New York Times Calls Soros Paid Protesters a ‘Well-Worn Trope of the Far Right’

by Andrew Kerr   The New York Times accused President Donald Trump of rehashing a “well-worn trope of the far right” in his Friday morning tweet labeling anti-Kavanaugh protesters as paid professionals funded by liberal billionaire financier George Soros. The very rude elevator screamers are paid professionals only looking to make Senators look bad. Don’t fall for it! Also, look at all of the professionally made identical signs. Paid for by Soros and others. These are not signs made in the basement from love! #Troublemakers — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) October 5, 2018 The “elevator screamers” in Trump’s tweet are an apparent reference to the protesters who confronted Arizona Republican Sen. Jeff Flake just prior to his decision to call for a supplemental FBI investigation into Dr. Christine Blasey Ford’s allegation that she was sexually assaulted by Kavanaugh while the two were minors. Protesters on Thursday also confronted Utah Republican Sen. Orrin Hatch, asking to have a discussion while shouting at the senator, who was getting into an elevator. He caused an outburst when he said, “when you grow up, I’ll be ready” to have a discussion. “He called them ‘paid professionals’ and intimated that they are paid by George Soros, a liberal financier who…

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Commentary: The New York Times Explains Why the Minimum Wage Should Be $0.00

by John Miltimore     One of the greatest takedowns of the minimum wage you’ll ever find comes from an unlikely place: The New York Times. There are many reasons people and politicians find the minimum wage attractive, of course. But the Times, in an editorial entitled “The Right Minimum Wage: 0.00,” skillfully rebuts each of these reasons in turn. Noting that the federal minimum wage has been frozen for some six years, the Times admits that it’s no wonder that organized labor is pressuring politicians to increase the federal minimum wage to raise the standard of living for poorer working Americans. “No wonder. But still a mistake,” the Times explains. “There’s a virtual consensus among economists that the minimum wage is an idea whose time has passed.” But why has the idea “passed”? Why would raising the minimum wage not help the working poor? “Raising the minimum wage by a substantial amount would price working poor people out of the job market,” the editors explain. But wouldn’t the minimum wage increase the purchasing power of low-income Americans? Wouldn’t a meaningful increase allow a single breadwinner to support a family of three and actually be above the official U.S. poverty line? Ideally, yes. But there are…

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Commentary: The New York Times Belatedly Discovers The Deep State

by George Rasley, CHQ Editor   The New York Times recently published what it touted as a bombshell anonymous op-ed by a “senior” Trump administration official that trashed President Trump for being among other things “amoral” and showing “little affinity for ideals long espoused by conservatives: free minds, free markets and free people.” The op-ed, which we have read and re-read several times, is all about Trump’s style, as opposed to the substance of his policy accomplishments. Indeed, it reads like nothing so much as a #NeverTrump manifesto ghostwritten by a NeverTrumper, like Bill Kristol or Jonah Goldberg, rather than a senior White House or administration official with inside knowledge of Trump’s decision-making process and the alleged failures thereof. It will surprise no one who voted for Donald Trump that he does not hew to the Republican establishment’s idea of “presidential” style – that’s one reason why we voted for him. And Trump understands that better than the #NeverTrump gang in and out of the halls of government. One of the more compelling (and hilarious) moments of Trump’s recent speech and rally in West Virginia was when he did an imitation of a “presidential” establishment Republican robotically walking back and forth behind the…

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Analysis: Why NYT’s Latest Attempt To Scare Readers About Global Warming Is A ‘Waste Of Time’

by Michael Bastasch  – The New York Times teamed up with climate scientists to produce a graphic purporting to show an increase in hot days.  – However, it’s not actually showing that, but instead TheNYT’s graphic shows an average based on climate models.  – When compared to the observed temperature record, TheNYT’s graphic doesn’t match up. Another week, another New York Times feature trying to get its readers worried about how much the world could warm in the future. This time TheNYT partnered with the Climate Impact Lab, which is “a group of climate scientists, economists and data analysts from the Rhodium Group, the University of Chicago, Rutgers University and the University of California, Berkeley,” the paper noted. TheNYT and Climate Impact Lab created a graphic that’s supposed to show readers how many more days at or above 90 degrees they could expect today in their home town from when they were born — their data only goes back to 1960, though. The question is: how accurate is TheNYT’s representation of the change in days at of above 90 degrees? Well, at least for U.S. cities, it seems to be misleading. “This is [a] waste of time,” quipped Dr. Ryan Maue, a Cato…

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President Trump, New York Times Publisher A.G. Sulzberger Spar Over President’s Attacks on US Media

Donald Trump

President Trump said Sunday he recently told the publisher of The New York Times how he came to describe the mainstream news media as the “Enemy of the People,” but the news executive said he in turn told Trump his language was “inflammatory” and “increasingly dangerous” for journalists around the world. In a Twitter comment, Trump described his July 20 meeting at the White House with A.G. Sulzberger as “very good and interesting.” The U.S. leader said he “spent much time talking about the vast amounts of Fake News being put out by the media & how that Fake News has morphed into phrase, “Enemy of the People.” Sad!” Had a very good and interesting meeting at the White House with A.G. Sulzberger, Publisher of the New York Times. Spent much time talking about the vast amounts of Fake News being put out by the media & how that Fake News has morphed into phrase, “Enemy of the People.” Sad! — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) July 29, 2018 Sulzberger, perhaps the most prominent publisher in the U.S., said that in keeping with the “long tradition” of Times publishers meeting with past U.S. presidents, the conversation was “off the record,” at Trump aides’ request, meaning…

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Ignore the Man Behind The Curtain: Haslam Conspires to Block Diane Black Endorsement by Trump

In the audio below, conservative political commentator and Tennessee Star Political Editor Steve Gill of The Gill Report, broadcast live on WETR 92.3 FM in Knoxville, called out “Never-Trumper” Bill Haslam for his attempts to block a Trump endorsement for Tennessee’s Diane Black in the Tennessee Governor’s race and whether or not this will entice President Trump to do so. Gill reflected, “We were talking earlier in the show about the possibility of a Trump endorsement of Diane Black. Well now the Knoxville News Sentinel is reporting along with the Nashville Tennessean and Memphis Commercial Appeal that Governor Bill Haslam has said Trump should stay out of the republican primary for Tennessee Governor.” He continued: Now there’s been a few stories that have been done by the New York Times and the Tennessee Star pointing out that Bill Haslam was hoping to block a Trump endorsement of Diane Black. And we exposed that he was actually working behind the scenes to try and block that endorsement. Well now apparently, it’s been confirmed as the Governor has been outed that he is in fact telling people I don’t think it would be helpful for the White House to be in primaries.…

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NYTimes Editor Blasts ‘Oblivious Idiot’ Trump, ‘Horrible’ Pence in Latest Project Veritas Sting

A New York Times senior staff editor called President Trump an “oblivious idiot” and Vice President Mike Pence “horrible” and “worse than Trump” in an undercover video released Tuesday by the watchdog group Project Veritas. The video, part of an investigation into liberal media bias, shows London-based homepage editor Desiree Shoe blasting the president and vice…

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NYT Reporters on Twitter Make It Hard to Argue NYT Doesn’t Have a ‘Vendetta’ Against Trump

Journalists expressing individual opinions make it hard to convince the world that The New York Times doesn’t have a “vendetta” against President Donald Trump, The New York Times’ executive editor said Thursday. “I feel pretty strongly that New York Times journalists should not be able to say anything on social media that they cannot say either…

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New York Times Admits Its Front Page Climate Change Article Was Wrong

Tennessee Star

The New York Times issued a correction to its Tuesday front page article, now admitting that the government climate report it “obtained” had actually been publicly available online for months. “An article on Tuesday about a sweeping federal climate change report referred incorrectly to the availability of the report,” TheNYT wrote in its correction issued Wednesday…

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Bob Woodward Chides New York Times, Mainstream Media: ‘Fair Mindedness is Essential’

Famed investigative journalist Bob Woodward criticized the media’s open bias toward President Trump on Tuesday in remarks following a screening of “All The President’s Men” in Washington, D.C. [dcquiz] Woodward, the reporter who broke the Nixon Watergate scandal the media now loves to compare to the Trump administration, said it’s crucial the press retain the trust…

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