Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall made headlines this week when he refused to meet with President Trump. Last week, however, he made time to meet with local musician Billy Dawson. It was unclear what important Davidson County law enforcement matter the two discussed. “@NashSheriff #daronhall and I doing our serious faces:) good hanging with mi amigo today,” Dawson tweeted on January 27. @NashSheriff #daronhall and I doing our serious faces 🙂 good hanging with mi amigo today pic.twitter.com/mBvLJhXEz7 — Billy Dawson (@billydawson1) January 28, 2017 Though not interested in meeting with the President of the United States the following week, Sheriff Hall found time in his busy schedule to tweet back the following to Dawson that same day: ” Wish I had your talent….you are gonna do great things… .” the sheriff tweeted back to Dawson. Wish I had your talent….you are gonna do great things… https://t.co/Zsco7zSxrB — Daron Hall (@DaronHall7) January 28, 2017 Sheriff Hall apparently does not believe President Trump is going to do great things, however, as WKRN reported on Tuesday: Davidson County Sheriff Daron Hall declined an invitation to meet with President Donald Trump at the White House. The sheriff would have been one of about a…
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