Liz Cheney Urges Republicans to Fight Hard Against Democrats’ Socialist Ideas

by Molly Prince   Republican Rep. Liz Cheney of Wyoming sounded the alarm for Republicans to fight hard against socialist issues when Democrats take control of the House of Representatives after the new year. Cheney dismissed the notion that elected representatives are not good people, while speaking Sunday to Fox News host Chris Wallace, but rather urged for a battle of ideas, especially in light of the recent election of socialists in the Democratic Party. “There isn’t venom all the time. I’ve found that you can go and sit down next to anybody from any party. They’ve got an interesting story and they’re good people there for the right reasons,” Cheney said on “Fox News Sunday.” “Now, it is the truth, however, that we have big issues. We have a lot of Democrats now coming in who are socialists — I’m not exaggerating, they’re socialists.” Cheney, who is the 3rd ranking Republican in the House, acknowledged when Democrats control the chamber during the next session, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, who is likely to win the speaker-ship, will be compelled to pivot further to the left as she pushes forward the Democratic policy agenda. “I think it’s very important that we…

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72-year-old Congresswoman Accuses Fellow Dems of Ageism, Sexism for Picking Younger Black Male for Leadership Role

by Luke Rosiak   A 72-year-old black congresswoman accused her fellow Democratic House members of ageism and sexism after they selected a younger black male, New York Rep. Hakeem Jeffries, to lead the House Democratic Caucus on Wednesday. The caucus chairmanship is the fifth-most powerful leadership position. Unlike the hotly contested race, all of the top four were elections in which only one person ran. Both candidates for Caucus chair — Jeffries of Brooklyn and Queens and Barbara Lee of California — are members of the Congressional Black Caucus, an indication of the role identity politics are playing in Democrats’ internal leadership races. “Lee, 72, argued that, with African-American women serving as a backbone to the Democratic Party, it made sense for an African-American woman to serve in Democratic leadership,” The Huffington Post wrote. But when Lee lost the race 123-113, she attributed her loss to ageism and sexism among House Democrats. The Huffington Post wrote: Asked after the vote whether ageism or sexism played a role in the results, Lee replied: “Well, I think you heard and saw what took place. So I absolutely think that’s the case.” The top three House leaders — Nancy Pelosi, Steny Hoyer and Jim Clyburn —…

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House Dem Who Signed Pelosi Opposition Letter Reverses His Course

by Hanna Bogorowski   A House Democrat who was among 16 legislators to sign a letter opposing Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi for Speaker of the House changed his mind Wednesday and will support Pelosi for the position. New York Rep. Brian Higgins told The Buffalo News he made an agreement with Pelosi on two of his key legislative issues: infrastructure and health care. In return, Pelosi can count on his vote. “I have an agreement in principle with the Democratic leader that those are going to be two priorities, and that I will be the lead person on the Medicare buy-in,” Higgins said in the interview. Higgins’s reversal comes just a few months after he referred to her as “aloof, frenetic and misguided” and called for her replacement. “Some will ask why I have changed my position,” the representative said in a statement. “The answer is simple: I took a principled stand on issues of vital importance not only to my constituents in Western New York but also to more than 300 million Americans whose lives can be improved by progress in these areas.” “A principled stand, however, often requires a pragmatic outlook in order to meet with success,” Higgins added. Pelosi welcomed Higgins’s offer…

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Ocasio-Cortez, Activists Occupy Nancy Pelosi’s Office And Demand A Green New Deal

by Michael Bastash   A group of young environmental activists occupied House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi’s office with a list of demands, including one that Democrats support what they’re calling a “Green New Deal.” Activists began their “sit in” at Pelosi’s Capitol Hill office on Tuesday morning, wearing matching t-shirts and holding yellow signs with slogans such as, “We have twelve years. What’s your plan?” The sit in is part of the Sunrise Movement’s plan to create an “army of young people to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs,” according to the group’s Twitter bio. The group is demanding Democrats back their petition to rapidly “green” the economy to fight global warming. BREAKING: we’ve begun a sit in inside @NancyPelosi’s office because @HouseDemocrats have failed our generation time and time again. They offer us a death sentence. We demand a #GreenNewDeal. — Sunrise Movement 🌅 (@sunrisemvmt) November 13, 2018 “How is @NancyPelosi going to respond to the young people occupying her office for a #GreenNewDeal right now?” Sunrise Movement tweeted on Tuesday. This summer, a GOP candidate called 18-year-old Rose #youngandnaive for demanding he refuse fossil fuel money. How is @NancyPelosi going to respond to…

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Newt Gingrich Predicts Pelosi Presiding Over Crazies Will Help Trump Win in 2020

by Nick Givas   Former Republican House Speaker Newt Gingrich said if House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi is chosen as speaker for the next two years, it could ultimately benefit President Donald Trump. “I think if the president can set up two years of Nancy Pelosi presiding over crazies, that’ll help him,” Gingrich said on “Fox & Friends” Thursday. “But I think his bigger interest is what does he want to get done for the country? What does the country want Washington to get done?” Gingrich then flashed back to when he was serving as speaker of the house under former President Bill Clinton and said Clinton benefited from the divided government and used it to get re-elected in 1996. “I will give Bill Clinton credit. He brilliantly would come back on Medicare, Medicaid, environment and education. No matter what you asked him, he’d come back and say, ‘I’m really working hard on all these things and I don’t have time for all that stuff,’ and gradually built a contrast that got him reelected in 1996,” he said. Watch the segment: – – – Nick Givas is a reporter for the Daily Caller News Foundation. You can Follow Nick on Twitter.    …

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Despite Opposition From Some Democrats, Pelosi Likely to Be House Speaker Again

by Fred Lucas   During the 2018 election campaign cycle, nearly 60 Democratic House candidates and incumbents said they would not vote for Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi of California to become speaker again if their party retakes control of the House. Dozens of other Democratic candidates declined to give a definitive answer when asked if they supported making Pelosi speaker again. Nevertheless, most analyst predicted she would take the speaker’s gavel in January if party control flips. “I think there is a 10 percent chance she’s in trouble,” said Tom Del Beccaro, former chairman of the California Republican Party. “She is a prodigious fundraiser and will keep her leadership.” As of 1:30 a.m. Wednesday, with results still being counted, Democrats had gained three more seats than the 23 they needed to regain control of the House for the first time since 2010. (In the Senate, Republicans had picked up four seats–in Florida, Indiana, Missouri, and North Dakota–to increase their majority.) Pelosi served as the first female speaker of the House for four years after Democrats captured the House of Representatives in 2006, until Republicans took it back in the 2010 midterm elections. But she has been an unpopular figure with…

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Pelosi Outlines Agenda if Democrats Retake House

Projecting confidence about her party’s chances, Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi outlined five of the top 10 agenda items Democrats will pursue if they retake the House in next month’s election. Lowering health care costs, rebuilding infrastructure, and running the House chamber with more transparency and openness are near the top of the Democratic agenda, Pelosi said during a talk Tuesday at Harvard’s Institute of Politics. Democrats would also prioritize giving legal status to young immigrants, known informally as Dreamers, and strengthening background checks on gun purchases, she said. Democrats need to gain 23 seats to take control of the House from Republicans, something surveys suggest is within reach. “If the election were today, we would win the majority,” Pelosi said. The California Democrat said she couldn’t predict whether the election would be a “wave” or “tsunami” for her party, but said she expected it to triumph, putting her in line to regain the speaker’s gavel. “I’ve never seen anything like the mobilization that is out there, the grass roots,” she said. One item not on Pelosi’s top 10 list: impeaching President Donald Trump. “I think impeachment, to use that word, is very divisive,” she said. Instead, she said House committees…

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Commentary: The Transitive Property Explains Democrats’ Covert Self-Sabotage Mission

Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters, Donald Trump

by Jeffery Rendall   It’s human nature…try thinking of a sporting event where you’re supposed to root for one side but secretly hoped the opposing team prevailed on the scoreboard. Or if you’ve watched those super hero movies, did you ever wish the bad guy won in the end? We’re all guilty of low-level treason at some point in our lives. I confess to occasionally (and quietly) pulling for my son’s little league baseball foes if a loss meant being able to exit what would turn into an excruciating day-long tournament stay. I also admit having once favored my high school’s nemesis when a loss equated to finishing the season (and the drudgery that goes along with serving as a practice dummy every day yet never seeing any game time). Many a professional team has been accused of “tanking it” when a draft position was at stake, too. Every year at the end of the NFL season, for example, there are typically two or three squads in contention for the top pick. Everyone denies it, but deep down are fans hoping their team will lose so they’ll “win” the chance to select player X? Loyalties are certainly fungible when the right…

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Steve Cohen Will Push For Nancy Pelosi as Next Speaker of the House

Steve Cohen

If Democrats retake the U.S. House of Representatives this fall then U.S. Rep. Steve Cohen, D-Memphis, said he’ll support Nancy Pelosi as Speaker of the House yet again. Cohen made his remarks on MSNBC this past weekend. While there, he also called Republican President Donald Trump “a maniac.” No one from Cohen’s office returned The Tennessee Star’s request for comment this week. Cohen said Pelosi is “the strongest, most experienced, and best tactician there is.” “When you have someone to stand up to the most corrupt president, the most bullying president we have ever had and fight to create health care, fight to create jobs and fight to end the culture of corruption he has created in Washington then you want Nancy Pelosi,” Cohen said. “She is a proven leader. She is a star. She doesn’t back up to anybody. The people who vote for Democratic candidates will want a check and balance on Donald Trump. You don’t put a rookie in the big game of the World Series or the seventh game of the NBA. You go in with the pro who has been there and delivered.” Pelosi will never back down to Trump, Cohen went on to say.…

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Underreported: What Tax Reform ‘Crumbs’ Meant for These Blue Collar Workers


by Kelsey Harkness   Tom Condon has seen Jamison Doors through many of the company’s ups and downs. A factory worker for 28 years, Condon has survived multiple rounds of layoffs, diligently scribing metal and performing other tasks to help piece together the cold storage doors the company’s been making for more than 100 years. Now he’s enjoying the good times of the company, with bonuses given because of tax reform enabling him to take his family, including his two adult children with cerebral palsy, on a nicer vacation than the family could usually afford. Before the election of President Donald Trump, John T. Williams, chairman and chief executive officer of Jamison Doors, said the policies of the federal government “had not been kind to us.” “The economy has not been good to us and we’ve had a pretty rocky road,” he told The Daily Signal. But since then, “the business climate changed in a significantly positive way.” “Now not all of it could be attributed to the election,” Williams explained, “but the general attitude seemed to change because of the prospect of fewer regulations in tax reform and a generally positive attitude toward businesses and building the economy.” Condon, and…

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The 10 Dumbest Things Nancy Pelosi Has Said (Lately)

Rep. Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) could be the next speaker of the House of Representatives — if she can manage her gaffes, that is, which doesn’t seem likely. The Democratic leader set a House record Wednesday for continuous speech. She talked from 10:04 a.m. to 6:11 p.m. to propound her view of why America must grant amnesty to millions of illegal immigrants, known as dreamers — for the Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act — who were brought here as children.

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Pelosi Punts: Won’t Say If Conyers Should Step Down From Congress

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) refused to say during a Sunday interview on NBC News’ “Meet the Press” whether she believes that Rep. John Conyers (D-Mich.) should step down in the wake of the sexual harassment allegations leveled against him. BuzzFeed reported last week that Conyers, the longest-serving current member of the House and one…

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Nancy Pelosi Calls for Removing Confederate Statues from U.S. Capitol

Tennessee Star

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi on Thursday said she supports removing Confederate statues from the U.S. Capitol and called on Speaker Paul D. Ryan to join the push to remove them “immediately.” “The Confederate statues in the halls of Congress have always been reprehensible,” Mrs. Pelosi said in a statement. “If Republicans are serious about rejecting…

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Commentary: Democrats in Disarray Over Pelosi and Party’s Future

Tennessee Star

Just days after their Party received a crushing blow in a special election for Georgia’s Sixth district, Democratic lawmakers struggled to agree on a way forward to repair their party’s electoral fortunes. On the Sunday shows, Democratic members of Congress particularly clashed over whether House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi should continue to lead their caucus. Republicans…

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Commentary: Hate To Say It Democrats, But Nancy Pelosi Ain’t Your (Only) Problem

Tennessee Star

  By Jeffrey A. Rendall Chances are if you were to pick up a major establishment media newspaper at any given time or listen to one of their multitude of TV news programs that it wouldn’t take long to find a story detailing how President Donald Trump is dragging down the Republican Party in some form or another. The Trump denunciations are so commonplace they’re getting old by now. Here’s a sampling of the types of headlines one might encounter: “Trump’s tweeting sidetracks congressional GOP;” “Trump’s low poll numbers worry party candidates ahead of 2018;” “Russia/Obstruction of Justice probe limits Trump’s sway in moving legislation,” and, “White House staff circus atmosphere leaves everyone jittery.” No wonder the president says it’s all fake news. If Trump’s detractors actually looked at the vote tallies lately they’d discover Trump is hardly having a deleterious effect on the Republican Party. Sure, we’ve only got several special elections (to replace Republican congressmen in red districts) as a vote sample, but there’s little denying how the novice politician is not proving to be the albatross around the GOP’s neck the media swore he would be. Some argue the recent special election results reveal more about Trump…

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Nancy Pelosi Says She’s Staying: ‘I Think I’m Worth the Trouble’

Defiant House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Thursday that she’s maintained marked unity among Democrats, fending off carping from rank-and-file members after yet more election defeats this week. Mrs. Pelosi said flatly she’s not giving up her leader’s post, and said the losses in four special congressional elections this year, which cost the party millions of…

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