Democrat Governor Roy Cooper On $15 Minimum Wage: ‘Admirable Goal’

North Carolina’s Democratic Governor Roy Cooper recently said that a $15 minimum wage is an ‘admirable goal’, however, wants to see “how high we can get it.” WRAL reported: Gov. Roy Cooper called Wednesday for an increase in North Carolina’s minimum wage and said it need not be the $15-an-hour phase-in many Democrats have called for. “We need to work with the General Assembly to see how high we can get it,” Cooper told WRAL News. “$15 is an admirable goal.” According to the WRAL report, Governor Cooper made these remarks “in a morning speech to the AFL-CIO and from a brief conversation with WRAL News afterward.” The report by WRAL also states that Cooper “endorsed, in broad strokes,” the AFL-CIO’s legislative priorities and that he said that the AFL-CIO’s priorities list “align with the mission” he has established. It’s unclear exactly what “mission” Cooper is referring to, however, a set of incremental wage hikes he appears to endorse combined with the tax hikes he has called for would likely torpedo the promises made in his “jobs plan.” “What we need is a leader with a laser focus on creating good paying jobs and lifting wages,” Cooper’s campaign website reads.…

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Toddler Dies After Drunk Driving Illegal Immigrant Smashes into Ambulance

by Will Racke   A 3-year-old boy has died after the ambulance he was riding in was struck by a drunken illegal immigrant in North Carolina, police said Monday. Jose Duran Romero, 27, allegedly crashed his Honda Accord into the side of a Lifecare Ambulance in Winston Salem, N.C. early Sunday morning, reports the Charlotte News & Observer. A breathalyzer test administered two hours after the crash revealed Romero’s blood-alcohol content was 0.19 — more than twice the legal limit — according to Winston Salem police. The toddler had been in stable condition before the crash but suffered life-threatening injuries in the wreck, police Lt. Rick Newnum said Monday. Police did not have further information about why the boy, who has not been publicly identified, was being transported to the hospital. Police say Romero and his passenger, Andres Figueroa Leon, 33, attempted to run away after the crash. A witness prevented one of the men from leaving, while responding officers established a perimeter and caught the other man a few minutes later, Newnum said. Romero was initially held on $50,000 bail, which was revoked when Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) officials placed an immigration detainer on him, reports the Daily…

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New General Counsel Named By North Carolina Speaker Of The House

On Tuesday, North Carolina Speaker of the House Tim Moore announced the addition to his legal staff of Neal Inman has General Counsel. “We are fortunate to retain Neal as our General Counsel to ensure we have another successful session serving the people of North Carolina,” said Speaker Moore in a press statement. We are fortunate to retain Neal Inman as our General Counsel this session advising House leaders on complex legal questions. Neal has earned the trust of legislators with his work ethic and impressive command of state law & constitutional matters. #ncpol — Speaker Tim Moore (@NCHouseSpeaker) February 11, 2019 Inman had worked with Representative David Lewis (R-District 53) as House Rules Committee Counsel between 2017 and 2018. “Neal played a vital role as Rules Committee Counsel advising House leaders on complex legal questions and litigation,” Moore said in a press release. “He has earned the trust of legislators with his work ethic and impressive command of state law and constitutional matters.” Inman, who received his law degree from the University of North Carolina School of Law, also worked as an Associate General Counsel for former Governor Pat McCrory. Included in the press statement was the transition…

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Governor Cooper Bypasses More Experienced Justices for Democrat Black Female Justice to Fill Chief Justice Spot

North Carolina’s Democratic Governor Roy Cooper has bucked the tradition of elevating the next most experienced associate justice to be the interim Chief Justice of the state’s Supreme Court in favor of a black female associate justice from his own party. Cooper announced on Tuesday that he has chosen to put Associate Justice Cheri Beasley into Chief Justice spot that is being vacated by the current Chief Justice Mark Martin. In doing so, Cooper, in fact, bypassed not one, but two current Associate Justices with far more experience on the high court. Today, Gov. Cooper named Associate Justice Cheri Beasley as Chief Justice of the North Carolina Supreme Court. — Governor Roy Cooper (@NC_Governor) February 12, 2019 Beasley will be the first black female Chief Justice on North Carolina’s Supreme Court and will begin her duties on March 1. North Carolina’s only other black chief justice was Henry Frye (1991-2001), but three women have served as Chief Justice in the state: Rhoda Billings, Sarah Parker, and Susie Sharp.  Lorna Lockwood in Arizona was the first woman in the country to serve as chief justice of a state supreme court in two one-year long terms during 1965 and 1970.…

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North Carolina State House Democrats File Progressive Agenda ‘Wish List’ Bill

North Carolina State House Representatives Pricey Harrison (D-D61) and Susan Fisher (D-D114) filed a bill on Monday that contains a progressive agenda wish list of tax reform rollbacks and social justice inspired mandates. House Bill 46, is titled the “Economic Security Act of 2019,” and includes items such as barring public employers from looking into the criminal history of an applicant and increasing the minimum wage. Here is what the bill seeks to do: Increase the minimum wage to $15 over 5 years statewide; no distinction is made for public or private and the raises would happen on Labor Day each year. “Mandate” equal pay for equal work regardless of experience or education. Require mandatory paid sick leave and family medical leave Increase the ‘tipped’ minimum wage. End “wage theft.” “Ban The Box” or which is removing the checkbox indicating a criminal record on employment applications. Bar public employers from looking into the criminal history of an applicant until a ‘conditional’ offer is made. Remove the ban on unions for public employees in the state Reinstate the earned tax credit. Reinstate the old child care tax credit and old employment expense tax credits. The majority of the bill appears to…

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Constitutionalist, Pro-Life, and Pro-Military: North Carolina Congressman Walter Jones Passes Away at 76

On Sunday, February 10th, Congressman Walter B. Jones (Republican, NC-3) passed away. He leaves behind his wife, JoAnn, and his daughter Ashley. Jones was 76 years old. “Congressman Jones was a man of the people,” said the statement released by his office. With a kind heart and the courage of his convictions, he dedicated his life to serving his Savior and to standing up for Americans who needed a voice. — Rep. Walter Jones (@RepWalterJones) February 10, 2019 The statement continued: “He was a champion for our men and women in uniform and their families, always mindful of their service and sacrifice. “Congressman Jones will long be remembered for his honesty, faith and integrity. He was never afraid to take a principled stand. He was known for his independence, and widely admired across the political spectrum. Some may not have agreed with him, but all recognized that he did what he thought was right. He will be sorely missed.” On January 2nd, Jones had stated that he would not be running again in 2020 and later that month it was announced he had entered into Hospice care. Jones has apparently been battling with an undisclosed illness. Walter Jones attended…

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ICE To NC Sheriff’s Refusing Illegal Alien Detainers: Raids Will Be The ‘New Normal’

The Department of Homeland Security’s U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement Agency (ICE) announced they will be stepping up raids on illegal aliens in North Carolina. According to WBTV, ICE Atlanta field office Director Sean Gallagher said that sheriff’s in the areas with policies allowing illegal aliens to go free without notifying ICE should consider these raids to be the ‘new normal’. Recent raids by ICE in the Raleigh-Durham area has netted close to 200 arrests. WBTV reported that the recent raids include 50 suspects with criminal convictions, 40 suspects with pending criminal charges, and 50 who were previously deported but had re-entered the U.S. illegally. The increased activity by ICE in the Tarheel state is a direct response to response to sheriff’s from Durham, Orange, Wake, and Mecklenburg counties refusing to comply with the 287g Program which requires placing detainers on illegal aliens who are arrested. “Residents should expect a more visible ICE presence in the Raleigh-Durham area,” said ICE’s Gallagher. “ICE will now have no choice but to conduct more at large arrests in local neighborhoods and at work sites, which will inevitably result in additional collateral arrests instead of arrests at the jail where enforcement is safer for…

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North Carolina Lt. Governor Lambasts NY, VA Infanticide Bills: ‘A Brutal, Horrible Death’, and ‘Democrats Should Be Ashamed’

In a radio interview, North Carolina’s Lt. Governor Dan Forest spoke truth to power about the Democrat push of bills in New York and Virginia which remove all limits on abortion and open the door to infanticide. Forest, who has started a gubernatorial exploratory committee, told K.C. O’Dea on O’Dea’s morning radio show that all limits on abortion are being ‘thrown out the window’ by the Democrats. “They are completely fearless on this issue now,” said the Lt. Governor. “What was their term? It was going to be ‘ rare and safe and legal’ and whatever? They don’t care about that at all. They’ve thrown that all of those things out the window.” “They took everything off… all limits off. Basically, if the mother’s having a bad day and doesn’t feel like having that baby up to the very last second right before it’s born, they can kill it,” said Forest. “And that’s a brutal, horrible death.” The Lt. Governor Forest slammed the Democrats for pointing to science but ignoring that science shows a baby feels pain very early in its development. Forest also described the process and that Democrats should be ashamed. “Inject poison into the baby’s brain and…

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North Carolina Leaked Commission Email: It’s Not False to Call Police ‘Home-Grown Terrorists’

Charlotte City Councilwoman LaWana Mayfield, who called police “home-grown terrorists,” was notified by Governor Cooper’s office on Wednesday that she is off the North Carolina’s Human Relations Commission (HRC). A short letter was sent to Mayfield from William McKinney, Cooper’s Chief Legal Counsel informing the councilwoman that her appointment was rescinded immediately so that the commission could do its work “without distraction.” “Spox for Gov. Cooper:  The Governor values law enforcement and recognizes that more must be done to build meaningful respect and understanding between law enforcement and communities,” tweeted Joe Bruno, a reporter with WSOC9. But the problems with Roy Cooper’s appointments to the HRC aren’t ending with Mayfield. In an email leaked exclusively to Battleground State News, a member of North Carolina’s HRC says that fellow Commissioner LaWana Mayfield isn’t wrong to call police “home-grown terrorists.” The HRC is tasked by state statute with the promotion of “understanding, respect, and goodwill among all citizens.” The email discusses calls for Governor Cooper to reconsider LaWana Mayfield’s appointment to the HRC due to her past comments where she called police officers “home-grown terrorists.” The calls for Mayfield’s removal are “partisan-bullying attack for a statement that no one is calling false regarding…

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North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District Still Undecided, Hearing Set for February 19

New members of the North Carolina State Board of Elections are now in place, but the state’s 9th Congressional District winner has still not been made official. A winner may be named soon, as the newly appointed North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE) members announced they will hold a hearing on the 9th Congressional issue on Monday, February 18th. The new NCSBE members, which were confirmed by the state legislature, are Stella Anderson (D), David Black (R), Jeff Carmon III (D), Bob Cordle (D), and Ken Raymond (R). The NC Republican Party had originally put forth the names of Colonel Francis Deluca, Eldon ‘Buck’ Newton III, Stacy Eggers IV, and Edwin Woodhouse, Jr. Governor Cooper said that two of the NC GOP’s picks, Deluca and Newton, needed to be disqualified due to engaging in electioneering within a 48-month window of their nomination. Governor Cooper’s original list included Democrats Greg Flynn and Valerie Johnson. Both were disqualified for the same reason Cooper had used to removed two Republican candidates – electioneering. Democrats Bill Bell and Jeff Carmon replaced Flynn and Johnson. NEW: Yesterday NCDP was notified two of their nominees are not eligible to serve on the new NCSBE– Valerie…

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LGBT Group, ACLU Applaud North Carolina DMV Update to ‘Gender Designation Change Form’

The ACLU of North Carolina and the LGBT rights group, Equality NC, are applauding changes made to a form used to change one’s gender assignment on a North Carolina driver’s license. The revised form now allows for a long list of professionals to complete the form regarding their opinion on the “applicant’s gender identity.” “We applaud this step the DMV has taken to modernize the process to update gender markers on driver’s licenses,” said Sarah Gillooly, Director of Political Strategy & Advocacy for the ACLU of North Carolina in a press release. “People of all genders shouldn’t have to face invasive questioning and surgical requirements just to have their government identification reflect their true identity. Trans men are men and trans women are women — period,” said Equality NC Executive Director Kendra R. Johnson in the ACLU press release. There is no state or federal law mandating such a change process. Patrice Bethea, a Public Communications officer with the North Carolina Department of Transportation said in an email to Battleground State News that the change was made because the “DMV periodically reviews policies and procedures to make sure they are consistent with federal law.” “North Carolina’s policy is similar to…

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Charlotte, NC Councilwoman LaWana Mayfield Uses Race in Response to Local Paper Critical of Her Appointment to Sensitive Commission

Democrat Charlotte City Councilwoman LaWana Mayfield took to Twitter on Monday to counter the criticism by the editorial board of the Charlotte Observer of her appointment to a sensitive commission. In December 2018, Mayfield was appointed to the Human Rights Commission by Democratic Governor Roy Cooper. The Charlotte Observer’s Editorial Board published an Op-Ed critical of the appointment due to Mayfield’s checkered and controversial statements regarding law enforcement and for promoting 9/11 conspiracy theories on her Facebook page. “Mayfield’s appointment sends another troubling message. It normalizes the kind of inflammatory rhetoric that increasingly pollutes public discourse. It says you’re fine saying destructive things so long as you’re on our team,” the Charlotte Observer article read. The Charlotte Observer piece ends with saying that “Cooper should give this appointment another look, instead of looking the other way.” Mayfield’s response to the paper on Twitter arguably underscored the point of the Charlotte Observer’s Op-ed: So interesting, I don't remember outrage regarding the Blatant Bias exhibited by Non-African Americans. Thank You for letting US know what YOU really support #CharlotteObserver #AttemptingToSilenceTheONLYVotingBlackFemale #TheyMadBecauseITalkAboutIt #WellIAmMadThatTHEYWont — LaWana Mayfield (@lawanamayfield) February 4, 2019 Since being elected to the Charlotte City Council, Mayfield has made numerous controversial comments.…

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North Carolina Middle School Promotes ‘Black Lives Matter In School Week of Action’ to Staff

A text message sent out to staffers of a middle school in Wake County, North Carolina is promoting the upcoming “Black Lives Matter In Schools” week of action. Staffers at the West Cary Middle School were sent a text message by Assistant Principal Charlesa Peoples with information about the week of February 4th being “Black Lives Matter In Schools” week of action. “Yes, I know all lives matter,” wrote Peoples in the text message. “But the week of February 4th is focused specifically on our black students ok? “And if we don’t see why this is important, we are part of the problem,” Peoples wrote. The text message sent to West Cary Middle staffers also informed teachers that they could obtain materials such as the “13 guiding principles of Black Lives Matter” from the “Teaching Tolerance” website, which is a project of the controversial Southern Poverty Law Center (SPLC). The “13 guiding principles” have been assigned to activities throughout the week of action: Monday: Restorative justice, empathy and loving engagement Tuesday: Diversity and globalism Wednesday: Trans-affirming, queer-affirming and collective value Thursday: Intergenerational, black families and black villages Friday: Black women and unapologetically black The website provides a ‘starter kit’ for teachers and…

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North Carolina Elections Committee ‘Disturbed’ by State Justice Department Missing Fed Subpoena Deadlines, Urges Compliance

North Carolina lawmakers on the state’s Elections and Ethics Committee sent a letter to the state’s Attorney General urging him to comply with two federal subpoenas. Earlier this month, the North Carolina Department of Justice missed the deadline to respond to two federal grand jury subpoenas issued in September 2018 and which requested five years worth of voter and ballot data from 44 counties. In addition, the subpoenas requested eight years of data for voters statewide and eight years of data from the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles. North Carolina House Elections Committee co-chairs Representative Holly Grange (R-D20) and Representative Destin Hall (R-D87) sent a letter on Tuesday to the State Board of Elections and Attorney General Josh Stein. Representatives Grange and Hall were recently appointed co-chairs of the North Carolina House Committee on Elections and Ethics Law by Speaker Tim Moore (R-D111). The letter, which was included in a press release put out by Speaker Moore, urges the agencies to comply with the federal grand jury subpoenas. “We are disturbed that the State Board declined to comply with grand jury subpoenas which seek to discover potential election fraud in North Carolina,” wrote Representatives Grange and Hall in the letter.…

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North Carolina Lt. Governor, State Senators Unveil Bill to Prevent Female Genital Mutilation

North Carolina state Senator Joyce Krawiec (R-D31) alongside Lt. Governor Dan Forest and state Senator Sawyer (R-D34) held a press conference Wednesday introducing a bill to prevent Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in North Carolina. FGM is a barbaric procedure to remove the clitoris entirely or in part, and is usually performed on female infants and on girls up to the age of fifteen – often without anesthesia. Joining Senators Joyce Krawiec & Vickie Sawyer at 1245PM to announce the filing of #FGM Legislation for North Carolina – we will be streaming press conference on FB Live #ncpol @AHAFoundation — Lt. Gov. Dan Forest (@LtGovDanForest) January 30, 2019 The background information provided in a press release by the Lt. Governor’s office states that North Carolina is “one of only 22 States that does not criminalize this act.” The CDC estimates that 500,000 women in the United States who have been a victim or are at risk of being a victim,” said Senator Krawiec. “One-third of those are girls. We want to make sure we protect our underage girls in North Carolina.” Materials provided in the press release state that health organizations believe “approximately 10,000 girls are at risk” in North Carolina.…

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Wake County D.A. Clears North Carolina House Speaker Moore in Inquiry of Bail Group, Durham Business

The Wake County District Attorney has dismissed a complaint against the North Carolina House Speaker Tim Moore as well as allegations made against the speaker in an anonymous letter. “Over the past few months the State Bureau of Investigation, at the request of the Wake County District Attorney, has conducted an inquiry into payments made by the NC Bail Association and pharmaceutical company KNOWBio to North Carolina Speaker Tim Moore,” Freeman said Monday in a statement. “Following this review, we have determined that these fees were for legal services paid to Mr. Moore in his capacity as an attorney,” said Freeman. “This review found no misuse of public office for private gain or other wrongdoing as to these payments and we, therefore, are closing the inquiry into this matter without further action,” Freeman said. “Unfortunately, deceptive and politically motivated criticisms seem to be the norm in our current political climate,” Speaker Moore said in response to the end of the inquiry. “I appreciate the careful and professional way the District Attorney and the SBI handled the anonymous allegations that were made against me,” said Speaker Moore. I appreciate the confidence that North Carolina voters have placed in me and I…

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North Carolina Rape Kit Backlog Continues to Plague State’s Department of Justice

A massive backlog of untested rape kits continues to plague North Carolina’s Attorney General Josh Stein and the state’s Department of Justice. Attorney General Stein held a press conference Tuesday announcing proposed legislation that will help address the backlog. The press conference was broadcast live via the North Carolina Department of Justice’s Facebook page. The proposed legislation is called the Standing Up for Rape Victims Act, or Survivor Act. The act, if passed, will mandate submitting sexual assault kits for testing to an accredited lab for local law enforcement agencies and will provide $6 million in funding over the next two years. In addition, the act includes $800,000 in recurring funds to hire additional forensic scientists for testing the kits. The proposed Survivor act is sponsored by sponsors Senator Warren Daniel (R-D46) and Representatives Mary Belk (D-D88), Jamie Boles (R-D52), Billy Richardson (D-D44), and Carson Smith (R-D16). Stein also said that the Governor’s Crime Commission was giving the Department of Justice $2 million for processing around 3,000 rape kits. Stein, however, said the $2 million was “nowhere near enough money” and that the legislature has to provide even more funding. “The untested sexual assault kits sitting on law enforcement shelves…

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Report: North Carolina Charter Schools Outperform Traditional Counterparts

A recent report given to state lawmakers shows that overall North Carolina charter schools are outperforming their traditional counterparts. The report also shows that North Carolina charters are in high demand and are also attracting more economically disadvantaged and minority students. Except for high school math, subgroups in charter schools performed better than non-charters in English/LA, Elementary and Middle Math, and Science,” Rhonda Dillingham, Executive Director of the NC Association for Public Charter Schools told Battleground State News. When North Carolina opened the legislative door to public charter schools back in the late 1990s, there were just a little over 4,000 students enrolled in charter schools. In 2012, there were just over 45,200 students in 100 charter schools across the state. Five years later, there were roughly 168 charter schools serving around 91,800 students. Now, North Carolina currently has 184 charters operating in the state which enroll more than 109,000 students or 7.3 percent of state’s total average daily membership. And the demand for charter schools is high. There are roughly 55,000 students on charter school waiting lists according to a presentation given to the State Board of Education by David Machado, Director of the Office of Charter Schools. Thirty-five…

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North Carolina’s Lt. Governor Dan Forest Announces 2020 Gubernatorial Exploratory Committee

One of the most anticipated announcements in North Carolina politics is on the path to becoming a reality.  According to a video released Monday, North Carolina Lt. Governor Dan Forest is officially looking at a run for Governor in 2020. The Facebook video, released on Forest’s campaign page, announces the formation of an exploratory committee for the North Carolina Governorship in 2020. The announcement was also posted to the club section of Forest’s campaign website. When asked about the themes in his announcement video, Lt. Governor Forest tells Battleground State News that given the vitriol going on in politics today, we need ‘something to rally around’. “We need something that’s going to bring all North Carolinians together and stop this ludicrous identity politics that pits every group against another group,” said Forest. “I don’t think that’s what the majority of North Carolinians believe by any means,” Forest said. “I think there is an opportunity for change. I think good leadership can do that.” Forest said he believes the state can benefit from someone who has a background in business, can envision a better future for the people and set a positive tone for what we want North Carolina to be. “I think…

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Durham City Council’s Proposed ‘Workers’ Rights Commission’ Backed by Statue-Toppling Communist

A proposal being entertained for a “workers’ rights commission” by the Durham City Council has a vocal communist supporting the measure. The News and Observer reported that “activist Takiyah Thompson” stood in support of the measure: Activist Takiyah Thompson told the council it is no mistake that union membership in North Carolina and South Carolina is so low, given the states’ history of slavery. “Durham is a chocolate city,” Thompson said, meaning it has a large African-American population. “In the absence of strong unions, workers must have access to a body who will defend them to the constant attacks leveled to them from their bosses, and in a city with such a large black population.” The News and Observer did not mention that Thompson is more than just an activist, but in fact is a communist and a member of the communist labor organization, the Workers World Party. In 2017, Thompson gained national attention for her prominent role and subsequent arrest for the toppling of a Confederate statue in Durham. Thompson scaled a ladder, fastened a noose around the statue’s neck and then protesters pulled until the monument came crashing down. Durham law enforcement later arrested Thompson and charged her with…

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North Carolina’s Supreme Court Chief Justice Resigns For Law School Dean Job

North Carolina’s Supreme Court Chief Justice announced his resignation to become dean of Regent University School of Law in Virginia Beach, Virginia. Chief Justice Mark Martin’s resignation is effective February 28th and will begin his new role March 1, 2019. It has been the highest of honors to serve the people of North Carolina as their Chief Justice,” Martin stated in a press release. “I will forever cherish the memories of serving with so many amazing and capable people. It is now time to direct my focus to helping prepare the next generation of leaders.” “On behalf of the Regent University Board of Trustees, I welcome Chief Justice Martin to the Regent University School of Law,” said Phil Walker, Regent University Chairman of the Board in a press release by Regent University.  “His career and legal abilities are extraordinary.  I have known Chief Justice Martin for many years and know the Regent community will greatly benefit from this outstanding leader.” Chief Justice Martin is the 28th Chief Justice and has served as a judge in North Carolina for 26 years, over twenty of which were on the state’s supreme court. Martin, a Republican, has been a judicial ground breaker during that…

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North Carolina House Elections Committee Chairs Announced

North Carolina’s Speaker of the House Tim Moore has announced the appointment of State Representatives Holly Grange (R-D20) and Destin Hall (R-D87l) as co-chairs of the North Carolina House Committee on Elections and Ethics Law. “These two House members have a strong legal background and will be an integral part of how we restore confidence in our elections systems in North Carolina,” state House Speaker Tim Moore said in a statement. The new co-chairs replace former long-time chair David Lewis (R- D53). Representative Lewis, having been reappointed, will continue as chairman of the House Committee on Rules, Calendar, and Operations of the House. In the statement put out by the Speaker’s office, Grange said the committee will be holding oversight hearings which will look into absentee ballot laws and practices. “We saw this election cycle and in previous years that there are unacceptable gaps in the integrity and reliability of our elections systems,” Representative Grange said. “It is our duty as state lawmakers to identify those concerns and address them through oversight and legislation on behalf of our constituents and their confidence in North Carolina’s democratic process,” Grange said. Representative Hall, who is a practicing attorney from Lenoir, North Carolina,…

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Lawmakers Blast North Carolina Governor’s Office For Blocking Pipeline Investigation

North Carolina’s Democratic Governor Roy Cooper is under fire for blocking attempts by independent investigators to question employees regarding a multi-million dollar fund tied to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. According to a report by the Associated Press published in the Miami Herald: “Cooper’s administration told panel leaders last week it won’t let career environmental regulators contacted by the firm this month speak with the investigators.” The workers have no legal protections from inappropriate questions that are extensions of an “extraordinarily open-ended political fishing expedition,” wrote Kristi Jones, Cooper’s chief of staff. The committee’s co-chairmen fired off a letter to Cooper, blasting the governor for blocking the investigation. “For nearly a year, you complained that this oversight investigation was too political,” wrote Senator Harry Brown (R-D6) and Representative Dean Arp (R-D69). “To remove any appearance of political motivations, we hired independent investigators to get to the truth,” the co-chairs wrote. “Senator Floyd McKissick even participated in the interview and he agreed that Eagle Intel Services LLC was the best options.” “But now you are complaining that the oversight investigation is too independent,” Senator Brown and Representative Arp wrote. The letter also blasted Cooper for ‘impugning’ the character of the investigators. “We…

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North Carolina Treasurer Warns of Health Plan Insolvency, Has Plans for Reform

A December 2018 report by S&P Global suggests that the North Carolina state health plan will be in real jeopardy of insolvency by 2023 due to unfunded liabilities and rising medical and pharmaceutical costs. “North Carolina’s other post-employment benefit (OPEB) liabilities as a combined funded ratio, are less than five percent funded. The November 28, 2018 report confirms previous research by the Pew Charitable Trusts which explains that the state’s unfunded retirement/health care costs as a share of personal income are one of the worst in the country, right behind Illinois,” State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell, CPA, announced in a press statement about S&P Global’s findings. “Every man, woman, and child in the state would have to pay almost $3,200 each to cover our current promises of health care for state and local government retirees. We’re having to act because others haven’t,” Folwell said in the press statement. Folwell has a plan to save the health plan and taxpayer money. “We are approaching this like anything else and that’s ‘we attack problems, not people’, Folwell recently told Battleground State News. “Solving this is going to make a huge difference in the lives of the people who educate our kids, who…

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North Carolina Lt. Governor Celebrates Charter Schools, Students’ Accomplishments

The North Carolina Association of Public Charter Schools (NCAPCS) held a rally event in Raleigh on Tuesday that included big names such as North Carolina’s Lt. Governor Dan Forest and Ms. Aimee Viana, the Deputy Assistant Secretary of the Office of Elementary and Secondary Education (OESE). “School choice really is about our kids. It’s about young people. It’s not about institutions,” said  Forest. “It’s not about traditional public school institutions. It’s not about a charter school institution. It’s not about private school institutions or homeschool. It’s not about those things,” Forest said. “It is about the young people. It’s about the kids. It’s about providing the best opportunity for that individual child to explore their potential and get the most out of their education.” Viana told attendees that school choice isn’t about picking this school or that one and it wasn’t about private versus public. “Choice is about freedom,” Viana told the attendees. “Freedom to learn. Freedom to learn differently. Freedom to explore. Freedom to fail and to learn from falling. And to get back up and try again.” Other speakers included Joe Maimone, Chief of Staff for North Carolina, Superintendent Mark Johnson, Courtney Samuelson, 2018 NC Charter School Teacher of…

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North Carolina Treasurer Warns of Health Plan Insolvency, Has Plans for Reform

A December 2018 report by S&P Global suggests that the North Carolina state health plan will be in real jeopardy of insolvency by 2023 due to unfunded liabilities and rising medical and pharmaceutical costs. “North Carolina’s other post-employment benefit (OPEB) liabilities as a combined funded ratio, are less than five percent funded. The November 28, 2018 report confirms previous research by the Pew Charitable Trusts which explains that the state’s unfunded retirement/health care costs as a share of personal income are one of the worst in the country, right behind Illinois,” State Treasurer Dale R. Folwell, CPA, announced in a press statement about S&P Global’s findings. “Every man, woman, and child in the state would have to pay almost $3,200 each to cover our current promises of health care for state and local government retirees. We’re having to act because others haven’t,” Folwell said in the press statement. Folwell has a plan to save the health plan and taxpayer money. “We are approaching this like anything else and that’s ‘we attack problems, not people’, Folwell recently told Battleground State News. “Solving this is going to make a huge difference in the lives of the people who educate our kids, who…

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North Carolina School Choice Week Speaker: ‘School Choice is the Civil Rights Movement of Our Time’

“School choice is the civil rights movement of our time,” Mike Long, the President of Parents for Educational Freedom in North Carolina (PEFNC) told the attendees of a School Choice event in North Carolina this week. Long was speaking to a group at an event held by the John Locke Foundation, a conservative non-profit policy center located in Raleigh. Dr. Terry Stoops, Vice President for Research and Director of Education Studies at the John Locke Foundation kicked off the event. “It is fitting that the first day of National School Choice week falls on Martin Luther King day,” said Dr. Stoops. Stoops went on to cite a quote about school choice from Alveda King, the niece of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.: “Is it moral to tax families, compel their children’s attendance at schools and then give them no choice between teaching methods, religious or secular education, and in other matters? “Is it consistent to proclaim that meanwhile, America is a nation that prides itself on competition, consumer choice, freedom of religion, and parental responsibility? I can’t presume to know what my uncle would say about the current debate over school vouchers and choice, but I know what principles he…

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North Carolina Legislature Files Motion to Dismiss Voter ID Complaint

The attorneys representing the North Carolina General Assembly have filed a motion to dismiss a complaint filed against a law tied to the state’s recently passed Constitutional Amendment regarding Voter ID. The people of North Carolina chose to add voter ID to their state constitution and the court should dismiss lawsuits attempting to suppress their voice in the democratic process and silence their decision to join 34 other states with voter ID. #ncga #ncpol — Speaker Tim Moore (@NCHouseSpeaker) January 22, 2019 “Voter identification proposals often get caught up in the false conclusion that an ID requirement necessarily suppresses votes, particularly for African-American citizens like myself,” Former state Senator Joel Ford said in a statement released by North Carolina Speaker of the House Tim Moore. Ford, who represented Mecklenburg County, was one of the primary sponsors along with Speaker Moore of the legislation at the center of the suit. “The people of North Carolina chose to add voter ID to their state constitution and we will not allow Governor Cooper or these plaintiffs to suppress their voice in the democratic process,” Speaker Moore said. North Carolina’s Voter ID Constitutional Amendment was voted on along with 5 other amendments in…

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North Carolina Misses Federal Subpoena Deadline to Turn Over Voter Information

North Carolina state officials have missed the deadline to turn over voter information requested by the federal office of Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). The two federal grand jury subpoenas were issued in September 2018 and requested five years worth of voter and ballot data from 44 counties. In addition, the subpoenas also requested eight years of data for voters statewide and eight years of data from the North Carolina Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV). The DMV criteria are lengthy but include anyone registering to vote who indicated that they were born outside of the United States, dealt with immigration services, used foreign documents to try to register, or had their applications rejected. The subpoenas can be accessed below: ICE DMV Subpoena ICE Elections Records Subpoena In a letter to the North Carolina State Board of Elections Attorney Joshua Lawson dated September 6, 2018, Assistant U.S. Attorney Sebastian Kielmanovich agreed to postpone fulfillment of the subpoenas until January 2019 due to the upcoming election. The letter also states that the postponement is agreeable only if North Carolina preserves the records being requested. The subpoenas were originally sent on August 31, 2018 to the North Carolina State Board of Elections (NCSBE),…

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Western NC Progressive Activist Turned State Senator To Run For Lt. Governor Spot In 2020

A progressive activist from Buncombe County, North Carolina will be running for Lt. Governor in 2020. Senator Terry Van Duyn announced last December that she will seek the number two spot in the Tarheel state. I want you to be the first to know I'm running to be your next Lieutenant Governor in North Carolina! #ncpol #TVD2020 #ncga — Terry Van Duyn (@TerryVanDuynNC) December 10, 2018 The Lt. Governor’s office is currently occupied by Dan Forest, who has made no secret of his intent to challenge Democratic Governor Roy Cooper in 2020. Since winning the special election for the seat left vacant in 2014 with the passing of Martin Nesbitt, she’s retained the seat twice – once in 2014 and again in 2018. Prior to filling the Nesbitt seat, Van Duyn, then age 61, was arrested with several others on June 24, 2013, at a far Left ‘Moral Monday’ protest. At that June 2013 protest, Van Duyn was one of the guest speakers. Senator Van Duyn (D-D49) has demonstrated to be a Progressive Democrat who typically relies on wedge social issues and identity politics when campaigning. Van Duyn has displayed her support for expanding abortion rights, restricting gun ownership,…

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Michigan’s GOP House Speaker Chatfield Joins North Carolina House Speaker Moore in Inviting President Trump to Deliver State of the Union Address in State Capitol

Michigan’s GOP House Speaker Rep. Lee Chatfield (R-MI-107) has joined North Carolina in inviting President Donald Trump to deliver his State of the Union address in the state legislature. Chatfield said Michigan also has a divided government but the Republican legislative majority is invested in the success of Democratic Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, he said, in inviting Trump to come to the House chamber of the state Capitol, according to a story in The Detroit News. Chatfield tweeted, “President @realDonaldTrump, due to the unavailability of the US House for your #SOTU Address, I would like to extend to you an official invitation to deliver your important address in the Michigan House chamber. The success of our state & country is bigger than political parties!” The News said: Chatfield’s invitation seemed to get a boost when it was retweeted by Michigan native and Republican National Committee chairwoman Ronna Romney McDaniel. “The American people deserve to hear from @realDonaldTrump about the state of our union,” McDaniel added in the tweet. “Nancy Pelosi’s opposition begs the question: Are Democrats afraid of the public hearing about all of the progress we’ve made?” The Trump administration had not responded as of press time. Chatfield’s invitation comes…

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North Carolina Posts $188 Million Surplus; Sixth One in a Row

North Carolina has posted a revenue surplus of $188 million, according to a new state economic report, making it the sixth such surplus in a row. The report, produced by the North Carolina Fiscal Research Division, says that “the economy is stronger now than it was a year ago,” and that the data suggests the state’s economy “is growing at a steady, solid pace.” “Our state’s excellent economic reports reflect a rising quality of life for families and businesses in North Carolina as a result of our commitments to their priorities,” North Carolina Speaker of the House Tim Moore said in a press statement. “The General Assembly must maintain our proven economic approach to creating opportunity and prosperity for millions of North Carolinians,” Moore said. According to the economic report, the “collections from corporate taxpayers are a big reason why overall collections are 1.9 percent ahead of target.” Corporate income and franchise taxes together are “$82.9 million above the 6-month target.” The report also stated that corporate income tax collections are up 16.5 percent from last year. The report takes the wind out of the tax rhetoric that has come from Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper, who within days of first…

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North Carolina Speaker Invites President Trump to Deliver State of the Union in Raleigh

Raleigh, North Carolina — Speaker of the North Carolina House Tim Moore has invited President Trump to deliver his State of the Union (SOTU) remarks in Raleigh. Moore’s invitation comes on the heels of the U.S. Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi canceling the President’s SOTU speech. “Dear Mr. President,  It is my sincere pleasure as the Speaker of the North Carolina House of Representatives to invite you to deliver your second State of the Union Address in our chamber of this state’s General Assembly,” wrote Speaker Moore. Today I extended an invitation to President @RealDonaldTrump to deliver his second State of the Union address in the chambers of the North Carolina House of Representatives. #ncga #ncpol — Speaker Tim Moore (@NCHouseSpeaker) January 18, 2019 “The majestic character of our state House chamber and the splendor of North Carolina’s breathtaking landscapes are a fitting venue to deliver your second State of the Union address,” Moore wrote. Speaker Moore wrote to President Trump that he is always welcome in North Carolina and that in the past, President Bill Clinton had given an address at the North Carolina General Assembly. “The President of the United States is always welcome in the Old…

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North Carolina Wins 5-Year $26.6 Million Federal Charter School Expansion Grant

North Carolina is one of eight states to have won a 5-year federal charter school opportunities expansion grant worth $26.6 million. The other states receiving the grants are Arizona, Arkansas, Colorado, Delaware, Idaho, Michigan, and New York. The Expanding Opportunities through Quality Charter School Program seeks to expand educational opportunities and support for traditionally underserved students who are economically disadvantaged, homeless, students with disabilities, unaccompanied youths, and non-native English speakers. “I am excited that North Carolina was awarded this highly competitive grant from the Department of Education,” said Dave Machado, director of the Office of Charter Schools at the N.C. Department of Public Instruction. “This grant will help us promote high-quality schools and open more schools in the underserved rural areas of North Carolina.” “The CSP grant represents an important step forward for the charter school sector in North Carolina,” said Alex Quigley, chairman of the Charter Schools Advisory Board. “This investment will help drive innovation in the important work of ensuring all students in this state have the opportunity to choose an excellent education.” According to the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction, the grant funds will be used to: Increase the number of educationally disadvantaged students attending high-quality…

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North Carolina Congressman George Holding Proposes Term Limits Amendment

Republican Congressman George Holding (NC-02) has proposed an amendment to the U.S. Constitution that will create term limits for members of Congress. Holding’s proposed amendment would limit members of the U.S. House of Representatives to six two-year terms or 12 years. U.S. Senators would be limited to two six-year terms or 12 years. Today, I introduced a Constitutional amendment imposing #termlimits on Congress. Term limits will end politics-as-usual in Washington & help fix D.C.'s broken culture. It’s time for elected officials to start making a difference, not a career. >> — Former Rep. George Holding (@RepHolding) January 15, 2019 “Since the government shutdown began, we’ve seen plenty of posturing and finger-pointing – but not much common-sense. Sadly, this is the new normal in American politics,” said Congressman Holding in a press release. “Term limits will put an end to politics-as-usual in Washington, help restore a citizen legislature, and encourage elected officials to do what’s best for their constituents, instead of special interests.” Representative Holding’s statement pointed to a recent survey which found that 82% of voters support a Constitutional amendment for congressional term limits like the one he has proposed. “It’s time for elected officials to start making a…

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North Carolina’s Superintendent Lays Out Steps to Reduce K-12 Testing

North Carolina’s Superintendent Mark Johnson has announced a set of steps he plans to take over the next two years to reduce the number of tests K-12 students have to take. “We are just getting started reforming testing in North Carolina’s public schools,” Superintendent Johnson said in a press release. “The changes I am announcing today will be a major step in reducing outdated testing methods to measure students’ progress, and the future is bright for North Carolina’s public schools.” “We will be working with local superintendents and state leaders to reform the system of over-testing,” he added. “That way, we can give the teachers the time to do what they entered the profession to do: teach.” The announcement comes after a series of listening tour events to garner public feedback as well as a survey launched by the North Carolina Department of Public Instruction (DPI). The survey created by DPI last year saw incredible participation with over 42,000 parents and teachers responding. An overwhelming 78 percent of parent respondents said their child takes too many tests. 76 percent of teachers agreed that students were being tested too much. Steps Johnson intends to take include: Reducing the number of questions…

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Members Named to North Carolina’s Influential Senate Education Committee

North Carolina Senate President Pro Tem Phil Berger (R-D30) has announced the members of the influential Senate Education Committee. Co-Chairs this session are Sen. Deanna Ballard (R-D45), Sen. Rick Horner (R-D11), and Senate Majority Whip Jerry Tillman (R-D11). Tillman and Ballard have also been named as Education/Higher Education Appropriations co-chairs. Sen. Tillman has been a long-time leading Republican on education policy in the Senate and is entering his ninth term as a legislator. Prior to becoming a lawmaker, Tillman was a teacher. Tillman was a leading voice in the fight to repeal Common Core in the state. After a commission tasked with reviewing the controversial standards failed its assigned task in 2015, Tillman said the legislature would take action. That action never came and Common Core remains as the state’s academic standards. Ballard is working on her second term and serves as director of the office of the president/CEO for Samaritan’s Purse, an international Christian relief organization headquartered in Boone. She also works with the Billy Graham Evangelistic Association based in Charlotte. Berger also named Horner to the Appropriations/Base Budget, Health Care, Judiciary and Pensions, and Retirement and Aging committees. The Senate Education Committee is made up of five Democrats…

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NC Governor Cooper Allegedly Delayed Signing Pipeline Fund Doc to Leverage a Solar Deal With the State

Did North Carolina’s Gov. Roy Cooper (D-NC) delay signing a controversial fund document tied to the Atlantic Coast Pipeline to force Duke Energy to cut a deal with the state’s solar industry? A report by WBTV’s investigative reporter Nick Ochsner says that’s what it looks like. Buried in the 19,000+ pages of documents dumped by @NC_Governor's office days before Christmas about the Atlantic Coast Pipeline or records that show Cooper held off signing the pipeline MOU until Duke Energy reached a deal to buy more solar power #ncpol — Nick Ochsner (@NickOchsnerWBTV) January 14, 2019 This latest bombshell adds to the mounting questions from North Carolina lawmakers previously reported by Battleground State News. Ochsner’s report points to text messages found in a massive public records dump by Cooper’s office: “The decision by Cooper and senior staff to use the pipeline permit as leverage to force Duke into cutting a deal with the state’s solar industry is documented in text messages, emails and memos included in a 19,216-page document dump released by the administration days before Christmas.” The WBTV report highlights that at the same time Cooper was working on the pipeline funding Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) that included Duke…

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David Brock Backed Progressive Org Files Second Ethics Complaint Against North Carolina’s Tim Moore

The Campaign for Accountability (CfA), a Washington, D.C. non-profit, filed a second ethics complaint Monday against North Carolina’s Speaker of the House Tim Moore after their first one was dismissed. The first complaint filed by CfA was dismissed on December 28, 2018, mainly because it failed to prove Moore knowingly used his position to leverage financial gain. The second CfA complaint claims to contain “new documents” and questions the findings of the North Carolina Ethics Commission. CfA’s hints at impropriety by one of Speaker Moore’s legislative aides, Mitch Gillespie, who “intervened” in the case by seeking a status report about tank cleanup issues. “New documents obtained by Campaign for Accountability reveal that one of Speaker Moore’s legislative aides inquired with DEQ officials about Speaker Moore’s company after it apparently violated several environmental regulations,” CfA Executive Director Daniel E. Stevens said in a statement. “The documents indicate that yet again Speaker Moore appears to have attempted to use his official position to enrich himself. North Carolina officials should immediately investigate whether Speaker Moore directed his aide, a former DEQ official, to contact the agency on his behalf,” Stevens’ statement said. These new documents, according to CfA, were obtained on November 29,…

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Netflix Show Attempts to Revive NC ‘Bathroom Bill’ Fight As 2020 Approaches


A Netflix show appears to be attempting to revive the atmosphere of corporate activism, economic blackmail, and political point scoring seen during the 2016 fight over North Carolina’s House Bill 2 – also known as the ‘Bathroom Bill’. Jonas Pate, the creator of the Netflix show OBX, has threatened to take filming of 10 episodes of the show to Charleston, South Carolina because of a provision in the repeal bill for House Bill 2 (HB2). Netflix as a company has yet to comment on Pate’s position. The repeal bill (House Bill 142) has a provision placing a moratorium on municipalities passing local ordinances. The moratorium sunset date falls after the 2020 elections, which makes it difficult to revive HB2 and House Bill 142 as a political wedge issue. Pate’s choice of Charleston is likely intentional, as it is one of only two cities in South Carolina that has a public accommodations ordinance that includes, “perceived heterosexuality, homosexuality or bisexuality or gender identity or expression.” South Carolina as a whole received a ‘failing grade’ from the Human Rights Campaign (HRC) in their 2018 Municipality Equality Index.  By contrast, Netflix received a perfect score of 100 on HRC’s 2018 corporate equality index report. Pate…

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North Carolina Hurricane Relief Hindered by Another Contract Issue

North Carolina’s ongoing hurricane relief and recovery efforts are being hindered by an apparent contract issue involving the North Carolina Emergency Management System and a company contracted to do the work. WBTV reported: A seven-figure contract to help repair homes damaged by Hurricane Florence was cancelled in late December, a little more than a month after it was awarded, due to errors in the procurement process. North Carolina Emergency Management awarded a contract to AECOM to administer a program funded by the US Federal Emergency Management Agency called the Sheltering and Temporary Essential Power Program. North Carolina Emergency Management (NCEM) denied that any work stopped. “It’s not accurate to say that work has stopped or been delayed on the STEP program, or that it’s unknown when it will resume.” NCEM spokesman Keith Acree told WBTV. “Home repair work in the program continues without interruption and AECOM continues to manage the STEP.” NCEM’s claim that work did not stop appears to be false according to a December 27, 2018 email obtained by WBTV: Per our phone conversation on 12/27/2018, the Department of Administration has directed the Department of Public Safety, Division of Emergency Management (NCEM) to inform you that due to the…

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Questions About North Carolina Governor’s Pipeline Fund Persist

Questions persist about the $58.7 million dollar fund tied to the Atlantic Coast pipeline permit process and the North Carolina Governor’s office. Over a year has passed since the fund’s existence was made public. Questions from lawmakers and the media have gone largely unanswered by North Carolina’s Democratic Governor Roy Cooper. The latest question being asked about this fund comes from Dan Way, a staff writer at Carolina Journal: If Gov. Roy Cooper felt so strongly he had legal authority to create the unusual $57.8 million Atlantic Coast Pipeline mitigation fund, then why didn’t he sue to prevent the General Assembly from commandeering the money? “That’s a good question. I don’t know,” said Pat Ryan, spokesman for Senate leader Phil Berger, R-Rockingham. “Maybe [the governor and his staff] didn’t think they had a strong enough case.” What is this multi-million dollar fund all about? In 2017, officials involved with the Atlantic Coast Pipeline project and the Cooper administrations engineered an agreement that include monies to be directly controlled by Cooper. The payment information in the amount of $57.8 million was couched in a memorandum of understanding (MOU) and expressly states the funds would be deposited into the bank of Cooper’s…

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SCOTUS Will Hear North Carolina Partisan Gerrymandering Case

The U.S. Supreme Court announced last week that in March it will hear partisan gerrymandering cases involving North Carolina and Maryland. These partisan gerrymandering cases are the first of their kind to be heard since Justice Brett Kavanaugh replaced Justice Anthony Kennedy on the court. The decision to hear these cases will likely have ramifications for a suit filed last November by Common Cause and the North Carolina Democratic Party. The case, Common Cause v. Lewis, alleges partisan gerrymandering in district maps drawn by the Republican majority-held legislature.  The case was recently denied a delay and remanded back to North Carolina Superior Court by Federal District Judge Louise Flanagan. Filed in Wake County court, the complaint demands the maps be redrawn for use in 2020 and alleges that the districts violate the state’s constitution in three areas: The Equal Protection Clause, the Free Elections Clause, and the Freedom of Speech and Freedom of Assembly clauses. The suit also alleges that the current districts are “intentionally burdening the protected speech and/or expressive conduct of Plaintiffs and other Democratic voters, including members of Common Cause and the NCDP, based on their identity, their viewpoints, and the content of their speech.” “Because lawmakers…

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Former North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory Eyes 2020 and 2022 Races

During his weekly radio show last week, Former North Carolina Governor Pat McCrory went on the record about possible future runs for political office. McCrory specifically spoke about running for governor again in 2020 and possibly the U.S. Senate in 2022. “I’m going to do a thorough assessment on whether or not I want to run for governor again between now and December,” McCrory told WBT listeners. “I’m also going to do an assessment of whether or not I could make a positive difference possibly in running for the U.S. Senate in 2022. But I’m not ready to make either decision.” McCrory said he wasn’t going to make a quick decision and wanted to discuss ‘reentering politics’ with his family and friends first. “I want to go through a thorough examination with my family and my friends and supporters on whether or I should reenter into politics in 2020 or 2022,” said McCrory. “I’m not ready to make that political announcement, because I have other goals and aspirations,” McCrory said. “And plus, I’d be getting right back into the game that I’ve been criticizing – the game of groveling for money two years before an election even occurs.” McCrory was…

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Tennessee Truck Drivers Reportedly Rebel Against Tesla and Its Tax Credit

Pickup truck drivers across the South, including Tennessee, are reportedly blocking access to Tesla electric car Superchargers. Environmentalists’ feelings are apparently hurt because of it. According to the left-leaning Green Car Reports, “these incidents have occurred in North Carolina, Tennessee, and Texas, and even overseas.” Green Car Reports speculated angry truck drivers are targeting Teslas specifically because “they are expensive luxury cars and qualify for a large federal tax credit.” “Photos shared across Facebook, Twitter, and Reddit over the weekend showed all kinds of trucks blocking Superchargers, from small pickups to big semis,” the website reported. “Some have termed it ICEing—a reference to the internal combustion engines under the hoods of the offending trucks.” Green Car Reports said “whole rows of trucks either pulled across whole rows of Superchargers or backed in to block several at a time. In two more cases, semi-trucks pulled across rows of Superchargers, blocking them, when other parking was available.” The writers at the website guessed it was an organized campaign, but they also confessed they don’t know who is behind it. Many cities, according to Green Car Reports, have passed laws restricting parking at electric-car chargers. The website did not list which cities.,…

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U.S. Supreme Court to Take New Look at Partisan Electoral Districts

The Supreme Court is plunging back into the issue of whether electoral districts can be too partisan. Disputes have arisen in cases involving North Carolina’s heavily Republican congressional map and a Democratic congressional district in Maryland, and the justices said Friday they will hear arguments in March. The high court could come out with the first limits on partisan politics in the drawing of electoral districts, but also could ultimately decide that federal judges have no role in trying to police political mapmaking. The court took up the issue of partisan gerrymandering last term in cases from Wisconsin and the same Maryland district, but the justices failed to reach a decision on limiting political line-drawing for political gain. No history for Kavanaugh Justice Anthony Kennedy had said he was open to limits. He has since retired, and Justice Brett Kavanaugh has taken Kennedy’s seat. He has no judicial record on the issue. The court again has taken one case in which Democrats are accused of unfairly limiting Republicans’ political power and one in which Republicans are the alleged culprits. The court also has the entire North Carolina congressional map before it, but only the one Maryland district. In both cases,…

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Republican Files Legal Action in Chaotic North Carolina Congressional Race

The North Carolina State Board of Elections still has not certified its Ninth Congressional District race and one of the candidates is now taking legal action. Republican Mark Harris announced his intentions Wednesday evening to take legal action in the NC-09 race. On Thursday his campaign filed a Writ of Mandamus, which is an order from a court that instructs another government official to correct an abuse of discretion or ensure they properly fulfill their official duties. In a press release, the Harris camp said the filing of the Writ was in response to the cancellation of a January 11 hearing on the NC-09 investigation and lack of transparency by the State Board of Elections. “The State Board of Elections has not disclosed any information to suggest that the votes in question in the Board staff’s investigation are sufficient in number to change the outcome of the 9th Congressional District election,” the Harris Campaign said in the statement. “We applaud Congressman-Elect Mark Harris’ campaign for taking this important action to make sure the more-than 750,000 people in the Ninth Congressional District are represented in Congress,” said a statement from the North Carolina GOP. Harris won the NC-09 race by 905 votes…

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North Carolina Mayor Threatens Legal Action If Group Fails to Remove Confederate Statue

A North Carolina mayor is threatening legal action unless a women’s historical society removes a statue of a Confederate soldier that it owns in downtown Winston-Salem. During a Tuesday event, Winston-Salem Mayor Allen Joines announced that City Attorney Angela Carmon sent a letter to the Daughters of the Confederacy organization asking that it relocate its statue. According to the Winston-Salem Journal, the city is asking the group to move the statue from its current downtown location to Salem Cemetery, where 36 Confederate soldiers are buried. Joines and Carmon are citing vandalism of the statue as reason for its removal, saying that the city cannot provide sufficient security. The statue was vandalized twice in 2018, most recently on Christmas Day when vandals spray-painted “cowards and traitors” on the base of the statue. “We’ve already had two instances of vandalism and, with the potential for violence, it is [Carmon’s] belief that the statue does create a public nuisance and therefore we are directing the Daughters of the Confederacy to remove it, and if they don’t, we’re prepared to file legal action to achieve that removal,” Joines told the Journal Tuesday. The Daughters of the Confederacy previously declined to remove the statue, but Joines…

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There’s a New Product in the Fight Against Fentanyl Overdoses

by Amanda Hagstrom   America’s heroin and cocaine addicts are turning to test strips in the search to combat the increasing rate fatal, fentanyl-induced overdoses. Fentanyl is a synthetic opioid potent enough to kill an adult male with just two milligrams, or land someone in the hospital if a fan so much as blows it on them. If a heroin addict unknowingly purchases fentanyl-laced product, he will likely overdose. This reality has lead to massive increases in fatal overdose deaths across the country since 2016, but new test strips can allow addicts and doctors to verify easily that their drugs are free of fentanyl before using, The Wall Street Journal reported Monday. “This is an effective way to have people thinking about risks,” Louise Vincent, executive director of the Greensboro, N.C., chapter of the advocacy group Urban Survivors Union, told WSJ. “It’s so important to give people as many tools as we can.” States such as California and Rhode Island have been distributing the tests for nearly two years, with several cities in Ohio, Maryland and Pennsylvania following suit. The strips work much like pregnancy tests, requiring users to dip them in water mixed with tiny amounts of heroin or…

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Rep. Mark Meadows Says Trump Will Not Budge on Requested Amount for Wall Funding

by Henry Rodgers   Republican North Carolina Rep. Mark Meadows said President Donald Trump will not budge on the $5 billion requested for a border wall Wednesday, as the government enters its sixth day of a partial shutdown. Meadows, chairman of the House Freedom Caucus, said he does not believe Trump will agree to the Democrats’ counteroffer of $1.3 billion that could be used for the border wall, saying he does not think the amount is “reasonable.” The government will remain shut down until a compromise can be worked out among the two parties. “I can tell you, if they believe this President is going to yield on this particular issue, they’re misreading him, misreading the American people,” Meadows told CNN on “Inside Politics.” “I see no evidence that would suggest he would come even close to 1.3” billion dollars in border wall funding. This comes as Meadows pushed strongly against a short-term funding bill that would have funded the government until Feb. 8, saying the wall is necessary and that “the time to act is now.” “The time to stand up for the American people and fight for wall funding is now. If the president vetoes a [continuing resolution (CR)] without wall funding,…

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