and 18.

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Christian Mother Fights for Right to Adopt After Refusing to Affirm Gender Transitions for Minors

Christian single mother Jessica Bates was “shocked” when Oregon denied her adoption application because she did not support medically transitioning children, she told the Daily Caller News Foundation in an interview.

Bates, a mother of five, was looking to adopt a “sibling pair” in 2022 six years after her husband died in a car accident, saying to the DCNF that she felt it was a “calling from God,” but after going through the application process, state officials with the Department of Human Services explained that she would need to agree to support any adopted child’s desire to have a gender transition. As a Christian, Bates told the DCNF that she knew this requirement was “denying reality” as well as her faith, and filed a lawsuit with Alliance Defending Freedom (ADF) against the state in April after they reportedly prevented her from moving forward in the process.

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Activists Ask Court to Strike Down Florida’s Stalled Ban on Sex Change Treatments for Minors

An amended complaint was filed Friday by parents of transgender kids against the state of Florida over legislation it passed two months ago that bans sex change surgeries, trans hormones and puberty blockers for minors.

The amended complaint, filed by the Southern Legal Counsel and the Human Rights Campaign Foundation on behalf of the parents, alleges that Florida Senate Bill 254 prevents parents of transgender minors from making “necessary” medical decisions about their children’s health and violates the Equal Protection Clause of the U.S. Constitution, according to the complaint. The complaint follows several past instances of groups suing the state over the legislation and seeks to enhance a preliminary injunction that was issued on the bill in June.

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Tennessee Attorney General Skrmetti Says 6th Circuit Ruling ‘A Big Win,’ Meaning State Law Protecting Minors from Transgender Mutilation and Hormone Treatment ‘Can Be Fully Enforced’

Tennessee Attorney General Jonathan Skrmetti released a statement Saturday morning, hours after the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals issued a ruling granting the state of Tennessee’s emergency motion for a stay of a June 28 preliminary injunction from a federal district judge that temporarily prohibited the full implementation of a law enacted in March 2023. The law, Prohibition on Medical Procedures Performed on Minors Related to Sexual Identity, was originally scheduled to go into effect on July 1. “The case is far from over, but this is a big win. The court of appeals lifted the injunction, meaning the law can be fully enforced, and recognized that Tennessee is likely to win the constitutional argument and the case,” Skrmetti said in a statement released by his office. The law now goes into full effect on July 8, one week after its originally scheduled July 1 effective date. “Tennessee enacted a law that prohibits healthcare providers from performing gender-affirming surgeries and administering hormones or puberty blockers to transgender minors. After determining that the law likely violated the Equal Protection and Due Process Clauses, the district court facially enjoined the law’s enforcement as to hormones and puberty blockers and applied the injunction to…

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Vanderbilt University Halts Sex Change Surgeries for Children As New Tennessee Law Becomes Effective July 1

The Vanderbilt University Medical Center’s (VUMC) pediatric transgender clinic is no longer offering sex change procedures for minors following the passage of a key Tennessee law banning the practice, parents confirmed to the Nashville Post.

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee signed the legislation into law March 3. Parents were sent an email from VUMC confirming the clinic will no longer be serving patients, according to the Nashville Post.

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Bill Sent to Katie Hobbs’ Desk to Prevent Lewd Videos from Being Created on Government Property

Senate Bill (SB) 1696, sponsored by state Representative Jake Hoffman (R-Queen Creek), has arrived at Governor Katie Hobbs’s (D) desk and is awaiting a final decision.

Should this bill become law, it would prohibit any state entity, including any agencies, political subdivisions, cities and towns, or any state contractors, from exposing minors to sexually explicit materials. Furthermore, it prohibits the use of state facilities or property from being used to film explicit acts, such as filming pornography. Any violation of this bill would result in a class 5 felony.

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Minnesota Democrats Defeat GOP Effort to Ban Gender Transition Medical Services for Minors

The question of whether health care providers should be allowed to administer gender transition-related medical care to children — such as puberty blockers, mastectomies or hormone replacement therapy — became a flashpoint for debate in the Minnesota House of Representatives on Monday.

So much so that one DFL legislator, who appeared to defend such medical care being administered to minors, attempted to analogize it to infants and toddlers getting their ears pierced.

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Idaho State House Passes Ban on Transgender Surgery for Minors

On Tuesday, the Idaho House of Representatives passed a bill that would implement a statewide ban on so-called “transgender” surgeries for minors, as well as medications that are meant to indulge delusions of gender dysphoria.

According to the Washington Free Beacon, the “Vulnerable Child Protective Act” was introduced by State Rep. Bruce Skaug (R-Idaho), and will now head to the Republican-controlled State Senate. The bill expands upon an already-existing state ban on “female genital mutilation,” and makes it a felony to give puberty blockers or other forms of hormone treatment to children; the bill also makes it a felony to perform genital mutilation surgery that “alters the appearance of or affirms the child’s perception of the child’s sex.”

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Judge Sides with DeSantis, Says Governor Won’t Have to Testify in Lawsuit Brought by Former Prosecutor

A federal judge this week ruled that Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis will not have to testify in a lawsuit brought against him by a prosecutor he dismissed over the summer.

DeSantis made headlines in August when he fired State Attorney Andrew Warren after the latter indicated he would not enforce laws prohibiting sex-change operations for minors. “State Attorneys have a duty to prosecute crimes as defined in Florida law, not to pick and choose which laws to enforce based on his personal agenda,” DeSantis said at the time.

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Doctors Performed Dozens of Genital Surgeries on Minors, Data Confirms

Dozens of genital surgeries and hundreds of mastectomies were performed on children for the purpose of gender transitions from 2019 to 2021, according to insurance data analyzed by health technology company Komodo Health Inc and originally reported by Reuters.

At least 56 genital surgeries and 776 mastectomies were performed on minors aged 13 to 17 who had gender dysphoria diagnoses in the US from 2017-2019, according to Komodo. The numbers are likely an undercount since the data only includes those that were covered by insurance and doesn’t include children who don’t have a gender dysphoria diagnosis in their medical records.

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Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson Calls on Vanderbilt University to Stop ‘Prohibited Medical Practice’, Genital Mutilation of Minors

Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy was joined on the newsmaker line by Tennessee Senate Majority Leader Jack Johnson calls for Vanderbilt University to cease all pediatric gender mutilating surgeries to pause until the Tennessee General Assembly convenes in January to complete investigations and propose legislation.

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Doctors Question Kids’ Vax as U.K. Research Shows Minuscule COVID-19 Risk

The quality of evidence for the FDA’s emergency use authorization (EUA) of COVID-19 vaccines for children as young as 6 months is drawing scrutiny from high-profile doctors and academics, some of whom are asking the White House not to pressure parents to vaccinate.

With CDC seroprevalence data from February finding 75% of minors had natural immunity, more attention is going to the risk/benefit calculation of vaccines for the age group at lowest risk from COVID.

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Connecticut School Nurse Suspended over Facebook Comments Claiming District Hides Children’s Gender Issues from Parents

A Connecticut school nurse was suspended Monday over Facebook comments on a personal account, called “inappropriate” by the district superintendent, that warned parents school staff is hiding children’s supposed expressed gender identity issues from their parents.

Kathleen Cataford, 77, was suspended by Hartford Public Schools (HPS) after posting comments to her personal Facebook account, reportedly containing information about the number of pre-teen children who are claiming to have gender identity issues, including an 11-year-old “on puberty blockers,” and other children “identifying as non-binary.”

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CIA Covered up Staff Sex Crimes Committed Against Minors

CIA logo

The Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) was aware that at least 10 members of its staff committed alleged sex crimes against children, though only one employee was ever prosecuted, according to released documents first reported by BuzzFeed News.

One CIA employee had “inappropriate sexual activity with an unidentified two-year-old girl” and confessed to having sexual relations with a six-year-old, according to internal CIA reports dating from 2004 to 2019 accessed by BuzzFeed through Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) requests. The employee was fired but never charged.

Another employee allegedly bought pornographic films depicting young girls, while another claimed to have viewed thousands of sexually explicit images of children, according to the documents. These employees also were not charged with any crimes.

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‘God Loves Me’: 10-Year-Old Trans Child Quotes Bible to Tell TX Legislators Why They Shouldn’t Ban Trans Surgeries, Procedures for Minors

Kai Shappley

A 10-year-old transgender child quoted the Bible testifying before Texas lawmakers on bills banning transgender procedures and surgeries for minors.

Kai Shappley spoke to lawmakers Monday regarding Texas Senate Bill 1646, legislation that classifies it as child abuse for anyone to administer puberty suppression drugs, hormone replacement therapy, transgender surgeries or medical procedures to minors.

Video footage posted by the American Civil Liberties Union shows the 10-year-old child reading remarks from an iPhone, criticizing legislators for “attacking me since pre-K” and explaining, “I’ve been having to explain myself since I was three or four years old.”

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President Trump’s Executive Order, Explained

Trump illegal immigration

Following days of fierce global criticism, President Donald Trump signed an executive order to end his policy of family separations along the U.S.-Mexico border. Trump signed the order Wednesday, saying he “didn’t like the sight or the feeling of families being separated.” Lawmakers had called for Trump to take unilateral action to end the policy instituted in April that resulted in more than 2,300 children being separated from their parents. The move reflects the enormous political pressure put on Trump. Images of children in metal cages and audio of them crying for their parents had prompted global outrage. What does the executive order do? Under the new U.S. policy, parents and children caught crossing the border illegally will be kept together at federal detention centers for the length of their criminal proceedings. Doesn’t that solve the issue of family separations? Not exactly. Because of a 1997 federal court decision known as the Flores settlement, the government cannot hold children in custody for more than 20 days. That’s a problem, since most illegal entry criminal proceedings take much longer than that. As part of the executive order, Trump is appealing to the U.S. District Court to overturn the Flores settlement, allowing…

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