Johnson Sets Up Ukraine Showdown Vote

Mike Johnson

The U.S. House is expected to vote on funding for Ukraine, Israel and Taiwan this weekend, a controversial climax to months of battling in both chambers.

House Speaker Mike Johnson, R-La., has arranged the vote for this weekend, likely on Saturday, despite calls from many in his own party to abandon funding for Ukraine, which is set to receive about $60 billion in foreign aid in its war against Russia’s invasion if the measure passes this weekend.

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‘We Have Been Sold Out’: Tennessee U.S. Rep. Andy Ogles Slams Passage of Minibus Spending Bill

Andy Ogles Speaking

U.S. Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN-05) slammed the passage of a “minibus” $1.2 trillion spending bill on Friday that would fund six of the 12 appropriations divisions for Fiscal Year 2024.

Moments before the House passed the bill by a 286-134 vote, Ogles, along with other members of the Freedom Caucus, held a press conference where he said the American people had been “sold out.”

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Congressman Andy Ogles Exposes ‘Set Up’ to Pass Continuing Resolution, Warns McCarthy Could Lose Speakership

Tennessee U.S. Representative Andy Ogles (R-TN-05) joined host Michael Patrick Leahy on Monday morning’s episode of The Tennessee Star Report to share with listeners the state of the budget negotiations underway in the House; and in particular, expose what he characterizes as the purposeful handling of the House by Speaker Kevin McCarthy to result in another continuing resolution, instead of the regular order that he, the members of the House, and voters were promised.

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