Paris Climate Accord Backers Won’t Say if They Support Ban on Private Jets

by Michael Bastasch and Chris White   Big businesses largely came out in support of the Paris Agreement on global warming, but most contacted by The Daily Caller News Foundation were silent on whether they would give up flying private jets. TheDCNF wanted to test the commitment of big companies, foundations and outspoken activists who back the Paris accord. The question: Would you support a ban on private jet travel to help stem global warming? Most companies and individuals TheDCNF reached out to did not respond, including Facebook, Apple, Google and other companies that often tout their “green image.” Not even former Vice President Al Gore, the father of climate activism, responded to TheDCNF’s question. In fact, all but two of the 26 corporations were silent when asked by TheDCNF if they would support a ban on private jets to help cut greenhouse gas emissions in line with what the United Nations says is needed to meet the Paris accord. TheDCNF asked a total of 31 companies, foundations and individuals if they would support a private jet ban. To keep projected global warming below 2 degrees Celsius, the main goal of the Paris accord, the U.N. says emissions need to…

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Commentary: The End Of Obama’s Corrupt Global Warming Treaty

  by George Rasley, Editor Thursday, President Trump announced that the United States is withdrawing from Obama’s disastrous Paris climate accord. The President’s action marks another important campaign promise fulfilled, and it also marks the end of one of Obama’s most corrupt acts as President. While Obama and his liberal allies from Hollywood to Silicon Valley to Wall Street claim that the goal of the treaty was to reduce so-called greenhouse gasses, its effect was to produce a massive wealth transfer from American workers to foreigners and wealthy investors. And the end of that wealth transfer is what drives the howls emanating from Wall Street and Silicon Valley. For example, according to The Los Angeles Times, Obama crony Elon Musk received some $4.9 billion in taxpayer subsidies for Tesla, SolarCity and SpaceX. Our friends at the Taxpayers Protection Alliance (TPA) claim that, “American taxpayers spent an average of $39 billion a year over the past 5 years financing grants, subsidizing tax credits, guaranteeing loans, bailing out failed solar energy boondoggles.” According to one estimate by the Los Angeles Times, state and federal subsidies to Musk’s SolarCity have eclipsed the $1.5 billion mark. Meanwhile, less than one percent of the…

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Attorneys General From Ten States–But Not Tennessee–Formally Endorsed Trump’s Withdrawal From Paris Climate Accord

President Trump announced Thursday that his administration is withdrawing from the Paris climate accord, a move backed by 10 state attorneys general who wrote a letter to Trump last week asking him to step away. The attorneys general represent the states of West Virginia, Alabama, Arkansas, Kansas, Louisiana, Missouri, Nebraska, South Carolina, Texas and Wisconsin. Jeff Landry, the attorney general for Louisiana, celebrated Thursday afternoon with the following tweet: The #ParisAccord is environmental welfare at an international level. Thank you @POTUS for getting us out of this America Last Agreement! — Attorney General Liz Murrill (@AGLizMurrill) June 1, 2017 In their letter dated May 23, the attorneys general said even though the U.S. is not legally bound by the Paris agreement, it poses obstacles to Trump’s promises to reduce regulatory burdens. “Though we believe that the Paris agreement does not legally require the United States to take any action, we nevertheless believe there are many important reasons for withdrawing formally from the agreement,” the letter said. “Among those reasons are: the potential for legal actions seeking to enforce the agreement; the use of the agreement to challenge your administration’s efforts to revise or rescind unlawful or unnecessary regulations issued under President…

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