Thursday morning on The Tennessee Star Report, host Leahy welcomed all-star panelist Clint Brewer in studio to explain the State Funding Board’s role and reasons for the new business swell to Tennessee.
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Maury County Mayor Andy Ogles Describes the Process of Bringing Corporations into the State
Tuesday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed Maury County Mayor Andy Ogles in studio to give examples of the process of bringing out of state corporations into Tennessee.
Read the full storyTennessee State Representative Chris Todd Talks Mechanics and Concerns of New Ford Motor Mega Site Deal
Tuesday morning on the Tennessee Star Report, host Michael Patrick Leahy welcomed State Representative (R-73) Chris Todd to the newsmakers line to discuss the mechanics of the For Motor Megasite deal.
Read the full storyJuly Ushers in Georgia Income Tax Cut, New Business Incentives
New laws that will cut income taxes for Georgians and increase tax incentives for businesses go into effect Thursday with the start of a new fiscal year.
Dubbed the Tax Relief Act of 2021, House Bill 593, raises the standard deduction on state income tax returns for a single taxpayer by $800 to $5,400 and by $1,100 to $7,100 for a married couple filing a joint return, starting in the 2022 tax year.
HB 593 created the second tax cut of its kind in three years. It will cut income taxes by more than $600 million collectively over the next five years. The Georgia Legislature doubled the state’s standard deduction under the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act in Georgia in 2018.
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