Nashville Electric Service (NES) has installed more than 6,000 LED streetlights throughout Music City this year as a result of a contract between the utility company and the city.
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Nashville Mayor Files Legislation to Install New LED Streetlights Throughout Davidson County
Nashville Mayor John Cooper has filed legislation with the Metro Nashville Council to make Nashville Electric Services responsible for furnishing, installing, erecting, and maintaining new LED streetlights throughout Davidson County.
Read the full storyMetro Nashville Government Asks for Public Feedback on Measures to Address ‘Climate Change’
Metro Government and the Nashville Department of Transportation are soliciting public feedback on potential measures to address “climate change.”
In a tweet, NDOT said, “Metro Nashville wants to hear from YOU by Tuesday, May 31! Your answers to the Climate Action Plan Survey will help shape how the city addresses climate change. #climateactionnash,” and then linked to a survey.
Read the full storyNashville Metro Council Approves License Plate Reader Pilot Program
Metro Nashville Council approved a license plate reader pilot program on Tuesday.
Mayor Cooper’s office, Metro Nashville PD, and NDOT supported the creation of the pilot program.
Read the full storyNashville to Receive $3.65 Million in Federal Funds for a New Traffic Management Center
Nashville Mayor John Cooper announced that a $3.65 million dollar grant of federal dollars will fully fund a new traffic management center.
The $3.65 million dollars in federal funds comes from a Congestion Mitigation and Air Quality Improvement (CMAQ) program grant selected through the Tennessee Department of Transportation (TDOT).
Read the full storyNashville Mayor John Cooper and Metro Nashville Department of Transportation Release Draft for ‘Vision Zero Action Plan’
Nashville Mayor John Cooper and the Nashville Metro Department of Transportation and Multimodal Infrastructure (NDOT) announced they have finished the first draft of the ‘Vision Zero Action Plan.’ The plan aims to “achieve a goal of zero preventable roadway deaths” by keeping pedestrians, bikers, and motorists safe on Nashville streets.
“A great city is a walkable city and a bike-friendly city. That means – in a city that works for everyone – we must shape our transportation strategies and infrastructure around the safety and well-being of every person,” Cooper tweeted about the plan.
Read the full storyMayor John Cooper Announces New Director for Nashville Department of Transportation
Nashville Mayor John Cooper announced in a press release the new director for the Nashville Department of Transportation. Diana Alarcon will begin her new position on January 10. Cooper said he was grateful for Alarcon to be taking over the position.
“With her deep experience in guiding cities through important periods of transportation and infrastructure growth,” Cooper said, “Diana’s leadership will be central to creating Nashville’s own mobility future.”
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